PAGE EIGHT THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. POLITICAL All Political Candidates wish to use the columns of Ltaufort News for their nouncements or other political ad vertising must pay for same in advance, unless they are regular customers and are in good stand ing on our books. WM, L. HATSELL. Owner. NOTICE! jduroit To The Voters of B After careful at ; he reqtl-.-. of ma' have K-i.-i ! i-, I to a:.::"'. Jiil.icy- for Maynr sul.jivt to U.i' vi.bc at tiu- May City Kk -c: My candidacy is not nor associated or for any political party ul' if elected ns Mayor ray is to tlu citizens of the them the best service power. I fully realize what lace in the campa t'" forces that will oppo I shall put my faith in t snip ot tins town, so a you may be able to give appreciated. This April 1st, 1041. Respectf u'.'y. CHAS. H. BUSHALL. t,,e fel wrSl an- iV&&ukJ-, Pf fl? fori: . 1 V fIifr I' r:,': oi ard f 1 7,3A;i) a, if-"" I -.""" MRSSt '-.on and M I o.alv pledge sffl Thursday, May 1st, 194 I am to 11 to come and me. bat will le iv FOR MAYOR My announcement to step aside as Mayor was made expecting that some progressive citizen in sympa thy with New Deal principles and qualified to make the right con tacts at either Raleigh or Wash ington m order that Beaufort would benefit to the fullest extent under the present expansion pro gram, appears to have misfired. Mr. Bushall is a fine citizen and in the past has made a good Mayor. Rut for Beaufort to be headed at this time by the chairman of a mi nority group who has done so much to discredit the political parties! now in power in the t ounty, the -tate and Nation would be a grave listake. Being assured of the continued ipport of the present board of e oerienced commissioners and t'ur her .'ncouraged by so many i iti vens who insist that with the big bings just ahead for ncaaf.-u hat it would be a mistake at this to make any change in ad ministrative personnel. 1 r.ereoy announce mvselt a can didate for re-election as Mayor. If elected I will continue to give my best toward the advancement of Beaufort and will greatly appro ciate the continued support of it citizens. Respectfully, GEORGE W HUNTLEY, LOOK Magazine & Travelers Safety Service Yl.S, LADY, we know you were well brought up. You say "Please" and "Think von" and use the rlit fork and write the nicest bread and butter letters. But when it comes to your conduct while driving, vou most definitely could Icarii maimers from a truck driver. Truck drivers are good drivers. They keep on their side of the road, thev don't go at fantastic speeds, they practice that funda mental rule of democracy and good breeding: Cive the other fellow a break. Which is more than can be said for nuiiv of our nicest ladies and gentlemen. A strange transforma tion takes place when thev sit be hind a steering w heel. Thev ignore the comfort of friends ridiiio with them lhev disdain the rHifs of people on foot. Thev yell boorishly at drivers who displease them. Manv who wouldn't touch a nickel that belonged to someone else fl.umt all law and order when behind a steering wheel, with the callousness of experienced criminals. The serious part of this curious behavior is that bad manners make bad driving, and bad driving makes accidents and death. So mend your manners and be come a good citizen even when driving. It may save your life. CARE TODAY HERE TOMORROW Mmhk A defense Bond may be purchas ed May 1, or thereafter, for $18.7-1. In ten years, this bond ...III U t. j . rr-i m up worm jjo.uo. ims is an increase of S3 1-;! per cent, e.pial to an annual interest return of 2.(1 percent, compounded semi-annually. Any time after sixty davs e, the cash, in i-delllp- from the date bond may h- r accoia' wi: 1 1' ' n values pr! of purcha: 'deemed for i a ta'iie o;' the farm. Labor and a plan only are needed, and the latter, is provided through club leaders." In proof of her statement she calles attention to the records sub mitted by clubsters last year: A Georgia girl transformed an onl log house is a barren field into an attractive place in three years. In his first year of home ground beau tifieation, a New Hampshire lad leveled an old driveway, filled the yard, pruned shrubs and planted, annuals and perennials. A 14-year-o' i Mississippi girl built a Program To Include Regal Coronation And Many Games The May Day program which has been in prepara tion for several weeks by the Recreation leaders of the WPA will be given at the Recreation Center Thursday afternoon, May first, begin ning at three o'clock. The entire sta'.'f ami several vol unteer workers have been husy ar ranging to make this tile best May 'ay in the history of the Center. , The first part of the program will! He g!Vi 11 over to tile pre-seliool i'roap ami is a.- follows : Clowning ot tile May Queen and King: Annie Louise W i .:- and liiinilie Wiu-atlcy, who wele chos en by the children for this place ot honor. There will be heralds, flower iiirls, ciown bearers and at tendants. One of the most inter esting features will be the Maypole Dance by the little tots. Kvery pre-school child will have a part in the festival. Announcer Louis Woodanl. Song ''God Bless America", Lee Willis and chorus. Recitation "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" Gherman Holland, Jr. Song "My Dolly" Virginia Hassell and chorus. Recitation "Little Boy Blue", Jimmie Potter. Song "The Windmill", group. Track and Field Events will fol low the pre-school entertainment. These are open to boys and girls LIVESTOCK LAW TO AID FARMER Protection Given By Statute Explained By Veterinarian A Greater protection of North Carolina's livestock industry will become possi ble under a law enacted by the 1941 General Assembly "requiring that all animals sold at livestock markets must carry a disease-tree certificate unless purchased for immediate slaughter," Dr. William Moore, chief veterinarian of the State De partment of Agriculture, reports. infection of market centers and trucks "to assure the best condi tion for sale of livestock." 1. io. gu'atu.g the transporta tion and .-aii c f di.-easo animals. 5. Authoi Nation for the State Board of Agriculture to make such other rules and regulations "to further protect the livestock indus try from spread of livestock diseases." law The livestock market comes effective July 1. Mean. winle, copies of the statute being printed and will be fur ed each market operator in State within the next ,'JO day-. are Subscribe to The Beaufoii News. ,1 For Chief Of Police To the Citizens of Beaufort: I hereby announce my candida cy for re-election to the office of "hief of Police for the Town of ieaufort. I promise to fulfill the duties of the office to the best of my ability and assure you that your support will be deeply appre ciated. Yours respectively. WALTER R. LONGEST in America, a ecu set (in lii bolids to be person in one i a spread investments wide a!ilo:.g all peep, iv.xnl of $.".,tniu ii.ts amount of tiiess bought by any one jcai. 1 he bonds are in denomina tions of $25, $50, $100, $500 and $i.ui)0. all of which are sold for 75 per cent of their maturity value and all of which mature in ten years. wau, rock gal, it p,-r p p garuen ;ri ,1 d. driveway and inted a hedge, ros.' '1 shade tives, and grew for the porch. A Utah ilanted sumacs along a and shr.ibs and flowers o back lawn to ,-civen it outdoor rest place. A Wisconsin miss planted of school age and will consist of jumps, races, hurdles, throws, and stunts. All who wish to take part in these contests are asked to reg ister as quickly as possible. Al ready a large number are drilling each afternoon at the Center. Awards will be made to winners in these contests, then the volley ball games, Beaufort vs Morehead City, and horseshoe pitching will complete the afternoon. The Center will be open at night for the regular weekly Social Ac tivities, dancing and music for High School ages fourteen to eighteen years. All activities are under the direction and supervis ion of the Recreation staff. During the afternoon the Wo man Bible Class of the Methodist church will hold a silver tea at the American Legion Hut. A cordial invitation is extended to the pub lic to attend all of these events and so enjoy a real May Day Festival a; home. "Another feature of the live stock market law is the require ment that livestock market opera- rat, irs must post a 2,000 bond to guarantee payment for livestock they sell at buying centers," Dr. Moore explained. "While this new law pdotectin me nvesiocK industry will not bring immediate results in curb ing the spread of all contagious and mtectious diseases of animals, it is a law looking toward greater protection for an industry destined to replace gaps left through the curtailment of cash crops." Dr. Moore emphasized that "the livestock market law has the sanc tion of a majority of auction ope rators in the State, most all of whom recognize that if they are to prosper, they must give protection to the purchaser of livestock for breeding and feeding purposes." Other major features of the livestock market law. outlined bv Dr. Moore, include provisions for: 1. Licensing and supervision of merkets by the Department. 2. Requiring proper facilities by operators for handling and segregating livestock at markets. 3. Requiring cleaning and dis- These Splendid Young "Trade-Ins" Are Going Like Hotcakes! NEVER have we had such enthusiastic response to a Clearance. We've been offering the greatest selec tion of late model automo biles in our history.. I'young" trade-ins, taken on the new Fluid Drive Dodge and the 1941 Plymouth. With only a few days left, better drop in and look them over be fore it's too late. We'll talk terms that you can't refuse. Come in today! Priced Fiom $75 to $700 arou: far an yo'.it'-.fu i.i'l' annuals and perennials, 271 trees and 1.2..10 bulbs according to plan. For larger investors who can af ford to purchase up to $50,000 worth of bonds a year, the Treas ury iApai tmei.t nas issued two ad on sections and two at -urge. Announcement We hereby announce our candi lacy for the office of Town Com missioners for the Town of Beau ort. If elected we promise to ake care of the affairs of Beau ort for the best interests of all concerned. G. M. PAUL. E. H. POTTER. J. T. WHITE. C. C. GUTHRIE. C. Z. CHAPI'F.LL. To Tlu We, iiiinii:' ,or Al '.'if E It'll. 1 ' .1 .-hall use the town Announcement Beaufort. X. C. Aim ;1 2:?rd.. 10-11. .ers of Ib-aufort, X. C. miii rs'gneii, do hcri-by Hi selves as candidates ' n of the town, at thi ol to be la ' i May Cth. V, Gold medals will be awarded to county winners. One representa tive i f each state blue award group will receive a gold watch, and all' expense trips to the National -1-H I tub Co, "gross in Chicago next November will be given to the ditioiiai kind of i',fc. ....;... 1,1 eac.nor tne, uui mese win oe soul omv i- uirough banks and by direct mail from Washington, L. C. Tliey are I intended for associations, trustees c.. iu . . -m n - and corporations, as well as hull-! News CeaUtrt vidual purchasers. j for the smaller investor who wants to buy a Government Bond on an easy payment plan, the post office will have a new series of Postal Savings Stamps, at 10c 25c, 50c, $1, and $5. Each purchaser of any Savings Stamp higher than 10c will be given, free of charge, an attractive pocket album in which to paste his stamps until hi 1 has enough to buy a $25 bond or one of higher denomination. Thir ty million of these albums are now being prepared. The cover design of the albums is in color, featuring a United States battleship and an eagle bearing the American flag. On the back cover is a painting of the Minute Man statue by Lankd Ches ter French, which sym b, Hz, s tin- American citizen evi fellSe of his count. V. Small Cold weather and rains this year combined to cut down on the usual number of tobacco plants produced in Craven County, reports P. M. Cox, assistant farm agent of the X. C. State College Extension Service. Sequoia Yancey County farmers are try ing out the Sequoia Irish potato, State College's latest horticultural contribution, because it has proved superior to other varieties now be ing grown. Subscribe to The Beaufort News $1.50 per year CAPE LOOKOUT PASSENGER BOAT SERVICE Leaves Markers Island Mail J!,.at Hock Daily 2:30 P. M. Leaves Cape Lookout To suit parties aboard SUNDAY SCHEDULE f Effective May -!. l;i.J 1 ) Lv. Harkers Island.. 10 A. M. . v ape Lookout .1 :00 p, For Information Write CAPTAIN KELLY WILLIS U. S. Mail Poat "Pet" Markers Island 1937 Terraplane Cpe. 1935 Dodge Sedan . . 1937 Ford Sedan . . . 1939 Ply. Trg. Sed.. . 1931 Ford Coupe . 1939 Ply. 4-dr. Sed. . 1935 Willis 4-dr. Sed. 1934 Ford Sedan 1939 Chev. Coupe . . . 1933 Olds. Sedan . . 1934 Chev. Master Tk 1931 Chev. Sedan . , 1934 Plymouth Sed. 1934 Ford Truck . . . 1931 Chev. Sedan . . 1934 Chev. Coach . . 1935 Inter. Truck . .. 1935 Plymouth Sed. 1939 Chev. Tn. Sed., 1932 Ford Coach . . 1937 Dodge Sedan . . M. N. C. Small Down Payment Easy Terms Paul's Garage DODGE and PLYMOUTH CARS AND TRUCKS FRONT STREET BEAUFORT, N. C. eft: ert in de- ic ir.-ci'li'- THIS B give pro- ctcd to the- p 'sitimi. e our best elfort to clean, honest and grersive administration. Resocvtfuliv, MA LI OX XOE ' HAP.PvY M. PARKIN A. T. GARDNER. H. W. PETERSON JOHN E. XOE NOTICE OF CANDIDACY FOR CHIEF OF POLICE I hereby announce myself as a canciiiiaie tor c met ot 1'oiiee or Beaufort, subject to the wishes of the voters in the coming election, n elected will execute the duties of the office without partiallity to the best of my ability, and will en force the laws in keeping with th" duties of the office. I will deeply appreciate the votes of ail the qual- itied voters ot Beautort on .uav 0th. LOUIS B. WILLIS. tiou is "A nu-rica Soci etary Mm even a boy or gi. buy ;i Sun -s the country. Hi an .i.fegu'll-d y i your own future, national d'-fens,-, States Savings Ii (i V.i Wil by .-aid l:.a .'i iOc t a.. I h,-: led laat "vol .vn m oa-y alii le helping tae uying Unite now." SEND HIM OR HcR THE NEWS Legions Of 4-H'ers To Beautify Rural America This Year Beautifying rural home and pub nc grounds on a nationwide scale never before attained in 4-H Cub history is under way bv thousands j of boys and gills. Clubsters be- tween li) and 21 in this am! :V other states are participating un der supervision of the extension service. Communities all over du ration are being awakened t - tin beauty within their means in t i-year-abound contest made pos-dik- by Mrs. ('has. R, Walgreen, gard.-r enthusiast c,f Illinois. All that farm bovs and girls r.'.-c-i to make their suiroundings invit ing is to be shown how", states Mrs. Walgreen. "Tools and mate rials are at hand or near every AM IS Large Enough to Serve You Strong Enough to Protect You Small Enough to Know You o We Invite JJour Savings Or Checking Account o FIRST-CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Time- Tried-Tested Notice is hereby given that the Registration Books tor the coming Town Election for The Town of Beau fort, North Carolina, to be held May 6th, 1941 for the election of Town Officials, the said Registration Books wilt be open for the Registration of qualified persons who have not already registered, on the following dates, from 9 o clock AM., until sunset, at the TOWN HALL: SATURDAY, APRIL 12th. 1941 SATURDAY, APRIL 19th. 1941 SATURDAY, APRIL 26th, 1941 SATURDAY, MAY 3rd. 1941 Will Be Challenge Day Any persons desiring to register on other days other than between April 12 and April 26, 1941, may do so at the home of the undersigned at 209 Moore Street Beaufort, N. C. reei, CANDIDATES MUST FILE WITH REGISTRAR OR CITY CLERK BEFORE 4:00 PM., AURIL 26 Tl9i Election Day, May 6ih, 1941 Polls will open on Election Day at 7:00 AM and Close at 7:00 PM. John D. Brooks, Registrar r I- t t t I