1 THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. Thursday, March 13th, 1941 PAGE FOUR Jhe Beaufort News Published every Thursday at 120 Craven Street Beaufort, Carteret County, N. C. Publishing Co. AYCOCK BROWN Edito; and Advertising Manager WM. L. HATSELL, Business Mgr. Subscription Rates: (IN ADVANCE) North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia One Year S1-50 Eight Months $1-00 Six Months Jbree Months -" ELSEWHERE J2.00 YEAR Entered as second-class matter February 5, li'12 at the postoffice at Beaufort, North Carolina, un der the Act of March 3, l7lJ. .1 irr y Nonh Carolina f EEFSS ASSOCIATION POPULAR DELUSIONS ... by MacConachi Thursday. March 13th, 1941 Notes On Collecting Garbage And Trash This newspaper has had several calls from people urg ing us to write something a bout the garbage situation m Beaufort. Fart of the com plaints have to do with peo ple who have no metal con tainers and place their trasn and garbage at the curbing, and the remainder of com plaints come from persons who claim their garbage is taken up only at very irregu lar intervals, and not daily. If garbage and trash is not placed in metal containers, a March wind will soon blow it all over the lot of the per son who placed it there or a neighbor's lot. We think there is a Town Law which requires that garbage be placed in metal containers, a law which is broken by many citizens. We think the Town could and should make some arrangement for health and clecencv sake to collect the garbage at least once daily even if it is necessary to buy another truck and spend ad ditional money to do it. Those are our opinions and many citizens share the same "with us. DeLUSIONlTHCT CAMEL BRUSHES' ARE fADE FROM TUG HAIR OF THE CAMEL e?AMCL WA1R 8RUSUeCA MAC. FPOM THE TAIL OFTOe flBEOiAN 3WWKKEL. OELUSIOM:THAT HEAVY GOFFF DRINKERS' ARE NERIOOf, IITTERV- COFFEE IS A STIMULAWTVVHieM PlP1 YOU UP- HEIGHTENS Wt KtsisiwiwE so necessacytd Good health C! i r A r-r- fli IMP I '7 vA II 1- :J delusion: THATeiGAW STIMULATE THINKING... THAT STIMULATES TWOOGhT BUT THE riOKfc utliUKbLT ukuucD rs rifiae SMOKING WHICH BRlMff? ABOUT CLEAPERTHINIONC. DELUSIOW.TMrrTHE noon AFi-tf iy int. WEATHKf? THERE IS NO PROOF THAT THE hOON AFFECT? CROProR THE Wt AiHfcK rci IIClMO THAT PI AIN GELATINE ITSELF COMTAINJ ISO FOOD VALUE ;: :j ii I C T T C D C ?! : i LL I I l l w I a v X " Ft. Benning Mess Sergeant Writes Thanks for the paper. It si'im like making a visit in "God's coun tiy", to get a copy of the Beau fort .News, because Keaufon is, in my opinion. "God's Country." I would surely like to be in Beaufort today. 1 have never bein any pkue that could compart with Carteret County. This j"b of Mess Seigeanl agrees with me; 1 have gained 'ilxuit 4.) pounds since joining the Army. I am enclosing a snapsho', so you can see that 1 am Raining weight. Show it to "Ace" Williams, and tell him that if he would join the Army, he too, could put on some weight. Especially if he were to get in my outfit. I saw "Ground Puppy's" poem. Well. I must close for this time, be good and thanks again for the paper. Sgt. Stanley Weave:. "I!" 44 F. A. ' Ft. Benning, Ga. PLAIN! GELATINE ISA VALUABLE. FOOD BECAUSE IT 15 A PURE PROTEIN HIGH IN MANY OFTHE AMINO. AGIOS NECESSARY FOR GOOD HEALTH. Select Business Men To Run Your Town Soon there will be a mu nicipal Election. At this time citizens of Beaufort will have an opportunity to vote for a Mayor and a Board of Com missioners and also a Chief of Police. So far no one has made any announcements that thev would be a candi date. Cndidates should be gin filing for office at an ear ly date. It is the duty of citizens to choose men who have exceptional business and executive ability to run the affair- of Beaufort. Just anyone cannot solve or even understand such problems that are presented by the re financing plans for town bonds. Just anyone cannot understand and talk intelli gently to a Bondholders Com mittee. Just any person se lected as Chief of Police can not step right in and also serve as a sanitary engineer. Therefore citizens should give intelligent thought for whom they will cast a ballot, and they should cast ballots for intelligent business men who are on the ticket. If no such men in your opinion an nounce for office, then see to it that intelligent business men seek the offices which will be vacant and help them get elected. Grand Mother Of Mrs. Davis Dies Obituaries MRS. PEARL D. FODR1E News was received here this week of the death of Mrs. A. K. Simpson of Rocky Mount who died at the age of !2 years. She is survived by one daughter, Miss Annie Simpson of Rocky Mount and three grandchildren. M's. Raj mond Davis, Beaufort. George Da vis Roanoke Rapids and W. P. Simpson of Raleigh, who is a mem ber of The Beaufort Hardware Company, a local firm. W plan; ..rmwood is a bitter aromatic used for medicines and ton- SEA BREEZE THEATRE Friday-Saturday Good Ntws For Western Fans The Mesquiteers March 14-15 -Bob Steel Joins "UNDER TEXAS SKIES" Bob Steel as Tuscon Smith; Bobby Livingston as Sioney Brooks ; Rufe Davis as Lullaby Joslyn with Lois Ranson Henrv Brandon Also Serial "Our Gang" and "3 Stooges" Sun. Mon. Tue. March 16, 17, 18 A "Who Done It" Laugh Riot "WHO KILLED AUNT MAGGIE" Wendy Barrie, John Hubbard, Joyce Compton, Walter Abel, Mona Barrie, Onslow Stevens, Edgar Kennedy and Willie Best, the scaredist "colored boy" in Hollywood. CORE CREEK Funeral rites for Mrs. Pearl Dickinson Fodrie were conducted March 4, at 4 u'cloek at The Community Church with the pastor, the Rev. W. Y. Stewart officiating. She was 3 years of age. Mrs. Fodrie died at Duke Hospital on March 1, of an attack of lombard pneumonia. Mrs. Grayden Paul Mrs. M. Les lie Davis and Halsey Paul sang "Peace" and "The Beautiful Land.". The profusion t floral tributes expressed the high esteem in which the deceased was held. She was the daughter of CurtU Dickinson and Mrs. Dickinson, who survive. She is survived by her husband Vanton T. Fodrie and two sons, Richard and O'Neal Fodrie and one daughter Sylvia Fodrie. Three brothers Dave, Marcus and Ken neth Dickinson and two sister-. Mrs. Reginald Willis of Morehead City and Mrs. A. N. Fodrie of Fort Macon, also survive. Burial rites were conducted in the church cemetery. Navy Is Great Says Paul Beacham MRS. ELLA N. WILLIS To the Editor: I read your letter in The Beau fort News from the boys in the Army. If they think the rmy is great they should try the Navy once. True, we get seasick, boat sick, lonesome and maybe a little lazy but we don't stay in one place. I have been in the Navy only a lit tle more than four montns and have been to Portugal, Cuba, Por to Rico and back to New York and I am well pleased. Don't think I am trying to )un the Army clown, but I do think the Navy is a little more exciting. Most of the men here are South erners and about 50 or 75 are from North Carolina. There are three lrom New Bern so I do not get lonesome. Tel! the young fellows they cen do the same as I. True they will have some dirty work at times but if they could see the sun tan I have they wouldn't think I work at all, besides I have gained 20 pounds eating the good Navy good they give us. Paul Eeachen?. P" Division USS Tuscaloosa, New York, N. Y. GLEANINGS! ,.;:..;..x-:"-:--:--x-H--HH'5H The Liquor Situation What shall be done about the liquor situation in North Carolina? That's a question which conns up during every session of the General Assembly and which prob ably will come up during many fu ture sessions. According to our way of think ing, the so-called "control sys tem" is the best way to handle the situation. At the same time, we ate aware of the fact that many people do not think the .-a me about this as we do. Every man is entitled to his own opinion. We all claim to be staunch ad vocates of a democratic form of sovernment. A democracy must always recognize the rights of the minority. Advocates of a liquor referendum assert that if the Leg islature refuses to submit the ques tion of a referendum to the people it will be acting contrary to the principles of democracy. We don't see it that way. We'll admit that a majority of counties in the state do net want iiouor stores. O. K. it is their privilege to keen them out. It is their privilege to adopt f.ny kind of legislative program in this con nection that they might deem ad visable. But why interfere witi other counties that have a diffei ent view about the matter" This isn't a political issue: It's a moral issue. With respect to a great many matters, it is necessary to have unanimity of suite-wide action. With others it is not. In asmuch as our nation as a whole has decided to let each state settle the liquor problem for itself, we believe that the states should give the same privilege to ther various counties. When we make the statement that those counties which now have A. B. C. stores should be allowed to retain them, we also take cogni ance of another phase of the situa tion. We believe that the so-called "drv" counties should lie given equally fair consideration. If they want to pass laws prohibiting the sale er the transportation of liquor within their boundaries, then they should be allowed to do so without any outside interference. If it's a good rule one way. it's a good rule the other way. Let each individual county make its own de cision in the matter and then pro ceed to enforce its laws without trying to interfere with what it neighboring counties wish to do. The State. Subscribe to The Beaufort News $1.50 per year WANTED Crab Meat PICKERS Experienced or Inexperienced. Transportation Furnished Apply R. R. BARBOUR, N. Seventh Street, Morehead City SUBSCRIBE TO FORT NEWS. THE EEAU- BEAUFORT SCHOOL NEWS Wades Theatre Sunday, Monday Tuesday March 16, 17, 18 "GONE WITH THE WIND" With Clark Gable Vivian Leiph Matinee 25 and 40c Night 55c To All SHOWS START Sun. 2 & 8:30 Mon. 2 & 7:30 Tue. 2 & 7:30 Nothing Cut But The Price Wednesday March 19 JACKPOT $100.00 Also "LADY WITH RED HAIR" Miriam Hopkins Matinee 10-20 Night 15-30 Prescriptions Filled Accurately By Regis tered Druggists At Guthrie-Jones Drug Store Dial 498-1 Thursday March 20 "TOO MANY GIRLS" With Lucille Eall Friday March 21 "LUCKY DEVILS" With Richard Arlen Saturday March 22 "THE GAUCHO SERENADE With Gene Autrey Royal Theatre Saturday March 22 'FOOTSTPS IN DARK' With Errol Flynn Sunday-Monday March 23-24 "FLIGHT FROM DESTINY" With Jeffrey Lynn Jerald Fitzjerald Mrs. Ella Nelson Willis, 7 passed away at '.:20 A. M. Thurs day at the Morehead City hospital, where she was taken about a week ago in a critical condition. Final rites were conducted from the lae home at Gloucester Friday at 2 P. M. with internent in the family burial plot nearby. The deceased has in-en in failing health for many months but it was only recently that her condition became serious. Mrs. Willis was the daughter of the late John B. and Jane Nelson of Gloucester and the widow of Edward S. Willis who preceded her to the grave, thirty-eight years ago. She was a loyal member of th.' Methodist church at Marshallbeig attending as long as her health per mitted. She is survived by three daugh ters, Mrs. Drew Dixon, Wake For est; Mrs. C. D. Stewart, Edenton, and Mrs. Leolan Whitehurst, of Gloucester, and one son, Edward S. Willis of Wilmington. Surviving sisters are Mrs. Le lan Jackson of St. Michaels, Md., and Mrs. George H. Willis i More head City, with three brothers, S. E. Nelson, Chattanooga. Tenr., Capt. John A. A Nelson and Charlie G. Nelson of Gloucester; five grand children and a number of nieces and nephews. MRS. SUSIE C. EASTERDAY Wed., Thur. March 19-20 t Walter Pidfreon as Nick Carter Donald Meek as the Bee Man In ' ' "SKY MURDER" Also "The Green Archer FrL, Sat DOUBLE FEATURE March 21-22 Tim McCoy In "SIX-GUN TRAIL" Wm. Bakewell In "MILE A MINUTE LOVE" NEXT WEEK "THIS THING CALLED LOVE" Friends of Mrs. Susie G. Easter brook will learn with reg-ret that she was stricken with a heart at tack on March 6th at her home in Brooklyn, New York. She was born in Beaufort a daughter of the late Jacob Gibblo and Amanda Knox Gibble, and a sister of Rev. John B. Gibble, who died only a few months ago. Mrs. Easterday was the widow of Professor John Howard. Easter day, who was for many yeeara Vice-Dean of Brooklyn Law school. She is gnrvived by a brother, Ja cob K, Gibble of Richmond, Va., a sister Mrs. W. T. Delamar of Greensboro, N. C, and one son, four daughters and several grand children. Funeral services were at Si. John's Episcopal Church in Brook lyn, at 2 P. M. Sunday Marth 9th. The Beaufort Hi Tigers have had a rather successful basketba!. ?eaon this year. These boys ar.d girls have lost one game in 15 starts. The boys lost to Bayboro by a close margin of 20-18 at Bay hero. The girls, lost to Pollocks ville at Beaufort by a score of 2--14. At the beginning of the basket ball season an athletic meeting was held in Kocky Mount, N. C. Schools were divided into districts. The Beaufort Tigers have been chosen champions of the tide wa ter district awarding-them a chance to compete in the statewide tour- irament. The tournament will V. held in Fayettexille, N. C. on March 14-15. The girls for the first time in the history of cur school, have participated in a girls' tourna ment. The tournament was held in Greenville, N. C, on March 1, H)41 The debating team of Beaufort High School is participating in the Statewide triangular debate which is to be held March 14, At that time our negative team will meet Bayboro's affirmative team at Jacksonville and our afiirmativa team will meet Jacksonville nega tive at Bayboro. In the meantime BayborVs neg ative will debate Jacksonville s affirmative in our auditorium. The subject is; "Resolved, That the Power of the Federal Govern ment Should Be Increased." The public is cordially invited to attend this debate at 10 o'clock Friday, March 14. The Hi-Y club is making prepa rations to send delegates to the Older Boys conference which is tc be held at Kittlrell, N. C. The Crown and Scepter club, composed of juniors and seniors who have maintained honor roll averages is making preparations to send delegates to their' annual meeting. The meeting is to be held in Raleigh. Snakes are blind when they shed their skins, reports the Better Vis ion Institute. Just before skin shedding the scales before a rep tile's eye become opaque. Sight is lost until the skin is cast off. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for the sympathy and kind ness they showed us during the re cent illness and death of our be loved husband and father Cleve land Davis. We wish especially ti thank those who paid tribute by coming to the island for the final rites, to thase who sent floral trib utes and loaned cars and to Judge J. Paul Frizzelle who adjourned Superior Court on Tuesday after noon so that friends of the deceas ed who are court or county offici als could attend the funeral. Mrs. Mattie Davis and Family. prefer a General Electric-the refrigerator bui serve better-longer! It to Now You Can Buy This Big General Electric 29-- Aetotdlng to rtetnl surveys The unsurpassed performance record of General Electric refrigerators has made them the preferred choice of millions of homes new 1941 G-E's have a potential life 3 times greater than those of a dozen years ago! 0-t modu u-i. 6.2 cu. ft of storage space. 1 1.7 sq. ft. of shelf area. 80 big ice cubes. All-steel cabinet. Sc!ed-in steel General Electric Thrift Unit And Look at th Prlctl aLowa V-UL4'43 month I 1 You' find Just the G-E You Want at MILLER FURNITURE COMPANY Beaufort N. Carolina