PAGE TWELVE THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT. N. C. Thursday, May 25, 1944 Legal Notices STATE COLLEGf" ANSWERS TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE i Unlets you have an account wiU ! us all Administrator Notices, Di- j vorce Notices, Sale Notices, Etc., Q. When is the best plant niv soybeans? Q. Hiv can I prepare my Iambs fur shipment to market? An. Creep feeding is on-i the host wavs to increase the weight an.! grade of your lambs time to economically, says L. I. Case, Ex tension specialist in animal inclus- ! try at State College. Corn or some Ans. Plant as soon as practical ither fatteninjs ft,ed such a, har. must be paid for when notice is presented for publication. , m irie i oasuu nam anu neumuru, i j or wheat is best f(,r ,ambs that amianer May 10 nine .viounrains r ar ; t(, the narket. This says Dr. t,. t;. Louins, agronomist SALE NOTICE Pursuant to provisions of Sec tion 3411 (f) Consolidated Statue-; (G. S. 18-6), and by order of the Court, in case of State vs Shaw L'ecton, undersigned will, on Saturday, June 17, 1944 at 12 M. o'clock at the Court House doer of Cu ter et County sell to hihe with the Extension Service. Woods Yellow, Tokio, Ogden, and Vol state are good adaped varieties to use, he says. Plant the beans two to fo ir inches apart in the rows. .and inoculate where soybeans naw i I ;,ot been crown recently. Use a wee. 'or early. North Carolina Ex I terish :i Circi.iar 2."'! will give you Jtre i'ecomnie::iiatii ;:s for pro ing ; and fertiiixii.,' your soybean i. op. fattening feed, t octet her with tht mother's milk and plenty of good grazing, assures a good top lamb. Experimental results have shown that where the pasture is especial . ly good, and the ewes milking -.veil. creep feeding is unnecessary, but in the majority of cases, the spec ialist says, it will fay. If you do not p'u' woolen garments o a: s, uoxe. or special closets, bv ail means, hung ,fthem outdoors of ton and brush them thoroughly. Moth damage to I clothes and household goods is something over $100,000,000.00 i. year. Poor housekeeping is largely responsible for this woolen clothes and fur trimmed garments are left hanging in closets all sum mer long, full of dirt and grease spots which is food for moths They aren't even cleaned, aireu, or sunned. Moths do not harm clean garments. And don't be stingy with moth balls and moth i'umi-gants. Sloan, Morehead store your C.. to Mary E. City. Roy B. Kill. Jr., Asheville NX. to Dorothy J. McLean, Asheville. John Henry Thrower, Jr., Lit tleton, to Minnie E. Smith, New port, N. C. Leonard Seward. Beaufort, to Hildegarde Anderson, Beaufort- st n it.le for cash, the following des'-ibed property: llioi! Ford. 4 Door Sedan. Mo tor No. 23tt'.5'Jt.v, Statu Taj? 439 243. This 13th day of May, 1'.' ! 1, C. U HULL AND. Sheriff of Carteret County, X.C. A2J-27-M4-11 ear SALE NOTICE ti.--. lie the Ed,: at et C-. for c pror. It No. 659. Ti. .irsuant to provisions ot m-c-3411 (f) Consolidated Stat- G. S. 1S-(V), and by older oi uirt, in case of State vs Willis, undersigned will, on : turday, June 17, 1944 at 1 2 M. o'clock 1'ourt House door of Carter : ity sell to highest bidder, h, the following described -1 y ; ford, 4 Door Sedan, Motor ...-13631)76, State Tag 43- 5th day of May, 1944. C. G. HOLLAND, She-Iff of Carteret County, X.C. 20-2;-M4-ll SALE NOTICE Pursuant to provisions of Sc? ion 3411 (f) Consolidated Stat : c (G. S. 18-6), and by order of :.- Court, in case of Slate y: .;n Curtis, undersigned will, oi. Saturday, June 17, 1944 at 1- M. o'clock the Court House door of Carter County sell to highest bidder. ; cash, the following des.'.ibei operty: 193 1 Ford Truck, Motor No. 171502, StateVag 164-344. This 13th day of May, lvu4. C. G. HOLLAND. Sheriff of Carteret County, X.C. 20-27-M4-11 SALE NOTICE Pursuant to provisions of See ion 3411 (f) Consolidated Stat jes (G. S. 18-6), and by order of -he Court, in case of State vs James Lonnie Harvey, undersign--d wil, on Saturday, June 17, 1944 at 12 M. o'clock it the Court House door of Carter t County sell to highest bidder, or cash, the following described ropertyi 1041 Ford, 5 Passenger Coupe Motor No. 18-6463 1S8, State Tag 475-476.. This 13th day of May, 1044. C. G. HOLLAND, Sheriff of Carteret County, X.C A20-2.7-1L4-11 NOTICE "orth Carolina, "urteret County. ,n the Superior Court. Carteret County and Town of Leuufoit, North Carolina, -vs- Goorge B. Monroe and wife Al chea Monroe; and east half (1-2) of lot 86, New Town, Beaufoit, X. C. To; Defendants above named, and Yo WHOM IT MAY COXCERX: The defendants, George B. Monroe and wife Althea Monroe nd any and all person (s) claim- in n- bv. thru or under them, or e ither of them, or otherwise, claim ing, known and unknown claim ants, will TAKE NOTICE tlsat an ;.ction as above titled has been commenced in the superior court of Carteret County, North Caro lina, to foreclose tax liens and as sessments on east half (E 1-2) of lot 86, New Town, Beauofrt, N.C., on south of Pine street, and to ex clude and bar named parties, and all person (s) known and unknown, claiming by, thru or under them, or otherwise claiming, or assert ing any right, title interest or claim in or to said lands, i'rom such claim andor right; and de fendants, and person's claiming by, thru or .under them or either of them, or otherwise caliniing, will TAKE NOTICE further that ho, she, it, is required to appear at the office of the clerk of the su perior court of Carteret County in the court-house at Beaufort, XC, winthin twenty days after the 14tk day of June, 1944 and answer or demur to the complaints, or plain tiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaints,' This 8th day of May, 1944. L. W. HASSELL, Clerk of the Superior Court of Carteret County, N. C. 4t Mll-18-25 Jl jfd. ' Q. How can I provid round .grazing for mv hogs? ! . n:. for summer grazing, Bil- Tokio or Woods Yellow sov- sooii as College Hints For Farm Homemakers 'VI S ; beans can be grazed as they are 1 2 indies high. Vestal, swine specialist State College Extension Lesnedeza will furnish gi 1 ;;e mid. lie cf lune Lint i ww.iiu r. .'. ;...,): :.t . .uvs of beans tmd Suda.i grass also good .-urn liter and .'.di gruzil says. For L.U fail, winter spring grazing, a mixture . jir.unds .if rye grass ;;i.d In p of crimson clover seeded h By RUTH CURRENT Plan Let storage tinn- is here. Store your blankets in the coolest place you have. Don't pile dieets. ivs LIlis j ;uilts, or comforters on top o4 tne . tiiem as it crushes the nan. e' vice. Clean vour blankets before vnn zing put them away. Brush them often to remove dust and lint and to 1 CO.C! soy give he and 1 3 0 .".lid - road- east in ".-eprember i exeeaent. i ror winter and fall grazing, small grain mix-fur-, s niay also be i;-ed. I keep the nap fluffy which make? j fore better insulation and warmth. Always biusii lengthwise of the blanket, never across. Sunshine and air will help bring up the nap. Mend the thin worn places be fore you store your blankets, and if there is need for a new bind- in, too. don't wait until winter comes again to get the job done. Take time and do a good job of house cleaning this year. On" room at a time is enough walls to clear, windows and wi odw..rk to wash, window shades to dost ami clean, bureau drawers, and -lose:, Iwta. springs and mattre.- to take care of. Organized house cleaning makes the job easier. MORE TELEPHONES COMING Resumption of manufacture of civilian-type telephones to the extent of 200,000 sets per quarter has been authorized by the War Production Board. First deliveries are expected by fall. Approximate ly 100. 000 new orders for te'e- nhones that cannot be tilled be cause of lack of equipment are accumulating each month. Real Estate TR ANSFERS V t tf t Dr. C. D. Griniuls, veterinarian with the Experiment Station at State College, warns that tin threat of he, cholera may be con siderably greater this spring. aSraieuerfD(D)ini i no pwrte- ' 00 ils simpfe 13 4? 'i' , i-s-i:- y Tel- fl cy'3. ot W At,ley's 100 Pure f Pi cos coIors-ad V tecu' .u-."7- y lne famous An... Morehead Township Roger W. Jones, et ux to Ed ward D. Jones, 1 tract $10. Betty W. Smith . t ux, to Rog er W. Jones. 1 tract, ?10. Grady Wilis et ux to Gir.cva Guthrie, et vir, .41 acres, $10. Beaufort C. W. Britton, et ux to "W.. B. Longest Jr., et ux, lots 67-1.3 OB Park, ?10. Ida J. Webster, et vir to Pierre Potter et ux, pt. lot 87 XT, $350. Marshall berg Chas. S. Willis et ux to Harry Xeil Heady, 1-8 acre $50. David Jones, to Thomas Chad wick Jones, acres 1. E. H. Davis, et ux to Percy Da vis, M. D. Lewis property. SIOO. Kenwood Davis. ei ux to Fa. Davis. 1-4 acre Sid. Truck Farm Turns In Good Profit F. A. Holdeii. a farmer in the Gletivilie section of Jackson Coun ty, has demonstrated that a com bination o," vegetable production, livest.-ck raising and poultry re sults in one of the most profitable types of farming and gives a bet ter distribution of . labor through out the year, says H. R. Xiswon ger, horticulturist with the Exten sion Service at State College. Holdcn's total gross income in 1943 from the sale of his produce was 1,157.96, divided in this way: NURSE LOSES FAT SAFELY AYD5 WAY Gef slimmer without exerdse Eat starches, poeitnrs, gravy. just cut down. 1 ' 11 " iafc. sensible, easier. No exer cise. No drugs. No laxatives. MARRIAGE LICENSE an:-l't. Tex v'ovth, i-.-itn,n, Chi- J. M. Larrick. Wichita j to Florence Smith, Beau lieorge t. Bl acken, 1 1 Jex., to Shirk y K. U ran". 111. Zeb Vance Putts. Beaufoit. to Mary Vaughn, Centerville, C'hio. Alton Lavory Linehan, Sprin". town, Tex., to Bobbie L. Moigan Corpus Christi, Tex. Edgar H. Pope, Savannah, Ga., toMrs. Sarah K. Hardison, JJ. Paul L. Trowbridge. Willi.., tie, Conn, to Doris Gardner, Wil liamantic, Conn. James F. Hardison, M. City, N. Nurse wasoneof morethnn !l0 persons losinu 14 to M IDs. utvraite '"" 'eks in rlini.'.tl t-9ts with Ay. Is Cm conducted t.y medical doctor;.. 'si Delicious AVOS hefcre vv menl rlttlls the aprxtite. Vet you ?!. viein :r mtixrals nutrients in Ayd.M."iri . weight now. : d .y sui-o ". ' '.j.j if vou're not tl.titthteil wii.i n J'- MONEY BACK, wuli the very Itrst box. I'.. .." F. R. BELL, Druggist BEAUFORT, N. C. C. H. BUSHALL Fire, Health. Accident, Automobile Insurance Real Estate Bought Sold Rented Will Write Your Bond RELIABLE COMPANIES GOOD SERVICE 108 Turaer Street DIAL 415-1 Beaufort Whites, the whitest of 8,1 h'"le paint. Fig. ed over any perio of t,me. it is a most economical paint. Save money on your repair bills. Protect your home and hold your property value high by painting this season with Athey's 100 Pure Paint. OR. LUTHER FULCHEP Med icine & Surgery Offica Hours: 9 to 12 M 2 to 5 P. M And" By Appointment RAMSEY BUILDING Office Phone 424-1 Re.. 485 1 Dr. E. F. Menius OPTOMETRIST 3rd Floor Elks Temple Rooms 307-8.9 & 10 NEW BERN, N. C. ifC5' I ts 10 P t Mnmmfncluntl ly f . J.J. . - - 'ti,-, : f - '; ' 1 " . . i.'Hi.atii.iiwM.iWafcii DR. J. O. BAXTER. SR. DR. N. M. BAXTER New Bern. N. C. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted For Night Appointment Call 413 or 334-J O. H. JOHNSON, M. D. Eye, Ear Nose & Throat SPECIALIST GLASSES FITTED Offica Hours: Morehead City 9 A. M. to 2 P. M Including Sunday Beaufort 2 to 4 P. M Week days only ROOMS With Private Baths, at Reasonable Rates DINING ROOM SERVICE Morehead Villa LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED THE FACTORY WAY $1.59 Western Auto STORE C. M. Jones, Owner 9KSKI Automotive y Acetylene v Marine and Equipment. Zlectric and Welrling. Cylinder Heada & Engine Blocks Welded. Delco Engine Repar Parts of All Kinds. Generators, Starters, Car buretors. American Hammered Pis ton Rings Valspar and Kirby's Paidts and Enamels. BARBOUR'S MACHINE SHOP Beaufort N. C. ': C f X BEAUFORT HARDWARE CO. SAVE THE SURFACE & SAVE ALL Screen Doors, Garden Hose, Marine Supplies and General Hardware FRONT STREET BEAUFORT, N.C. FOR THAT ENLARGEMENT OR SNAPSHOT HE WANTS OR the FRAME FOR HIS PICTURE EUBANKS STUDIO OPEN UNTIL 7:30 P. M. & BY APPOINTMENT Phone B 388-6 Turner St., Beaufort FOR SALE GRADE 1- TIRES & TUBES L0FTIN MOTOR CO. Beaufort N. C. Vegetable crops, $1.S97.7C and livestock, poultry an J ejrgs, SjfjO. 20. 1 1 is cash outlay for hired libor, fertilizer ana other farm supplies was S 7118.37, leaving a net income of $1,659.59. His farm consists of 104 acres, of which 45 are classed as cultivat ed land and 20 acres are in pas ture. In 1943 he had two and t half acres in potatoes, one in cab bage, one in snap beans and three in turnips and cucumbers. He ?rovs most of the feed for his livestock and poultry as well as most of the food for h:s family. He follows a practice of crop r ;ta;ion in xrowiiiff his truck crops on land has been limed and pho. phat id. Crimson clover follows corn, fiiap beans and other cultivated crops as a winter cover crop that is tinned under in the spring and the land is then used for some other cultivated crop. Another rotation is the sowing of a winter cover crop consisting of eight pounds of red clover or crimson clover, four pounds of herd grass and ten pounds of or chard grass. This crop remains on the ground for two years with one cutting for hay and the next year is turned under and planted to truck crops. Dr. J O.. Baxter Jr. THE EYE ONLY BEAUFORT, N. C. AT FIRST SIGN OF A USE ofc6 TABLETS. 5ALVF. NOSE DROPS mm ssn w The roasters of this leading selling brand of Coffee & Chic ory...Wm. B. Reily&Co. Inc., extend to you this invitation: 'Take home a can of Luzianne.. use the entire contents . . If you are not satisfied in every respect your money will be refunded . . . This guarantee appears on every can. mi m WANTED WE WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR USED CAR dtfci Motor Company! Beaufort N. C. :: It's the Quality of leadership i that makes Leaders I 1 i i I are the Leaders AOanhn Cowipiwy-flrMTt in Atlanta. Cnartotu. Chatlanoooa. Norfolk. Orlando t'SrlHt il& Ml WJf - Qi UJf -imJSL5L, Money Can Forge Your Way or Life ! The man with money in the bank is independent of financial troubles. Develop the habit of thrifty savings .... start your own bank account today! TIME - TRIED - TESTED FIRST - CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY Front Street Beaufort, N. C.

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