Are yoa figutm mau a Docs it Vr-, about this war? mean anything to you personal ly? Then dig down and buy more acd more War B .nds. mm For Freedom's Sake mm n B Ji JUL- . 'iv'fv The Most Widely Read Newspaper Along The Central Carolin12oast One battit won does aof wit . w www, lis rv times ahead. tougher Buy Mor Vcr Bends For freedom's Sake VOLUME XXXI No. 43 10 PAGES THIS WEEK BEAUFORT. N. C, THURSDAY, OCT. 28, 1943 10 PAGES THIS WEEK PUBLISHED WEEKLY. DUNCAN SELLERS SAVES PLANE FOLLOWING RAID "Dunk" Comes Thru Attack on Bremen Lands in England Duncan Sellers, 2nd Lieut, and co-pilot of the Flying Fortress, "Tinker Toy" dis tinguished himself abroad this month. Following a raid over Bremen he brought hi3 damaged plane down, as one broadcaster said, on only "a wing and a prayer." Quoting from the Norfolk Led ger, October 22ni, "Lieutenant Sellers was said to have brought the ship back after the fcilot was killed, two motors and the" nose of the plane shot off, a third motor blasted out of commission and the tail set r fire, Arrnrdincr to information re ceived by the pilot's father, Lieu tenant Sellers' plane took part in a h'lge raid over Bremen a short time ago. High explosive shells hit the craft as well as the usual flak. The iilot, William Minerich, of Wisconsin, was killed instantly and Sellers was wcunded in the snoul der. "Lieutenant Sellers ordered the crew to bail out, but they decided to stick with him and the badly damaged plane. Thoy had no oxy gen, as anti-aircraft fire had dam aged the tank. Yet the Norfolk iiyer brought his disabled craft all ti.e way back over the continent and the English Channel, landing safely." . I Lieutenant Sellers' wife has re ceived a letter written since he was wounded. He was unable to give details of hi3 experience but intimated that he expected to bo discharged from the hospital soon. Lieutenant Sellers known affec tionately as "Dunk" is the second son of the former Miss Lollie Duncan of Beaufort. He has been serving abroad since August. Real Estate Moves Mayor Paul Speaks For The War Drive I wish to commend the United War Fund Drive to the people of Beaufort and Carteret at offering a medium through which one iso lated individual here can reach out and touch for good perhaps the largest number of people that have ever been possible through a sin gle contribution. It serves not on ly the service men at home but reaches out a hand to our boys around the world and civilians in distress in countries overrun by agressor nations. Closer home, it serves the Boys Scouts (Future America) here in our own town and County. Grayden M. Paul, Mayor. Recorder's Court Judge Paul Webb had a long docket last Tuesday following "Court Week" in which there was no Kecorder s Court. It was near ly two before the long morning session was completed. A nice little service man's wife from Wisconsin appeared with her Pfc husband in answer to a citation for driving without a li cense. They had driven down from New Bern to see the ocean "for the first time," she had taken the wheel for a moment while on the outskirts of Morehead City, it was the wrong moment, Patrolman Nelson stopped her, and she was given a summons. She arc used considerable sympathy without trying to by being merely sweet, and young, and far from home, and was let off. There has been considerable movement in real estate this fall all over the County, and under the impetus of buying many lots in Beaufort have changed hands. Brittonville lots along the water front have been cleared and level ed to make them more attractive and during the past thirty Jays the Calvin Jones,' James Biggs,' Tom Kelly's and David Jones' have all acquired property there overlook ing the Sound. Victory Sunday Sunday, Octover 31st, will be Victory Day at Ann Street Metho dist Church at which time every member is asked to bring in the full amount of his pledge so that following a year that has already been a good one in the church, the Rev. W. Stanley Potter will be able to report all expenses of the Church met when he goes to Con ference next Tuesday. At the morning service the sermon will be, "This is the Victory" and there will be special music by the choir. RATIO BRIEFS Thaddeus Golden up for stealing1 cigarettes from the Gulf Station plead guilty. Because of his limit ed intellectual ability, he was giv en a year's sentence suspended on good behavior in which staying a- way from the service station was specifically named. Norman Guthrie went to sleep on the bridge between here and Morehead City Saturday while waiting for a barge to go through the draw and slept.fxr.aa hour or more before officers took him in. He was charged with drunken driv ing. Evidence did not show that he was drunk while driving but the Court found him guilty of public drunkenness and obstructing traf fic for which he paid the costs. Case of Fleming Fulcher charg ed with larceny of a car was con tinued in order to bring in more witnesses for the defendant. Sixteen year old Willis Lewis, Jr., of West Morehead plead guii ty to driving without a license. Frank Bryan was charged with trespass by his sister-in-law. High class colored people of Morehead Citv thev had gotten in trouble when Frank attempted to move a building on the Iatter's property. He volunteered to drop the matter and the case was dismissed on pay ment of officer's costs. Josephus Skarren, charged with assault on his wife, plead guilty, prayef for judgment. Agreed to live separate from his wife for a period of 6 niontha and pay $10 weekly for support of his baby. MRS. DICKINSON DIED TUESDAY IN WILMINGTON Many Relatives And Friends Attending Funeral Today Mrs. J. B. Dickinson of Wilmington died at her home Tuesday evening fol lowing a long illness. Fun eral Services will be conduct ed this afternoon at four o'clock from Grace Street Methodist Church, Wilming ton, by her pastor, the Rev. J. F. Herbert assisted by the Rev. W. Stanley Potter of Beaufort. Mrs. Dickinson, the former Sal lie Duncan, was the eldest daugh ter of Mrs. Lulu Duncan and the late Mr. Ernest Duncan, of Beau fort. She grew up here, was mar ried in Ann Street Church, and has never lost touch with her Beau fort friends. Mrs. Dickinson is survived by her husband, an old Beaufort man ; two sons: J. B. Dickinson, Jr., of Wilmington, and Calvin Dickinson, of Denver, Colorado; two grand children, one but three weeks old; her mother; two sisters: Miss Mat tie Duncan, of Beaufort, and Mrs. Clarence Bowers, of Tampa, Flor ida. She was a niece of Miss Lil lian Duncan, Mr. J. F. Duncan, Mr. Ed. Martin, and had many cousins and family connections here. Carteret Man 4J ' COSTUME PARTY AT SCHOOL GYM FRIDAYJJIGHT Halloween Carnival Plus Minstrel Show Expected to Draw Tremendous Crowd hi Dr. Nathaniel Thomas Ennett, re tiring president of the Public Health Service Asscociation which convened in Raleigh on Monday and Tuesday of this week is an old I Carteret County Man. Dr. Ennett was born on Bogue Sound but grew up in Beaufort and a. tended high school here. His father was Dr. George N. Ennett and his mother Lucretia Borden Ennett. Dr. Ennett is now head of the Pitt County Health Department and makes his home in Greenville. His brother Andrew lives in the old Bogue Sound home place; L. B. is in Silverdale, Onslow County; George makes his home in Black Mountain; and his . sister, Mrs. Johnson, is in Ohio. GASOLINE No. A 6 coupons good for three gallons of gas until Nov. 8. SHOES No. 18, Book I, good indefinitely for one pair. No. 1 "Airplane" Stamp in Book III good Nov. 1 for one pair. SUGAR No. 14, Book I, good for 5 lbs. through October. Stamps Nos. 15 and 16 good for 5 pounds each through Oct. for use in home can ning. Housewives may apply to ra tion board for more if necessary. Stamp No. 29 in Ration Book IV becomes valid November 1 for five pounds of sugar until Jan January 15. This stamp is marked "Sugar." CANNED GOODS Blue X, Y, 1 good through Nov. 9.0. Green A, B, C, Book IV. good Nov. 1. MEATS Brown C, D, E, F, good through October 30. Brown G good Oct. 24. Brown H good Oct. 31. FUEL OIL Period 1 coupon good through Jan. 3. Besides Mr. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Eure, Miss Lillian Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Duncan, Miss Rose Felton, Miss Lottie Sanders, Mrs. Robert Tillett Mrs. Ed Martin, Mrs. K. P. JS. Bonner, and perhaps others went down to day for the funeral. Board Entertained At Dinner By USO The USO entertained the Com tee of Manaeement and their wives or husbands, as the case might be, at their regular month ly meeting Monday evening m the East Room of the Club House on Shepard Street. With them for the first time were Mrs. Augusta Mason, Mrs. Mamie Morris, and Mrs. Lois Smith, representing the new club at Atlantic. A delicious seafood dinner war prepared by the Social Committee of which Mrs. E. H. Potter is Chairman and was served by four of the Morehead City GSO girls. The regular business meeting followed the dinner. So successful was the meeting and the fellow ship of the dinner together so pleasant that the group voted to make each meeting a dinner meet ing although they will not expect to be entertained each time but will make it a "dutch" dinner. Commanding Officers from all the nearby posts were present with their ladies as special guests oi tne evening. -rr- BEAUFORT BOYS IN THE SERVICE Lt. Robert Humphrey, Ft Bragg, spent the week-end :.vith his mother, Mrs. J. W. Humphrey. Bob Poulk, who is taking the Navy V-12 course at the Univer sity of North Carolina arrived last Saturday and will visit the N. r. Eure's at Highland Park until nexi &uouay. - - - Everyone in the Beauftirt School District has certainly heard of the Carnival Friday night through the activities of those who have been so liciting "votes" and cake "chances" all this week. The Committee has planned all the good things that one associates with a Halloween frolic and, in addition, there will be a minstrel show given by the Glee Club undei the direction of Mrs. Charles Has- sell, of the Music Department, and Mrs. D. M. Fulcher, of Atlantic, one of the new first grade teach ers. At this writing Linda Kay Fod- rie, Kegma fake, waiter Morris, Jr., and Halsey Paul, Jr., are re ported leading in the Baby Con test; in the Popularity Contest, Mary Ann Paul and Mary Frances Morton are leading for the girls; Glenn Willis and Thomas Gibbs for the boys. The contest will continue up to and into Friday evening, and winners will be announced at the party. Cakes have been donat ed by each grade and chances on each have been sold. These lucky numbers will be drawn Friday. Mrs. Ruby Simmons and her home economics girls are making home-made candies and cookies which they will sell. ROTES HEAR ABOUT AGAR Harold J. Humm, who is work ing at Duke University W'arine Laboratory, Pivers Island under the Rockefeller Foundation, spoke to Rntarians Tuesday evening on the discovery of a source of agar in the red algae or red seawtid of our local waters. He showed pieces of the tumble weed like growth that collects in favorable spots, is harvested, and from which is ex tracted the valuable ising glass looking substance which he also showed a members of the club. The discovery of agar here at this time is important as it is a substance nedeed for medicinal preparations and for studying dis ease bacteria but has been a sub stance for which we have been de pendent upon Japan. Mr. Humm's talk followed an excellent dinner at the Seafood Cafe. A hundred percent attend ance was reported with Clyde Jones, of Morehead City, present as guest. In the business session, it was voted to celebrate Ladies Night next Thursday at Morehead City with Rotary and Rotary Anns of the Club there. UNITED WAR FUND DRIVE NEXT WEEK $9000 Goal For Our Fighting Men Brave Allies, And Our Local Scouts Newport Boy Attends Illinois University Harvey Garner, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Garner, of Newport, has entered James Millikin Uni versity, Decatur, Illinois, as avia tion student. Harry is a graduate nf the Newnort Hieh School. He entered the Army last February, Prior to that time -he was in de f ense work in Newport News. Armistice Dinner Jimmy Alexander, Naval ROTC, University of N. C. cpent the past week-end here with his mother, He returned to his work on Tuesday. Chief Electrician Mate, F. R. Clemmons, USCG, recently return ed from the West Coast, has been promoted to Warrant Officer and placed in command of communica tions in Beaufort to succeed Jas. V. Caffrey, Ensign, USCG, who has been transferred to Virginia Beach. Neil Windley, Merchant Marine Cadet, arrived in New York Satur day after a cruise that has taken him around the Globe and during which he says he has crossed the equator four times. He is expected homt today. Stacy P. T. A. Halloween Program The Stacy P. T. A. members are' sponsoring a special Halloween Program in the school auditorium Saturday night, Oct. 30th at 7 :30 o'clock. The program will consist of Hal loween's most spooky ghosts and witches. There will bo a fishing pond and fortune telling, cake, can dy and drinks will be sold. There will also be a cake walk. There will be tickets for a surprise box which will be drawn out in the aud itorium. The children will say rec itations. The program will close with a Manlett Negro wedding with the cast from the P.T.A. Please come and guess "Who is Who". No admission. MARRIAGE LICENSE. Morehead Laughton, Charles L. Stanley, City, to Valeree D. Morehead City. Roland D. Lawrence, Beaufort, to Janice M. Trott, Straits. Gerard T. Breiner, Brooklyn, N. Y., to Rita I. Kahn, Brooklyn, N. Y. Bryan B. Cain Jr., Arlington, Va., to Vera F. Mannle, Green wick, Conn. Ross F. DeLong, Denver, Col., to Denyse T. Pierce, Dallas, Tex. Linwood M. Russell, Newport, N. C, to Leonda M. Gould, New-Dort. Alonzo Taylor, Sea Level, N.C. to Luella L. Lawrence, Beaufort. OPA Makes Check Of County Stores o Carteret Price Panel Assistants have this week been covering the County making a report for , the Office of Price Administration in Raleigh in" which they checked sell ing prices, whether such pricey are posted, and compared them with ceiling prices. In practically ev ery case they found merchants and assistants gave excellent co operation, and in Beaufort report that it was a hundred percent. Assistants made honorable men tion of the stores of Guy Chad- wick, Straits; Joe Pigott, Glouces ter; and Harry Chadwick, Smyrna, as the tsores showing the most careful compliance with regula tions of all those visited in the rural districts. Bring Food Ration Book 3 in Applying For New ABC Book Food Ration Book 3, the same book that had to be presented at the school this week, must be pre sented in applying for the new ABC Sales Permit Book 2. Many still seem to misunderstand this. To come without it causes the per son making application inconven ience as ha has to go back and get it before the local office is allow ed to issue the new book. A cablegram has been received bv Mrs. Stamey (Blanche Bar bour) to the effect that her hus band. Lt. Robert B. Stamey has arrived safely in a foreign port Richard M. Chaplain, CM 3rd CI., USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Chaplain of Mu'berry Street, is serving with the Seabees in Europe according to a release from Londonberry, North Ireland Seabees are erecting and maintain ing buildings, roads, shops, and other installations Vital to the shore bases of the Navy, returned Flotidu, Thomas Respass has home from Marianna, where he has been serving in the U. S. Air Corps. Thomas has been eiven a medical discharge ofter serving in the Army for two years last August. o Announcement has been made by the C. O. of the 78th Division at Camp Butner that Claude wheat lv has been promoted from 2nd Lt., FA, to 1st Lt. totstPo t-mScmfw vbg xzfiflffESS Charles Baddour, of Clinton, past State and National officer of the American Legion will be the guest speaker when members of Carteret Post No. 99, have their customary Armistice Day dinner at the Legion Hut the second Thurs day evening in November. The din ner will be served by the ladies of the Legion Auxiliary under the direction of Mrs. Raymond Ball, newly elected president. The School and Stamps and Bonds The school stamp and bond committee this week reports a sale of approximately $425 worth of stamps and bonds sold through the school with Mrs. Grace Fod- rie's tenth grade leading and Miss Gladys Chadwick's eleventh grade coming second. Meeting Mrs. J. G. Allen, of the Citizens Service Corps, is calling a meet- ingg of the Zone Chairmen and Block Leaders at the Legion Hut for Monday evening, November 1 at 7:15. It will be a brief meeting in which Mr. Stanley Woodland will give final instructions for the Beaufort War Fund Drive canvas. Our Zone Chairmen are: Mrs. Robert Tillett, Mrs. Blythe Noe, Mrs. G. W. Duncan, Mrs. Hilton Hill (acting for Mrs. Stevick), Mrs. Robert Safrit Jr., and Mr. N. F. Eure. lt is important that alt these be present. f . ,? Funeral Services For Mr. Gaskill Of Sea Level Funeral services for Norman Gaskill, sixty-nine year old mer chant of Sea Level were conduct ed Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock from the Free Will Bap tist Church of Sea Level by the Rev. Randolph Bennett, of Bridge ton, assisted by the Rev. L. D. Hayman, of Atlantic, and the body was laid to rest in the community cemetery at Sea Level. Mr. Gaskill died Monday after noon about one o'clock at his home. He and his brother have been Sea Level merchants for many years, and he was well known through out the eastern part of the Coun ty. Mr. Gaskill is survived by his wife: Mrs. Lola B. askill; three sons: Julian Gaskill, a Goldsboro attorney, Lt. Elmo Gaskill, Camp Bowie, Texas, and Jesse Gaskill, of Sea Level; and one brother, Eugene Jaskill, of Sea Level. Pinner Farm Sold For Seed Growing Forty acres of farm belonging to Mrs. Mildred Pinner, exclusive of the house, has been sold to John H. Kauffman, of Eustis, Florida. Mr. Kauffman is a nursery man and intends to use the newly acquired property for seed growing. BIRTHS AND DEATHS FOR SEPTEMBER. WHITE Townships: Births Death Beaufort 21 8 Cedar Island No Report Harkers Island 4 0 Harlowe 2 0 Hunting Quarter Davis - 0 Stacy 0 1 Atlantic 0 7 Marshallberg No Report Merrimon 0 0 Morehead 32 0 Newport 2 4 Straits 0 0 Total , 61 12 Total Year to Date 396 127 ' The Carteret War Fund Drive with a goal of $9000 for Carteret County will be well underway when we go to press next week. Begin ning Monday, November first through the sixth, it is ex pected that every person in every part of the. County will be given an opportunity to contribute. The fund to be solicited is for help on three fronts: the home front, the military front, and for United Nations Relief. On the home front, $1000 cf Carteret's quota will be apportioned to work with the Boys Scouts of the Coun ty. The other $8000 will be used on the military front: USO worjc, work with prisoners of war, sea man's aid ; and for Unitel Nations Relief through seventeen agen-. cies reaching around the world. Mr. Stanley Woodland, Chair man of the Committee for the County, has named the following Chairmen in the townships of the County to help in the County-wide canvass. Each of these will call upon people in the community to help with the work. Newport C. M. Hill. Bogue Mrs. Joe A. Taylor. Peletier Mr. Jim Wells. Stella Mrs. Lionel W. Peletier. Harlowe Mr. Raymond Ball. Straits Mrs. Gerald White hurst. Otway Mrs. Doll Lewsi. Bettie Mrs. Cleveland Gillikis Gloucester Mrs. Chas. G. Nel son. Harkers Island Mr. Earl Lew is. Marshallberg Mrs. Edwin Pin er. Smyrna-r-Mrs. Blanch Willis. -" Williston Miss Doda Fulcher. Merrimon Mrs. Joshua Hardy. Lukens Mrs. Norman and Mr. Henry Banks. Beaufort Mr. Hugh Hill. Lenoxville Mrs. Burton Dan iels. Davis Miss Libby Pond. Stacy Mrs. Rosalie Salter. Sea Level Mrs. H. C. Taylor Atlantic Mrs. Clayton Fulcher. Roe Mrs. Dora Day. Lola Miss iEthel V. Gilgo. Morehead City Mr. Stanley Woodland. Crab Point Mrs. Rufus Ogles by. Wildwood Mrs. Luke Wether ington, Jr. ' Broad Creek Mr. Eugene Guth rie. . Salter Path Mr. Headen Willis All of these Chairmen will meet with Mr. Woodland at the USO Building Friday evening, October 29th for final organization and instructions. Township COLORED Births Dei thi Beaufort 2 0 Harlowe 0 0 Merrimon 1 0 Morehead 5 1 Newport 2 0 Total 10 1 Total Lear to date 58 37 Contentment is a pear of graat price, and whoever procures it at the expense of ten thousand de sires makes a wise and a happy purchase. Balguy. TIDE TABLE All power and happiness are spiritual, and proceed from good ness. Mary Baker Eddy DR. HAYMAN Louis Hayman, Jr., of Atlantic, completes his medical studies in McGill University, Montreal, No vember 20th and will receive a de gree in both medicine and surgery. In addition to previous awards, he was recently awarded an extra $200 for attainment in scholar ship. On December first Dr. Hay man will enter the Medical Hospit al of Richmond as an interne. Mrs. Lewis of Otway Passes Mrs. Francis Lewis died this morning at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. R. L. Lawrence, of Ot way, following several years of ill health. Mrs. Lewis spent all of her life in the Bettie and Otway section. She is survived by the daughter with whom she made her home r.nd by another daughter, Mrs. Willio Brown Lawrence of Bettie. Funeral arrangements" have' not been completed- as1 we go t press GSO DATES o October 29th Old fashiontd Halloween Party at USO Club girls should wear slacks. Novembr 4 GSO girls invited to Lamp crane... November 7 ubU girls invitee to Cape Lookout instead of on the 31st as first planned. Boat leave 1 :30 from foot of 8th Street More head City. Beaufort girls should get in touch with Miss Eddy about arrangaments. November 11 Ft. Macon boys, have invited USO girls for steak dinner, a camp show, and dancing at the Fort. GSO girls sholud sign up early to insure plenty of steak Information as to the tide at Beaufort is given in this column. The figures are ap proximately correct and are based on tables furnished by the U. S. GeodHic Survey. Some allowances must be mad for variations in the wind atid also with rewet to the locality, that is vOr.-th-or near the inlet or tiw head of the estuaries. nr. HIGH LOW Sweet Words The War and Navy Departments have announced that dimout regu lation in effect since spring a year ago will be lifted on Monday, No vember first, as a result of the successful anti-submarine cam paign in our coastal waters. Friday, Oct. 29 9:07 AM. 9:18 PM. 2:5:i AM 3:28 PM. Saturday, Oct. 30 9:46 AM. 10:01 PM. 3:30 AM. 4:09 PM. Sunday, Oct. 31 10:29 AM. 4:08 AM. 10:45 PM. 4:52 PM. Monday, Nov. 1 11:17 AM. 4:48 AM. 11:33 PM. 5:39 PM. Tuesday, Nov. 2 12:03 AM. 5:35 AM. 6:32 PM, Wednesday, Nov. 3 12:25 AM. 6:31 AM. 12:55 PM. 7:34 PM. Thursday, Nov. 4 1:21 AM. 7:39 AM. 1:53 PM. 8:41 PM. i