fhurday, October 2, 1941 THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. PAGE SEVEN ::::::::u::s::::u::::::::::::::::s:tn:u::::s:s ( 1 Xd X n hi mmA 'A 2 d jd THE MORE YOU LEARN THE MORE YOU EARN That's how your pay is based in the Navy. Start at $21, 4 months later get $36, and in 8 months get $54, IF YOU LEARN MORE YOU GET MORE FELTOIPS "Everything To Wear" BEAUFORT N. C. II YOU II GO 8 CAN'T WRONG - II When you shop at our store for Groceries & !l Meats. :: tt PRICES ARE ALWAYS IN LINE. Neither will you young men go wrong when you join the U. S. NAVY where you ore always afforded every op portunity to succeed Owens Bros. GROCERY & MARKET Beaufort - - - - N. C. BARBOUR'S MACHINE SHOP Always striving to please our customers and friends and will ing to cooperate with any worthwhile move ment that will help to build up our town, community, state and nation. YOUNG MEN Join The Navy YOUNG MEN, LIKE GOOD FOOD? The Navy is famous for it. Join the best fed Navy in the world. HOUSEWIVES, LIKE GOOD FOOD? C. D. Jones Co. In Beaufort is famous for its High Quality Foods - Join the many well pleased house wives today by dialing 314-1 or 315-1 IF THERE WAS A TIME IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES WHEN THE CO OPERATION OF ALL ITS CITIZENS WAS NEEDED, THAT TIME IS NOW! REGARD LESS OF WHO YOU ARE, SO LONG AS YOU ARE A LOYAL, 100 PERCENT AMERICAN CITIZEN YOU CAN, AND SHOULD, DO SOMETHING TO HELP UNITE, STRENGTHEN AND CONTINUE TO BUILD UP THE MORALE OF ITS PEOPLE. OUR GOVERNMENT NEEDS THE HELP OF ALL IN SECURING YOUNG MEN FOR THE NAVY. THE BUSI NESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN OF BEAUFORT ARE DOING THEIR PART BY COOP ERATING WITH THE U. S. NAVY TO PUT ACROSS THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE. JMUuiJUuvl READ HMWU 7W CANBECCA'3 J m Jok, i Af EXPERT M AVIATt0N,RADl0 I vlP rZZ I 7V7 OR EN6NEERIN6 AND DRAW $5 ( MOD PAY WHILE YOU LEARN J LOOK WHAT THE U. S. NAVY AND NAVAL RESERVE OFFER YOU FREE TRAINING worth $1500. Nearly 50 trades and vocations to choose from. GOOD PAY with regular increases. You may earn up to $126 a month. You are entitled to a generous vaca tion period, with full pay, each year. GOOD FOOD and plenty of it. FREE CLOTHING. A complete outfit of clothing when you first enlist. (Over $100 worth.) FREE MEDICAL CARE, including regular dental attention. FINEST SPORTS and entertainment any man could ask for. TRAVEL, ADVENTURE, THRILLS - You can't beat the Navy for them! BECOME AN OFFICER. Many can work for an appointment to the Naval Academy or the Annapolis of the Air at Pensacola. FUTURE SUCCESS. It's easy for Navy-trained men to get good paying jobs in civil life. LIBERAL RETIREMENT-PAY for regular Navy men. ENROLL IN THE NAVAL RESERVE ..BE RELEASED AFTER THE EMERGENCY The Secretary of the Navy has an nounced: "All men now enlisting in the Naval Reserve will be retained on active Navy duty throughout the period of the national emergency, but they will be released to inactive duty aa soon after the emergency aa their services can be spared, regardless of the length of time remaining in their enlistment. Remember the regular Navy and Naval Reserve offer you the same trav el, training, promotions, pay increases. Physical requirements in the Naval Re serve are more liberal. Send coupon! SERVE YOUR COUNTRY BUILD YOUR FUTURE fc , " i 1 1 IF YOU WANT to get ahead fast, to Berve your country to build yourself a good-paying future . . . here's theOp portunity you've been waiting for. The U. S. Navy may train you to become an expni in any one of nearly 50 skilled fields. Each month, over 5056 new men will be sent to a Navy Service School, where you can learn to be a Diesel engine operator, machinist, avi& " tion mechanic, aerial photographer, radio operator; c whatever specialized work you're best fitted for. This first year's training which you get is worth at least $1500. The Navy foots the entire bill. You earn while you learn.' In fact, it is possible for an enlisted man to earn up to $126 per month with keep. You'll have plenty of opportunity for advancement in position and pay and you'll have fun while you learn! You'll come out of the Navy fully prepared to take on a good job in private industry. And if you want to stay in the Service, you can go right to the top . . . and retire at thd end of 20 years or 30 years with a liberal monthly income; You can choose now between the regulars or the re serves. Both oner equal opportunities for advancement. Get this FREE Booklet e Mail coupon for your free copy of "Life in the U.S. Navy." 24 pages, fully illustrated. It answers all your questions. Tells what your pay will be . . . promotions and vacations you can expect. . .how you can retire on a life in come. Describee how you can learn any one of 45 big-pay trades from aviation to radio... how many may become officers. 27 scenes from Navy life showing sports and games you may play, ships you may be assigned to, exciting ports you may visit. Tells enlistment requirements and where to apply. If you are between 17 and SI (no high school required), get this free book now. No obligation. Ask the Navy editor of this paper for a copy. Or telephone him. Or mail him the coupon. You can paste it on a penny postal card. WEAR THIS BADGE OF HONORI If after reading the free booklet you decide to apply for a place in the Navy, you will receive this smart lapel-emblem. It is a badge of honor you will be proud to wear. Tear out and take or send this coupon to the Navy Editor of this newspaper As Without any obligation on my part whatsoever, please send me free booklet'Life in the Navy, "giving full details about the opportunities for men in the Navy or Naval Reserve. Name. -Age Address. Trnrn Stata YOUNG MEN TAKE ADVANTAGE . . . Of the many oppor tunities af f o r d e d you by serving your country in the U. S. Navy. Read about the training that is worth $1500 to you. Dial 447-1 Johnson-Saunders Dry Cleaning Co. Beaufort - - North Carolina THE NAVY OF FERS MANY GOOD ADVANTAGES . . . Over Any Other Kind Of Military Training Why don't you enlist now and get your choice of many good jobs. They are open for you just as we are open for the Fur niture needs of all who want the most for their money. EASTMAN FURNITURE COMPANY Beaufort N. C. GET YOUR CHOICE 8 OF 45 GOODJOBS - Joining the Navy is f just like going away to school, except that in stead of paying for j! your education - you are getting paid for your education. The more you learn the more you earn. Maybe you would like to be a Pharmacist's Mate Bell's Drug Store Beaufort - - - North Carolina ACT NOW... The young men of Carteret and sur rounding territory should enlist in the U.S. Navy where opportuni ties a bound for red blooded young A mericans. L0FTIN MOTOR CO. Beaufort N. C. THE GREATEST LIFE IN THE WORLD A large number of Carteret County boys are already in the U. S. Navy, drawing good pay learning a good trade seeing the world. You will like the Navy too. Scaiboro-Safrit Lumber Go. THE U. S. NAVY Is The Place For A Young Man To Serve His Country and Learn A Trade The Beaufort Theatre Beaufort North Carolina Tidewater Povei Company Suggests that you young men volunteer in the U. S. Navy now, and learn a trade that will mean much to you such as an electric ; ian. Serve Your Country and At The Same Time Help Yourself To A Better Position In Life. Beaufort North Carolina