E Thursday, February 6, 1941 PAGE SIX THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. -:- County News -:- Items for this column should reach The News office each Tuesday. If your community is not represented write up for instructions and supplies. PELETIER Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dudley and children of Davis visited Mr. Dud ley's parents recently. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Weth'.'rington f Dover, visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Eva Mann of Gales Creek, visited her sister Mis. Y. C. Piner Saturday. Miss Lela Dell Holland .eturned home Monday. She has 'een a patient at Morehead City hospital. Mr. C. G. Dudley, William Pine Rillie Piner and Alton Wateis were visitors at Dear Creek Sun day, Mr. and Mrs. Y. C. Piner and Miss Lillian Dudley weiv visitors at Jacksonville Saturday night. Mrs. Annie Dudley visited Mrs. Hunter Drown Sunday. Mrs. W. T. Piner visited Mr. and Mrs. Tim Woodhull Saturday. They are both sick at this writing. Mr. Root Risss and Clayton T):iwsrn of Jacksonville, were vis itors here Thursday nisrht. Mrs. Earl Morton of Swansboro visited her mother Mrs. L. C. Hol land Sunday. Mr. Garland Holland visited friends at Morehead City Sunday. Mrs. Mapsiie Holland visited Mrs. C. C. Dennis of Dogve Sun day. Mrs. Dennis is ill with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holland of Grants Creek, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holland Sunday night. MERRIMON Mr. Benson Martin who is em ployed at the ship yard at Newport News, Va., is spending a few days at home with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Martin. Mr. V. M. Smith of Farmville, iv as in the neighborhood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roue Wallace who have leased the Martin Goodwin place at South River, have recent ly built a new house and they are moving this week. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Shepherd and little daughter Janice Ann, of Durham spent the week-end with Mrs. Shepherd's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Hardy of South River, spent a while Sunday afternoon with Mrs. E. S. Martin. Miss Hilda Carravvay and Miss Marie Carraway were guest for supper Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. "Hunk" Taylor and little daughter Bunny Ray, Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace and lit tle son of Durham spent the week end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. George Martin, Mr. W. B. Martin, Mr. II. B. Salter were business visitors in Beaufort Saturday. Mr. H. M. Carraway was called to Oriental last week to be at the bedside of his brother, Biilie Car raway, who died on Wednesday. Mr. Carraway and children, Dick, Luther, Grady, Minnie and Agness attended the funeral on Thursday. Mr. E. S. Martin who is employ ed at Portsmouth Va., spent a short while at home last week. Mr. J. W. Adams is confined to home with an attack of flu. Mr. Thurman Pittman is carrying the mail. 'Mr. D. M. Salter who has been sick is better. Mr. E. L. Nelson returned from Duke Hospital last Tuesday. Mr. Nelson is much better did not have to take treatment. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Nelson and grandson Edward Nelson, visited Johi Nelson and family Sunday af ternoon, also Rev. J. M. Carraway and family. morning. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Adams and J. C. Adams were in Newport Sun day to see Dr. Mason. Mrs. Earl Jarman and children of North River visited Mr.i. Carl Morton Sunday afternoon. W. C. Williams, who has been working at Hollyridge, returned home Saturday night. DAVIS and Mrs. C. E. Dickinson. Mrs. Rosa Langdale is visiting Mrs. A. D. Ennett of Swansboro. Mrs. A. N. Gore of Clinton, N. C, returned home last Tuesday al ter spending a few days with her daughter Mrs. J. G. Dickinson. Mrs. Reginal Willis of Morehead City was called home on account of the illness of her moother Mrs. C. E. Dickinson. Mrs. L. C. Dickinson and Flor ence Dickinson spent last Thurs day with her sister Mrs Fred Smith of Bachelor. Miss Minnie Sabiston is reported better after being ill for the past week. Mrs. J. II. Dickinson is able t ) be out after a severe attack of flu. WIRE GRASS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Xoe of Beaufort spent the week-end witti her parents Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Alli good. Mr. Alvin Davis of Camp Patter son spent the week-end with his family. Miss Gertrude Styron who is teaching in Beaufort school visited he parents over the week-end. M; Eugenia Murphy has been very ill for two weeks. Mrs. Cor t, it t Davis is also on tile -dek list. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pais and family motored to Morehead City Sunday to see Mr. Ion Lewis who is a patient in the hospital there. Mr. Alva Davis and grandson Carroll went to Markers Island Sunday visiting friends. Mr. Robert Davis left Sunday for Norfolk, Va., where he will be employed. Mrs. Hal Willis and son Leon, spent Monday in New Bern on bus iness. Mrs. Lucille Keene returned from New York Monday night where she has been spending sev eral weeks with her husband wdio is in the Navy there, she stopped in Raleigh to see her mother, Mrs. Chancey Willis who is a patient in a hospital there. She found her very much improved in health; said she would soon be home if she kept on improving. The R. G. F. Sunday class of the Missionary Bapti: church met with Mrs. Mabel Smith Monday night. A Valentine pro gram was given after which Val entine candy was served by the hostess. h Mr. Udell Merrill of Washing ton, D. C., spent the week-end here with his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Merrill. Miss Lovie Worthinj-ton of Grifton, has returned bor.ie after spending two weeks here with her sister Mrs. Leaton Dudley. Mrs. George Droda and little daughter Nancy Fay, of Ports mouth, Va., spent the week-end here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. V. P.. Xorris. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Dud! y spent Sunday in New Bern visiting their daughters Mrs. A. J. Gru.ly an, I Lillian Dudley. Mr. Loyd Springle and Douglas Merrill motored to Atlantic Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leaton Dudley spent Sunday at Grifton visiting Mrs. Dudley's mother Mis. Flor ence Worthington. Mr. Vincent Broda, Sr., of Portsmouth, Va., spent the week end here with his daughter Mrs. K. W. Wright. OCRACOKE NORTH RIVER Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Guthrie of Newport and Mrs. Lucy Willis of Morehead City spent Sunday af ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Fulcher. Mrs. D. W. Nelson was called to Washington, N. C, Monday on ac count of her father who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Josh Piner of Noi folk, Va., spent a few days here with his aunt Mrs. Ed. Piner. Mrs. Graden Barker and son of Oriental spent a few days here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Beachem. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dudley spent a while here Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Fulcher. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Taylor spent week-end at Harlowe with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Luther Taylor. , Mrs. Henry Tocce and daughter Joann of Norfolk, Va., are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Beachem. Mr. W. W. Garner left last week for Texas where he will spend some time with his brother. G. D. Merrill who is employed in Salisbury, Md., spent the week-end here with his family. Mrs. H. W. Merrill left Sunday to spend some time with lelatives at Pelletier. Mr. Stanley Wahab and a party of friends flew to Ocracoke Island to spend last week-end. They were in Mr. Wahab's new private plane. Coastguardsman Lum Gaskill who recently was discharged from School the U. S. Marine Hospital in Nor folk, where he was treated for in juries received in an aui imoliile wreck here, left Monday lor Oak Island Station at Southport to re sume his duties. Dr. and Mrs. Sw indell anived on the island last week-end to spend a short vacation. Miss Hattie Styron left here Monday for Beaufort for a short visit before continuing on to Wil mington, Delaware where she will visit relatives. Mr. Murray Spencer of the U. S. Dredge Alabama on the Delaware River arrived home Monday for a vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Nathon Spencer. Mr. David Gaskill returned to Ocracoke last week-end after a business trip to Greensboro, Swan quarter and Morehead City. Mrs. Mame Howard an 1 Mrs. James H. Garrish visited friends in Beaufort last week. Mr. Ivey O'Neal of the Dredge "Gillespie" on Delaware River, is visiting his mother Mrs. Eliza O'Neal here. HARLOWE Mr. and Mrs. Ashby B. Morton, A. B. Morton, Jr., and Geo. W. Ball were in Beaufort last Wed nesday night. Mrs. Austin P. Adams spent Thursday with her sister Mrs. Hugh Carraway at Beaufort. G. C. Bell of Raleigh, spent the week-end with his wife. Mrs. E. C. Dickinson, Misses Es ther and Lula Bell Dickinson, Mrs. Michael Whitley and daughter of Core Creek attended services Sun day morning at the Methodist church. Carlyle and Everette Taylor mo tored to Wilmington Saturday to take their father J. E. Taylor to enter James Walker hospital for an examination. Mrs. R. R. King, Mr. and Mrs. E. Claud Taylor and daughter of Bachelor passed through Saturday enroute to New Bern to visit Mrs. H. D. McLwhorn a patient at St. Luke hospital. They were accom panied by Mrs. Ashby B. Morton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Temple and children attended services at the Methodist church Sunday LOLA BEAUFORT SCHOOL NEWS There was services held at the F. W. B. church this week-end by Rev. Kenneth Gaskill of Sea Level. Mr. Andrew Lupton and son Wesley who are employed at oSuth River spent the week-end at home. Misses Ada and Norma Goodwin of Roe spent Sunday, in our com munity. Mrs. Olivia Day is spending a few days at Roe with her mother who is very ill. Miss Esther Styron left Sunday for Beaufort where she is employ ed. Mr. Willis Gillikin was a visitor at Roe Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Lupton and son Li onel were visitors at South River Monday. Mrs. Rittie Day and daughter Stella were visitors at Beaufort Saturday. CORE CREEK Mrs. C. E. Dickinson is ill at her home with pneumonia. She is re ported better at this writing. Her friends will regret to learn of her illness. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mason, Mrs. Grachum Mason of Harlowe were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Dickinson Monday af ternoon. Mrs. Deen Bennett, Mr3. James Forsythe, of New Bern, spent ft while Sunday at the home of Mr. On Friday, January 31, Miss Barney and your students attend ed a musical clinic held at E. C. T, C. in Greenville. It was directed by Mr. Twadell, one of the leaden in music today. There with stu dents from other towns they vocal ized, studied, and sang all day. That afternoon they broadcasted by remote control. The students that represented Beaufort were : Carrie Jones, Betty Rumley, Claud Mourning, and Carl Edwards. They considered it a day well spent. OUR DEMOCRACY- by Mat mm -AND STILL GROWING ' "' 1782 ALEXANDER HAMILTON... THE FIRST BANK. . . A HANDFUL OF DEPOSITORS TODAY- 15,000 BANKS HAVE 45,000,000 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ALONE. hi Www it4'! I IF huee ' T "" . " i, iv- . ' It . (TjHE FIRST U.S. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANy BEGAN IN ' PHILADELPHIA IN 1759. ? i TODAY- AMERICA HAS 306 COMPANIES, ALL REGULATED MILLION POLICIES TV FIRST ELECTRIC LIGHT BULB GLOWED f FOR EDISON IN 1579. t ' IN FORCE. I TODAY- MORE THAN 23 MILLION HOMES HAVE ELECTRICITY. THE USE OF CURRENT IS UP ; 7Z IN 7 YEARS. V V i" Ed Potter Is Star Athlete AtElon College This Year QjHE MOTORCAR... FOUR. REGISTERED IN 1895. ZO MILLION TODAY. (T)hE AIRPLANE.. THE FIRST ONE TO FLY, 1903. 1000 A MONTH MADE HERE NOW, AND INCREA SINS EIEA Y OA Y. Debates On Thursday, February 6 the preliminary debates will be held. This year there are about ten de baters and with this material to choose from Beaufort should have an excellent team. The subject this year is very timely '"Compul sory Military Training", and the debaters have been working very hard. All who are interested are invited to attend. Beta Club The Be'a Club held a short busi ness meeting Tuesday, February 4, at Activity Period. The meeting was called to order by the presi dent, and then all business was dis cussed. Among this business was the idea of going to Smyrna to form a Beta Club there. We de cided to go as soon as possible. Edith Nelson. Lockers More than 1,000,000 frozen food lockers in more than 3,200 plants are now available to fami lies of the United States, reports the Farm Credit Administration. Basketball The boys and girls basketball teams of Beaufort will play Atlan tic Friday night, February 7th at Atlantic. So far this year th'' teams have been very well support ed and have appreciated it greatly. Come and see two good games and keep up the support. Cleo Parkin. Goals Four-ll Club members of County have adopted piner,, trv. and pasture as their e hi jectiver for the next five yea is, re ports S. II. Dohson, assistant farm agent. pom-.-f ob- Si Wit ' frv - .--tii- m imi'; .tamn-atiii.-', -if iWMW'i nm-wimiirf Mmninnia ED POTTER, Beaufort senior, has been one of the main cogs of Elon College's basketball team this season. Pot ter, because of eligibility rulings, is finishing his career after two years of varsity competition. He is one of the best floor men on the team and his work under the basket has been outstanding. He is a good shot but attempts to make few points. He is six feet two inches in height and weighs 190 pounds. Potter is also president of the Elon College student government. Subscribe To The Beaufort News in ffs& Be Quick To Treat Bronchitis Chronic bronchitis may develop if your cough, chest cold, or acute bron chitis is not treated and you cannot afford to take a chance with any medi cine less potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe ancrheal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood creosote by special process with other time tested medicines for coughs. It contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the wav it quickly allays the cough, per mitting rest and sleep, or you are to have your money back. (Adv.) EED POTATOES Now On Hand COME IN AND SEE US FEED SEED - FERTILIZER Dial 459-1 1C. G. GASKILL BROKERAGE COMPANY Beaufort N. Carolina M FMff FMff ffMSi Higher Used Car prices seem bound to come as the Defense Program increases its demands on industry. In spite of this, we now offer our whole stock of modern Used Cars at bargain prices you may never see equaled again Look at the Ford Dealer Values Listed Below! f CM -M mm These bargains cannot last) Play safe... buy your used car now while prices are still downl Choose from a wide selection of fine late models of many makes. All the big hit features of recent years! All values we back with our good reputation! Big allow ances! Generous terms! Come in to day and let the rest of the world worry about rising prices! r f pi ET F L 11 11940 Ford Deluxe Tudor Sedan Looks and operates like new 1- 1939 Ford Delivery Tudor Sedan White sidewall Tires 1939 Ford Fordor Sedan A Clean Car -1938 Ford Tudor Sedan Deluxe Equipment 11937 Ford Fordor Sedan A Good Buy At $750 $600 $600 $450 $350 20 Other Cars and Trucks . . From $25.00 Up YOU'LL GET A BETTER BUY ...AMD A BETTER DEAL AT .YOUR FORD DEALER'S! LOFTIN MOTOR CO. CRAVEN STREET BEAUFORT, N. C.

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