r lorsecBrity,too! a AUFO r Vwarr Rimy A 7 ie Most Widely Read Newspaper Along The Central Carolina Coast roLUME XXXUt No. 32 10 PAGES THIS WEEK BEAUFORT, N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1944 10 PAGES THIS WEEK PUBLISHED WEEKLY. mnrJP HAMllTftll irriiniC OAA DAMES FOR BIG ROLL 0FH0M0R Morehead City and Beaufort Panels Still Incomplete i ,.t-her Hamilton who is peering together names of all !, Carteret boys in the Service for a huge Roll of. Honor being prepared by the uoreneuu v. n ...i. t tn Americf.n Legion made his first progress report today. Ti,;ri hundred names have been gathertd and classified to date a. v.,. nil of those co operating with Judge ' " artntin? re named p.ac- . , .mall community n tieauy evcij - , A-f. n hsirinz sent in the desirea ui . j . rnmnlete. out ne says that data on Morehead City and Beautort juy ' About 320 names are registered from each place but of approxi mately 600 in th3 County still un registered, he fe Us the bulk are from these two places. In conversation with us today, judge Hamilton gently put Beau fort in the posit on of holding up the works. Comi mniues listed alphabetically. Atlanta like Abou Ben Adheu will "lead all the rest" and Eeaufort is to be eiven second place, but so sure is he that the oeauiuiv plete that he is reluctant to ko on with the Betty boys. For the time being he is holdi ig the mat or in abeyance in the interest oi Beaufort representation. x ,.opinfion of what this Le-rion Post is trying to do for the County, everyone who nas a sou u. husband in the service and who n.. not already done so is urged to ,cul a card to Judge Luther Ham ilton, Morehead City, giving that information at once. Wait And See "Due to the .pread of polio eastward to one or more ad joining counties, the County Board of Health has adopted control regulation which at present indicate the h"I of the Carteret County Schools aot earlier than Thurs., Sept. 14. School " employ" and the newspaper. wilHie front us further and more definite ly ia this connection between Sept. 1-5. Until then your ... a. to th. date of ac tual opening U a. good a. UTTeahoe was addressed hy Supt.J. G. Allen this morn ing to principal, and teacher, in the hope that t would be received before any of them gave up their summer employment. RATION BRIEFS GASOLINE A-ll good through Nov, 8. SHOES No 1 and 2 "Airplane" Stamps in Book III good indefinitely. SUGAR Stamps No. 30, 31 and 32, Book ... -j r tinunds of sugar m- IV, jrouu " r , . c iu definitely. No. 40 good for 5 lbs. inning sugar through February 28' 1945CANNED GOODS Blue Stamps, Boole iv, through Z-8 and A-5 through F-B cood indefinitely. I5 MEATS aj Red Stamps, Book iv, -: through Z-8. A-5, B-5, C-5 good in t definitely. i -s.j a anA K couDons good through September. During Octo- -:- hPr unusvu - t Tanged at Ration Board or new si 1944-45 heating sea. v--r- I f Fverv car owner must write S ' . . mhPr and State m Sv-ncTo. ail gasoline coupons i 1 .in his possession. I ,t i D..I Tontrol I I All persons renting, or offering 1 1 A ..... i;; mmrters wiiat- for rem, uny ii'b . .. 1 x -winter each cweii- ' 8overe mus r:; " ntroi oip.ee i.. t ing until wiui k.i. , " r their rent area. Persons who feel ; l. e L c. hpin? overcharged Vt i: ;hmit complaints ? ' 1 . t,k rmnlaint forms aro v- ; :IL Rnard if your area .loes Tot have a rent control office LONG DOCKET 111 CO. COURT Verdict Postponed For Nelson, Driver Of Car Colliding With That of Dean of Shaw University In England A Hinified intelligent colored family were prosecuting witnesses on Tuesday in a case in which Jul ius Nelson (white)-, woreneau City, was charged with driving while under the influence oi intox icants. Barksdale, Dean of Shaw Uni- vnlaitv. Armeared in Court wit.i his wife, a teacher in the Rdeigh erhr.nl and two sons, all three oi whom were banged up and band aged, and a third son is in tne Morehead City Hosptial with e broken leg. The Barksdales are employed by fho Put rmwfords at Camp More- head. Last Saturday evening while driving toward Beaufort they met wir.n u.hn was headed toward Um-Phefl.fi Citv. Nelson suddenly at hio of the Hienway anu swerved toward the Barksdals car. In the collision, the Barksdale car was damaged to an extent esumav ed at $300 and every occupant re Nelson, un u.. onirnnwlprlcerl his drunken condition to which a patrollmen tes tified who found mm ieanin -the Sea View Apartments shortly after the ncci dent. Moin rlnimprl a marine, whose name he does not know, was driv ing his car. No one else saw tne marine. Whether a marine was ac tually in the car or not was not es tablished. Case was continued for ..Aint until AllSUSt 15. irLUIVb Wltv.- cj - t., ctvil-inir pnntrast to the spieen- AU . i.. ,ir.;Sprl tpstimonv of the barks- dak's, was the case of Lillian Da- nir,vp,n. North River Koad, charging her brothor, John Mur rell with assault on her son, Earl Junior Davis, to whom she reti red as "a little child 18 years old. Junior, a slight bespeciacieu ed by told of the assault in a nam ing and involved manner with many promptings from Mama. Lil- lian then wok me wuu, - ited by the presence of Court of ficials and fairly shrieking from emotional excitement she gave her side of the story. In a duet of in vective she and John talked so high and fast as to make it seem as if they were talking in a for eign tongue, and when John s wife wnrrl. Lillian drowned Lout- the'-whole crowd succeeding m making a broil between three peo i annnA like a rioting multitude. Tr.hn never took the stand for him self but said simply" that ite wa playing with nephew Junior. Pray er for judgment was continued on condition that he let Junior alone i nfnara costs of SI. 80. aim t"jr . Mr. Annie smitn iwuuiu ,uitp nf "Annie's Place" be and Morehead City Kirbv (white) Cliaicu " - . , WpIpti MfeCov (white) witr assiult. Both were found guilty. In the case of Kirby prayer for judgment was continued on condi tion of two years good behavior and the young girl was given ume ly advice, a 30 day sentence sus pended on conaition oi hnvior. and the two paid consolidat ed costs of $21.95. A marine sergeant lett nis car with Roland Smith (white) New port, for repairs promising to call for it in three days. On the even- th omp. dav he accidental- lv discovered that Smith used it for a trip to jyioreneau ity il, oQafe Smith was chartred witft Lllv uvcv... - f ectine the speea- SlCttiuiB , - , I ometer, and Sam uaroer, wnn iuo with him, was charged witn biuh.b and abetting. Smith's charge was changed to trespass oi wnicn e was found guilty ana given ,. year suspended sentence upon pay ment Of COSt Ot ?11.0U. Drtioci A not euiltsr. Barney Matthews (white) wore- tuj ritw was recently iounu lllHU " - :u f foL-incf i unit of a nwnf Af iur. Lewis Marouci8 j vro, Vnrlf for xenairs four 1 i 1 W .IL VI .w..- - . nnd npver returning it ,VCBis c-b" . He was ordered to replace me w ootiefviner to the plaintilt Willi UUC ov.w. ---o ' and pay costs of f 22, Matthews a- peared again xuesaay unun -"i"-nlv with court order. Matthews is under bond to appear again the 15th ana sausiy. the court that he nas compute. Harold Wilton, Newport, uru, rhanzed with nonsupport of Mrs. Wilton and her 2 minor children was heard after continuation lor several weeks. Wilton was found :u Provpr for iudement con tinued upon condition he provide Pvt. Robert A. Clover, USA, on of Mr. nd Mr.. W. T. Glover ot Wet Beaufort, entered the Army two years ago at Ft. Bragg. He trained at Ft. Benning, Ga., and i now leriring abroad with our arm- id forces. ERNEST SNOWDEII BACK III STATES Beaufort Boy Has Seven Decorations For Achievements In Two Tours of Duty In South Pacific Abroad . .Sgt. Talbert C. Dunn, USA, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dunn of Ann Street received his silver aerial gunner's wings at Laredo Army Air Field, Texas, had advanced training at Peterson Field, Colora do Springs, Colo., and Lincoln, Nebr., and is now serving abroad with an Air Service Command. CARTERET BOYS IN THE SERVICE Tommv Russell. , USN, returns to Camu Peary. Va., on Saturday following leave spent in Beaufort and Morehead City. rnmHr. Finest M. Snowden has to the United States for leave after leading Navy Air Group 16 in combat with tne ene Tinian. Guam. Tara HIV v -f F .... r 1 u.'.i, Millp. Kwahalein, Pal- ua,' Woleai, Hollandia, and Truck release from the Public Relations Office of the 11th Naval District. tvnpst's D-roun compiled one of the outstanding records of the war .h0n it BPnrerl 18 direct hits on two Japanese aircraft carrieis and shot down 45 enemy planes during a two day battle near the Mariana Islands last June l'J-20 r-..ct vctiivninof home from a second tour of duty in the South Pacific. He served aboard tne it c Wnsn hefore she was sunk and earned the Navy Cross for his work while filing over Guadalcan al. Between September, 1943, and June, 1944, he earned me iii i! AfQ,.it MpH.i1. the Silver Star Medal, three Distinguished Flying Crosses, and an Air Meuai inm, maWpa 7 decorations which we have been told is- tops even among veteran Annapolis men. David S. Nelson. S lc, USN, has returned to San Francisco, Calif., after spending five days here with his wife on Turner Street. Lt. Jack Larrick, USMC, has been transferred to Newport, Ark ansas, and Mrs. Larrick is with him there. The Larricks have been occupying an apartment at Mrs. Horace Loftin's for the past three months. Prior to her marriaze ear ly in June, Mrs. Larrick was Flor ence Smith. 3 CHANGES III MEWPOT SCHOOL FOR 1944-45 Ready For Opening Says Prin. Pruitt Principal Ralph L. Pruitt an nounces the Newport Schools ready for 1944-45. The staff, with three vacancies caused by summer resignations was not completed until Wednes day of this week: Mis3 Minnie Johnson who leaves after seven years as a member of the high school faculty is to be replaced by Miss T.r Verne Vox ot Winterviue who last year taught in the schools Countv. Mrs. Clarence Guthrie, the former Miss Lucille Parker, leaves after six years ser- inp Shp is tn he renlaced bv Mlts Harriett McDowell of Shelby, a member of the Harkers Island fac ulty for 1943-44 and at piesent serving as dietitian for the More head Citv Hosmtal. Miss rean Tavlnr of Sea Level, who has taught in the schools of Carteret County for some time and was at White finW last vear. will take the third grade position vacated by Mrs. Pruitt. Mrs. Elizabeth Moore, Chesterfield, S C, will be in charge of the teacherage succeeding Mrs Mary Price. talUinw with Principal Pruitt ohnnt. the outlook he says wuaj he is expecting an unusually large number of first graders aiuiougu th. in-45 will not be a record for the thirteen years of his service at Newport. There will, howover, he a smaller senior class than he has known before. As is true everywhere, there will Le a drop there with an incoming class of perhaps 18 or 20. POLIO Due to the fact that an epidem ic of infantile paralysis (polio myelitis) b now prevalent in this, nml ndioinini? states, and has now spread to the borders of Carteret County, the Carteret County Board of Health has adopted reg ulations designed to control as far as possible the further spread of this disease and these regulations follow this article. The following information is Drovided for inter ested persons by Dr. Oliver, Car teret County Health Officer, wno wishps also to emrthasize that it is not the intention of the Board of Health to cause anyone any unnec essary inconvenience. The measur es taken are needed and urgently essential. Thp onset of most cases is sud den; usually with moderate eleva tion of temDerature, pain in the back of the neck, drowsiness, pain in thp affected limbs, diarhea, nead cold. ptc. Paralvsis is not an early feature. No layman is competent n ..t.hliih a diagnosis. Home ,...im.ni i. f no avail. Delay in calling your physician will result in serious complications. The early mv resemble anr com- "t-- ' - , Your lamuv Dnysicni 1U VI. ...uvww. v . should be called immediately if any ninoc imnnir vour children or their associates is noticed. CEDAR ISLAND SEEKING ROAD IMPROVEMENTS IMMEDIATELY Prospect of School Bus Travel Over Condemned Bridge Back of Action John (Bud) Daniels son cf the Winfield Daniels has been trani fpred from Ft. Brag? to Ft. Sill Oklahoma. r , , Robert D. Hill, SC lc, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. !. Hill oi Beaufort, RFD, has been transfer ror from his ship to a submarine serving in the Pacific War Area. He writes of seeing Carlton Rhiu. who is also serving aboard a suo-marine. EDWIN GATLIH RECEIVES Mf DM Award Made For Heroic Rescue nS. W. Pacific r.nmmander Snow- den credits some of the success of frt the Japanese: "You can count on most of their flyers to pull a boneneaaed siunv. he says. "They are great acrobats, l .ft., wont into wro nnr irunj. The Navy flyers we fought against off Saipan were the best we met. They appear ed to have been specially u.- xi.:.. ..artrf nr. our fleet, no lor una n"tv m , terms the first day of battle (June 19-20) as an old fashioned "Turket-shoot" during which mora than 350 enemy planes were de stroyed. Forty-one of these were shot down by Lis fighters with no men lost. Japanese pianes, i..i,., tororpt.s for tne were rne miiwjr, - fast shooting American pilots, dropped so fast during battle that f flirt tJiinmv aviators be- came panicky and parachuted from their planes Deiore could shoot them down. It was al most as it they were piowi.ig ... a huzz saw." ,, , During the second day, dive and torpedo bomber, from Command er Snowlen,s squadron scored 10 .. ... u!.. nno 28.000-ton Jap direct " , anese aircraft carrier and scored two direct hits on another. rn,manriir anowoen w-u planes in bombing and strafing at :.i,. cianan before and during the invasion of that strategic Mar iana base. Several days Day he landed on a Saipan airfield and found time to inspect some of the barracks his planes naa . ... i urarA Hleerjlllff in ed. "Army mi" - i them by then," he a , du . . l..:u: a .. oro n TU11 OI Iiuiya if it had rained hard they woulo have drowned." During the American invasion of Kwajalein in thj Marshalls, Commander Snowden directed the air attack on that atoll. He was aa vie T.pcion of Merit for aWHlUU It.w o . . that action. His three uisnncu.su- ed Flying Crosses and Air meuai were earned for leading attacks on varied Japanese islands raiiRinn from Tarawa to Faiau. t t Mrs. Edward Potter ar rived yesterday from Florida to visit the E. ti. rouers oa stroot.. From here he is to leporc to Beaufort, S. C, for duty. AC Glenn H. Adair, son of Mr. a w v.. Adair, waa fradu- anu ... ated last week from the 2156th AAF Base Unit at Decatur. Ala. ti, o.hnnl at Decatur. Ala., is a primary flying school where Avia- tion tjadeis reteivc wtu flying training. Glenn now goes to Courtland, Ala., lor more aavam; ed flying. T.t Bohert H. Hill, USN, wil spend another two weeks here with his parents alter wnicn is is to report to NortoiK ior nis nei assignment. Robert returned in Anril from the facinc wnere ns distinguished himself. Sinca then he has been in Florida training nen for a new squadron. Pvt. Winfield Fodrie, Mrs. Fod Hp. and his dauzhter, are hero vis iting Pvt. Fodrie's sister, Mrs. W D. Skarren. Pvt. Fodrie is sunon ed at Camp Walters, Texas. PnmHr. Ernest Snowden, just returned to the U. S. from the Pa .;fin tnontre of war. is in Wash in.zton, D. C, on temporary duty. He intends to come to Beaufort next Tuesday to visit his mother here. Mrs. Snowden will return with her son and they will be join ed in Washington by Midshipman Macon Snowden, of Annapolis. Edwin Gatlin, AMM 1-c, son of m- Mr. w. u. uatiin oi v,e- dar Street, has been given the Na- .... l Marine Corn Medal. "TVip Naw Breeze" of the Naval iral Training Center, Chicago, for July 23 features nis picture with that of three others 1.1 hofnro fellow sail- as ."cjr nS3", , . -T.- 1 .anama awards ors in reTw"u ic-cv - from their Commanding OHicer Capt. W. O. Gallery. w,iu,in'a citation reads: "For he roic achievement while serving a? plane captain of a patrol piane j. roaciin mission in the ainmo Islands area. The rlane " i in which he was a crew memoei hd iust completed a successful f aiv survivors and was taking off when a message was re other nlane some CCIVCU ji.,. aunv that another sur ULSkaiivc t j ?f r.M St.. r.eor.Te. New Ireland They immediately proceeaeu to X I.CJf nnrtprl location and made a water landing. Realizing that the raft, which contained an mjuiei f-nniH not be brought along SllVSIa v,o r.innp. he without hesita MUC Hc , j.:- into rne fea a" ...ttv, line to the ratt, mak it to bring the sui o onmib-h to be taken b i i Hia pnuraeeous and ferries devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions oi u.c Lt. David Mosier, USN, return ed to the Airfield at Hoksville, ri;f Kw nlnnp this week after visiting his family here and mak ing the acquaintance of his very young son, David, Jr., Mrs. Mosier, Memrie, and his mother, Mrs TTvonch. had a few days together in Greenville just before he re-turn ed. MRS. DAVIS OF H. I. DIED ON WEDNESDAY Vnnr o-enerous response to the Carteret Infantile Paralysis Cam paign has already provided $500. to assist in the establishment of three hospitals in this state for the treatment of infantile paralysis. More money is available, and these hnsnitals stand ready to provide complete and modern care for all victims. Arrangements for admission of rotipnts to these hospitals may be . - . made by contacting ur. uuver a. Beaufort 486-1. It hould be emphasized that, so far, no case has been found in Carteret County. Precautions are being taken because one cas-3 has been found at Swansboro, and numerous cases exist in Hyle ana Beaufort counties.6' In addition, numerous tourists and service peo ple are constantly coming to this county from heavily infected ... nnr'TrvrT areas. Our aim is to rnivruM Carteret County. Every available means will be employed to this end. An encouraein,z feature of this epidemic is that the treatment pro vided has been extremly enecuye. Very few permanent deformities have resulted and tne ueam rate has been relatively low. KEEP YOUR CHILDREN AT HOME. STAY AT HOME YOUKSbU!. avoid VISITORS AND ALL PUBLIC GATHERINGS. TKo nnntrol regulations of the Carteret County Board of Health follow : 1. ALL CHILDREN UNDEK 18 YEARS OF AGE shall be pre vented from attending all public gatherings; i. e. bathing places, schools, Sunday scnoois, cnurcn- es, camps, moving picture tnea- tres, carnivals, common play grounds, parties, or tne equivalent. It is the intent and purpose of this regulation to prevent congre gation of children in puDiic re-sutu-ronta However, it wiil not be con sidered a violation for children or adults without private laoi.'ities for preparation of food to ire quent such establishments as need 2 ALL GATHERING TU GETHER OF, AND MINGLING OF CHILDREN UNDER 18 YRS. IS SPECIFICALLY I'KUtumi- ED. 3. It shall be the respo:uioili:: of parents, guardians, or others re sponsible for the care oC such chu dren to' see that these regulation. are STRICTLY OBEYED. t all i.i.urutnr nr l)U:iic 0 . nil v i"- - A delegation of something like 20 citizens from Cedar Island ap peared before the Board of coun ty Commissioners at their monthly meeting on Monday to aslc that tne State Highway and Public- Works Commission do something about the road from Atlantic to Cedar Island. Melvin Styron stated that some repair work had been done, but citizens declared the bridge to be condemned and asked for some action at once as Cedar Island chu- Hron nass over it as thev go by bus to attend the high school in Atlantic. A delegation also pre sented the matter later to- the Board of Education and both bod ies are asking the State Highway Commission for action. Supt. J. G. Allen says he is personally back of them and is doing everything he can to hasten action in the matter. Other business of the day was somewhat routine. Dr. K. P. Bon- tier, Morehead City, C. Z. Chappell, Beaufort, and Wallace li. atyron, Sea Level, were the only members present. The Board voted to accept $100 from C. n. Freeman, More head City, and S. C. Holloway, Morehead City for back taxes. The County also accepted $100 for tax es for the Timothy Willis heirs, Sea Level. Tax valuations were ad justed for Elizabeth B. Jones, Harvey Daniel, Sea Level, Lee Daniel, Sea Level, and C. S. Max well. A tax valuation of $327 was placed on the 13 acre tract of the N. E. Colburn estate, Morehead City township. A motion was passed that Thom as Salter's real estate listing at Sea Level be placed at 5 acres. Real estate listing of W. Herbert Law rence, Straits, was placed as fol lows: 13 acres woodland $130; 9 acres pasture $90; 10 acres culti vated $1050; and 2 acres waste $15. Upon request of R. M. Williams, County Agent, the sum of $05 was appropriated for expenses in con nection with organization of a Soil Conservation District John Johnson was requested w oaint chairs in the Court House with some kind of quick drying paint. STOVES ARE EASIER TO GET Anyone who has no other means of cooking is eligible for a stove rationing certificate, under eas ier rationing regulations announc ed by OPA. A small increase in the supply of cooking stoves makes possible the eased regulations teret County Board of Healtli. 11. The staff of the Carteret County Health Department will be on call continuously night and day for the duration of this order. Telephone, Beaufort 486-1. ROBERT K. OLIVER, M. D. County Health Officer for Coun ty Board of Health. Edwin is a Beaufort nign ot-uuu. hov He entered the rsavy in .ua.. . - ..,.: juy. in. .. .. . !.i. niM.nm(ll)hntlS 101' tOUll 1Q41 and served In t ie racinc pnv - . Zone' Sor? he was sent to Chi- as ,w.U as home-owners are a v. cago for further training. COLLISION Wednesday about 9:15 a. m. a Ford car driven by Mrs. Pauline Pake Ross of Bettie, employee of ! n .Tunes Co.. and a Chrysler driven by Mr. Lee Murdoch of Ann & Craven Streets with slight I ease themselves, .i i-f uHmittinir tourists Ci cU ag"iJv sjiwvv---B travelers or visitors irom ouiei counties as any of these may brine with them the disease. 5. Public gatherings of adult over 18 years is advised against ovfrt in m-o-ent cases, as it is pos sible for apparently healthy adults to carry and transmit to oencis un infecting agent; or to have the a Case of young Clifford Jeffreys, 15, who works at Cherry Point, charged with driving on the High way with a permit only wa3 dis missed. , , , nthor husiness of the long day costs of $2.uu. .. ' n 1 I U.. ... injury to Mrs. koss mumrr " rode with her but none to her oth tr passenger. The Ross' car was damaged to the extent of approx i,v,t0iv $85. damaee to Mr. Mur- doch's car appeared consiueiaui less. ILLNESS Mrs. Minnie Davis wife of Claud Davis of Harkers Island died at Morehead City Hospital Wednes day. Arrangements for funeral servifs are incomplete as we go tn nn as hut. thev are not expect ed tV be held before Monday or Tuesday of next week. onr UrrUoiiI Investment Ss Your Investment In America 6. REPORT ALL Tf VOUR DOCTOR. 7 THK SAFEST PLACi; lor your children and yourself is in 8 TAKING NEEDLbSS nHAKCF.S ENDANGERS YOU imh vniTR T.OVED ONES o. A reward of $15.00 will be paid to the informant of any will ful violation of these regulation? leading to conviction of the offender. 10. These regulations remain til Knecificallv and pub licly revoked by action of the Car-8:2G PM. TIDE TABLE Information as to the tide ut Beaufort is given in thw column. The figures are ap proximately correct and ura based on tables furnished by the U. S. Geodetic Survey. Some allowances must lu made for variation? in i'ie wind and also wr.'.i re S..--C to the locality, that is w heth er near the inlet or at the head of the estuaries. HIGH LOn 2:21 AM 3:03 PM. Friday, Aug. U. 8:34 aiyi. 9:32 PM. Saturday, Aug. 12 3:23 AM. . 4:06 PM. w- rm' Sunday, Aug. 13 4:28 AM. 10:38 AM. 5:10 PM. 11:44 PM. Monday, Aug. 14 5:33 AM. , AM. 6:08 PM. ' ' Tuesday, Aug. 15 a. on AM- ' 12:41 AM. 7:00 PM. 12:35 PM.. Wednesday, Aug. 16 7:20 AM. 1:29 AM. 7:45 PM. 126 PM. Thursday, Aug 17 a os AM. 2:11 AM. w V - - - 2:12 PM.