about this v.;ii? I' 05 it ' - mean n:i; thii's to you p: rsnu.il- )I y ? Then dii: down ar.il buy mor- n:-l jrnr ' 77c Most Widely Read Newspaper Along The Central )rolina Coast . , m One hai'.ie won c'c ?j r.ot wh v a war. IVeVc so. : W j-'A fees oiad. jj Tor Freedom's Safe War Bonds VOLUME XXXI No. 47 12 PAGES THIS WEEK BEAUFORT. N. C, THURSDAY, NOV. 25, 1943 12 PA On West Coast 'A X P1B COLENZA, U5C6 DIES FOLLOWING AUTO COLLISION LAST EVENING Mr. Oscar Noe And 3 Other Members of C. G. Also Injured Flight Officer Hugh Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Jones, of Queen Street, who recently grad uated from the Army Air Forces Advanced Flyinfy School at Wil laims Field, Chandler, Arizona, pent the 8th here with his family and left on the 9th for San Francisco. BEAUFORT HOYS IN THE SERVICE '(EljaufvSiydtntj Christoplu i Jones and K. K. Pa vis, who ;u'i' stationed at Nor folk, were both in town on bus iness over the week-er.d. Edward Arrington, AM 2nd CI.. USXR, stationed at the Norfolk Navy Yard, spent Sunday with his parents the Julian Arlington's on Live Oak Street. sgt. Laymen,! La" renee, ISA, son ol' Mr. and Mrs. Haivey Law rence, 1 1 a .- been transferred frmn Alaska to Camp Oram, 111. Prcvi 'ous to bis Alaskan experience, Jtay m p. ! 1 served with Fillimie in t eneral hospital in the Pacific jpar Teine. I.eon.'.rd Sat'rit who entered the Army at PL Bragg h'st mouth has been ordered to Camp Blanding, Fla., for his basic training. Donald Willis, s 1-oUSN, son of Chief Much. Mate and Mrs. Earl f. Willis, completed his course at "Farragut, Idaho, this month and !s now Short? Patrol Specialist. Sgt. George Snooks, USA, has teen spending his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Snooks and his aunt Mrs. W. 15. Smith. : Robert Willis, USA, stationed at Tallahassee, Fla., and Julius Willis, USN, who has just finished his boot training at Bainbridge, Md., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dude Willis on Live Oak Street. By coincidence they both received their leaves at the same time. Charles Colenza, USCC, of Washington, D. (.'., was kill ed almost instantly, and three other Coast Guardsmen were injured in a collision last evening about 7:10 as they were going to their bar-! racks at the old Community Center. When about I'UO , I'eet from the Center, the car! in which they were driving! collided with a station wag-j lonoltne l.eauiort risnenes driven by Mr. Oscar Noe a:-' he was going from the plant I to his home. j All the Coast Guardsmen were taken to the Coast Guard Dispen sary in the Lipman Building. Col enza died within about ten minu tes. Today the condition of the oth er three is reported by Dr. 11. Bet gor, Chief Medical Officer, as be iiiig satisfactory. Mr. Noe was able to walk from the scene of the ac cident to his home on Hast Front Street. He was taken to Toller's Emergency Hospital for treat, mi nt. and was able there to walk up the steps. After examination, however, lie was advised to remain tin the hospital for several days In)' observation ami care. Mr. Noe, who has been with the IVaufart Fisheries for the past 1 w i nt v-three years, .even hack when it was the Taylor Creek Fish and Oil Company, seemed in good condition when interviewed this morning. The radiator of his car was seriously dented and the steer ing wheel broken. H j received su perficial injuries in the chest and one arm which he attributes to the broken wheel and was also injur ed in one leg. From the story as given to this office, the cause seems to have been due to improper lighting on one or both cars and perhaps oili er factors. It will be a week or so, according to Coroner James, be fore an inquest can be held. Inves tigation of the accident was made by I'atrollman Craig and Deputy Sheriff Murray Thomas. "O Lord ! that lends me life, Lend me a heart replete with thankfulness ! Shakespeare Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness; come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God; it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves: we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good, his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. Psalms 100 . . , mis WEEK PUBLISHED WEEKLY. SEAL SALE GOAL DAVIS BOY SAW $1200 FOR COUNTY ITALY INVADED Last of Christmas Seals and Bonds Go In Mail This Week Thi Ship Bombed For Seven Days In Salerno Harbor Directors to be Elected Tuesday For Electric Corp, One Day For Thanksgiving 'The schools of Carteret County will take olT only Thanksgiving Pay as a holiday with everyone expected back on the job Friday morning. Mr. J. O. Allen says that this de parture from long standing cus tom of "two days for Thanksgiv ing" is made' for the duration by the Board of Education in an ef fort to compress the nine months erm into as short a urne as feas ble in order to make school ebil Iren availably to the farms and ther employment as early as lossible in the spring, and to co pcrute with the Government in ;a urgent request for civilian? not o crowd the service men oil the ublic transportation systems dur ng the holmays and to conserve as and tires. Nation BRIEFS GASOLINE A-8 coupons good through Feb ruary 8. SHOES No. IS, Book I, good indefinitely for one pair. No. 1 "Airplane" Stamp in Book III good for one pair. SUGAR Stamp No. 12!) in Ration Book iV goo l for five pounds of sugar ' intil January 15. This stamp is Larked "Sugar." CANNED GOODS Green A, B, C, Book IV. good Ihrougn Dec. 20. MEATS Blo wn G, II, J, and K good to December 4. L good through Jan jnry 1. 1 FUEL OIL Period 1 coupon pood through Jan. 3. (All definite value coupons 'sometimes known as chang2 mak ig coupons are good any time). Atlantic USO To Open Thanksgiving Work on the Manly Fulcher home which is being renovated for a Service Men's Center in coop eration with the Carteret County USO is nearing completion and the Club is scheduled to open for use of the men in a limited way on Thanksgiving Day. Furnishings have been ordered for the new building and the cen ter will not get into full swing until all the equipment is here. When it is ready for inspection, Mr. "Carty" Swart z says there will be a formal opening to which all the people of the County will be invited to see the new club. The Club is to provide a recrea tion center for the service men and women, there will be equip ment for serving light refresh ment, and limited accomodations for mothers and wives to stay when they come to visit sons and daughters and husbands in the se rvice. Personnel of the Atlantic or ganization was enlarged at a meet' ing held during the past week at which Mr. Swa'tz and Miss Fran ces Eddy of the Morehead Unit were present and directed the plans for the future operation of the work. Oll'cors of management are: Mrs. P. Mason, President; Mrs. Brantley Morris, Vice Presi dent; Mrs. Lois Smith, Treasurer; Rev. L. D. Ilayman, Secretary. A Council on Programs will be nam ed later. Other members of the Stall' are Mrs. Luther Smith, ("hail man of the Hostess Committee; Mrs. Jessie Parker, Chairman on Entertainment; Mrs. Cecil Morris, Chairman of Refreshment and Dec orations Committee; Mrs. Mamie Morris, Chairman of Cue Girl.; Ser vice Organization. In accordance with the by-laws Carteret-Craven Electric Member ship Corporation will hold an an nual meeting in the Court House at Beaufort, Wednesday, Decem ber 1, at 3:00 P. M. All member are invited and urged to be pres ent. The purpose of the meeting is to elect eleven directors for the term December 1st, I'M" to Decem ber 1st 1944, and for the members to bear reports on th" progress and financial condition of the corpora tion. A nomination committee consist ing of L. N. Conner, D. W. Truck ner, W. W. Russell, Floyd Garn er, and Martee Lupton was ap pointed by the present Board of Directors as required by the by laws. The nominating committee has nominated all pr .'sent directors to serve another term. The present directors are G. W. Huntley, Pres ident, George W. Ball, Sec, and Treas, D. F.' Merrill, A. B. Morton. John S. Jones, Borden Adams, L. W. Pelletier, Claude Garner, Ger ald Whitehurst, W. S. and C. T. Cannon. The Red Cross Juniors Enlist One Hundred Per Cent in Eleven Of County Schools The Annual Enrolment drive of the Junior Red Cross is complet ed and Mrs. John Brooks, Chair man, quietly working through a teacher-worker in each of the fol lowing schools reports a hundred percent response: Beaufort. At lantic, Marsluillberg, Smyrna, Ce dar Island, Davis, Lumens, Otway, Sea Level, South River, and Stacy. The Junior Red Cross is an en listment primarily for service not a fund raisiivg campaign al though tiie sum of was rais ed in the drive. Each chaph r re ceives ibe Junior Red Cross Mag azine and adapts the wealth of ideas for service they find in it to the talents and resources of their respective groups. They arc inter ested in anything that gives rec reation or comfort to our men sick or well around the world or the less fortunate children of war-torn countries. 37th Annual Tubercu losis Christmas IS.,..; ;ie is' underway in Carteret Coun ty with a goal of J 100.00. The last of the bonds and seals are expected to be in the mail by Thanksgiving Day. A privileged forty, se lected for their civic and so cial interests, will be rsked to buy bonds each of which will lepresent a contribu tion ,,!' no. Seals will be mail ed out to some hundr-'ds of ethers. j in the community wboni the com I mittee has reason to feel -voub' like to have a part in the work. With reference to the educa tional ell'ort which has always been a big part of the voile of the or ganization, someone has said, "Cbrismas S'- . build a guaid rail around the top of a precipice in stead of equipping amoulances to be rushed to the foot of a chasm to pick up the fallen victims." This preventative work cannot touch one unknown family in the com munity without offering protec tion to everyone in it, and, as is true of many other things today, present crowded conditions make the work assume new importance. Mr. Stanley Woodland, Presi dent of the local Tuberculosis As sociation, and Mrs. Martha Loft'm, Seal Sale Chairman, are both urg ing people of the community to buy and use the stamps so that a stream of TB-sealed mail will flow through the Post Offices of the County showing our whole heart ed participation in this effort to raise 1 200 in the County, $loU, 000 in the State, and $1 1,000,000 in the Nation for thb work. ''They came right at us. One Ileinkel dive bomber crashed so close it threw spray cn our ship and dent ed her side," said McNeal Willis, of Davis, in describ ing the Invasion of Italy at Salerno, according to a USN Public delations Release. The bombings began when Mc Neil's ship, a merchant vessel, was appioachiug Salerno harbor, and be was under bombardment for J seven lavs and nights. I The during to Will enemy Over our nation, girl: are busv making bed can accept the reeommen of the committee, or make nominations from the floor meeting if they so desire. and boys trays for Goodwin I convalescents, solitaire boards for members ! the bed ridden, pillow cases, iitions Christmas tree trimmings, jigsaw other puzzles, filling gift boxes, and at the pertormuiig many other services. Dr. Oliver Rents Snowden Apartment Dr. Robert K. Oliver, USPH, who is taking Dr. C. P. Stevick's place as County Health Officer dur ing his absence in Chapel Hill, has rented the apartment of Mrs. M. S. Snowden on Craven Street. He and Mrs. Oliver take posses sion on January first. Members of the Beaufort Jun ior Red Cross are planning through the home economics department of our school to make "houewil'c1' kits for men in the service in co operation with the senior Red Cross Chapter. No Recorder's Court Judge Paul Webb was in New York on Tuesday of this week so there was no Recorder's Court. FOR THANKSGIVING crew counted forty air raids tiie engagement, according is, and accounted for four planes. He saw a home hit the American cruise.' Savannah while she fought a flight of planes. "The Savannah put up a glori ous fight," he said. ' Meanwhile, bombs fell all around us. Fighter planes, using dive-bomber t.ictics, harassed Allied shipping, usually beginning about 7:30 in the morn ing. We didn't need an alarm clock to get up for chow. Night raids were less concentrated. Be tween attacks we slept on cots at the sruns. but alerts sounded so often, we were lucky if we slept two hours in twenty-lour." McNeil, Gunners Mate, 3rd CI., is the son of Mrs. S. C. Willis, 0f Davis. lie's a Smyrna High School boy who enlisted in the Navy in Aucu.st before Pearl Harbor. His wife, Mis. Edith Willis, and their two children are making their home in Trenton during his ab sence. Gunner's Mate Willis is now in the Naval Armed Guard Center at New Orleans awaiting further assignment. All checks should be made pay able to James H. Davis, Treasurer, and mailed to the County Health Department, Beaufort. ABC Notice The Carteret County Boaid of Control will be open from 7 P. M. to '.) P. M. from November 26 thru November ,'j0 for registration of new books. No books will be is sued eluring the month of Decem ber by order of the State Board of Alcoholic Control. Thanksgiving at Methodist Church Orthopedic Clinic The Stale Orthopedic Clinic will be held Friday, December 3rd from 12:30 to i P. M. The Clini takes all types of cripples both white and colored, free of charge, who are unable to afford private treatments. Offices are at the corn er of 3rd and Green Streets, Greenville. 4 vT wfi 4 d& i Sta an fe-, rfSFx R.Hf Wwi ; " mm There will be a Thanksgiving Service at 10 o'clock Thursday morning at Ann Strett Methodist Church to which everyone in the community is invited. Rev. W. S. Potter will speak on "The False and the Christian Thanksgiving." School Sale of mps and Bonds Mrs. J. K. Vanderveer, Mrs. N. ure. and Mrs. J. . Hum- ; hrey, of the School Stamp and Pond Committee report a total of S32.-1," worth sold in the schools i. a Tuesday of this week. Miss Sus- .'umley's .grade led with Mis.- nth Lewis ,rra(le second. Sale.- I'ucsday. tin- loth, totaled .'."" wnh Miss Gladys Chad ,'s grade leading and Miss h Lewis' irade coming second. Hurry! Hurry! AAA Committeemen Elected Next Tues. o Community Committeemen will be elected in the five administra tive communities of Carteret County to serve under the AAA program for 10-1-1, according to an announcement by S. D. Edwards, Chairman of the local agricultural conservation association. The duties of this group, will be to act on local farm goals and al lotments, assist farmers in making reports, and to help them to co operate with the various govern ment projects. A person is eligible to vote for the committeemen, whether he is owner, operator, share tenant or share cropper of the farm, if he is a member of the local agricultural conservation association and pro viding he is participating or co operating in the current AAA pro pram. He must cast his vote in the community where his farm is lo cated. Elections in the five communi ties will be held Tuesday, Novem ber 30, 1U-13 at 7:30 P. M., at the following locations: White Oak community includ ing all of white oak township at Unitarian Church, Pelet ier, N. C. New port community including all of Newport township at the New port School, New poi i, Moiohcao community iacUidiii:; all of More head Township at 1.,'e .Murdoch's Store, Wihluood; Peauloi I Mar lowe Community including .,!! Beaufort and llarlowe lowi.-lup at the Court House Annex, Beau- ONE WEEK TERM SUPERIOR COURT BEGINS JEC. 6 Judge Frizzelle to Preside. Will Hear Civil Cases Only A one week term of Super ior Court for the purpose ox hearing civil cases will con vene in Beaufort beginning Monday, December 6th, with Hon. J. Paul Frizzelle, of Snow Hill, presiding. Jury men were drawn at the meet ing of Hie Hoard of Commis sioners on November first. Following is the calendar of cases to lie heard r Monday, Dec. 6th No. 170 McLawnorn & Wilson vs Jameson. 65 Beam vs Wright. 17o Simmons vs Garner. 178 Parkin vs Dixon. 189 Brantley vs Thoraon. 190 Carteret County vs J48.88 acres of land et al. Tuesday, Dec. 7th 211 Goldman vs Motor Co. Motions No. 12 Penoyer vs Phillips 85 Springle vs Snowden 122 Hoffman vs Phillips et al 165 Gardner vs Gardner Divorces 180 Morris vs Morris 183 Stitler vs Stitler 183 George vs George 191 Holland vs Holland 192 Singleton vs Singleton 193 Con very vs Convery 194 Deihl vs Deihl 195 Pufl'ee vs Duffee 19G Gaskill vs Gaskill 197 RafTaldt vs Raffaldt. 198 Collins vs Collins 199 Bedford vs Bedford 200 Yarborough vs Yarborough 202 Cotton vs Cotton PAPER SALVAGE Sunday, November 2Sth, Jav- cees will be around between three o'clock and nicht to collect scrao paper. Between now and then your part will be: Clean out the garage and attic of scran paper, fasten it in three bundles (1) newspapers, (2) cardboard, (3) slick paper such as is in magazines. Put these on the porch next Sunday before three, and the Jaycees will do the rest. Rotes Entertained By Lt. Lewark Rotarians and Rotary Anns were delightfully entertained at a wild goose dinner at Ft. Macon Coast Guard Station on Tuesday even ing of this week Lt. Liwark, Com manding Officer of the Station, was host. Twenty-four guests from Beaufort were present and Rotar ian Ernest Kilburn, of Wilming ton, former Manager of the Tide Water Power Company. Speeches might have been m or der, but guests report that everv- one was too replete v.hth food for more than a few songs and an ev i ctiing of line fellow'i.ji. -.. ',,' TIDE TABLE I The Beaufiv't News tak".- oil such a Christ masy appearance this week that we feel we should be shouting ".Merry Christmas" rath er than extending good wishes foi Thanksgiving season. Never before have we carried so much Christmas advertising sr. early in the season. It shows that merchants are cooperating whole hearted in the in the request to get Chritsmas buying and mailing j done early. i We commend our advertisers to . you. The paper suggests the w ide j ramie of choice oVoid hi re. For , your own sake, we suggest that ! oft you buy ear.y whil" these st icks are complete. Then, because of shortages in help in the stores and in the delivery service of every store, you are asked to shop ear ly to avoid a critieel rush in the stoics and mails the last week be fore Christmas. All the is necessary to get grade A price for one's egsrs is to clean any dirty or stained ones and oo some easy candling io remove the eggs with blood spots, says T. T. Brown, poultry specialist.. fori; East am i.i'y including na, M.irshallbi and Meiriiuon land Gillikin's There is a big job to I'.'-M and every oiiginh u: god to attend the mei or her community and se' best men availil.le to assls program in their coumiui Ml I'll 111 ! II C.O ill of Si raits. S g, 1 1 uniing '.i I'ownshi ps a! C Store. Betlie. ing m ,i.i nv Bill PiSoU In England .. . I n t orm.it ion as to th" t hie ;.t Bee :h;-' j-; cavci in hi 5' It I'ol.im.!. '! fiunivs a.v up- i :'o v 1 1 : i ;t t ey correct and :nv ; :j based on tables furnished 1 y II II the V. S. Good -tic Survey II : j". S .me allowances must be j ' made for vuri tiir.sis in the ; wino and also wi'h 'e--i,cct ; ; 4o the h.cuhty. that is h-th- II er near the i.-.k-t or at tia: It I; head of the estuaries. It j. ,.... ....... , . .... t;i !, LOW the so r ipt. J. S. Pigott, of (.h uc. , has recently received news of -ufe ai rival in England of hi., Sergeant Osborne (Bill Pir.' Sgt. Tigott reveived his training as radio mechanic and Ra dar technician at Scott Field, 111., and at Boca Raton Field, Fla. Mr. C. H. Bushall Returning Today Mr. C. H Rushall who recently underwent an operation at Watt. Uospital, Durham, has shown con sistent improvement since that time and is returning to Beaufort this afternoon. c n-jav, .N v. .:i 1 . 1 :!:id .:! PI'.- 2:24 Sr.terd.y, Nov. 27 8:40 AM. 2:23 8:54 I'M. 3:08 S-jrcle-y, Nov. 28 9:25 AM. 3:06 9:9:42 I'M. 3:51 Monday, Nov. 29 10:12 AM. 3:48 10:31 PM. 4:37 Tuesday, Nov. 30 11:01 AM. 4:34 11:24 PM. 5:25 Wednesday, Dec. 1 11:51 AM. 5:25 6:19 Thursday, Dec. 2 12:18 AM. 6:23 12:44 PM. 7:18 AM. PM. AM. PM. AM. PM. AM. PM. AM. PM. AM. PM. AM, PM. i

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