Thursday, January 22, 1942. PAGE SIX DON'T SAY "NO" TO THE AMERICAN RED CROSS -;- County News -:- EEP YOU t Items for this column should reach The News office each Tuesday. If your community is not represented write up for dD H JL Jl N (B instructions and supplies. THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. i rati; c . !i i SOUTH RIVER Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Cannon of New Bern spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Linzie Can non. Mr. and Mis. Gaston Hill car ried his mother, Mrs. Julia Hil! home Sunday to Sea Level. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Wallace spent a short while Saturday eve ning with Mr. and Mrs. Rhone Wallace. .J-.A&.1 Mrs. Rhone Wallace is getting better. Hope she will soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. William Pittman of New Bern spent Sunday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. George Hardy. Mrs. Elijah Dixon went to Beaufort Monday to the doctor for treatment. We hope she will soon be better. Mrs. George Tosto spent Mon day with Mrs. Guy Conway. Mr. Ramond Cannon was taken to Potter's Emergency hospital in Beaufort Sunday with pneumonia. We hope for him an early recov ery. Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace of Durham, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor of Durham spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and rMs. John Wallace. MERRIMON Mrs. P. F. Carraway and chil dren, George Carraway, 11a Ver non Currie, and Mr. and Mrs. John Felton motored to Oriental on Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. Carraway's sister, Mrs. Claud Edwardson. Private Grady Carraway of Fort Bragg spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Car raway. Rev. M. 0. Stephenson of More head City filled his regular ap pointment Sunday at 11 o'clock. He was dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Martin. Mrs. Sam Mills of Bridgeton spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. E. L. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Duncan, Miss Lena Duncan and Miss Jones of Beaufort were in the neighbor hand on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams spent Sunday afternoon visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Carraway. Mr. and Mrs. "Hunk" Taylor of Durham, and Miss Annie Bell Wal lace of Morehead City spent Sun day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wallace. Mrs. Anna Thomason, her son, David, and Miss Louise Townsend of Whiteville returned home last week after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stallings. Miss Althera Flythe of Wilson is visiting her father, H. T. Flythe. Mr. and Mis. Pete Becton of Beaufort spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Car-rawav. Miss Myra Love Paul of Bache lor spent Sunday with Misses Minnie and Agnes Carraway. Mrs. George Tosto of South Riv er spent Monday with Mrs. G. M. Carraway. We are glad to report that Mr. D. M. Salter who has been on the sick list is improving. Mr. Oscar Pittman who ha been working at Edenton is visit ing his family for a few days. Mrs. J. M. Stallings went to Eeaufort on Monday for medical treatment. She has an ear infec tion. Mr. George Edward Caraway of the Coast Guard, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Carraway. BACHELOR Mr. ' Phillip Taylor and sister, Emily, of" North Harlowe, visited in the community Sunday. Mrs. John Conner of Dover, Mr. Manly Conner and son, Lester, of New Bern RFD, Mr. Sherrod Tay lor, Mrs. Guy Pinker and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Hattie Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Lantis Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Taylor, Mrs. C. B. Belangia, all of Newport New?. Va.., attended the funeral of Mr. J. L. Taylor Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Manly Eubanks and son, Mack, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Elmo Taylor Sunday. Helen and Janet Simpson visit ed Dorothy and Gerald Taylor Sunday. Sheila Kay Smith spent Sunday with Jean Carol Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. John Felton Jr. of North River and Mr. George Car raway visited Miss Ester Grey Tay lor Sunday. ATv and Mrs. Ralph Simpson vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Taylor Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Tallman of Beaufort RFD and Miss Bertha Bell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Taylor Sunday afternoon. Friends of Virginia Taylor are wishing her a quick recovery from her illness. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service met with Mrs. w. L. Harris Thursday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Poe and daughter, Mary Frances, Mrs. Don Barbour and Dr. and Mrs. Hussey of Beau fort were welcome visitors. Mrs. L. P. Taylor and children of Vanceboro spent several days last week with Mrs. H. N. Harris. fi n i ' I i feULil! si Lii il i DAVIS "THE UNITED STATES HAS NEVER LOST A WAR.I and I'm sure that all true Americans have a great deal of pride and comfort in that fact" said Silliman Evans, the new Chicago Sun Publisher who, with four "Angels of Mercy, recently ap peared on NBC's Plantation Party Broadcast in behalf of the American Red Cross. Mr. Evans, in his appeal for funds, stated, "L for one. find a great deal of pride in the tact mat Americans have never failed to answer the call of their great Red Cross organization. Because it has never failed to answer the plea of stricken and unfortunate people, regardless of who regardless of when regardless of where. The Red Cross has extended its aid to every country on the globe, even at an hour when our most hated enemy of today was humbled to the ground by an earthquake. Never, since the American Red Cross was founded by Clara Barton in 1882. has this great or ganization had to call on the government for financial help. The people of America have always contributed generously to its work. The present war can be no exception our boys are going to need the Red Cross. It is up to all of us to contribute as generously as possible for it is now faced with its grcr ' ?t lask. Please! Good people of America don't say 'NO' to ...e American Red Cross this year. For the American Red Cross has nevnr said 'NOT to anvonl" Mr. and Mrs. Alva Fulcher and daughter, Ava, of New Bern, spent Sunday here with her relatives. Mr. Guion Willis of Norfolk, Va. spent a few days of the past week here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Willis Sr. Miss Melba Willis left Thursday for Asheville where she has ac cepted a position. Rev. Bill Blades Parkin of Beau fort preached at the F. W. B. rhnvrh Sundav and Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Davis of Beaufort spent Sunday afternoon with his sister, Mrs. A. F. Davis. Mrs. W. C. Willis of New Bern visited her mother, Mrs. Sallie Muruhv Sundav. Mr. Martin Dixon of Salter Path spent Sunday with his brother Mr Sterling Dixon. Mrs. Hattie Parkins and Mrs. SaDhronia Mason of Beaufort scent Sundav here visiting friends Mrs. Rosalee Davis returned home Saturday from Lumberton after spending the past three weeks with her mother. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Willis Friday the 16th twin girls, Jean and Joan. Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Sprlngle and small daughter of Wilmington are spending a while here with Mrs. Springle's mother, Mrs. Pol ly Fulcher. Mr. and Mrs. John Chaplain and son of West Beaufort spent Sun day afternoon here with Mrs. W. D. Blake and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Beachem and children, Mr. and Mrs. Maivin Taylor and Sara, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beachem spent Sunday witii relatives in Oriental and Vande- mere. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Warren of Morehead City spent f short while here Sunday with M". and Mis. L. J. Hill. SEA LEVEL HARLOWE Mrs. Carlton Taylor and Mrs. R. W. Ward were in Morehead City Tuesday on business. Clyde Campen of Texas, accom panied by his sister, Mrs. Bettie Pake and her son, Billie, of Bettie visited their cousin, Mrs. A. N. Bell on Thursday. Mrs. A. H. Tallman of near Beaufort spent Friday with her nephew, Philip Taylor. Mrs. R. W. Ward, Miss Mar guerite Becton and Mrs. Carlton J. Taylor were in Beaufort Thurs day on business. Miss Blanch Bell who works at Morehead City spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Ken L. Dickinson and son of Beaufort visited Mrs. W. C. Williams Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lou Bel who has been liv ing with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dick inson at Core Creek is now with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ball. CORE CREEK We are all glad to learn that Mrs. L. C. Dickinson is able to be out again. Mrs. Douglas Sabiston and chil dren left Saturday for South Car olina. Mr. Ray Dickinson is still on the sick list. Those who visited him Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Kin Dickinson of Beaufort, Mr. and Mrs. Aelx Taylor of Harlowe, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dickinson, and Mr. Curt Dickinson. Miss Irene Sabiston spent Mon day in New Bern. Mrs. Lula Bell who has been staying with her daughter, Mrs. Earl Dickinson has gone to Har lowe to stay with her daughter. Mrs. Grace Ball. Mrs. Curt Dickinson is on the sick list this week. The Five C's Club met Monday evenini? in the Community House, with Mrs. David Merrill as hostess. After the business meeting gamei were played and then the hostess served cake and punch. Mrs. Earl Dickinson is on the sick list this week. Birthday Party Miss Alice Marie Taylor, daugh ter of Mrs. Lydia L. Taylor of Sea Level, celebrated her fifteenth birthday Friday night, January ifi After several games were play ed Mrs. Taylor brought in the birthday cake with candles lighted. The lights were turned out and everyone sang "Happy Birthday." Cake, punch, peanuts and mints were served by the hostess. Miss Taylor received many nice and useful gifts. The guests were: Romona Sal ter. Louise Lewis. Marearet Sal ter, Pearl Fulcher, Evelyn Taylor, Gilda Salter, Varina Taylor, Keta Salter, Helen Smith, Iris Edwards, Mary Alice Smith, Elsie Nelson, Geraldine Salter, Hilton Lee Tay lor, Horace Gaskill, Edward Tay lor, Curtis Salter, Ralph Gaskill, Mildon Lewis, Wallace Gaskill, Linas Willis, Clifton Lupton, Ralph Pittman, Harvey Taylor, Tullie Williams, Blanchard Lup ton, Doity Gaskill, Alvah Braxton Fulcher, Andrew Pittman, Monnie Fulcher Jr., Lester Gaskill, Hed- rick Salter, Cecil Ray Hamilton, Alex Nielsen, Hershall Allen Tay lor, Marvin Fulcher, Stanley Sal ter and Braxton Tayor. The guests left at 10 o'clock each saying they enjoyed the party- MANY CHILDREN IN COUNTY GE 1 VACCINATIONS The Health Department has had a considerable increase in requests for Diphtheria and Whooping Cough immunizations during the past week. It is hoped that trie nuhlir will continue their interest 1 " " in the fact that there is an urgent need that all children over six months old receive the injections. With approximately 70 cases of Diphtheria reported for North Carolina for the past month the danger from this disease is ocnsid tva'Jle. The local Health Department is giving Diphtheria Toxoid injec tions to children, free of charge, Tuesday afternoon from 1 to 3, and Saturday morning from 9 to 12. Whooping Cough Vaccine may be received at the same hours for a small charge. THROUGH OUR CONVENIENT GMAC Payment Plan FOR REPAIR SERVICES AND ACCESSORIES When It Is Not Convenient For You To Call In Person We Will Give Prompt Attention To Your Mail and Telephone Orders. We might as well face the facts. To facilitate war production, you're going to have to make your present car last and last The na tional welfare requires that existing automobile transportation be main tained at the highest efficiency possible without interfering with the war effort. In order to help you keep your car in good order; to help you maintain its even operation, we will utilize the GMAC services, as we, are now equipped to offer you a special plan whereby you can finance repairs on your car whatever the make or model and pay for them in regular convenient monthly payments. BRING YOUR CAR IN AND DISCUSS WITH US THIS EASY GMAC PAYMENT PLAN SPECIAL NOTICE AH parts, accessories and labor will be strictly cash, beginning January 1, 1942. We are forced to do this because of the shortage of parts and accessories. Please do not embarrass us and yourself by ask ing for credit. We will be glad to handle your repair jobs amounting to $25.00 or more on the above mentioned GMAC payment plan. SOUND CHE 0LET COMPANY SALES SERVICE I Morehead City North Carolina The newly adopted Marine Corps slogan in North Carolina is, "Let's go with the Marines." NORTH RIVER Mr. Otis Willis of Southport spent the weekend here with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Murphy and children of Beaufort spent a while here Sunday with Mr. Clay ton's sister, Mrs. W. D. Blake and family. Mrs.' Thelma Whitehurst of Beaufort spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Jesse Wade. CONFIDENCE! Here's one for the books. On December 31, Corporal Vincent Bogert, New York radio and pub licity man, now attached to the 96th Coast Artillery here, married Miss Marie Cowan in Conway, t. C, and spent a short honeymoon at Myrtle Beach. Simple announcement in the so ciety columns until the item was read one day by Staff Sgt. Roland E. DeHaven, also of the 96th. De Haven didn't know Bogert, but, when he read the item, he figured he ought to. You see, DeHaven also was mar ried last month, and his wife's maiden name was also Cowan. The date was the 13th (by a dexterous reversal of figures, you can get a coincidence out of this). What's more, he too was married in Con way and, after that, actually pick ed Myrtle Beach for his honey moon. Bogert wears size 8 shoes. De Haven wears size 9. "iff 4 Vr nfofrit iffri-'Hs ffiiffl'Wtomm .-WflrtiT-iturfhTiHi MwttMiW nrffliii- iiiif nm tirii"tr tut MratiBf n i f fimriwyrii i.Trtmaifi ifrtinffyrflrrriii utetrtirr -Vr mnnn-' SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS $1.50 PER YEAR. LIST YOUR CARTERET COUNTY TAXES NOW 10 PERCENT PEN ALTY FOR FAILURE TO LIST DURING JANUARY THE ROYAL BAKING COMPANY TAKES THIS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK EACH ANEf EVERY ONE OF THE THOUSANDS 17EI0 VISITED BAMBY'S NEW HOME Every member of the Royal Baking Company organization deeply appreciates the overwhelming interest shown bj thousands of loyal friends who attended the housewarming festivities at the new plant. It was a demonstration ol friendship that has warmed the hearts of every man and woman throughout the entire Royal Baking Company organ ization and one which will be always remembered. Be assured that a Royal welcome awaits you any time you care to visit the New Home of the Royal Baking Company. It will always be an honor to show friends, old and new, through the plant And so again, we say and every member of the organization joins with us-"We thank you!" BAKING COMPANY RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA I ! 5 ! I X 1 t ?