PAGE EIGHT THE BEAUFORT NEWS "kAUFORT. N. C. Thursday, April 27, 194 win fAmm OIIH UTILITY KNOCKS IIEKE" , , USED TRUCKS "Under order of the Oft':ce of Defense Transportation, new or extended truck operations were virtually frozen last October, pro-sp-'ctive buyers of trucks listed for sale in these columns are urged by the Beaufort News for their own pre ection to check with the ODT btfere closing a sale to ascertain wl ther gasoline will be authorized' FREE ! IF EXCESS ACIO I'ausi's you j".ain of Stomach Ul cers, Imlicstion. Heartburn, Celci: ina:. Bloating. Nausea, Gas Pains, ir'.'t free samn'.e, Uilra, at BELL'S DEl'U STORE. 10t.iay25 FOR SALE SOYBEANS, Mam- outh yellow an.l Tukio. See R. P. Go-hIiiht, lieauf.'i't lll'V. Mil :,a::t i 10:11 ' r.o plant tit-Li usually lvi-ults cf the tobacco pro.! .-tan.1. it usaallv tak bed to the j in the failure .icer to ;et a , .s areunii tin I days to two weeks under average j weather conditions for the blue i mohl to leave tlie tied ana me to bacco plants to arrow out suiTicient Iv for setting: in the tieUI. COLORED NEWS WANTED ALL PEOPLE SUF- ffi-insr with K)i!ney trouble or bi.ckache to try Kiddo at 07c. Mon ey back puarantee. Guthrie-Jor.e l'nip Store, Beaufort X. C, and Bell Brothers, Newport, X. C. tf FOR SALE-FIELD GROWN COL lard plants. Makes extra large head. Alex Graham. Dial B -U 1-.", 3t Mti FOR SALE QUIC irentlo and plow write Mrs. 11. T, X. c. K GOOD MULE broke. See or Hanks, Lukens, GM11 WANTED TO BUY OR RENT Small Sail SkilT complete. Box , 511, .Morehea.l City. It i FOR RENT LARGE FRONT Bedroom with use of adjoining Living Room, near waterfront, for yv! Memen. 105 Live Oak St. It rc-.X SALE OLD FASHIONED T-'i-ee Piece Living Room Suite. l" Live Oak St. lc FOR SALE 22 TON FORD Truck, good condition, good rub ber. See me at once. H. T. Carra way, Beaufort, X. C. RI D. tf LOST LAST WEEK AN EAST- man Kodak. Size tilti. Finder please return to Mrs. Ruby K. Simmons, 30," Front St., Beaufort, X. C. Re ward $ 10.00. It Tobacco blue mold is a fungus disease that over winters in oiu plant beds or any other organic material that might be nearby. It is easily carried from one field or farm to another by insects, wind, animals, such as dogs or even by people who might examine one in fested bed and go over to observe their neighbor's bed. The tobacco blue mold disease can easily be controlled by the use of paradicholorobenzene crvstals at the late of two to three pounds of thi'M crystals sprinkled ovr the plant bed canvas just before sun down. A heavy cloth such as unbleached sheeting must be put on over tT.e canvas to prevent es cape of the fumes. The side wall of the bed must be tight also to hold the fumes in the bed. The heavier covering must be removed early the next morning to prevent scald ing the plants. CARD OF THANKS We wish to txpiv-- our :ie, sincere thanks to u-.vh an I ever;, both white and Ccl-Ued u bo stood bv us during the tlltuvs and death of our beloved husy.ind, father and brother. Leo Chad .sick. Your kindness will never be for gotten. May God b!e.-s you ail. Mrs. Hettie Chadwick, James Chadw ick, The entire Smith family. tttlUil-. becaues the v. o;pr.a .a1' Ae".n, t:u::gs LABOR CAMP MARRIAGE LICENSE Ralph Stnzingci. Baltimore, MJ. to Inez P. Guthrie. Heautoit. Frank W. Smith. Jr.. t'le eland, Ohio., to l.aaiadi ll, B'.ad tuboto, X. C. Thor.ias T. Mas.-a X. Y., to Gloria Horehead City. t'lav W. C'hadwick, Straits, Drucilla Smith, Newport. Robert T. Kedling, Jersey City, X. J., to Dorothy Kane, Jersey City. liv n;'--t tills r.iv abcUL I.'.. To .11 my Blackburn, Annapol;; tiain, "the Skipper" sho i-is alwas wanting to do something extra," to hang behind after the action is over to catch a Jap uttawaies or strafe a ship;" the Skipper" whose squadron hxs never failed to com plete a mission no matter what tile weather; "the Skipper" who helped them rig devices to Carry ," 00 pound bombs and drop them on targets on Rabaul" just for the fur- were no aiore plar.e.- Blac' up i't cargo plus : i; when there to tig'..:. The sa uiron. burn's Irregulars." tv.a.'u l 4.1 pilots destroying 7 Jar idiips. 17 barges, 154 planes ' 1 probables, has et a tee ord for damage done to the enemy j by a fighter group. "When will it be over?" 'Fighting is pretty well oer in the Solomons now, we'll land in the Phillipines this summer, and probably attempt to Out through the Malayan Penninsula and cut orT Singapore soon. I don't know maybe we'll finish by the il of '4.'."" Statin I-!i-I'aye Willis, to MORE A20UT R. H. HILL (Contlnwd From ?age One) Real Estate TRANSFERS Nci part I . ie Belle DeXoyer to Walter D.: , Heath, 1 tract $10. Mc . r liead R A. Xunn, et ux to Morehead Ga ,.ent Co., 13 lots, sq. 58, SI. K nest E. Kilburn et ux to Ru fv. Guthrie, et ux, lot 1 blk. 105. ! .'. v'.'illie P. Peace et vir to J. L. Se; ,non, et ul, lot 1 sq. 5, $100. G. C. Brinson, et ux to George D. Morton, lot lf, blk. 42. !?10. -Madie A. Bell, trustee, to Claud P. Lewis, et, ux, lot 1 1 Sq. ti. SI JijO. S. A. Chalk, Trustee to More r.ead City Garment Co., !o,s :! 4 , 1500. 3eiufort Phillip Taylor, et r.y i0 Lena i'erry, 40 1-2 acres . 10, I.ouis Larson et ux to Marcel! Xewman, lots 115, HQ, OT. $1. Richard Newman to Louis Lar on et ux lots 115, 11C, OT, SI. William A. Willis et ux to Phil lip Taylor, 1 tract if 10. Straits C T. Gillikin et ux to Lin-vood Gillikin, 4.2 acres $10. Harkers Island Carrie Nelson, to Ernest L Parker Jr., 1.1 acre, $500. Atlantic Jas. R. Morris et ux to Harvey J. Daniels et ux, 8 acres $10. M. V. Taylor, to Jafes T. Gas kill, lucre $10. MORE ABOUT COURT (Continued Trom page one) subsequent conversation showed he had unfortunately been ton deaf to hear, and the Judge con tinued prayer for judgment upon condition of no violations for two years and payment of costs of $15.73. Brock was what the psychiatr ists call "accessible" he answered questions freely and apparently enjoyed doing so but he denied "selling." Nevertheless he Wii-s found e.uiliy and riven six months on ihe road . He .lead responsibil ity for a blind sister and semenct was suspended on condition of god behavior fur no years ami payment of costs $27.75. I Brighten Up Your Spring And Summer Wardrobe With A New Evening Gown From Our Beautiful Stock J. T. Willi.-, white-,. Beaufort, and J. M. Conway, v. hit. More head City, wer trie. I. on charges of driving on the Highway too close to the preceding car ani .stopping on the Highway wixiumt pi'oper .'agnal. Both r.ivi were judaf. ed "Not Guilty." Rapid progress has been made on the construction of the Carter et County Farm Labor Camp ac cording to a report by R. M. Wit lianis. C. B. Collier, U. S. Engineer from Raleigh and now employed by the War Food Administration, arrived in the county Wednesday of last week to begin the ground work of plotting the buildings. Construction and plumbing con tractors are now on the camp grounds with their crews of work ers putting up the necessary build ings and fixture to accomodate aproximately three hundred peo ple. One hundred and fifty Baham as workers have already been con tracted, to arrive on the camp site the first of June. It w anticipated that approximately the jiame num ber of migrator;; worker will aUo arrive :rom Hon da about the amc time. Both the Bahaman and tht. niiyriitor.;.' workers' wil be boused in tenls or; the campsite. There are other farmers in tht trucking area of the county who ha-ve their own housing facilities to afieonmtf.ifer a sizeable nunvhor of ajrricult-wal workers during the harvest season. S3 EAUFORf;;; CARTERET'S FINEST Today Friday- Tallulah Bankhead, Wm. Beiidix -in- 1N S3EMORY OF MY HUSBAWD ROBERT LEE W8LLIS Tobacco Blue Mold Reports reaching the county.- ;it gent's office daily indicate that to bacco blue nit.H is-sweeping ;ni the tobacco foil.. A number of thu farmers have already be.Tiia set ting tobacco while other have pre pared their soil and are wailing for the blue mold tio disappear.. The shock of transplantitijK a. disasd Two' years > youi left imv at a dark d"Vi lonely -world, to go to be with-. ,R"us, withiir. the gates o'C Pearl. So'n,tinH,s: when all u siien I seem M hear yow sirw tK bfeas- ed .TOimel stoi'y of Jiisu.s; Chui.-rt the King; Soira day my Dear I'H meet you whtme Chwe' will nnwjr He m night. Where all is pvace andglad ns and! r'lh'jst- will! lia' the Bjfht. But 0!t ho v I hav missedi vwu. is more than I can tefl but tten. I know deep) in; my Kiarfc,, tJiart (&ndi does uil' things- well; Written his lonwiy vriti, Mrs. Lula Willis. Davis, Nl. Cl- make your mouth water nor theirs), soon a poker game is un derway or movVs most ofien a war picture! Thea deep steep un der woolen blankets after th hot day, but troubled sleep in -hicii happenings of the day canuo. be pu-t away the plane going down in flames, the woundel chap tak-J i.:.. i.,., " I i-ii- M-iiFt ma pitnic. "How do they take ct.v of thes wounded. When you werfr injoirei-S fof -irtMwftu" "A flight surgeon is a:Wys at. the field witMan ambulancP-. and a crash crew wih fire fihtiiH? equip ment. The crah cre-v take -re of the fire, if-anu. cut the cilot's straps and take' him out, am?- rush hrm to the hosiital at the Bi ." "What sort of-hospital at Boug ainville?" "A dugout if? the ground vith logs built around iut e. og x hole, dirt floor, vt ti. a sareon, X rav equipment everything ie needed." "How do you R;,; uav:gat, and shoot all at the sac tire." 1 "Navigation. prims --.ork- J ed out before we levtve. I k-etmy compass, fly by dad ' re-fko'ting. Coverrng: the same ferriwry peatedly there are ..ertiLfi Luid marks and with a n-sp, I can rei1 ojjuize islands be vv two. at night. The machine guns in the wirapi of the plane ire fi?v:d by a button on the stick.." ' Robert's story like - that of oth- r home boys is difistteij in "LIFE BOAT" Double Feature Saturday TexRitter -m- Bill Henry-in "The Navy Way' witli Jean Parker ''Oida. Raiders' Pltis;CKapt.No. 1 'Adv. Fly m& Cadet' Sunday Monday Tuesday Randolph Scott, Grace McDoriald -in- GUNG Wednesday Only Grace McDonald, Leon Errol in "HAT CHECK HONEY" TO CLOSE WED. AFTEiMOdlS Beginning, Wednesday,, May lQth the Circle Station: Will dose at 12 o'ckck Noon in keeping with th"" othr buxiaess establishments of Beaufort. EDWARD WILLIS, MANAGER j ..:..:..::....?.?..Hx"HtM?'H Can ffolp !' Paper Bags forreivilian asa. has been cut 30 . Pleaan aare all le- baja. ai brio then vt yon when ahoppio. Ttef will b used in ackin jronr own pnrobascs- Help, ua con aerve our paper hat PP'y Please Cooperate ! BwjfWar Bonds Regularly LIBBY'S All Styles and Colors and Sizes Priced From $12.95 to $29.75 s. & w. DRESS SHOP BEAUFORT DIAL B 527 1 NOW POINT FREE STOCK YOUR PANTRY NEW PACK TOMATOES, 19 oz. can DL MONTE FANCY ASPARAGUS, lorge 16 oz. can COLONIAL GREEN PEAS, 20 ozrean vv 1 1 II 11c 42c 14c 15c 13c - - . . Mri r n y-k T-k .I r ! aV K IVT O 1 A nL'HFF'S TOMATO LKLAM S1ILL tUK, soumern manor, no- wn it. (6) Tiiirft IS-""'- tOc COLONIAL BEETS, 2 M Size Can 14c WJU1LO caB MV COLLARD GREENS, Eberwine, 27 oz. can 13c 32-oz Bott Sun Ripe. . . . i c. Arkansas Dinacn. io-ui tn aww - r POTTED .MEAT VIENNA Sausasifr GENEVA SPECIAL CUT (U) 4 oz lOp. STRING BEANS, 20 oz. can SHOE PEG CORN, Tiny-Tiin, No. 2 can (3) 'uice 24c THE THRIFT SI'RKAD- i2)Nucoa26c MERITA Bread 1 ic Loaf Rain or Shine Shop at HOME We can't give you a weather report . . but here's one forecast you can depend on tha rain or shine, City Grocery & Market wil continue to give you quality merchandise, fine values and friendly service! It's pat : riotic to trade at horns . . . saves you tun and money . . . helps Uncle Sam cocwerva tires and gasoline for Victory. Shop t City Grocery today ! New Shipment Frost Oil Clothes all sizes Also Rubber Boots DonJbla-Fraah DelKBLBNO Coffee S24e f.lorton'sSalt "When It Rains It Pours"1 2 26-oz. 41 puss. M; 10 lb Ammonia Pirson's Household 19c 32-oz Bottle N.C. Strawberries Quart 43c City Giocexy & Market I. N. MOORE, Manager PHONE 4741 BEAUFORT, N. C Green Cabbage 4 lbs. for 18c N. C. Green Peas 31bs. for 25c New Red Bliss Potatoes Grade A 5 lbs. for 34c Bag Ballard't Plain Obelisk Flour 69c 1- lbv I- NBC Premium Crackers 19c Northern Tissue, 3 rolls 15c 1 lb. Pkg. 20 MULE TEAM Borax 17c Half Gallon Laundry Bleach Fleecy White 25c 125 ft. Roll CUT RITE Waxed Paper 19c 16 oz. Jar Majeatic Vegetable Relish 19c 2 11 oz. Pkga Jersey Corn Flakes 13c 25-1S. Bag Plain Triangle Flour $1.41 tf your favorite toap la temporarily out f (lock, please remember that additional euppllet will b oScred at an early data. 3 Calces PALMOLIVE Toilet Soap 21c Octagon Cleanser 3 cans 14c 3 Cake OCTAGON Toilet Soap 14c Available J Merchandise THIS WEEK CARTERET II COMPANY 422 Front St. BEAUFORT N. C. Mr. Farmer - We can give you immediate de livery on Dentin Mc Don. Id ' Fairbanks -Mors Electric Water Pumps", Electric Wire and Fittfrtgs (Certificate required on pumps & wire") ALADDIN LAMPS Limited Stock Flashlight Batteries Ideal Rechargeable Flashlight Batteriea com-' plete with charger, plug in to 110-volt circuit. Will laat 2 to 3 yeara. Pitcher Pumps Pomp Pipe Pomp Points Piper Wrenches Steel Tool Boxes Electric Fence Control $9.50 to $24.50 Fluorescent Kitchen Units . 2 light- 40 watt Flashlights Spring Mop Handles Chick Feeders Chick waters Can Openers Wire Rat-Traps iClfcnen StepTstools G-E Mazda Lamps Florence and Kerogas 5-burner Kerosene Range Tractor Grease Guns Hydraulic Grease Fit tings 3-gal- Milk Cans Work Gloves Hand Oilers Pump Oilers Barn Door Track and Hangers G. E. 16 H. P. Electric Motors Belmont Socket Wrenches Platform Scales Trace Chains No. 61 Hames Collars and Pads Field Fence Barb Wire Girl Champion Plows Post Hole Diggers Tie-Out Chains Galv. Egg Baskets Silex Coffee Maker Silex Repairs Cary Coffee Makers Kent Coffee Makers Pyrex Ware Boss Ovens Woven Fell Rugs Dog Harness Dog Collars Wire Strainers (3 szes) Screen Doors Adj Window Screens Crab Scoops Fishing Tackle Tackle Box HotShot Batteries No. 6 Dry Cells Lawn Hose Lawn Sprinklers Kitchen Sinks (3 szes) Lavatories Closet Combinations Hot Water Tanks Hot Water Heaters Texolite Washable Magic Water Thinned. Paint Woolsey House And Marine Paints WATCH this COLUMN EACH WEEK .... m.Mui jmi. ,,LJMi.i-r'J 'I