PAGE TEN THE EEAUFORT NEW;- BEAUFORT, N. C. Thursday, December 3, 1942 OPIOItTlLITY K.MHKS IIEISE" ill flowers. Thi' follow i projrra:n piv- sonar Onward Christian SoU- FOR SALE SIX ROOM .use on Gordon Street. Sec Jont Mhn Lewis, Beaufort, X. C. FOR RENT 3 ROOM UP- tairs apartment with bath and Frigiduire. Phone 341-1 or see Mrs. Maude Gainer. 206 Ann St. FOR RENT S ROOM UNFURN- islvd house in excellent condition 6 miles from town on North River Road. Apply Ella Uavis- 301 A i.n St. . FORWENT GARAGE APART-nu-nt. furnished, waterfront. Ap rlv I GOT Front St., ireaufort. 1 n.n-io FROM, 1I.1S. L . . Unjinai ligood .,! Poem Mrs. Pearl Ai- Mrs, Y .B. LOST OR STRAYED home small Brown Male do? w'.tn i Special white breast. Will come if called j Sprinkle. Poochi". A child's pet. Any ;nfor- Short Talk and Presentation of mation see Mrs. Robert Tt-ylor. Wedding Cake Mrs. Hubert Wil- 809 Front St., Beaufort. FOR SALE KEROSENE WA- ter heater. Call Bft. 3i5-6. LOST EITHER AT MOVIES OR father and on Front Street Dlatinum rinar set ! sroom. with '2 diamonds. Return to 111 Front St. Reward. lis. The beautiful cake with a min iature bride and room on it was brought in by the bridegtoom's ;iven to the bride and FOR RENT 2-ROOM APART- ment. furnished, downstairs. Hot and cold water. Apply 114 Moore Street. FOR SALE TWO SINGLE drawer steel "Beloy" fiiin cabi nets. 12 x 12x2 4. Call B 382-1 WANT TO SHARE AN. APART- ment with couple. All modern con veniences. Rent reasonable. Apply 120 Ann St. Beaufort. MORE ABOUT SERVICE (Continued lrcm page 1) MORE ABOUT CYCLONE (Continued from paga 1) Bern but formerly of Beaut nt, is wi'h the Army in Cario, Etiypt. Ed grow up here, is a graduate of our hVh school, Class of li'37, aM has many friends here who fullo-y all hi- activities with interest. Soon after joining the Army, F.d was chosen for special training in Army finances. He attended The Citai'ol, Charleston, S. C, and lias had ''inancial experience in banks in -"v Bern. During his first six mo'i.hs in service, he was promot ed i-m private to staff sergeant. o .ant impossible to say. The H'33 storm wrecked scrap houses ol tne risneries t, j but nothing so devastating as tnis I has oceured before. The large j scrap house on the Lenoxville road j was leveled to the ground last j night was built in 1934 to replace i the one lost in the previous storm, j Damages have been reported in ! other sections nearby both east 'and west of Beaufort. At Smyrna the steeple was blown from the I Methodist Church and two houses ign Edward Potter, of Wash-; were lifted from their foundations. D. C, spent last t riday tree falling at Crab Point broke wires and crews had to be oiled out for repair work. At Broad Creek the wind is said to have lift ed four houses from their founda tions, and blown the roofs from four others, and destroyed a fish house. All along the shores of the county boats broke their moorings and showed up in strange sp its. The same storm leveled houses at Harlowe. Y inet .i. D. C, spent and Saturday with his parents, Mr. anr .Mrs. E. D. Potter, of Marsh strct. He came by plane to Fort Bra::g. Mrs. Duke Howard drove him home from there. Dorsey Maitin who enterei uie Vrmy at Ft. Bragg September 27 .ias traveled around considerably ,-ince that date. He was sent from here to Mississippi and is now in ; raining at Ft. Logan, Col .-ado. te completes his tniinir. there eci-mber 23 '. reassigned ter which he will Corporal Leo Ma' this. I .S.A.. tationed at Ft. Sill, Okla.. spent ' 'hankspving with his parents. Ir. and Mrs. L. T. Matthis. He re urned to duty over the weekend. MORE ABOUT BONDS tContimied From Page One) WEDDING SHOWER Lamp by Rose 5 and 10 c Sore .vent to George Woolard for 100 Pin, S2.95 value by the Vague a cut to E. H. Potter for 10. IV.;:it bv Pnu'' Machine Short went to George Woolard for 10. Week's Pass, by Beaufort Thea v went to Mrs. D. M. D c novel- r 37. o0. Week's pass by Sea breeze j heatre went to George Woolard or "o. 25 lbs. laying mash by Gaskill's Broke' ge went to George Wool aid for 30. 1 half sole job by Bigg's Shoe Shop went to Daniel Lipma.i for ?0. 1 jar mayonniase by O.vens Grocery wentt o Mrs. J. G. Allen for 10. 1 linoleum rug by Lipman's De partment Store went to Gherman Holland for 150. ldinner by Inlet Inn Hotel went 0 w. a. KivenoanK ior 1 waaffle Iron, Bell's Drug Co. j wont to Gherman Holland for :.oo. Flour by Jas. D. Rumley went to Dr. Woodard for 7.50. Light bulbs by Barbour's Ma chine Shop went to Jake Miller for 125. 5 gals, gas Huntley's Filing Station went to Mrs. F. R. Bell for 100. 1 qt. salad dressing by Pender's went to Mrs. Howard Jones for 8. 1 carton Ciigarettes by City Grocery went to Gherman Holand for 10. 1 tie by Dili's went to Jas. Can ady for 100. te wo re e pWWar oW'.VGse Pottery, by Dee Gee Shop went to Gherman Holland for 350 Set of Pyrex by Carteret Hard ware Co., went to Jake Miller for 425. Syrup and Sugar Set by Beau fort Hardware Co. wen to Jake Miller for 75. Toilet water by Guthrie Jones went to George Woolard for 25. DAVIS. There was a .urge crowd of frk'ruls and relatives gathered at the home of Mrs. Hu bert Willis Wednesday night at 7 o'clock, Nov. 25 to give Sgt. Brax ton I'iner and his bride, the former Miss Ildna Gillikin of Atlantic, a wedding shower. Srrt. Piner wasi horn- in furlough from California. ; Four chairs w re placed in the cent or of the ''' m for the brido, a room, bis mother and father. The house was decorated with loveiy Next came the opening of the presents, which were many and ery beautiful. The young couple were vtry surprised and thanked their friends for all the lovely gifts. The crowd was then dismiss ed by prayer by Rev. W. B. Sprinkle, after which everyone was served an ice cream course. The party was enjoyed by all. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON CLUB MEETS Mrs. Hardy Lewis Jr., entertain ed the Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Club at her home on Front j " jg jiardv H Street this week. The house was at- . ' ,..f,,. tractive with fall flowers. After three progressions, a salad course was served with gingerale. Mrs. Walter Morris with high score and Mrs. Hilton Hill with se cond high were awarded prizes of defense stamps. Mrs. Charles Hassell. Mrs. Stacy Xelson and Mrs. F. L. Hussey were guests of the club. Home Beautification t Suggestions Made J John H. Harris, Extension land scape specialist of X. C. Stato Col lege, says there are mar.y home beautification jobs that can be ac complished during the month of December. "We all need to keep our morale high," he declared, "and the improvement of the homestead will help make life more pleasant for those on tiie ci vilian front, and for the fighting forces when they return from the camps and battlef ronts." He offers the following home beautification suggestions for De cember: (1) Xow is the time to trans plant trees and shrubs you will wish you had next spring. (2) In gathering Christmas greens for decoration or sale, why not go deep into the woods rather than destroy the beauty alonf the road. Even in the woods, our dec orations may be gathered by care ful pruning rather than by de stroying the tree. (3) This is a good time to prune grapes, raspber: ies. and many hrubs such as Abeha. Crapemyr ydrararea, Desmod- lum. Butterflv tiusn. and otner late summer and fall-blooming shrubs. These may be pruned equally as well in Februaiy or March, but don't put off too much lowest .Uol co.-ts wil make it necessary to se lect well bred registered animals from herds that have been fo'low tS testing programs. eed costs. Vl ice- continue strong on registers ' ani miU with ipiim-ts of iv.oie hail sixty percent slaughter on all dairy j cows in Nazi over-run countries.! American ler-ey C lttle Replacements for those herds at-( lu) ,as announced a new Social Registration Rate on all el.jible Jerseys, male or female, born pre fer the war must come from Amer- j ica alone. High transportation Russia Demanded a Second Front . . I Am Suggesting A More KNOBBY and DRESSY FRONT ATTAINED BY WEARING ROBERT A. STRONG'S TAILORED CLOTHES PACKARD'S TAILORED SHIRTS AND TIES AND KNAPP SHOES vious to October 1 1939. The pur pose of this reduced rate is to al low greater numbers of American dairymen to "cash in" on the val ,iia r,f i-pcktration that arn in a, ili. nr.- todnv and promised tomnr.i row. AT FIRST SrCH OF A USE 666 TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE DROPS Represented By W. CHADWICK (Better Known as Uncle Cooch) Hospital Notes Mrs. W. D. Skarren who has been a patient at Potters Emer gency Hospital several days suffer ing from an attack of Asthma was discharged Monday, her friends wil be glad to learn. Mrs. Sparks of Harkers Is'and, who has been a patient at Po'ters Emergency Hospital for the past week suffering from bruises and lacerations resulting from an auto mobile accident, was discharged on Monday of this week, her many friends will be glad to learn. (4) Keep the leaves off your lawn use them for compost. Mow your winter as often as nec essary. (5) Avoid pruning (dehorning) your valuable shade trees. The only pruning shade trees need is removal of the dead limbs, o: per haps some thinning out of the branches. FIRST BAPTIS ' JRCH CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their deeds of kindness and sympathiz ing efforts to comfort us during the illness and death of our daugh ter Thelma. Also for the beautiful floral tributes and those who fur nished cars. Mr. and Mrs, and family. Lemmie Mason Calves Sunday 9:45 A. M. Sunday School, M. Leslie Davis, superintendent. 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship. 6:30 P. M. Baptist Training Union. Groups for all ages, includ ing adults. 7:30 P. M. Evening Worship. Wednesday 7:30 P. M. Mid-w'eek Seivice. 8:15 P. M. Choir Practice. Sure It Pays ! "Prices for registered dairy cat tie are very healthy," as was obsef ved at the recent auction sale al the Riverside Dairy, Crab Point states J. Y. Lassiter, County Agri cultural Agent. The war-tim? im portance of greater milk pioduc tion has caused farmers to lock to those methods and those dairy cows that have been bred down through the ages to produce the greatest amount of milk at the SMART NEW J ARM AN SCOTCH 99 AND SO IS THIS BREAD AT HOME XU it OFFICIAL WORD J mm isnZDHfllEM SHOES FOR MEN Genuine Scotch Grain leath er handsomely styleJ to give you smartness through winter's worst. Try on a pair today let the shoe horn be the judge! $CJS5 to $g35 most irnts FELTON'S "Everything To Wew BEAUFORT, N. C o Ter. Union County 4-H Club members will grow baby beef caiv c, t'ni - year as part of their proj ect activity, reports T. M. May lidd, r'ssistant farm agent. ANN STREET METHODIST CHURCH W. Stanley Potter, Minitter 9:45 A. M. Church School. 11 A. M. Morning Worship. 6:00 P. M. Juniors. 7:00 P. M. Young People, In termediates. 7:30 P. M. Evening Worship. 7:30 P. M. Wednesday Prayer Meeting. Worship with us next Sunday. A friendly church with s wel come for you. BEAUFORT THEATRE Dial B-483-1 Today and Friday HUMPHREY BOGART - MARY ASTOR SIDNEY GREEXSTREET in "ACROSS THE PACIFIC" Plus News and Cartoon. Saturday DOUBLE FEATURE SIDNEY TOLER As CHARLIE CHAN in "CASTLE IN THE DESERT" and LEE POWELL - ART DAVIS m "ALONG THE SUNDOWN TRAIL" Plus "SEA RAIDERS." Sunday Monday Tuesday "THE MAJOR AND THE MINOR" Starring RAY MILLAND - GINGER ROGERS Plus Selected Shorts. TJTT UUQtiU Wednesday-ONE DAY ONLY VICTOR McLAGLEN in- "POWDER Pluss Added Joy. TOWN Sunday 2 - 4-8:30 Wednesday 1 til 11 Saturday 11 A.M. till 11 P.M. Shows Daily 3 - 5 - 7 - 9- ET"" 1 . & w WW w y V Sun.-Mor in rWi WW i v Wi SEABREEZE (BEM lb Fri.-Sat. Dec. 4-5 Double Feature CHAS. STARRETT A Picture For Every American Starring DONALD M. BARRY FAY MacKENSIE Alan Curtis - Ian Keith Playing At The SEABREEZE RUSSELL HAYDEN OVERLAND TO DEADWOOD RALPH BYRD HARRY LANGDON MISBEHAVING HUSBANDS plus "THE PERILS OF NYOKA" And A Technicolor Cartoon WBU0 . e mam V r Dec 9-10 Wed-Thu A MAN'S WORLD with WILLIAM WRIGHT MARGUERITE CHAPMAN Plus News And KINK OF THE CAMPUS" Fri.-Sat. Dec. 11-12 DOUBLE F E ATURE Roy Rogers - Gabby Hayes SUNSET SERENADE DOUBLE CROSS CARTOON AND "NYOKA" THEATRE