t Thursday, May 8th, 1941. THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. PAGE SEVEN Waiatl ADD OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS IICIIE LOST, Large Patent Leather Pock etbook uptown on Saturday night. If found please return to The Beaufort News. (J-R) FOR SALE! 3 nice, liver and white male pointer pups Cheap! B. H. Noe. FURNISHED BUNGALOW, For Rent Five large rooms and bath About 300 feet from the sound. Electric stove. By week or month. Apply 821 Front St., or Dial Beaufort, 382-1. : luoptnpa . For Sale A va riety of colors. See Mrs. Sam rwiinir. Ann Street. Beau- Ifnrf. It BOGUE BANK FOR RENT 45 Acres, ad joining Fort Macon, running west from Fishing Creek, fronting on the Morehead 30 ft. channel 2500 ft. Percy Stephenson, Norfolk, Va. 4t May 8. FRYING CHICKENS FOR Sale. From 2 to 2 1-2 pounds See or call 367-1 or 367-6 Alex Graham. West Beau for, N. C. Mty 15 Legal Notices NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to judgment Superior 'I Court of Carteret County in .nat '' tpr "Town of Beaufort et al, vs ' C. L. Abernethy, et al, undersigned - will on Monday, at 12 M. Oclock May 26 i 1941 at courthouse door in Beaufort, N C., offer for sale, and sell for cash or uDon terms bid at sale, all sub- i ject to Court's confirmation, the 'following described: Lot fifty-three (53), New Town M C nn tinrfhp.ifth cot 'liner of intersection of Broad and t Pollock streets. ft This 22nd day of April, 1941. i J. F. DUNCAN, Commissioner 'April 24; May 1, 8, 15. . NOTICE OF SALE v Directed by judgment in matte of "Town of Beaufort et al, vs Jack M. Ellison et al", in Superior Court Carteret County, undersign ed will on Monday, at 12 M. Oclock May 26, 1941 at courthouse door in Beaufort. N. C, offer for sale, and sell to high est bidder for cash, or upon term' bid at sale, all subject to court's confirmation, the following de scribed lands: (1) The west half (Wl-2) of lot 155, old town, Beaufort, N. C excepting part 33x40 leet in southwest corner thereof (Bell- Chappel's; formerly Daughters of Ruth) ; (2) The north half (Nl-2) of lot 147, old town, Beaufort, N. C; 55x108 feet. This 22nd day of April, 1941. J. F. DUNCAN, Commissioner, April 24; May 1, 8, 15. NOTICE OF SALE Authorized by judgment Supe rior Court of Carteret County in "Town of Beaufort et al, vs H. L Graves, trustee, etc., undersigsed will, on Monday, at 12 M. Oclock May 26 1941 at court house door in Beaufort N. C, offer for sale and sell for cash, or upon terms bid at sale, all subject to courts confirmation the following described: Part lot 48, New Town, on southeast corner of intersectio Pollock and Broad streets. 3G 2- f eet on Pollock street, 100 feet on Broad street. This 22nd day of April, 1941. J. F. DUNCAN, Commissioner. April 24; May 1, 8, 15. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Eunice C. Bell, de ceased, late of Carteret County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned at Newport, N. C, duly verified, on or before the 24th day of April, 1942, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt payment. This 21st day of April, 1941. S. D. Edwards, Executor, Estate Eunice C. Bell, deceased. Apr. 24; May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29. NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of power of sale containtd in that certain mort gage deed ixuted by Clem Gas- kill and wife, Emma Gaskill, ic tor Gaskill (single), Norwood Gas- kill (single), Floyd Gaskill, (sin gle), Flora D. Willis and husband, Tucker Willis to E. V, . Hill, dated June 2nd, 1938, and recorded m the Registry of Carteret County, in Book tO, at page 1 i, default hav ing been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured, the undersigned will on Wednesday, the 2 1st day of May, 1941, at 12 o'clock, M., at the courthouse door in Beaufort, N. C, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the lands in said mortgage deed conveyed and therein describ ed as follows: Lying and being in Hunting Quarters Township Carteret Coun ty, N. C, adjoining the lands of Simon H. Styron and others. Be ginning at a stone on the ditch and running thence an Eastwardly course with the fence 92 yards to the corner; thence with the fence Northwardly course to the marsh; thence a Westwardly course to the ditch; thence with said ditch to the beginning. It being the same land conveyed by John W. Fulcher and wife to Viola Gaskill by deed dated December 14, 1907, recorded in the Registry of Carteret County in Book 6, page 341. This 21st day of April, 1941. E. W. HILL, Mortagee. April 24; May 1, 8, 15. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Cleveland Da vis, late of Carteret County, State of North Carolina, this is to noti fy all persons having claims a. gainst said estate, to present them to the undersigned, at Harkers Island, N. C, duly verified, on or before the 10th day of April, 1942, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make prompt payment. This April 7th, 1941. TILTON DAVIS, Admr. estate Cleveland Davis. deceased. Apr. 10-17-24; May 1-8-15. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by vitrue of the pow er of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Joseph Edward Guthrie and wife, Marjorie Irene Guthrie to John B. Lewis, Trustee, dated November 27, 1936, and appearing of record in Book 86 at page 7 of the Carteret County Public Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned trustee, will on Monday the 2nd day of June, 1941 at 12:00 o'clock Noon, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash before the court house door of Carteret County, in Beaufort, North Carolina, the following de scribed real property: Lot No. 3 in Block or Square No. 19 of the Town of Morehead City, N. C, according to the map or plan of said Town. The last and highest bidder will be required to deposit with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Carteret County 10 per cent of his or her bid to guarantee completion of the contract if no raised bid is filed. The property will be sold sub ject to taxes for 1937 and subse quent years. This the 29th day of April, 1941. JOHN B. LEWIS, May 8-15-22-29 Trustee. Electric Hotbeds Gaining In Favor Electricity, now performing an increasing number of tasks about the farm, is finding favor among progressive growers in heating hotbeds, according to D. E. Jones, rural electrification specialist of N. C. State College. Farmers who have used the elec tric hotbeds say they are better than the old stable compost bed be pause the plants grow faster. This means that the plants are younger when they attain a size sufficient for transplanting, a desirable fac. tor in truck farming. Another advantage of the elec tric hotbead, Jones said, is that the installation may be made perma nent and that the temperature may be maintained and regulated auto matically to the needs of the par ticular plants being grown. This feature permits the forced growth and early maturity of spring vegetables suited to hotbed planting. An electric hotbed will provide the family table with early spring vegetables and aid the truck gardner in meeting out-of season competition in the market. As the electric hotbed is perma nent, considerable labor is saved every year, and the instalation and operating cost compares favorably with other sources of heat. During the past season, many growers with electrically-heated beds reported securing several times more plants than with the old manure bed. The fact that a great many more plants can . be i ss y AUTHOR OF ACT Pictured above is W. Roy Francis of Waynesville. author of legislation In the State Senate which brought back legal beer to North Carolina on May 1. 1933. Now senior assistant U. S Attorney for the Western North Carolina district. Francis recalled that eight years of beer sales have yielded the state and local units $8,149,604.76 in taxes and provided jobs for 13,420 North Carolinians. grown in a yara oi me eiet-i.in.oi bed makes it possible for the farm er to reduce the size of his plant bed. This means a saving in seed, labor, and fertilizer. The cost ot operating an electric botbed will vary with power rates, the severity of the weather, the temperature of the soil, and the construction ol the plant bed. Smyrna County Base Ball Champions Smyrna High School base ball team won the Carteret County base ball title by defeating Beau fort High School 5-0. Murphy pitched an air-tight game, holding Beaufort to 5 scat tered hits. He was invincible all the way. Sensational fielding by Tom Piner, Beaufort left fielder, robbed Murphy of a sure homer in the sec ond inning. He made a leaping back-hand stab at a liner deep in left field. "Red" Davis, Smyrna's second baseman led Smyrna at bat, 2 for 3 and driving in 3 runs. Smyrna outhit Beaufort 10 to 5. Both teams played excellent ball. Batteries' Smyrna: Murphy, pitcher; Sty ron, catcher. Beaufort: Williams, pitcher; Bridgers,-Rhue, catchers. Clifton Nelson. Army The purchase of textiles and textile products by the Army Quar termaster Corps in the first nine months of the current fiscal year, July 1 to March 31, totaled $475, 254,053. Consumers demand for farm products willcontinue to improve in the remainder of 1941 under the stimulus of rising empolyment and consumer incomes, says the U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Econom ics. A Story In Verse Of Miss Nancy and Jim Editor Beaufort News: Enclosed you will find Miss Nancy's love story as I remember hearing it told when I was a child. I used to meet Miss Nancy often, when on my way to school and re member exactly how she looked, slim and straight with bright dark brown eyes and dark brown hair which she wore, parted in the mid dle and brought down smoothly over her ears and knotted at the nape of her neck, as my mother did to the day of her death. I never knew the first nam of Miss Nancy's lover, so filled up that and other gaps from my imag ination. I am sure Mr. Josiah Bell could not have been the Post Master who intercepted the let ters, for he did not die till 1890, too late for the story as told in the pa per. Yours truly, A. M. Bushnell. This is the story of Miss Nancy and Jim, And tells how she loved but was parted from him, While both were young and happy and free, Tho Jim was as poor as a man could be. So Jim said to Nancy, I'll study law, While you stay at home with your dear mama, And I'll write you a letter at least once a day, So long as I must be so far away. Which you will answer if you are true, To me as I always shall be to you. If your letters ever fail to come I'll know, You've forsaken me for a richer beau. And what shall I think if you fail to come, To me while I am waiting at home? If mine fail to come you may know that I am dead, V i to M f- -awe a i, Vv it? 4 tossing hia So they mad great plans for a happy life Together as loving husband and wife, Then Jim went to college to study law, While she stayed at home with her dear mania. But Miss Nancy's sister,, tho' pris sy and prim, Was also deeply in love with dear Jim, And was filled with envy which did not abate, When she saw them part at the garden gate. Soon letters to Nancy began to come, Which she answered promptly ev ery one. ' Letters so loving, so true, and so gay, She was almost glad Jim had gone away. She was not aware they were also read By her sister while she was sleep ing in bed. That her sister was learning to write like Jim, Her older sister, so prying and prim. But soon she felt a slight "rift in the lute", Jim's letters were shorter, his love seemed mute. Then they came less often, so busy, he said, And then not at all, so Jim must be dead. Miss Nancy grieved sorely that Jim Seemed untrue, For he could not be false, the Jim whom she knew, And had loved so fondly and so loved him still, For hers was a love which nothing could kill. The years rolledaway for Time does not wait, And often she stood at the old gar den gate, And thought of their parting now so long ago, And wondered if Jim ever thought FOR SALE New Trunk CABIN CRUISER 46 Feet Long; 13 Feet Wide. Powered With Two Chris-Craft Motors 95 H-P. This vessel sleeps 8 and is Suitable for offshore cruis ing. This cruiser was built at Marshallberg, N. C, where it may be seen at Bernie Gilli kin's. FOR PARTICULARS Address: WALTER HOWARD Sea Level, N. C. A Said Jim indignantly head. BUILDING SUPPLIES WE CONSIDER IT A PRIVILEGE TO SERVE YOU WHEN YOU NEED LUMBER OR ANY TYPE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES IF WE CAN BE OF SERVICE TO YOU WHEN BUILDING or REBUILDING, WE WILL DEEPLY APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE r O BUY Scarboro - Safrit Lumber Company BEAUFORT, of her so. Her rosy cheeks faded, her dark hair prew thin, She smiled much less ofter, her nearest of kin, Her dearest friends were passing away; Ker sister's been married for many aday. And she lived with her brother in the old home, One day feeling lonely, she began to roam, Thro' the attic rooms where were stored away, Some furnishings which had been used in her day. And in an old desk found the let ters of Jim, Which she had not received and hers to him, So she wrote him at once to the old address, And told him the truth tho she had to confess. Her own sister's fault which was hard to do, Eut she wanted Jim to know she was true. An answer came after some weeks had sped, From her faithful Jim, but Jim wa3 wed. To a loving wife and had children, three, There was nothing which could be doneyou see, To right the wrong done so long ago, By the sister she thought had loved her so. F. R. SEELEY RESIDENTIAL CONTRApTOR BEAUFORT, N. C. can voim hrir Even if you're young you look old if your hair is old , . , if it's dull, iaded, streaked or graying. Whatever your actual age, you'll look more youthful . . even feel more youthful with Clairol-treated hair. Insist on the modern Clcrirol process at your hairdressers'. It corrects those defects in one 3-in-l treatment, sham pooing as it reconditions as it tints your hair to "closeup" loveliness. Writ now fai free booklet and free advice on your hair problem to loan Clair, President. Clatrol. inc. 132 W 46th St.. New York. H V Main Vnur IT DEFENSE BONDS O Dial 458-1 And the years continued to pass away, Miss Nancy's hair grew thinner and gray, Except for her eyes there was scarcely a trace Of her youthful beauty of form and face. A few years later the town was stirred, To its utmost depths for there came a word, That Miss Nancy's lover had come to life, And was there to make Miss Nancy hi.s wife. Her lover, now Judge and free at last, Had come back to undo the wrongs of the past, Eut aho, such wrongs cannot be undone, For uliss Nanry's youth and beau ty were gone. She was loathe to meet him to have him see, The wreck of herself she had come to be, 1 LAWN MOWERS RE- SHARPENED ONLY $1 Calvin Jones Western Auto ASSOCIATE STORE Turner St. Beaufort S A N. CAROLINA But he too, was old, his hair was white, He had stouter grown and did not seem quite. The lover she had known and loved long ago, When his eyes were bright and his cneeks aglow With the flush of youth and youth ful love, But the Judge was anxious his love to prove. So they were married and he took her away, For what proved a very short stay, For she soon grew sick for the old town home, And he brought her back quickly as they could come. A few months later she was laid to rest, In the old church yard among those she loved best, And still she waited, waited for him. She had loved in her youth, her youthful Jim. Professional CARDS Dr. J. O. Baxter, Jr. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted FRONT ST. BEAUFORT JAMES DAVIS NOTARY PUBLIC First Citizens Bank Beaufort N. C DR. E. F. MENIUS OPTOMETRIST Rooms 206-207-207-A McLellan Bldg. NEW BERN. N. C. DR. LUTHER FULCHER Medicine & Surgery Office Hours: 9 to 12 M. 2 to 5 P. M. And By Appointment RAMSEY BUILDING Office Phons 424-1 Rei. 485-t DR. W. S. CHADWICK MEDICINE & SURGERY Office Hours: 9 to 12 M 3 to 5 P. M. and by Appointment RAMSEY BUILDING Office Phone 424-1 Res. 372-1 O. H. JOHNSON, M. D. Eye, Ear Nose & Throat SPECIALIST GLASSES FITTED Office Hours: Morehead City 9 A. M. to 2 P. M Including Sunday Beaufort 2 to 4 P. ML Week days only DR. J. O. BAXTER THE EYE ONLY Eyes Examined Glesses Fitted NEW BERN, N. C. EARL MASON JUSTICE OF PEACE NOTARY PUBLIC Eudy Barber Shop Beaufort, N. C. C. H. BUSHALL Fire, Health, Accident, Automobile Insurance Real Estate Bought Sold Rented Will Write Your Bond RELIABLE COMPANIES GOOD SERVICE 108 Turner Street Beaufort, DIAL 415-1 Dr. JOSEPH A. SYLVESTER Physician and Surgeon Office Hour 9-11 12-2 6-9 405 Cedar Street BEAUFORT, N. C Marine and Automotive Equipment. Electric and Acetylene Welding. Cylinder Heads & Engine Blocks Welded. Delco Engine Repair Parts of All Kinds. Generators, Starters, Car buretors. American Hammered Pis ten Rings Valspar and Kirby's Paints and Enamels. BARBOUR'S MACHINE SHOP Beaufort N. C

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