if 3'. a rt al P I v , f c I i f ( PAGE TEN THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT. N. C. Thursday, October 7, 1943 IWli OPIHItTLTXITY T KNOCKS HEIIE" WANTED ALL PEOPLE SUF- feting with KKlney trouble or backache to try Kiddo at 97c. Mon ey back guarantee. Guthrie-Jones TWii Rtnro Rpaufort. N . C. 1 lo 1 "- -1 FOR RENT TWO FURN'SH- ed bed rooms, will accomodate two men to the room, nicely furnished with hot and cold water. 717 Ann St comer Marsh. For men oniy. FREE! IF EXCESS ACID causes you pains of Stomach Ul cers, Indigestion, Heartburn, Kelc'n ing, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at BELL'S DRUG STORE. l'.tDlC WANTED SHELLED PECANS OR WAL- nuts. Get the full benefit of your pecan or walnut crop this year by soiling direct to us. Bring or ship any quantity. Highest cash prices paid. MRS. MORTON'S CAKE SHOP Greenville, N. C. Dt.ov.25 FCR SALE BROOD SOWS &1 pigs and breeded gilts, also '1 male.; one black Angus, one Herforuj :.:(' brt-'l but rtt registered. H. I T. f'arraway, Beaufort. WANTED PEOPLE SUFFER- ing with Rheumatism, Aches and Pains to try RUMAGO. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Sold at Bell's Drug Store, Beaufort, X. C. 31.00 StOH ONE BED ROOM FOR RENT. Nicely furnished, will accomodate two men. 1101 corner Ann ami Fulford Sts. It W1H BONDS Our military forces must depiid upon aerial photographs for an ac curate mapping of enemy territory. So the aerial camera is a vital ne cessity for our scout observation planes. These cameras cost up tc $5,000 each and will make excellent pictures from tremendous heights. FOR SALE ONE GLASS SHOW Case. The Coffee Shop, Beaufort. FOR SALE 1935 PLYMOUTH Coupe. Good Tins. See F.d.vard "'ilM. Texts Sei-v:c? S;at:c:i. NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Carteret County, In The Superior Court Rob rt Scott Belford -vs- Martha Ann Belford Th 1 defendant above named will take notice: That an action entitled as above ha? i :en commenced by the plain tiff ri the Superior Court of Car teret County, North Carolina, to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant upon the grounds set out ;n the complaint tiled herein; and the defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in Beaufort, North Caro lina on the 4th day of November, 1343, or within twenty days there--fter and answer or demur to the Court for the I'elief demanded in . aid complaint. This the 4th i)43. day of October, EVA BRAVALDO, Asst. Clerk of the Superior Court of Carteret County. It 07-14-21-28cla NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Writers will be given a number foi each letter written and in the ev ening, at nine o'clock, there will be a drawing with prizes for the civilian holding the lucky number and the service man holding the lucky number. A poor map may mean the dif ference between victory and defeat So help your Boys towards victory with your f'chase of War Bor.il:i. Join thf Saving P!"n at your odice or la.: lory. Lc.s "i-y that ten percent." C, S. Treasury Department Nursery School The first meeting of the Nurs ery Recreation School was quite a success. All of those present, in cluding the teacher and leaders. enjoyed a most pleasant morning. The eleven who enrolled Satur day, October 2, were: Barbara Canady, Dan Willis Jr., Frances Willis, Rita Ann Mason, Betty Whitehurst, Ann Swain, Nancy Davis, Dick Moore, Sterling Chad wick, Frances Bell, and Linda Kay Fodrie. Elsie Ingram, Ca-olyn Mndlin, Sidney Styron and Gwendolyn Whitehurst represented the home ecomomics class in a most com mendable way. They show excel lent signs of good leadership foi these small boys and girls. The class will meet again this Saturday morning at 9:00. Dr. Swindell To Vanceboro Dr. Charles Swindell who has had offices in the Lipman Build ing for the practice of medicine left this week for Vanceboro where he will open an office. Weather Use Beaufort News Want Ads For Results The thermometer slid all the way from 55 to 92 degrees in Sep tember but set no record for eith er heat or cold. The low of 55 seemed rather cold at the time but records show that although be neath average minimum tempera ture for the month, the mercury drops that low or lower on an av erage of about every other Sep tember. The temperature for the month day by day follows: Max. 87 90 89 92 90 .... ..92 92 92 89 84 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Min. 73 73 72 ! . ...79 63 13 90 64 14 "9 63 15 $4 02 16 17 86 63 IS SI 57 19 7S 59 2i) 82 65 21 77 67 22 76 63 23 . . 83 63 24 83 63 25 79 56 26 75 55 27 75 55 28 78 58 29 78 59 30 81 61 i lost 52 Lbs.! WEAR SIZE 14 AGAIN" MRS. C. D. WELLS, ft. WORTH At Ptttur.il Hf You mar om pounds nni have a more .lender, graceful titfiire.. No nmm No drug.. No liiativc tat meat, potatoes, mavv. butter. The uperienn! of M rj. Wells may or may not be different than you", but why not try lot Aydi l'Ua ". la clinical tests under ttie direc tion of Dr. Von Hoover, 100 per sons lost 14 to 15 Ins. average) in a few weeks with the Aids Plan. Sworn to before a Notary Public. IT WiUi thia Arda Fhn you don't cut out any mean, starcnc. jMiauwi, meat, or butter, vou aimLtlvcu: tnem down. It's ilmple andt?Ji?r wheo you enjoy delicious (vitamin ioru , Awl. A VflC halnn i-h m.'jl A tltft. lutely harmless. Try a large size bo of AYDS now. 3D days supply only $2 .25. Money back GUARAN TEE if you don't get resulu. Flume F. R. BELL, Druggist BEAUFORT Vincent S. Pigott NOTARY PUBLIC GLOUCESTER, N. C. SPECIAL Mahogany and Maple Finish $47 ,50and $35.50 -at- MILLER Furniture Company BEAUFORT, N. C. PuraiiKTit tn a Dower of sale contained in that certain mort gage deed executed by Charles F. Clark and wife, Margaret Clark, dated March 4th, 1942 and record ed in Book 98 at page 238, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Carteret County, N. C, and de fault having been made in tht payment of the note mentioned in the said mortgage, and for the mirnose of foreclosing: the said Mortgage, the undersigned, Mort gagee, by authority as such mort ga.-ree in said mortgage, will offer for sale and will sell to the high est bidder for cash,, at the Court House door of Carteret County, in the Town of Beaufort, N. C. on . Monday, November 8th, 1943 at the hour of twelve o'clock M., the following described property or real estate, to-wit: "A certain pice or tract of land lying and being in White Oak Township, Carteret County, State of North Carolina, and described and denned as follows, to wit: Lot number 17 in the John S. Tones subdivision, in White Oak Township." This 6th dav of October, 1943. T. E. VINSON, Mortgagee. M. Leslie Davis, Attorney. TIME OF SALE: Monday, Novem ber 8th., 1943, at 12 o'clock Noon. PLACE OF SALE: Court House Door, Reaufort, N. C. TERMS: Cash. 4t 07-14-21-28 IPMUNTTENQ OFFICE SUPPLIES HOMECOMING DAY AT NORTH RIVER CHURCH Sunday, October 17th, has been set apart by the North River Meth odist Church as Homecoming Day. It is also the day on which the church will celebbrate its 51st An niversary. The Rev. W. Stanley Potter will preach the sermon at 12:15 and at 1:00 o'clock there will be a basket diner on the lawn if the weather is fair; indoors if otherwise. An effort is being -nade to get all members and friends of the church together for this fcllow ' ship and worship. "Come Over and Write A Letter Invites Miss Eddy Friday from nine o'clock until nine, National Letter Writing Week will be observed at the Car teret County USO in Morehead City, Everyone is invited to come over and write on USO paper to boys in the service husbands, sons, brothers, uncles, friends, grandfathers (if any) and service men are invited to come and write an extra letter to folks at home. We Are in Position to do The Kind of Printing That Heretofore Had to be Sent Away to Larger Cities, Such as Ledger Sheets, Pay Roll Forms, etc. Ask to See a Sample of Our Work. We Also do Our Regular Line of Printing Such as LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS TAGS, CARDS, TICKETS, Etc. WE CARRY IN STOCK Typewriter Ribbons, Seconds Sheets, Carbon Paper, Onion Skin, Sales Books, Adding Machine Paper, Desk Blotters, Card Boards, all colors, and many other items for the office. give us a call when in need of any of these Items. Looking Backward From BEAUFORT NEWS 1923 IMPROVING LINES The Home Telephone and Tel egraph Company have a squad of men here this week overhauling and improving their lines. The Company has not yet made any start towards putting its Front Street wires undeground. RALLY AT SMYRNA A two day educational program and community rally will begin at Smyrna tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock and last through until Sat urday afternoon. On Saturday a picnic will take place and Cong ressman C. L. Abcrneth will en tertain the crowd with an address. The speaker will be introduced by Mr. C. R. Wheatly of Beauofrt. Miss Hattie Parrott, Assistant Su pervisor of Rural Schools and Mrs. T. E. Johnsoj, Supervisoi cf Teachers Training, both of Rni flffh, wiil atton 1 and discu-s sub jects of interest. County Farm Agent A. H. Harris and Superin tendent of Welfare Alvah Hamil ton are to discuss subjects pertain ing to their work. JUSTICE-MASON An early morning marriage look place yesterday when Mr. II. N. Justice of Sneeds Ferry and Miss Ruby Mason of Atlantic were join ed in wedlock at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. John Jones at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Justice is the sister of Mrs. John Jones and James Wallace son. Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Whitehurst who have lived in Marshallberg for several years are now making their home in Beaufort. Mr. Wilbur Willis, formerly a salesman for W. P. Smith has gone to Roanoke, Va., to live. Miss Frances White returned Tuesday from Greensboro whtra she has been for several weeks. Reffef At Lasf For Your Cough Cteomulslon relieves promptly be- cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and ejpel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis WANTED TO BUY Good Clean Used Automobile Make - Year - Model Not Important Price Must br P'z-'- See GERALD DICKINSON 810 ANN ST. BEAUFORT t ...:-;..!..!..v!!"!..!..::..:..:..:.i. :-:..:!..: :-x-:--k-h-H":-m:- RULES & REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE ISSUANCE OF IBemmffapirtt New 120 CRAVEN ST. BEAUFORT, N. C. Put Rook is. To Become Usable on & After Dec. 1,1943 Present Books Now In Use Effective October 11th, all County Boards will discontinue the issuing of No. 1 Permit Books. Persons Who Cannot Secure Sales Permit Books That no books are to be issued to those persons convicted of drunkenness or any crime in which any intoxicating beverages are a contributing factor within 12 months, or to any person who deserts or fails to support his family or other dependents, or to any persons whom the County Board has reason to suspect desires a permit for the purpose of purchasing merchandise for re-sale, or to any person who violates any of the rules and regulations of the State or County Boards of Alcoholic Control, and the County Boards are to be the sole judge as to the tligibility of the applicant. What Is Required of Each Applicant Require of each and every applicant that he or she identify himself, or herself by dis playing their War Ration Book No. 3, and any additional evidence of identification that the County Boards may require to satisfy it that the applicant is entitled to a Permit Book. At the time the Control Sales Permit Book is issued, the employee of the County will punch the upper right hand corner of the back cover with a des ignated punch. ALL WAR RATION BOOKS NO. 3 SHALL SHOW FULL IDEN TIFICATION. Where Books Can Be Secured Require that all persons making application for Sales Permit Books make applica tion in the county in which they reside. Refuse to issue a permit to a non-resident in your County if the applicant resides in one of the other ABC counties. Requirements For Non-Residents The matter of issuing Tourist and Transient Books is to remain in the discretion of the County Boards, but it is important that all County Boards satisfy themselves that such applicants have established a temporary residence in this state, and then only when applicant presents War Ration Boek No. 3, as required of state residents. Residents Of Non-ABC Counties Require that all persons who are residents of non ABC counties make application ONLY in their nearest ABC county. Service Men No Permit Books will be issued to any Service Men located in any Military Camp, Cantonment, or Post located in any County east of Durham or Moore Counties. Ar rangements have been made with the Commanding Officers of all Camps located in all Control Counties for the issuance of Books to men under their command. Only Tourist and Transient Books will be issued to Service Men in the control area who are stationed in Camps or Contonments outside the state of North Carolina only after satisfying the County Board that he is stationed at a camp outside of this state by displaying his leave papers. Service men located in Camps or Cantonments west of Durham and Moore Counties will be requested to accept a Tourist or Tran sient Book but may, within the discretion of the local Board be issued regular Per mit Books after properly identifying themselves, and in such cases, presentation of War Ration Book No. 3 shall not be required. All Sales Permit Books Which Have Intentionally Been Tampered with, Such As Binding; Removed And Coupons From Other Books Placed Therein, Shall Be Taken Up And The Holder of Such Book Shall Be De nied The Privilege of Registering. Registration For New Books Will Begin Monday, October 11th, 1943. IN CARTERET COUNTY - - REGISTER AT ABC OFFICE OVER ABC STORE BEAUFORT, N. C. You May Register Between The Hours of 9 AM & 5PM CARTERET COUNTY BOARD OF ALCOHOLIC CONTROL A i i ! X t v t t i