Thursday, December 3, 1942 THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. PAGE FIVE 0 c t a LOVE'S REUNION On the line of the horizon, s an island dark and fair, And in the quiet of the midnight Two lone hearts are winging there. There where giant palms are wa ving Silhouted in the light, Of the full moon which casts shad ows, On the golden .sand so bright. There where tropic flowers bloom ing Sweetly scent the jungle air, And a sense of expectation,. Makes the island seem aware. Here, within this scene of beauty Love has made a dream come true; And two lost hearts share reunion In a secret rendezvous. Carol Bessent Mrs. Howard Jones and Mrs. C. O. Pitts and children spent last Friday in New Bern shopping. o Miss Charlotte Sanders return ed homer on Sunday after spending Thanksgiving in Dover and Kins ton. Mrs. Sunie Bell came back with her. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tillet spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mrs. Roy H. Brown in Zebulon. They returned Friday evenirg. Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. S. E. Taylor, corner Ann and Queen streets has been il for the past ten days. o Mrs. D. M. Denoyer and Mrs. H D. Paul spent Saturday in New Bern shopping. Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Flowers who have been occupying an apartmen'. with Mrs. D. M. Denoyer left this week for Miami Fla. Mr. Flowers has been employed at Cherry Point. Russell Jauss of State College spent Thanksgiving at home with his parents who have an apart ment in the "old Dey House". David Hill of Wilmington spent the weekend home with his pa;ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hill and on David Hill of Wilmington spent the week end home with his par ents Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hili and on Sunday Nov. 29 he celebrated his 19th birthday. o Mrs. Johnnie Wiley returned home this week from Camp Butner Army Insignia Name Bracelet Dresser Sets mm Birthstones is?5a:?fii'7ysii?si.i7li I nub J er after spending the week end with her husband who is stationed tnere Tony DeCandia of Brooklyn, N. Y. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lewis. if Mrs. Nelson Lewis has return ed from New York where she un derwent an operation several months ago. Miss Margaret Hamilton, hupt. of Potters Emergency has cturned home from New l oik and other northern cities where she spent several months vacation. Miss Burnice Willis of Potters Hospital has returned from New York after spending several day: with relatives and friends. Charlie Styron of Hatteras ;peiu Sunday with his sister Mrs. Jot Mason. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Richards left this week for Terra Haute, Ind where their son, Teddie who is in the US Army will meet them. Walter Morris has returned from New York where he has been on business. o Mrs. J A Ratcliffe, daughter Mary and granddaughter Christe na Porter of Greenville spent Thanksgiving here with her son John Ratcliffe and Mrs. Ratcliffe. Mrs. Ben May of Lexington spent Thanksgiving holidays here with her husband who is employed here. She returned home Monday. o Mrs. Joseph Sebes has returned from a visit with her husband's parents, in Dusquesne, Pa. David Caffrey student of Oak Ridge Military Academy spent the holidays home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Caffrey. Miss Mary Sue Rudder spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her grand parents at Republican Grove, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cheek are spending this week in Raleigh with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chadwick of Kinston spent the holidays home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Chadwick. Friends wil be glad to learn that Graham Duncan Sr., who is a pa tient at James WaWlker Hospital in Wilmington is improving and hopes to be home within the week. Mrs. Richard Chadwick and son came home from the Morehead JEWELRY For Service Men -:wHHwxMx pWEETHEART S WIFE AND MOTHER WE HAVE JEWELRY FOR MOST EVERY BRANCH OF SERVICE M.V.U.U. WALTER S. MO) JEWELER Next to Bank Beaufort, N. C. Mm s n n a I City hospital on Tuesday and are at her home 811 Ann Street. Miss Nell Sheffield and Philip Thomas Jr., of Suffolk, Va., spent last week-end with Philip's parents Mr. and Mrs. Phil Thomas of Ann Street. Miss Florence Hamilton of At lantic, is spending several days in Beaufort while she is having medi cal treatment. She is the guc-t of her brother, Julian Hamilton of Ann Street. o Mrs. Oscar Phillips. (Mary Ma son) of Washington D. C. has been spending the past week with the Ball's at Harlowe and with Beau fort relatives and friends. Mr. ::nd Mrs. Julian Hamilton, their two sons and daughter, "Miss Carrie." Norcom, and Henry Nor coni went to Columbia last Wed nesday to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. W. M. Norcom. L. A. Oakley left Tuesday for Greensboro to visit Mrs. Oak ey's father, C. J. Erockmann who un derwent an operation on Wednes day. Mrs. Wilma Clark and children of Clarksville Va., spent the holi days with her sister Mrs. W. D. Skarren and other relatives. ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Ray Dickinson announce the marriage of her daughter Madie Alberta to Mr. John Patrick on Tuesday, December the first Nineteen hundred and forty-two Beaufort, N. C, R.F.D. At home 61 High St., East Rutherford, N. J. MISS MUSE ENTERTAINS I Friday afternoon following Thanksgiving, Miss Amy Mrse en tertained a number of friends at the home of Mrs. Hugh Jones on Queen Street. No great pains were taken to follow any color scheme very carefully, but such as was used was patriotic. Upon arrival a dessert course of mince pie a la mode and coffee was served after which three progressions of bridge were played. Mrs. F. E. Hyde with high score was awarded a Camellia Japonica plant. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Edward Earl Sal ter of Newport announce the birth of a daughter, Nov. 30. X id RfCHMOND-THOMAS Mr. and Mrs. Sam A. Thomas hist week announced the engage ment of their .daughter, Sidney Manney Thomas, 2nd Lieut , U. S. A., to Leon Booth Richmond Is Lieut., U.S.A., the marriage to take plii-e at 6 p.m., on December 5, in th Chapel at Port Bragg. Plans for the wedding were made public today. It wili: ol course, be most appropriately a military wedding. The bride will wear the traditional white satin with veil, and Mrs. Joseph David Sebes, her matron of honor and only attendant, will wear pink net and lace with matching hat. Sam A. Thomas, father of the biide, will give her away. In addition to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Bayard Taylor, .Mis: Helen O'Biyan, and Miss Cathe rine U liryan, will go irom Ueau fort for the ceremony. No invi tations will be issued but Mrs. Thomas wishes to invite, through this paper, any friends who can to go down for the ceremony. Miss Thomas has a host of friends here. She is a graduate of the Beaufort High School, of the Nursing- School of James Walkei Memorial Hospital, in Wilmington and for several years served as of fice nurse for Dr. U . L. Moore. She enlisted in the Army Nuising Corps last May with tlie rank of 2nd Lieutenant and has since been stationed at Fort Bragg. Lieut. Richmond is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Richmond of Longmont, California. He has been stationed at Fort Bragg for some months. After the ceremony the couple will take a short trip to an unannounced destination. They will return on Monday and both officers will again take up their duties. AUXILIARY ENTERTAINS SERVICE MOTHERS Last Friday afternoon at the Le gion Hut the American Legion Auxiliary entertained Service mo thers of Carteret County from 4 to 6 at a delightful informal tea Mrs. James Caffrey greeted the guests at the door. Tea was served from a lovely lace covered table de corated with trailing ivy. Mrs. Hugh Hill and Mrs. W. H. Bailey poured tea. lhey were assured m serving by Misses Frances Kelly, Rita Fay Hussey, Pauline Bailey, Elizabeth and Neva Bell, members of the Junior Auxiliary. Mrs. John Brooks sang appropriate songs and Mrs. R. G. Sanders gave a number of piano selections both of which added to the pleasi re of the guests. The register in charge of Mrs. F. R. Bell showed the following mo thers present: Mrs. R. G. Sanders three sons in the Service; Mrs. G. Brooks, two sons, Mrs. George Henderson, two' sons; Mrs. Vir ginia Windley Ipock, two sons, Mrs. Wiley Taylor Sr., two sons; Mis. M. S. Snowden, two sons; Mrs. C. P. Tyler, two sons; Mrs. Carvey Merrill, two sons . Those having one son in the Service were; Mrs. W. L. Arlington, Jr., Mrs. U. E. Swann, Mrs. Earle T. Willis, Mrs. William H. Bailey. Mrs. W. A. Mace; Mrs. R. H. Hill Mrs. E. H. Potter, Mrs. W. G. Temple, Mrs. Claud Wheatley, Mrs. B. J. May, Mrs. Luther Ham ilton, Mrs. 0. H. Johnson, Mrs. I. C. Stallings, Mrs. James W Mason and Mrs. Alvah II. Hamilton DON DERO-STYRON WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 19. Metropolitan Baptist Church was decorated with palms, white chrysanthemums and candelabra for the marriage of Miss Rosalie Styron, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Harvey Styron, to Mr. Charles Peter Don Dero, U. S. C. G., son of Mrs. Clara Lange Don Dero, which took place last night at 8 o'clock. The Rev. John Comp ton Ball officiated at the ceremony and Mr. Woodley Kalehoff, or ganist, and Mr. Frank Numbs." s, U. S. A., vocalist, rendered the nup tial music. (Jiven in marriage by her fath er, the bride wore a gown of ivory satin made with a fitted bodice and long, fitted sleeves trimmed with lace around the wrists, iter long veil of illusion fell from a Juliet cap of satin held by tiara of pearls and orange blossoms. She carried an arm bouquet of calla lilies. Mrs. Janet Willard, sister of the bride, was her matron of honor, wearing a gown of rose taffeta made on princess lines with a full skirt and sleeves gathered below the elbows. Her Juliet cap of vel vet matched the color of her dress and her bouquet was of chrysan themums in two shades of pink. Miss Dorothy Eaton Wells and Miss Frances Willard were the bridesmaids. Miss Wells wore a gown of orchid taffeta matching that of the matron of honor and Miss Willard's blue gown was also matching. Both carried bouquets of chrysanthemums. Mr. Don Dero had Mr. Louis Kreiger as his best man and the ushers were Mr. Vale Stephen Canfield, Mr. Otis Murphy, Mr. Stewart Baker and Mr. James Cal vin Smith. The bride's mother wore a floor length dress of turquoise crepe studded with gold sequins. She wore a hat of matching shade trimmed with pink ostrich plume, pink gloves and gold slippers. Her corsage was a pink orchid tied with matching ribbon. The groom's mother wora Iris purple with jeweled belt. Her haf was purple trimmed with velvet roses. Her slippers were of silver and her corsage was a purple or chid tied with purple ribbon. The mother of the bridegroom assisted the bride's mother in re ceiving the guests at the reception in the bride's home which follow ed the ceremony. A leading caterer had charge of the reception. A huge tiered wed ding cake graced the center of the table flanked by candekoras. White pom poms and fern decorat ed the white cloth. Large vases of white chrysanthemums were plac ed in the dining and living rooms. About one hundred guests en joyed the delicious refreshiiif nts and stayed to see the bride und groom leave for their train t.i lake thein to points north. Alter a ten day's honeymoon Mrs. Don Iiero will make her home with her par ents while Mr. Don Dero returns to his duties in U. S. Coast Guard service. The couple received nu merous gifts, among them U. S. Bonds. The bride is formerly of Car teret county. Out of town guests were Mrs. D. C. Willis, of Davis, aunt of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Willis, of Davis; Mrs. J. P. Smith and Mrs. Clarence Willard of Greenville. For the going-away costume the bride wore an aqua crepe dress trimmed with gold sequins. Her accessories were brown and she wore a mink coat with a hat of matching fur. The bride attended Eastern High School and is a graduate of Strayer Business College. She is now employed at the United States Civil Service Commission. Mr. Don Dero was graduated from Mc Qel A Qlamorous Neu Hairdo Get ready for the Holiday Rush with a New Delib erately Pretty Hairdo . . One that befits your dress up attire as well as your busy wartime days. Choose flattering, little-girl ringlets or sophisti cated bangs. Let us design the coiffure most suit able, most becoming for you! Margaret's PHONE 428-1 g DON'T DELAY SHOP TODAY Bell's Drug Store IS THE PLACE Take Advantage Of Our LAY-A-WAY PLAN IEITS DRUG STORE IS THE Front Street DAY PHONE 323-1913-1 THE HUMPHREY'S Mrs. J. W. Humphrey returned Monday from Thanksgiving holi days spent at Snow Hill, Wilson, jind Fort Bragg. Mrs. Humphrey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Pitt man of Clark, who have been spending some time with her ac companied her as far as Snow Hill where they all visited Mrs. Ham phrey's brother, H. B. Pittman. From there Mrs. Humphrey went to Wilson to spend Thursday with Margorie and the two of then ran down to Fort Bragg to see Bob who is in the Field Artillery Re placement Center there for his ba sic training. Bob was laid up tem porarily with a cold, but declares he is happy in his new experiences. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Willin.n P. Garrish of Ocracoke accounce the birth of a son Wiliam P. Jr.. Friday, Nov. 27 at Potters Emergency Hospital. Mi, and Mrs. Swindell Tay'or an nounce the birth of a son Swindell .Allen, Saturday -Nov. at. rot- j ters Emergency hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gillikin of Williston announce the birth of a son. Dec. 2 at Potters hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Straiton of Davis announce the birth of a daughter, December 1 at Potters hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hardy of Lukens announce the birth of a son, Sunday, Nov, 29 at Potters Emergency hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Talbot of Beaufort RFD announce the birth of a daughter, Beatrice, Thursday, November 19 at Potters hospital. Kinley High School and is now a second class petty officer in the Coast Guard. Open each Tues day And Friday Evening By Appointment During December Beauty Shop BEAUFORT, N. C. Evening In Paris Sets-$1.25 & up Christmas Gifts By Y ARDL E Y Set -$1.50 up KAYWOOD1E Pipes - $3.50 up PLACE Beaufort, N. C. NIGHT PHONE 397-1 ttrcru MRS. MOSIER ATTENDANT IN ABERDEEN WEDDING Mrs. D. W. Mosier, of Green ville, (Mary Taylor Hinnanl), was selected as matron of honor by Miss Lida Duke Blue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Blue, of Aberdeen, who became the bride of Vance Hampton Crane, Chief Specialist, U.S.N.R., son of Mrs. Vance Hampton Crane, of Fay etteville, in a brilliant church cer emony on November 28. Miss Blue and Miss Hinnant were school mates at St. Mary's in Raleigh. CASUAL CLUB MEETS The Casual Club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr . Phil Thomas with Mrs. J. R. M -Kinnie as hostess. After sewir.;; and conversationing for a coup..' of hours, delicious refreshment of fruit cake and whipped cream was served with hot chocolat .. Mrs. Oscar Phillips of Washingtr i D. C, wa a guest of the club. Stabilizer The Manpower Commissi) l or der to keep essential workers on farms is expected to be of value in helping to stabilize the labor situa tion on dairy farms. Shop Earlij While Assortments Are Complete WINTER GOATS -and- HOLIDAY DRESSES NEW "JEWEL" TRIMS Every one a copy of a season "hit" style. Sport Skirts And Sweaters Novelties Underwear and Gifts Arriving Daily A STORE FULL OF QUALITY GOODS A thrilling collection of latest styles and fab rics. MARTIN'S FRONT ST - - BEAUFORT SUITS if