h - H k j a MM LAUirUKi ImaWb The Most Widely Read Newspaper Along The Central Caroltfcfy.'loasl 12 PAGES THIS WEEK. BEAUFORT, N. C, THURSDAY, DEC. 16, 1943 12 PAGES THIS WEEK0 reiti BONDS VOLUME XXXI No. 50 PUBLISHED WEEKLY. r cnr rttz COMPLETED IN COURT TUESDAY Fishermen Allowed To Return to Va. After Paying Costs And Medical Bills The case of Shirley Self, Virgin ia fisherman charged with assaulc on Sara Rhodes and Lee Vann Johnson which has been hanging since early November was tried in Recorder's Court Tuesday. Sam Rhodes was in the hospital and unable to appear until Tuesday. Self, unable to give bond, has been held in jail. Beginning Today Students Available To Help Merchants High school pupols 14 years old or older needed and employed in advance by merchants or other business men of the county in con nection with their Christmas la bor needs, may be excused by principals from attendance upon school for -all or for part of each school day from now until the Christmas recess begins on Dec. 21, provided such students are passing their school work, and pro vided such employment is approv ed in writing by the parents, ana provide such students exhibit to the principal in advance bona fide written evidence of iheir employment. This combined ruling and rec ommendation was adopted by the (Jountv Board of Education on At the trial, witnesses for the Nov. i and Dassed on to the prin Christmas Music By Sunshine Choir of Methodist Church two sides gave extraordinarily di-l vergent stories of what happened in a general free for all in which Shirley claims the crowd ganged up on him and "bricked" him a cross the field. There was plenty of evidence that he . as "bricked" by the crowd but it also appeared that there was probably reason for it. Judge Webb found Self guilty but felt there were mitigating circumstances to be considered in passing judgment. He wa3 given a six months sentence which the Court promised to suspend and permit him to return home provid ed he could find money for costs of the Court and to pay hospital and doctor's bills of two whom he knifed. Ernest Hill (colored), store keeper, at Adams Creek was charg ed with transporting non tax paid liquor and of driving without a license. To the first charge he plead not guilty; to the second, guilty. The Court found him guil ty of driving without a license but not guilty of transporting non tax paid liquor. Joe Windley who was with him, was found guilty of having in his possession non tax paid liquor. In both cases, the de fendants paid the costs. The case of W. R. Willis, More head City, charged with reckless driving: has been' hanging for sev eral weeks because of difficulty in getting witnesses together. The case was partially heard Tuesday. Two service men from Camp Branch testified that they were in a jeep near the Rifle Range into which the defendant crashed from the rear. Witnesses for the defen- dant were out of town and will be J heard next week. "t Other cases heard were the gen l era! run of traffic violators. cipals on Nov. 5 in the hops that the business men and the shop ping public would be greatly ben efitted thereby during this busy holiday season when labor is a greater problem than ever. Students between the ages of 14 and 18 years desiring the nec essary employment certificates should call in person for the nec essary blanks at the Department of Public Welfare in the Court house Annex Building wher they will be given further information in connection with certificates, hours of work, etc. Applicants should carry to the Welfare De partment their Employer's appli cation and either their birth cer tificate. Bible record of birth, or the principals' written statement of age based upon school census records. Pupils and parents are cautioned that issuance of permits often involves more than one of fice and cannot be 'accomplished " in a few minutes" or after of fice house. School work will be resumed at 8:30 A. M. Thursday, Dec. 30. The Sunshine Choir of Ann Street Methodist Church will give the folowing program of music Sunday evening, December 19th. Processional "0 Come All Ye Faithful" "Ave Marie" Betty Lou Mer rill. Story of the Manger of Beth lehem by Pat Webb. "While Shepherds Watched" Choir. Reading Pat Webb. "Winter Sun" and "The First Noel" Choir. Reading Phyllis Britton. "We Three Kings" Kenneth Willis, Stanley Potter, Billy Bail ey and Choir. Reading Phyllis Britton. "Away In a Manger Solo with Choir. "0 Holy Night" Carol Bessent Reading Pat Webb. "O Little Town of Beth'lehem"-- Solo Joyce Johnson. "Joy to the World" Choir. "Silent Night Mrs. Sid Willis with Choir. Recessional "0 Come All Ye Faithful." Speaks Here Friday REVEREND LAUPMAMS BEAUFORT BOYS IN THE SERVICE NOTED LECTURER TO BE HEARD HERE ON FRIDAY Russian Minister Former Member of Communist Party to Speak About Russia Reverend Janis Laupmania, a citizen of Latvia, is to speak at Ann Street Methodist Church Fri December 17th at 7:30 P. M. Albert Chappell, son of Mr. and I jjr. Laupmanis has lived in Mrs. C. Z. Chappell, is expected to Rus ja and f0r four years was a arrive tomorrow from Jac'tson- ;member of the Communist Party, RICHARD SMITH HELD UPJAT. Robbery Occurs On Front in Early Morning Hours Richard Smith, employee of Pender's was held up on Front Street lust Saturday night around one thirty just after he and Mr. J. S. Steed had separated at the corner of Queen and Front Streets, and he was proceeding east. Richard says he was aware of three colored civilians standing on the sidewalk talking but thought nothing of it until he had passed and one of them struck him on the back of the head with what fait to him like a stick of wood, then took his money amounting to something over $19. He continued home and on Sunday morning reported the incident to the authorities who are working on the case, but as Rich ard says there were no clues to to give them and the matter was so unexpected and his notice of the men so casual that he feels he would be unable to identify them, Tax Executions Are Being Advertised In Todays Paper ville. Fla.. on ten days leave. Al bert completed his course in Aer ial Gunnery on Wednesday. Four days of last week he spent in the Bahamas in connection with his course. Sgt. Royall Barbour, Army Air Corps, left Wednesday for his new station at Michell Field, New York, Air-Raid Chorus County Ministers Meet In Newport The Carteret County Ministers met on Monday with Rev. John R. Poe at the Methodist Parsonage in Newport after which the J. I. Mizzelle's entertained them with their annual oyster roast. Dr. Edgar Jones, new rector of St Paul's met with the group for the first time. He also spoke to them about the Penny Farms in Florida, supported by the J. C. Penny estate for retired ministers, at which he spent soma weeks prior to coming here. Dr. Lester Evans, Presbyterian Civilian Chaplain, was also present and told of his work with the service men here. Officers were elected for the coining year: President, Rev. J. H. Miller; Vice-President; Rev. K. C. Seawright; Secretary Treasurer, Rev, L. E. Peyton; Program Com- f mittee: Rev. K. C. Seawright, Dr. Edgar Jones, Dr. J. H. Bunn. : Cthel (gaP vbgk cmfw vbg vbgbb RATION BRIEFS GASOLINE A-8 coupons good through Feb ruary 8. SHOES No. 18, Book I, good indefinitely for one pair. No. 1 "Airplane" Stamp in Book III good for ono pair. SUGAR Stamp No. 29 in Ration Book IV good for five pounds of sugar until January 15. This stamp is marked "Sugar." CANNED GOODS Green A, B, C, Book IV. good through Dec. 20. D, E, F, good thru Jan. 20. MEATS Brown L, M, N, P good thru January 1. FUEL OIL Period 1 coupon good through Jan." 3. Period 2 coupons good for 10 gallons per unit Rev. Janis Laupmanis who speaks at Ann Street Methodist Church Friday evening served as an air raid warden in Birming ham, England, before coming to our country. He wrote the fol lowing stanza and taught to to those under his care in the air raid shelter. God is our refuge be not afraid, He will be with you in an air raid. Bombs may be falling, danger be near, He will protect you till the "All Clear." God is our refuge, He will be near After the warden sounds the "All Clear." Loved with a love that never can end, Jesus stil liveth, Savior and Friend. Cpl. Leonard Sanders, of Indian Gap. Penna., is expected home this week on leave. Comdr. Ernest Davis has been transferred from the Fleet Service School, Virginia Beach, to the Na val Training Station, Newport, R. I. Mrs. Davis and Laura are with hi mat his new post. Paul Cahoon, Jr., S 2-c station ed at Great Lakes, 111., is home on a nine day furlough visiting his wife and son, Rodney Paul, at South River. He also visited hit mother, Mrs. L. F. Williams on Cedar Street. His mother :became a unrisuan through American Methodist work in that country. He scarcely re members his father who died in Siberia when he was but six. His theological education and minis terial ordination took place in Latvia. With the help of leaders in the Methodist denomination, Laupma nis was enabled to come into this country in January, 1941, and sinec that time has travelled from coast to coast lecturfctg before re ligious, civic, and educational groups. In this lectures he says he tries to give information about Russia's economical and political life, some of his personal experien ces in Latvia-Russia, and to show that the Gospel of Christ is the ultimate hope for the world peace. That he has been doing all this in an interesting and stimulting manner is attested by press clip pings from coast to coast There are those here who have heard him; they tell us that persons who fail to attend will be the losers. Kirk and Smith Held Guilty Orville Kirk and Roy Smith, of I Beaufort, were found guilty in Mayor's Court Monday of inter fering with officers in the per formance of their duty on Satur day, December 11th, and were each charged with costs amounting to $32.50. 60-candle Cake Legion Christmas Tree For the Boys Mrs. Bernice Jarman asks us to announce that there will be a Christmas celebration at the A- mcrican Legion Hut for service boys planned very much after that of last year. There wu be a Christmas dance on Thursday ev ening, and the Hut will be open on Friday and aSturday for the pleapuie of those boys with so lit tle leave that they cannot make the tiip home. There wi I be a Christmas tree under which she hopes to have n gift for every boy aho stops in. Last year this wos made pos sible by the cooperation of indi viduals and organizations in the town and County and sh- is call ing on them again for he'p No 1 elaborate gift is expected cig arettes, toothpaste, shaving cream i handkerchiefs, candies and such. Each should bo gift wrapped with no name on the outside but the name of the giver inside and should be sent either to the Hut (after 6 p. m.) or the the Miller Fuvniturc Company as son as possible. Those Who Pay Up Before Sale Can Save Property SALES TO BE ON JANUARY 10 and 12 Colenza Inquest At the inquest into the death of Charles Colenza held at the More head City Town Hall last Friday. County Coroner A H. James says that after hearing the evidence, the decision was reached to drop charges against both parties since inadequate lights seemed to be the principal cause of the accident and in this respect both cars were at fault. Colenza was killed in an acci dent Tuesday evening, November 23rd on the water front drive near Mr. Oscar Noe's home when a car in which Colenza together with three other members of the U. S. C.G. were riding collided with the Beaufort Fisheries Station Wagon driven by Mr. Oscar Noe. Service Club Christmas Party The Service Club held its annu al Party and regular meeting Thursday night, December 9, at the home of Mrs. Y. Z. Simmons and Harry Simmons in the Mason town community. The Simmons yard was beauti fully decorated with Christmas lights and a huge bon fire. Old Santa paid his annual visit bring ing gifts for all the group ap proximately 50 per sons. Not only did Santa bring gifts to each but also entertainment Harry Wright, U. S. Coast Guard, entertained the group with dialogues for half an hour or more. Last, but by far not least wt Otis E. Mason, Sgt., USA, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mason, was last week graduated from the Ar my Air Forces Flexible Gunnery School at Ft. Myers, Fla. He will receive his crew training at one of the operational training fields in the U.S. James Elwood Warren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warren, of Beaufort, RFD. has been advanc ed from second to first lieutenant QMC. Glenn Adair, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Adair has entered the Nashville Army Air Center Nashville as an aviation student Word has just been sent to us of outstanding service of Capt Mau rie B. Cree, of Henderson, son of James A. Cree, Sr. former mana ger of our Five and Ten Cent Store. The account is of delicate surgery performed in the jungles of the South West Pacific. Capt. Cree removed a rifle bullet from the brain of a soldier who had re mained unconscious for three days. In four weeks, the soldier was up and around. Mr. Steed's Father Dies in Maxton Mr .and Mrs. J. S. Steed, James Steed, and Billy are in Maxton this week where they were called on account of the illness and death of Mr. Steed's father, Mrs. P. S. Steed. Mr. Steed died Monday nieht. and the funeral was con ducted on Wednesday. Hunters R. E. Chaplain celebrated his birthday yesterday in honor of which Mrs. Chaplain made him a birthday cake ladge enough to hold sixty candles and both "Happy Birthday" and "Merry Christmas.' Mr. Chaplain has no children to join in such a celebration but he does have a host of nieces and nephews many of whom came to congratulate him making the oc casion a pleasant surprise party. Ffteen nephews and grand nep hews were absent in the service of their country. Mr. Chaplain has been Carteret County jailor since 1930 and served for a number of years prior to that time under Sheriff Wade. Lespedeza and Soybean Seed School Sale of Stamps and Bonds Messrs. Gherman Holland, Jas. Potter, Jack Neal, Alvah Hamil ton, Will Webb, and naval officers from Cherry Point spent the first of the week hunting ducks and geese from Mr. Will Webb's camp on Harkers Island. They return ed Tuesday. SAVE PAPER Paper salvage week is drawing nigh. The exact data is to be an nounced by Jaycees soon. Save newspapers, boxes, wrapping pa pers, sort into piles, fasten, put away where they can be easily brought out when collection day comes. TB Seals Information has just been re ceived from Mr. H. L. Meachem, Extension Marketing Specialist, Raleigh, that the production of Lespedeza through the State is considerably below normal this year and that the demand for these seeds from other states by seea men is increasing steadily. Lesnedeza is one of our best crops for hay in this section due to its fine stem and nutritious value. It is also one of the best summer grazing crops and soil builders. A good quantity of these seed have been harvested in the coun- 1 ty this fall. It is hoped that our ... . i farmers will take advantage oi these seed while they are avail able and purchase what seed are needed for spring planting. Lespedeza seed can be seeded over small grain around the latter part of February until 15th of March without disturbing the small gram. Alter tne smau grain nas been harvested in the spring the lespedeza will begin growing and wil furnish excellent grazing dur ing the summer months. The North Carolina Department of Agriculture is urging any farm ers who have good quality, adapt ed varities of high oil content soy beans to hold them for sale for our 1944 planting. Good soybean seed are scarce ana anyone naving such seed wil more than likely get top price when sold for seed next spring. CAROL SERVICE AT HIGH SCHOOL NEXT MONDAY Executions against property owners in Carteret County on which taxes for the years of 1937, 1938, 1939 and 1940 are unpaid are being advertised in The Beau fort News today and will be run for four weeks. On January 10th property on which there have been no payments will be sold at the Court House door. On January 12th property will be sold on which partial payments have been made but are not paid up in full. Sheriff Holland told a newsman that those advertised had one more chance of saving their prop erty and that was to pay up be fore sales. A great many persons have made last-minute rushes to the Sheriff's office to pay up, stid there are several hundred who are being advertised today. Property owners who are ad vertised are urged to raisa the money with which to pay their taxes or they will lose their rights and interests in property after the sale, Sheriff Holland said. The Carol Service scheduled for Wednesday, December 15th, in the High School Auditorium was post poned because of the weather un til 2:30 on Monday, December 20. Two hundred boys and girls will sing in an entertainment di rected by Mrs. Charles Hassell as sisted by Mrs. Grayden Paul. Ev eryone invited to attend and hear the Christmas story in song and narrative. DAVID WILLIS Mr. David Willis, 51, of New Bern, died at Morehead City Hos pital this morning where he was entered as a patient about a week ago. Mr. Willis while making his home in New Bern, is a native of Sea Level. He is survived by one son. one sister, and a brother. Funeral arrangements have not been made as we go to pres3. EIGHT INCH SHOW COVERS COUNTY This is Biggest Snow Since Jan. 29, 1936 When 11 Inches Fell GILLIKIN OF SMYRNA BACK IN U. S. OTHER MEMBERS OF FAMILY ALSO SERVE ABROAD Don't forget to answer that let- Mrs. N. F. Eure, Mrs. J. K. Van-' r "um u,c "-'"" derveer ,and Mrs. J. W. Humphrey in their weekly canvas of the partment the one containing the TB seals from the sale of grades of our school on' Tuesday wnlcn we r ' r.u tion. t. jf support of the educational and BUfU fdOU WUI 111 Ul ulJICilDC Diauitin and bonds. Miss Edith Lewis' Fif th grade again took the lead. Capture Still In Merrimon Township on Mon day of this week Patrolman L. H. all enjoyed the oysters which the j Nelson and Deputy Sheriff Murray preventative work of the Tuber culosis Association in the County. Simmons' so nicely roasted and served with pickles ind crackers. May the time go by fast so that we may be invited again soon to the Simmons". County and Town Offices Close For Christmas Holidays Offices in the Court House and Town Hall will be closed for the observance of Christmas from destroyed several barrels of mash Thursday noon, December 23rd, and brought the still into the Al- until Monday morning, Decmeber cohol Board of Control. '27th. UJ Thomas captured a still with ful Ijr equipped copped outfit. They EDNA JANE LEWIS Edna Jane Lewis, ten months old granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs Bert T. Lewis, of Otway, died in Williamsburg, Virginia, last Sat urday morning of pneumonia and was brought to Otway for huria! on Monday. Services were conduct ed from the Freewill Baptist Church and the infant was laid to rest in the Freewill Baptist cemetery. Norman D. Gillikin, Storekeep er, 2nd CI. NSN, of Smyrna, has arrived back in the States aboard the destroyer to which he is at tached. Storekeeper Gillikin's vessel has been engaged in escort duty a round Recife and Trinidad. She has also seen convoy service to Gibraltar, in the Carribean, th South Pacific, and the region ofi the Philliplnes. Storekeeper Gillikin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gillikin of Smyrnaa nd attended Smyrna High School and Campbell Col lege before enlisting in the Navy at Raleigh in October, 1939, and ! has been in action in the Battle of Java Sea and the Battle of Bali Straits. An eight inch blanket -of snow which started early Wednesday has covered Carteret County, and most of the State. It is the deep est snow since 1936 and probab ly the most ever to fall before Christmas in this section. Tho last snow of any consequence was on January 7, 1942 when three or four inches was recorded at that time except in certain plac es where wind formed drifts. Early today despite the fact that a glaring sun was shining indica tions were that snow would not melt very fast for sometime at least. Many of the younger peo ple were enjoying the sportrs that go with a snow, on the other hand it brought additional suffering to many families in Carteret County. In some sections a shortage of coal and wood was reported with only a limited amount being avail able to each purchaser. Garages were rushed in car repairing but many cars were stalled due to tho lack of labor and supplies. Sixteen is the low reported at the official weather station on Piver's Island for this week's cold spell. ANN ST. METHODIST CHURCH W. Stanley Potter. Minister His Brother-in-law, Cpl. Joseph Carmen, U. S. Army and his cous in, Lt. Quentin Lewis, U. S. Army Air Force, took part in the inva sion of Italy. Another cousin. 2nd CI. USCG, was a casually at i Sunday evening Gaudalcanal. -i,i. -m 11 AM. The Light of Christmas 7:30 PM. Cantata by Sunshine choir. Because of illness the Adult Choir will not be able to give their Cantata as planned. The Childrens' Chrismas party will be held at the church on Wed nesday, Dec. 22nd at 2:30 P. M. There will be a program and tree. Sunday morning the Adult choir will give three spec:al Christmas Anthems and there will be a Christ ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Beaufort, N. C. Rev. Edgar Jones, PhD., Rector The Fourth Sunday in Advent, Dec. 19th. Church School 9:45 AM. Communion and Sermon 11 AM. Subject: "Christians Need Three Pairs of Eyes." On Sunday next and hereafter on the third Sunday of each month our service will be one of Intercession for the men and wom en of St. Paul's who are in Military service. Their names will be read the Sunshine Cantata and Christmas Carols. Let us not forget the church and the Christ child at this Christ mas season. Worship with us next Sunday We need you and you need the church. The Friendly Chuurch With a Welcome For You LIBRARY HOURS The Carteret County Library will be open each Monday and Tuesday from 12:30 to B; each Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri day from 10 to 12:30 and from 2 5:00; and each Saturday from 9 to 12. It will not be open on Christmas Eve. The Bookmobile from the altar tfnd prayers offered for them. Come and join with us ; will not operate December 20 and in prayer for your beloved son or 121 nor December 27 and 28 be daughter. cause of Christmas.

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