f AGE TWO THE BEAUFORT NEWS EEAUFORT, N. C. Thursday, October 2, 1941 Waama OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS IIEIIE FOR SALE - HEAT-rola- In first class con dition. Priced reason ably. Apply Beaufort News office. D.H. WANTED MAN WITH GOOD automobile to handle established rural Watkins business in Carteret County. Must be in good health, ambitious, and business minded. No loaders considered. $2o.00 or more per week possible to right party. Write Watkins, Box 1075, Charlotte, N. C. S",02 FOR RENT DOWNSTAIRS apartment, 4 large rooms, kitchen ette and bath. Butane gas heater in each room. Kitchenette equip pe! with cabinet sink, Butane gas stc'-e. Just been renovated thru out. See W. E. Adair, Craven St , Beaufort, N. C. FOX SALE TWO LOTS WEST Beaufort, bordering new Airport, on;' lot Broad St., good warehouse site, one lot Fulford St. See Geovg. Wooi.-.rd. FOR 3 ALE ONE NINE-PIECE Din:: t, Room Suite. In good condi tion Apply Mrs. Maude Garner, 200 .v nn St. FAP'l HAND WANTED, SAL- ary ' : the month, room and board inch:. led. See C. R. Jameson, Mer lins n, N. C. S2o02pd FOR SALE: ONE USED KELVI- nati-i Beverage Cooler. Used vevy 'ittle. Excellent condition. Les--han half price. Eastman Furni ture Co. tf FOR SALE: 2 USED KELV1NA- i-or Refrigerators. Partr.ir.s for quick sale. Eastman Furniture Co. tf "OLLARD PLANTS FOR '5c per hundred, $2.00 per SALE 1.000. m e Jack Ricks Store, Beaufort. it Rumley's Feed O 2 Legal Notices ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor, D.B.N, of the estate of J. L. Dickinson, Jr., deceased, late of Carteret County, North Carolina, .this is to notify all persons having claims against the efate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Beaufort, N. C, on or before the 25th. day of August, 1942, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate layment. This 25th. day of August, 1941. JAMES W. MASON, Administrator, D.B.N, of J. L. Dickinson, Jr., deceased. A 28 S 4 11 18 25 O 2 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor CTA on the estate of Leo Mat tocks, late of Carteret County, N'orth Carolina, this is to notify ill persons who have claims against the estate of said deceas sd to exhibit them to the under signed at his home in Silverdale, .,;orth Carolina, on or before the 27th day of September, 1942, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment This, the 18th day of Septem ber, 1941. L. B. ENNETT, Administrator, CTA, of estate of Leo McLean S 25 02-9-16-23-30 Mattocks SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, . i Carteret County. In The Superior Court Mildred W. Parkin vs. Rudolph Parkin TO RUDOLPH PARKIN, DE- FENDANT: You will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Carteret County, North Caro lina, for a divorce absolute on the grounds of two years separation between the plaintiff and the de fendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that he ;s required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Carteret County, North Carolina in the court-house, at Beaufort, North Carolina within thirty days after the 20th day of October 1941 and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief denanded in said complaint. This 17th day of September, 1941. L. W. HASSELL, Clerk Superior Court of Car teret County, North Carolina. S 18-25 O 2-9 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Xcrth Carolina, Carteret County. In The SuiH'iior Court. Litha M. Willis Harvey E. Willis To the Defendant Harvey E Wiliis: You will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Cour. of Carteret County, North Caro lina, for a divorce from bed and board, on the grounds of the con duet of the defendant being such as to render the plaintiff's life burdensome and conditions intol erable; and the defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Carteret County in the court house in Beaufort, N. C, within thirty days after the 2."th day of October 1941 and answer or de mur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 2:3rd. day of September, 1941. EVA ERAVALDO, Ass't. Clerk Superior Court of Carteret County, N. C. S25 02-9-10 " nd NOTICE OF LAND SALE Authorized by judgment of the Superior Court of Carteret County in matter of "Town of Beaufort, et al. vs. Maude E. (Hazel) Wil liams Davis, et al," undersigned, will, on Monday, November 3rd, 12 M. o'clock, 1941, at at court-house of Carteret Coun ty, in Beaufort, N. C, offer for sale, and sell for cash, to highest bidder, the following describe i lands: Lot one hundred sixty-eight (ICS), Old Town, Beaufort, X. C; on east side Turner street; be tween Cedar and Pine streets. Sale subject to court's confirmation. This 30th. dav of Septum!). 1941. J. F. Commissioner 0 2 9 10) 23 DUN" CAN", of the Court. SALE OF LANDS Authorized by Order of the Su perior Court of Carteret County, in the proceedings entitled "C. G. Gaskill et al., vs. Lillian S. Davis, et al", undersigned, will, on Monday, November 3rd, 1941, at 12 M. o'clock, at court-house door of Carteret County, in Beaufort, N. C, offer for sale, and sell to highest bidder for cash, (subject to court's con firmation), the following describ ed: Part of lot 33, New Town, Beau fort, N. C. Beginning at a point in the north line of Ann street 79 feet west wardly from the southeast corner of lot-33, New Town, the north west corner of the intersection of Marsh and Ann streets, thence westwardly with north line of Ann street 40 feet, thence northwardly ami parallel Marsh street 110 feet, to the north line of said lot 33, New Town, thence eastwardly and parallel Ann street and with back or north line of said lot 33 New Town 40 feet, thence southwardly and parallel Marsh street 110 feet to beginning. This 30th. day of September, 1941. J. F. DUNCAN, Commissioner of the Court. O 2 9 16 23 NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Henry v1. Noe and his wife Deara Noe to :he un dersigned Trustee, dated April 11, 1941 and recorded in Book 95 at page 72, Office of the Register of Deeds for Carteret County, defau.t having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secur ed and the request of the note holder, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale and will sell, for cash, at the Court-house door of Carteret County, in Beaufort on the 18th day of October 1941 at the hour of 12 o'clock, Eastern Standard Time, the following real estate : In Morehead Township, Begin ning at the southwest corner of the Derrickson land and running southwardly 30 feet to the south west corner of the Shep Willi3 line; thence eastwardly with his line 88 feet, more or less, to the Jim Pittman line; thence north wardly with his line 30 feet; thence westwardly with his line 88 feet, more or less, to the beginning and being the same land conveyed to Noe by Shp Willis, Feb. 13th, 1940 recorded in Book 93 at page 574. This 15th day of September, 1941. R. P. HOLDING, Sept. 18-25 Oct2-9 Trustpe. I Jo Relieve .Mis try of YWV- UOUO. TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE DROPS, NAVY'S SUPER IS UNDERWAY Total Number New Ships Ordered Is 2,831 An announcement, made public recently by the Unit ed States Navy Department, that construction has been started on six 27,000-ton su per cruisers, indicates that work on our new "Two-Ocean" Navy has been further accelerated. This latest state ment concerning Naval ship building brings the total number of new ships ordered since January 1, 1941 to 2,831 with 9CS of these ships already under construction. Production line methods are being used wherever possible and a pronounced speed up has been accomplished by tht institution of a 48-hour week anr' a three-shift 24-hour day. 375,000 men are already employed in ship yards piifl another 12-5,000 men will be added to this force of workmen who are speeding ships down thv ways at the rate of a least , ten day; So coordinated and precise i; the current naval shipbuilding pro grain that many months are being cut from the normal building time of American-made warships. This expert planning and new speed in construction of our ships from 45,000-ton dreadnaughts to small torpedo boats opens the way for the Navy to accept new quali fied men for training at the rate of 12,000 to 15,000 a month. These men, enlisting in either the regu lar Navy or the Naval Reserve, wi!! be sent to one of the four Na val Training Stations and may have a chance to go to a Navy Trade School even before assign ment to the fleet. During this pe riod they will receive regular Navy pay and the free Navy schooling is valued at hundreds of dollars. Every new ship in mr Navy will require not only hundreds of addi tional sailors hut many more men will lie needed to work in Navy dry docks, machine shops, ordance depots and other shore posts to keei) the new ships in action. '"Never in tiie history of the United States has there been greater opportunity for loyal young Americans to serve their country and build their futures SMITHFIELD NEW BERN DUNN MOREHEAD CITY BURGAW m Every Courtesy, Attention And Service Consistent With Good Banking Are The Facilities Offered By This Institution We Serve Eastern Carolina than right now," Secretary of the j Navy Kr.ox recently said. At the suggestion of Secretary j of Navy Knox. William L. Hatseil j has been made Navy Editor of The ' Beaufort News to help the Navy in giving ambitious young men int'or-1 mation about the opportunities the-"Two-Ocean" Navy offers for technical training and advance ment. In outlining the many advant ages offered by Naval enlistment, Mr. Hatseil said, "It is possible for a bright young man to increase his pay seven times during his first enlistment and he can earn as much as $126 a month. This monthly figure is actually worth much more when it is remembered that the man has few living ex penses and is provided with the finest of medical and dental care. "You have all your food anil lodging, and also your originall clothing outfit is provided by Un cle Sam free," Mr. Hatseil con tinued. "In addition, there are free sports and entertainment. On top of this, you get free travel and adventure in colorful places a thing few civilians can afford. 1 "When you consider the size of this country and the fact that the Navy will select only 12,oo0 appli cants a month from many times taat number throughout tae L lilt ed States, the quotation 'Many are called, but few are chosen' wiil ap ply to local men interested. "As Navv men are a 'hand-pick- i ed' lot, candidates must be men of more than average intelligence ai d ambition, of fine moral character and must have the written recom mendation of at least two local townspeople." As Navy Editor, Mr. HatseH has just received from Washington a supply of free illustrated booklet for all men interested and, in ad dition, will welcome inquiries from young men who wish to look into the new and greater opportunities the Navy and the Naval Reserve now offer for training for later c:- vilian careers as they serve theii country now in its emergency. Bamboo The tropical bamboo tree is tltc most versatile of all world plant, being used in production i f food. weapons, shelter, implement., clo thes, furniture, baskets, cuiitainer bridges, pipes, cable, paper, orna ments and ether articles. J. R. Powell, Fayetteville dairy farmer, has installed pasteurizing equipment to take care of milik from his 50 cows. CONDENSED ST-CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS SEPTEMBER 24, 1941 RALEIGH CLINTON BENSON BEAUFORT CLAYTON RESOURCES: Cash in Vaults and Due from Other Banks $10,714,330.56 U. S. Government Securities $ 3,838,850.00 (Direct or Fully Guaranteed) State Bonds 2,623,000.00 Municipal Bonds 3,836,783.95 Federal Land Bank Bonds and Other Marketable Securities 1,683,493.98 . . ' . $11,982,127.93 Loss Reserve 240,502.71 $11,741,625.22 Accrued Interest due on Bonds 116,527.79 Loans and Discounts 10,110,476.17 Banking Houses, Furniture and Fixtures (Net) 265,902.06 Other Assets 153.20 (Included in Other Assets: 17 Pieces of Real Estate, Carried at $17.00; appraised Value $46,125.00) $32,949,015.00 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock: Preferred $340,000.00 Common 300,000.00 $ 640,000.00 Surplus 1,400,000.00 Undivided Profits 117,053.09 Reserve Account: Preferred Stock Retirement Fund 140,000.00 Reserve Account: Accrued and unearned Interest, Taxes, Insurance and Other Reserves 876,543.76 DEPOSITS . . 29,775,418.15 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT Wa Secretary Lists Danger Zones On Coast Pursuant to the provisions of Section 7 of the River and Harbor Act approved August 8, 1917 (40 Stat. 266; 33 P.S.C. 1), the fol lowing regulations are hereby pre scribed to govern the use and nav igation of the waters of the Atlan tic Ocean between New River and Cape Fear, North Carolina, com prising firing ranges of the Ma rine Corps at New River and the Anti-Aircraft Firing Center at Hollyridge, North Carolina: 201.55 Waters of the Atlantic Ocean; Firing sectors between New River and Cape Fear, oNrth Carolina. The Danger Zones (a) The firing ranges Include the waters within three sectors, lo cated as follows: Section 1. The center of the sec tor is located on Hurst Beach, Ons low County, North Carolina at Latitude 34 degrees 45' 15" north and Longitude 77 degrees 16' 10" west. This, sector extends over an arc of 135 decrees, with a radius of 2"'.''"0 yards, bounded by limit ing lines bearing N. 85 degrees E, and S 4 0 degrees W from said cen ter. Section 2. The center of the sector is located on the outer bank oppo:te Scars Landing near Bea con No. 70 of the United States Intracoastal Waterway between Beaufort and Cape Fear River, North Carolina, at Latitude 34 de- 77 degrees 32' 30" west. This sec tor extends over an arc of 136 de grees, with a radius of 25,000 yards, bounded by limiting lines hearing N. 30 degrees E. and S. 10 degrees V. from said center. Section 3. The center of this sector is located near the center of old Fort Fisher, near Federal P lint, North Carolina at Latitude :rec 5s' OS" north and Lon degrees 55' 10" west. Thl sector extends over an arc of I i'ii decrees, with a radius of 25, ! (ohi y ;ris, hounded by limiting mes hearing .V ,U degrees L. and 10 degrees W. from said center. The Regulations (lii (1) Sailing vessels or anv watereraft having a speed of les than 5 miles per hour will keep clear of these sectors at all times after notices of firing have been given. Any vessel or other water craft propelled by mechanical power at n speed greater than 5 miles per hour may enter the fir- STATEMENT ANGIER KINSTON LOUISBURG ROSEBORO FORT BRAGG $32,949,015.00 CORPORATION 11 INSURANCE ini sectors without restriction ex cept when the signals enumerated in paragraphs (4) and (5) are be ing displayed. When the aboe signals are displayed, all vessels in the sectors will "clear immediately and no vessel will enter the sectors until the signals indicate that fil ing has ceased. (2) Firing over the range will take place during both daylight and night-time hours, at irregular periods throughout the year. (3) Two days in advance of the day when firing in either sector is scheduled to begin the Com manding General, Camp Davis, North Carolina, and - or the Com manding Officer of the Marine Base, Jacksonville, North Caro lina, will warn the public of the contemplated firing through the public press, the Coast Guard, the Cape Fear Pilots Association at outhport, North Carolina, and the Pilots Association at Moreheac City, North Carolina. (4) A tower shall be erected near the shore in each sector, at least 50 feet in height. On dayt when there is firing in a sector, a red flag will be displayed on the I rpsnpctivp tovvpr. This flair will he displayed not later than 8:00 a. m. and will be removed when firing ceases for the day. (5) During night firing re! lightts wiil be displayed on the re spective tower and searchlight', will be employed as barrier light: to enable safety observers to de tect vessels which may attempt to enter the danger zone. (6) These regulations shall be enforced by the Commanding Gen eral, Camp Davis, North Carolina, and - or the Commanding Officer, i Marine Base, Jacksonville, North Carolina, or such responsible agent or agents as they may designate. Approved August 28, 1941. Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of War. NOTE : These rules and regula tions, when published, have the force of law. They were published in the Federal Register on Sep tember 19, 1941; public notices ot theirtheir approval were sent to all known interested parties on September 22, 1941; they have been posted at the Post Offices at Wilmington, N. C, Beaufort, N. C, Jacksonville, N. C, Sneads Fer ry, N. C, Southport, N. C, and Swansboro, N. C. Sawmills New, lightweight portable saw mills now are in use on farms in V isconsin and Ohio. The mills can be set up in 30 minutes. Uc4 UtUJl JACKSONVILLE FAYETTEVILLE FRANKLINTON SPRING HOPE RICHLANDS Home Specialist To Visit Service Club Here Oct. 3 The Central 4-H Service Club will hold its regular monthly meet ing in the Court House Friday evening, October 3, 7:30 o'clock. Mr. H. B. James, assistant Home Management Specialist, State Col lege Extension Service, will have charge of the program, the sub ject of which is "Establishing a Home." Mr. James w ill use movie slides to illustrate the lesson. Virginia Stanton, newly elected president, will have charge of the entire program. Subscribe to The Beaufort News. Professional CARDS Dr. J. O. Baxter, Jr. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted FRONT ST. BEAUFORT ROY EUBANKS COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Dial 388-6 Beaufort, N. C. JAMES DAVIS Agent THE CAROLINA INSURANCE COMPANY Fire, Automobile, Marine and Allied Lines of Insurance NOTARY PUBLIC First Citizen Ranlr Beaufort N. C. DR. E. F. MENIUS OPTOMETRIST Rooms 206-207-207-A McLellan Bldg. NEW BERN, N. C. DR. LUTHER FULCHER Medicine & Surgery Office Hours: 9 to 12 M. 2 to S P. M. And By Appointment RAMSEY BUILDING Office Phone 424-1 Res. 485-1 DR. W. S. CHADWICK MEDICINE & SURGERY Office Hours: 9 to 12 M 3 to 5 P. ML and by Appointment RAMSEY BUILDING Office Phone 424-1 Res. 372-1 O. H. JOHNSON. M. D. Eye, Ear Nose & Throat SPECIALIST GLASSES FITTED Office Hours: Morehead City 9 A. M. to 2 P. M Including .Siinrfa Beaufort . 5 n d. P. M. Week days only DR. J. O. BAXTER THE EYE ONLY Eyes Examined Clesses Fitted NEW BERN. N. C. EARL MASON JUSTICE OF PEACE NOTARY PUBLIC Eudy Barber Shop Beaufort, N. C. C H. BUSHALL Fire, Health, Accident, Automobile Insurance Real Estate Bought SoldRented Will Write Your Bond RELIABLE COMPANIES GOOD SERVICE 108 Turner Street Beaufort DIAL 415-1 Dr. JOSEPH A. SYLVESTER Physician and Surgeon Office Hours Phone B-307-2 9-11 12-2 6-9 617 PINE ST. BEAUFORT, N. C. Marin and Automotive Equipment. Electric and Acetylene Welding. Cylinder Heads & Engine Blocks Welded. Delco Engine Repair Part of All Kinds. Generators, Starters, Car buretors. American Hammered Pis ten Rings Valspar and Kirby's Paints and Enamels. BARBOUR'S MACHINE SHOP Beaufort N. C