( Thursday, July 17th, 1941. THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. PAGE FIVE facial a n It personal OBSERVE GOLDEN WEDDING Dial 448-1 TRUTH Truth is the trial of itself, And needs no other touch; And purer than the purest gold, Refine it' ne'er so much. It is the life and light of love, The sun that ever shineth, And spirit of that special grace, That faith and love defineth. It is the warrant of the wo:d, That yields a s-cent so sweet, As gives a power to faith to tread All falsehood under feet. Ben Jonson. Mrs. Zion Mason has returned from Norfolk, where she has been with her husband several days. He is employed there. J. F. Quinn spent the week-end in Norfolk with his wife and daughter. He was accompanied there by Miss Ester Bell Fodrie. Mrs. George Eastman and pa rents, Dr. and Mrs. V. P. Hedrick, left Monday returning to Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bennett and children of Indiana are visit ing the laters parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Richards on Front Street. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howe, Jr., of East Radford, Va., are spending their vacation here with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Howe, and sis ter Mrs. Charles Hassell. Miss Nina Gainer of Newport is visiting her sister Mrs. C. R. Wheatly. Miss Lucy Holland has return ed from Clinton where she has been several weeks with relatives. John Butler spent Sunday in Durham at Duke hospital with his brother who is receiving treatment there. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hatsell re turned to Alexandria, Va., Friday after a visit here with his parents, Capt. and Mrs. Chas. Hatsell. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Hatsell of Alexandria, Va., are visiting his uncle, Charles Hatsell and family. Clyde Hill, and friend Miss Le Ella Horton, of Washington City, are spending heir vacation here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Aycock Brown and sons, Brantley and William Ken neth went to Ocracoke last week end. Mr. Brown returned to Beaufort on Tuesday. The remain der of the family will return early next week. Mr. Robert G. Lang who former ly livsd in Beaufort where he was operator of the Beaufort Theatre, who now lives in Farmmville, made a business visit here this week. Mr. r.nd Mrs. David Irwin Ogles by and family of iKnston have moved in their new home Twin Oaks up Bogue Sound. o Mr. and Mrs. Tom Potter have returned home from Charleston, West Va., after a visit with his father Mr. Guy Potter, who return ed to Beaufort with them. Mrs. Edith N. Storey and fam ily and friends of Madison, N. J. are spending a while at Mrs. Story's residence Storyland up Bogue Sound. Mrs. Ivey Mason is in Wilming ton this week with her little son who had his tonsils removed at Dr. Sidbury's Baby Hospital, Monday. Col. and Mis. Faiieigh Dickin son returned to their home in New Jersey Saturday after spending several days here at the Inlet Inn. Mrs. Gertrude Hancock has re turned from Lynchburg where she has been visiting her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyd and son of New York, are spending the summer here at the Manson house. Mrs. Boyd is a niece of Mrs. N. W. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor and daughter Eileen of Long Island, aie visiting Mr. Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Taylor. Mrs. Will Smith and Miss Ola Dudley are visiting relatives in Norfolk this week. Mr. and Mrs. Skip Willis are spending several days in Norfolk and at Virginia Beach. o Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Willis of Mayport, Fla., Mrs. Marguerite Willis were called here this week due to the death of Mr. Jimmie Salter of Davis. They attended the funeral Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Longest of Kinston are .'pending their vaca tion here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Longest. o Miss Mabel Green of Asheville, is visiting her sister Mrs. Ben Jones. Mr. Daniel McAdoo and son of Philadelphia, are guests of his son-in-law, B. Frank Robinson and his grandchildren at Highland Park. Mr. McAdoo has not seen the chil dren in ten years when they moved here with their father to live. Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Chadwick motored to Wilmington Sunday to see Mrs. Chadwick's brother-in-law Mr. Sutton who is a patient at James Walker hospital. Misses Lucille Safrit, Mary Sue Rudder, Leonard Safrit and Robert Smith motored to Wilmington Sun day for the day. G-E Well Put m Refrigerator Bgrpinj znm- ... iv." . . m 4-... n. . .v . r v-' m.t w - T. x ? . : '.'Tt 1 $4 Shop them all, compare values, look at the prices, and we believe you'll say this new Giant G-E "6" is your BEST BUY! Come in and see it today! Beautifully styled all steel cabinet. Almost 12 sq. ft. shelf area. 8 lbs. ice making capacity. Giant bottle storage zone. Auto matic interior light. sealed-in-steel Thrift Unit, $39.95 Delivers 79 a month pay for it GENERAL ELECTRIC Milier Furniture Co. Mrs. John Daw and son Harry and his wife of New Jersey, are visiting Mrs. Daw's sister Mrs. Ernest Guthrie, Sr. Mr. itnd Mrs. Hubert Guthrie of New Jersey, and sister Miss Jane Guthrie of Englehard spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Guthrie, Sr. o Mis. Cecil Guthrie of Norfolk, spent the week-end with Mrs. Ro land Davis. Gilbert Potter of Atlanta, Ga is spending his vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pot ter, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Gaskill, of Tampa, Fla., visited friends and ltlatives here Tuesday. They are returning home after spending their vacation at Sea Level with Mr. Gaskill's mother. Mr. r.nd Mrs. Karl Soi enson of Long Island who have been here visiting her mother Mrs. Sue Skar ren and brothers, left Tuesday re turning home. Mrs. W. B. Longest, Jr., and children have gone to Port Mon mouth, N. J., to spend a month with Mr. Longest who is employed there. They were accompanied by Miss Dora Dean Jefferson who will visit friends and relatives in New Jersey and New York during the next month. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor and daughter Miss Joyce Taylor, re turned on Monday from Asheville where they went last Friday. They were accompanied home by their son Jesse who has been vacationing for several weeks in Asheville and Brevard. Miss Esther Belle Fodrie has returned home after visiting friends in Norfolk. Her brother Howard is now visiting relatives in Raleigh. Mr. James Garland Willis left Wednesday afternoon for Charles ton, South Carolina where he w ill I be in the Navy Reserve. o Richard Chadwick left this week to attend State Highway School in Raleigh. : Mr. Dave Perry , of Washington City, is spending his vacation here at the Inlet Inn and with relatives. Mrs. B. E. Bigger of Hannibal, Missouri, Mrs. A. W. Hewitt and daughter Patricia Beth, of Cincin nati, Ohio, are guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Stan ley Potter. o Mr. Frank King Jr., has return ed to Belleville, N. J. after a visit, with his afther Mr. Frank King Sr. fN fig (Ti will make their home in Hickory. Those from Hickory attending the wedding were the grot-m's pa rents Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Moretz, little Miss Rebecca Moretz, Mrs. H. Clifton Deal and Mrs. Burton Starr. M and Mrs. A. A. Garner of j grandchildren, one who is married. Newport, R. F. I)., or "Uncle j The gathering also served as a Adrian" and "Aunt Lula"' as they , sort of reunion between old friends are populaily called, were married . and everyone enjoyed renewing old July 1st, 1891. They have been acquaintances and making new farming in the vicinity of Newport ! ones. While they were standing most of their lives, and are well1 for a picture, someone asked Mr. liked by their many friends. Tues- j Garner how peace was kept in the dav thev showed their grateful ap- family, and who was the boss in nreciation of their friends bv en-, his family, anyway. Mr. Garner tertaining some 12l of them at a delicious dinner served in front of their country home on the lawn. Mr. and Mrs. Garner are active Baptists as are several of their children and several Baptist minis ters were present at the affair. Most of them spoke on religion af ter the meal. The Garners have twenty five remarked that peace had been kept by letting hi wife be the boss, for the first fifty years, but now he was going to be the boss for the nexth fifty. The Garner's receiv ed scores of valuable gifts from their children and friends. All in all, everyone enjoyed the affair. (Thoto bv Leon Mann in Greens boro Daily News. MISS BAILEY BECO MES BRIDE OF MR. MORETZ DOUBLE WEDDING TO TAKE PLACE AT CORE CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Manly M. Eubanks and Mr. and Mrs. Lyke C. Dickinson announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughters Delphine Lee Eubanks to Albert Dole Fulford and Florence Louise Dickinson to Ernest Allen Nelson the wedding to take place August twenty-seventh, nineteen forty-one Core Creek Community Church GOLDEN WEDDING have The following invitutionB been received in Beaufort: Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus T. Eubanks request the pleasure of your company at the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage on the evening of Friday, the eighteenth of July from eight until ten o'clock at home Beaufort, North Carolina STEAK SUPPER TUESDAY NIGHT Misses Louise Guthrie. Sue Mur ray Thomas, Carol Truitt and Ed ith Stevens entertained at a steak fry at the beach, Tuesday night. Guests were Hildred Carraway. Betty Rumley, Carrie Lee Jones, Dick Parker, Ilave Hill, James C'af frey, Ben Benn, Harry Taul John Vanderveer and Harold Lenox. MRS. DAN DARLING CONTINUES ILL Mrs. Dan Darling who is a pa tient at Duke hospital is not doing so well. Mr. Darling left today for Duke to be with her for a few-days. Miss Louise Bailey, of Beaufort and Morganton, daughter of Mrs. Iva Paul Bailey of Beaufort, and H. D. Moretz, of Hickory, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Moretz of Hick ory, were united in marriage at the home of the brides mother, Sunday afternoon July 13th, at 5 o'clock, the Rev. E. W. Erwin offi ciating. The bride wore white organdy and carried a nosegay of white roses and fever-few. The vows wree spoken before a background of southern smilax, baskets of white gladioli and can delabra. Mrs. G. M. Paul, pianist, present ed a program of wedding music in cluding "Because", Mendelsssohn's. Wedding March", and "O Promise Me". Immediately alter the ceremo ny the mother of the bride enter tained the immediate families and out-of-town guests at an informal reception at her home. The bride and bridegroom left during the re ception on a wedding trip up the coast of North Carolina. Mrs. Moretz was graduated from Beaufort High School, then at tended Lenoir Rhyne College, Hickory, N. C, where she received her B. S. degree. Later she took a post graduate course in Medicai Technology at the Duke University School of Medicine, and is now employed by Grace Hospital at Morganton, N. C. Mr. Moretz was graduated from Hickory High School, then Lenoir Rhyne College where he received his B. S. degree. He now has a position with the Carasol Chemi cal Co., Hickory, N. C. The couple SEA BREEZE THEATRE COOL AS THE OCEAN BREEZES FRI. SAT DOUBLE FEATURE JULY 18, 19 TIM McCOY in "STRAIGHT SHOOTER" HERMAN BlilX in "AMATEUR CROOK" Also "CAPTAIN MARVEL" SUN. MON. TUES. JULY 20, 21, 22 Frank Morgan, Kent Taylor, Ann Rutherford, Lee Bowman in "WASHINGTON MELODRAMA WED. THURS. JULY 23, 24 Otto Kruger in "THE BIG BOSS" AIso-"Spider Returns FRI. SAT. r JULY 25, 26 Roy Rogers "In Old Cheyene" t ELOODGOOD-MILE2 Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mi'ej an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Imogen, of Asheville and Winston-Salem, to Lieutenant Richard Miller Bloodgood of Aber deen Proving Grounds, Md., and Beaufort, N. C, the wedding to take place in Winston-Salem in August. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT The following announcement-! have been received in Beaufort: 'A nnnuncir.g the arrival of Su fin Virginia. Burn July 10, 11)41. Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Swindell, Lu eania, N. C. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Mit chell of Swansboro Friday, July -tt'.i at Potters Hospital, a daughter. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Montfor.l Garrish, of Ocracoke, at Potters Emergency hospital on Wednesday afternoon, July 16, a daughter. MRS. CARL GASKILL ILL Mrs. Carl. Gaskill is quite ill this week with an attack of lumbago af her home on Ann .Street. AVERY FIOWER SHOP Telephone Number 405-6 333 FRONT ST. GLADIOLI IN ALL COLORS OF THE BEST VARIETIES Design Work Given Prompt And Satisfactory Attention Dependable Drugstore SERVICE Only Registered Pharmacists Fill Your Prescriptions In Our Prescription Department MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY Your Patronage Appreciated At JOE HOUSE DRUG STORE "ASK YOUR DOCTOR" Day Phones 333-1 or 910-1 Night Phone 346-1 BEAUFORT THEATRE Dial B-483-1 "Coolest Spot In Town" TODAY - FRIDAY "Topper Returns" -with- Roland Young Joan Bennett Also Latest News- Cartoon- Novelty SAT. DOUBLE FEAT "Robbers of the Range" -with-Tim Holt -Also- 'Scattergood Pulls Strings" Plus 'Winners of West WEDNESDAY Jack Pot $160 ON SCREEN 'Bachelor Daddy' -with- BABY SANDY SUN., MON., TUES. 1 WHTHEWORlDSj A Paramount Picture with Patricia Morison BtUie Bark Joh i loder Dame May Whitty Edr und Gwenn RaginoM Denny Billy Gilbert Produced and Directed bd Edward H. Grifti?! ALSO NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. ...m.- f-i-:,j