Thursday, August 19, 1943 THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. Legal Notices PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Unlets you have an account with us all Administrator Notices, Di vorce Notices, Sale Notices, Etc., must be paid for when notice is presented for publication. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Carteret County, In the Superior Court Hazel Willis Daniels, -vs- .. j.2L Clifton Miller Daniels. To Clifton Miller Daniels: De fendant. YOU will take notice that an action entitled us above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Carteret County, North Caro lina, for an absolute divorce on the grounds of separation for more than two successive years between the plaintiff and the defendant: AND the defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Carter et County, in the office in the C ourthouse at Beaufort, N. C, within twenty days after the 16 clay of September, 1943, and ans wer or demur to the complaint filed in said action at the time of the issuance of the summons or the plaintiff will apply to the COURT for the relief demanded in the said complaint. This 10th day of August, 1943. EVA BRAVALDO, Asst. Clerk Superior Court of Carteret County, North Carolina. 4tA12-19-26S2 mid. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having: qualified as administra trix of the estate of George C. Scherer, late of Carteret County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Beaufort, N. C, on or before the 29th day of July, 1944, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 2Gth day of July, 1943. 'MRS. MARY SCHERER, Administratrix of George C. Scherer. 6W29A5-12-19-26-S2 SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY (COUNTY HOME) Purusnant to resolution passed and duly entered by the Board of Countv Commissioners of Carteret County July 12th, 1943, and by authority of law, Carteret County, through its duly authorized agents, will offer for sale and will sell to the highest bidder for cash, or up on such terms as may be accept able to the governing authorities of the County, the folwoning de scribed property: A certain tract or parcel of land in Beaufort Township, Car teret County, North Carolina, and on State Highway No. 101, and known as the County Home, beginning at a point in the center of the State Highway No. 101, at the Southeast corner of the Earl Taylor Farm and runs down the center of Highway No. 101 South 10-55' East 540 feet; thence N. 64-00' West 444 feet down the center of a ditch to Noah Avery's Southeast corner: thence with Noah Avery's line down the center of a ditch North 16-55' West 550 feet to a stake in Earl Tavlor's line; thence with Earl Taylor's, line down the center of a ditch South 63-30' East 457 feet to the beginning, containing 4.05 acres. together with all buildings situate thereon, whatsoever type and char acter. Sale will take place at the court house door in Beaufort, North Car olina on Monday, August 30th, 1943 at 12 o'clock noon, E. W. T. A cash deposit of twenty-five per cent w ill be required of the successful bidder at the time of the sale. This, the 29th day of July, 1943. COUNTY COMMISSIONER OF CARTERET COUNTY. By K. P. B. BONNER, Chmn. 4t A5-12-19-26 TOWJVandFAItM FATHERS TO BE DRAFTED Fathers 18 to 37 veais old. with children born before Septem ber 15, 1942, will be reclassified to make them available for induc tion into the armed forces after October 1. Fathers will be drafted only when it is necessary to fill a local boards quota: thev will he called without distinction regard ing the number of their depend ent children; those who are ''key men" in agriculture or psntinl industry wili be deferred; and those whose induction would cause "extreme hardship and privation to their families" will be deferred. - 3 L?ffl Ail ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of W. H. Lewis, late of Carteret County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the es tate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at Marsh allberg, N. C., on or before the 29 day of July 1944 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 27th day of July, 1943. MRS. BERTHA LEWIS, Administratrix of W. H. Lewis. 6U29A5-12-19-26S5 Having qualified as administra tor c. t. a of the estate Cicero Mann and Elizabeth F. Mann, late of Carteret County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at New port, N. C, on or before the 5th day of August, 1944 or this notice will be pleaded in bor of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This 2nd day of August, 1943. S. D. EDWARDS, Administrator, c. t. a. of Cicero Mann and Elizabeth F. Mann. 6t A5-12-19-26 S2-9 RATIONING OF HAME- CAN NED FOODS. Each person in your family may give away as much as 50 quarts of home-canned food during any cal endar year without collecting ra tion stamps. Any food which is sold does not qualify as a gift, however, and points must be col lested for all sales at the rate of eight points per quart (4 points per pound). Home canned food contributed to school lunch pro grams and similar services is in cluded in the 50 quarts. More than 50 quarts may be given away pro vided ration stamps are collected for all gifts exceeding that num ber. The stamps should be turned in to your local ration boards. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of Tom P. Tos to, late of Carteret County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the es tate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at High land Park, Beaufort, N. C, on or before the 29th day of July, 1944 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All nersnn in. debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 27th day of July, 1943 MRS. ZELMA D. TOSTO, Administratrix of Tom P. Tosto. 6t J29 A5-12-19-26S5 Having qualified a3 administra tor c. t a. of the estate of K. T). Hardesty, late of Carteret Countv. North Carolina this is to notify all persons having claims against es tate of said deceased, to present them to the undersigned at New port, N. C, RFD on or before the 5th day of August, 1944 or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 31st, day of July, 1943. Wm. J. HARDESTY Administrator eta of E. D desty. M. Leslie Davis, Attorney. Ct A5-12-19-26S2-9 Har NOTICE North Carolina, Carteret County, In the Superior Court. Carteret County, and Town of Beaufort, North Carolina, -vs- Edward O. Doyle. To Whom It May Concern, and to Edward O. Doyle, and any claim ing by ,thru or under him: Defendant above named, and al! others interested, will TAKE NO TICE that an action titled as a bove has been commenced in the superior court of Carteret Coun ty, North Carolina, for foreclosure of tax liens and assessments on part lot 137, old town, on west side Turner street, Beaufort, N. C. Deing the northern 60 feet of said lot; and the said defendant, and any and all persons claiming by, thru or under him, will further TAKE NOTICE that he, and they, isare required to appear at tho office of the clerk of the superior court of said County in the court house in Beaufort, N. C, within twenty days after the 4th. day of September, 1943, and answer or demur to the complaints in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in said complaints. This 3rd day of August, 1943. L. W. HASSELL, Clerk of the Superior Court of Carteret County, N. C. 4t A5-12-19-2Gjfd. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of W. G. Dud ley, late of Carteret County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the es tate of the said deceased, to pre sent them to the undersigned at Beaufort, N. C, RFD, on or before the 5th day of Auzust. 1944. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 5th day of August, 1943 Mrs. DOLLIE DUDLEY, GtA5-12-19-2GS2-9 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of Edward S. Mason, late of Carteret County, North Carolina, this is to notif v all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to pre sent them to the undersigned at Sea Level, N. C, on or before the 19th, day of August, 1944, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make prompt settlement. This 13th day of August, 1943. LYDIA SALTER, Administratrix of Edward S. Mason. 6tA19-26S2-9-16-23 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as admini'strn tor of the estate of .1. Ha rw Tin. vis, late of Carteret County, North Carolina, this is to notifv all new- sons having claims against the es tate of deceased, to present them to the undersigned at Newport NC RFD. cn or before the 19th day of August 1944, or this notice wili be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said WASTE FATS COLLECTED Waste kitchen fat collections the Navy Department and other 4440,274 pounds during the month of June, setting an all time high mark since the inauguration of this program in July 1942, WPB has reported. The total collected is still not sufficient to meet war demands. WPB Region I, compri eu ol the New Enu and states ranked first in pounds collected per occupied dwelling. BUDGET REPORT Government budgetary esti mates for the fiscal Year 1914 . timate total expenditures for the year, excluding debt retirement and trust fund disbursements, at lUb billion dollars, and net re ceipts at 38 billion dollars TNo pected deficit of 68 billion dollars will bring the public debt above 200 billion dollars by next June 30. In the fiscal vear inst PtiHun actual expenditures were 80 bil lion dollars, actual receipts 22 bii lion dollars, or a dehVif nf Ka k;i lion dollars. A hundred billion dollars will be needed for war ex penditures during the fiscal year 1944, compared with 7s h;n; dollars actually spent for war i 1943. The War Department now is expected to spend less and the agencies are expected to spend more for war than was estimated in January. MORE WOOLENS FOR CIVIL IANS. Several million men's maele and melton work packets, chil dren's legging sets, blankets and other needed items of men's, wom en's, and children's apparel will be added to the civilian supply this winter as a result of a program ar rived at jointly by WPB and the War Department. Army procure ments on some of the principal worsted and woolen products will be reduced bv 50 the last four months of this year. LtUAL AID TO SOLDIERS Legal aid. ranerino' from Hm,rin wills to solving problems ance, is being provided to soldiers Dy more than 600 nea;.-0 officers in military installations in the U. S. and abroad, the War De partment announced recently. At each of the legal assistance offices, commissioned officers of the Judg Advocate General's ni.nnrtw.nt ' Army Service Foi 'CPS, U'hn Q'a .,1-rt licensed attorneys, are on duty. During a recent period 50 typical legal assistance offices roiuvn.t that since their establishmen!- thu,r have assisted military personnel in a total of 24,000 matters. MORE BUTTER FOR CIVILIANS Approximately 16 million pounds oi outter, in addition to the a mount scheduled for August, will be available to civilians this month, the War Food Administration has announced. Previously, 40 percent of production was to be set aside for government purchase. This has been reduced to 30 per cent. HONORABLE DISCHARGE 'BUTTONS. An honorable discharge from the Army during the present war will be signified by a lapel button, the War Department has announc ed. Both men and women, wheth er officers or enlisted personnel, will be eligible to wear the but ton if they hold an honorable discharge. SELL EQUIPMENT TO SIGNAL CORPS Photographic and short-.vnve radio equipment purchased from private owners is now in service on many battle fronts as well as in the continental United States, but more of a number of specific items is greatly needed, the War De partment has announced. The sig nal Corps, Army Service Forces, has made a special appeal to per sons possessing certain high-grade or scarce items to sell them as a means of aiding the war effort. Owners who wish to offer equip ment for sale should write to Emergency Purchase section, Phil adelphia Singal Corps Procure ment District, 5000 Wissahickon Ave, Philadelphia, Pa. Nothing should be shipped unless request ed. RULE FOR POULTRYTRUCK ERS. Truckers hauling poultry must post within their trucks the name and address of the persons to whom it is being shipped, the place from which the items were shin. ped, their quantities types, grades and weight classes, and the num ber of head of each, the OPA has ruled. TO GET APPICATION BLANKS Members of the armed servic es of the U. S., and of the United Nations who are eligible to use War Ration Book Three, will re ceive application blanks from their commandnig officers beginning a- commanding officers beginning a these military applications and is suance of War Ration Book Three will be completed between August 15 and September 10. The book will not be needed for buying ra tioned commodities until after that time. It is estimated that ap proximaely" 700,000 men and women in the military services will be entitled to receive War Ration Book Three. WOOL SUPPLIES ABOUT SAME I he supply of wool for civilian wearing apparel is approximately the same as last season. Tn moot- military demands and equip civil ians, existing wool facilities will be operated to the limit, of n. ity. Manufacturers are reducing the variety of colors and pmmtc t their yarns; weavers are dronnimr some of the non-essential numbers from their lines. Materials produc ed will be familiar, popular, and practical types. No colors are prohibited. NEED BIG PEANUT CROP Large increases in the nrnHu.. tion of peanut butter and peanut ou irom the 1943 crop of farm ers' stock peanuts, expected to ap proximate 1,425,000 tons 375, 000 tons more than last year are urgently needed to meet war tnne requirements, says WFA. Ap proximately 413,000 tons will be made into peanut butter 375, 000 tons for civilian consumption and the remainder for the armv and Navy, : . FEDERAL EXPENDITURES Ninety-five cents out of every dollar of Federal expenditures t'oes directly into the war effort, says Secretary of the Treasury! Morganthau. This means that $30.- 8 billions of the approximately $38.7 billions which President Roosevelt estimated would hf re. ceived in the present fiscal vear will go to purchase puns trmu' ships, planes, etc. TO SAVE PAPER Between 250,000 and 300.000 tons of paper will be saved by a mended WPB Conservation Order M-241-a which affects all use of paper and is for more inclusive in its scope than any other papet conversion order. The paper sav ed, according to the WPB Pulp and Paper Division, will in; utilized to better advantage in meeting war requirements and certain civ ilian needs. Although the general public may have fewer fancy ar ticles made from paper, the real needs of the average citizen will not be seriously affected because plenty of uilitarian paper articles will still be available. FRUIT, BERRY PRICES INCREASE. Formulas for establishing max imum canners' prices for seven fruits, 11 berries, fruit cocktail, and the juices and nectars of the fruits and berries have been an nounced by OPA. The formulas take into account higher costs to canners, and since canned fruits and berries are sold under fixed mark-ups at both wholesale and PAGE SEVEN retail, it will mean increased costs to the housewife on these items. Army Worms Watch for army worm damage on luod and teed crops, says J. Myron Maxwell, in charire of Ex tension Entomology, at State College. CARD OF THANKS I -r( ML . SAMONmBY READING THE ADS HI We wish to extend our thanks and appreciation to all of you for the kind thoughts, floral wreathes and the use of cars during the ill ness and death of our beloved wife, step-mother and daughter. Calvin Gaskill, Victoria Gaskill, Rebecca Mason. TO CHECK U U. S a IN DAYS dL JL JL take OOm W Liquid for Malarial Symptom DR. LUTHER FULCHER Medicine & Surgery (Jttica Hoars: 9 to 12 M. 2 to 5 P. M. And By Appointment RAMSEY BUILDING Offics Phone 424-1 Ret. 485-1 DR. E. F. MENIUS OPTOMETRIST Room 206-207-207-A McLelUn BIdg. NEW BERN, N.C. C. H. BUSHALL Fire, Health, Accident, Automobile Insurance Re&l Estate Bought Sold Rented Will Write Your Bond RELIABLE COMPANIES GOOD SERVICE 108 Turner Street Beaufort DIAL 413-1 Dr. J O.. Baxter Jr. THE EYE ONLY BEAUFORT, N. C. O. H, JOHNSON. M n Eye, Ear Nose & Throat SPECIALIST GLASSES FITTED Office Hours: Morehe.d City - 9 A. M. to 2 P. M Including Sunday Beaufort 2 to 4 P. M Week days only i estate w-ill please make prompt set tlement. This 13th day of August, 1943. JOEL H. DAVIS, Administrator of J. Harry Davis. 6tAl9-26S2-9-16-23 WORK PANTS 1 SPORT SHIRTS DISHES TIES S0TKS I j GARDEN SEED 1 I LAWN MOWERS I onarpened THE FACTORY WAY $1.00 Western Autol i btore X BEAUFORT, N. C. f free Booklet Tells Of Thrillins Discovery; New Hope For Millions One of the most sensational scientific dis :overies of modern times is an anti-gray nair vitamin that re stores natural, nor mal color to gray hair In nature's own uay. Scientific investigation has revealed that gray hair, in many cases, may be due to a vitamin deficiency. Scfcntisn nave also discovered the particular v. tamin that is necessary to restore col. ar to the hair in such cases. Reports ot n.auc muicaie remarkable results. Sot a dye not a tint not a drug not a medicine! It is a valuable food sup. plement. If you are among the millions '.. poo-)!e who find themselves handi capped, in business or socially, because ol ?rjy hair, mail coupon below (or wntej f.r free booklet about this marvc -us n..'w vitamin discovery. There is no cost or obligation, so send today. L'n.ted Vitamin Products, 9 W. Wsshinetop St Lhirago, 111., Dept. 5 fend me FREE BOOKLET ahout the rew NT1.CRAY HAIR VITAMIN. Vane. . Stmt. Advertise in the News For Results ROOMS With Private Baths, at Reasonable Rates DINING ROOM SERVICE Morehead Villa Jar it's kr Patriotic WT Duty TO KEEP WELL tYour doctor is b'usv these davit! CntK- 1 rie-Jones Drug Store is ready to help I you keep yoi rselt well with tested med- t lcines. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED PROMPTLY Guthrie-Jones Drug Store PROMPT DELIVERY & MAIL ORDER SERVICE DAY PHONE 498-1 NIGHT 394-6 - 336-1 FRONT STREET BEAUFORT 4 IQ? One Extra S) Shell May Turn the Tide! i mv ! tl ell r extra un' or extr Plane, SJf Sr" t d'?erence een Victory and de frt J r ?h- "V n some distant battle tra fai' the,m by fai,in to buy at ex- Stein. '.nH J Plane! Buy your 8hare of 5, J tZ ds pay day untiI is war plaTes wmhfleyre b0nd y. th. more Every Pay Day . . . Everybody ... 10 TIME TRIED TESTED FIRST - CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY Front Street Beaufort, N. C. FIRE MARINE HEALTH TORNADO AUTOMOBILE G. W. DUNCAN INSURANCE AGENCY 416 Front Street Dial 318-1 LIFE BONDS ACCIDENT CASUALTY WAR DAMAGE J

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