-A -v. The State Dispatch. Life's Journey Is Burdensome to Many in North Carolina. t Life's journey is a heavy bunlen VVith a constantly aching back, With uriuary disorders, diabetes, With any kidney ill. Pojii': K;duey Pills relieve and V ' .... J. II Robinson, bricklayer, ot 915 N. Tryon St. Charlotte, N. U., vs "For a lone time I suffered with a bad back, undoubtedly due to disorders ot the kidneys. The secrv-tions were all outs of sorts, v-.rv (1 irk and full of 61(3 im en t. , v B j nrKin'! Kidnev Pills and Utaiv ' m got a box at a drug store, and gave them a thorough trial, iney re stored the 8eoretions to their natural color, made the secretions normal and strengthened my back eo that it does not iwnn me at all. in acrt 1 - 1 I have not had an ache since l usea the remcdv." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 ceuts. ' Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole ageuts for the Unitel States. Remember the name Doan and take no other. Concert at the Graded School. The annua! concert given by the . i Music Department of th school win be held in the School Auditorium, Fridav uitrht. December 18th. A general admission fee of 25 cents for adults and 15 cents for U pupils wiH be charged. There will -be no reserved seats sold. The pnxxeJs of the concert will le ued to pay for music. charts, music books and music for the differeut crages m KwJ nnf will 1)P the iirojcrtv of the schol. An excellent program has been preparetl and a pleasaut evening is 1 oil vvlin n v-tv-v . t' f t niT nT TOC SupL 6ch-K)U. V4 60 YEARS v EXPERIENCE D 9 J 1 1 f 1 1 COPt RIGHTS AC Anyone tendlnf a iketch nd driptkvn mT onlcklT irtJn Tour optnloo frwbelher ma Piit tmkia tbroob Mann A Co. rclTt Mrtai metu without cittxm, la U rJk nrICNI Sciewiitc iiraencan. . mM MUW1 T A Ml - :r:T.r , nuflo h. tot.. f.iu ; .nf nuinnt,ii i 0 Pa ieiDM.. UnmVnrlr Heart Troubles The heart may be weak just the same as the eyes, stomach or other organs. It often happens that a person is born with a weak heart. Then again dis ease, fevers, over-exertion, "anxiety, nervousness, Theumntism, etc. weaken the heart. The result is shortness of breath, pal pitation, pain in the heart, or in some of tho nerves of the chest or abdomen. The heart should be strengthened with a tonic, and for this nothing equals Dr. Miles y Heart Cure. T h.id LaGrirp last fan as I tv.oUsrht in a mild form. I was weak. lir-M feelinc and short of breath: u M hnrdJy go about, -and a good cU of the time sort of an asthmatic r-'nthtnc and extremely nervous I ."I- ukln Dr- Miles' Heart Cure i ; -N'-rvlne and now I feel so much rT.i ,7 ,n eyenr way. I am so thank- '''lt,I began taking this medicine, tl not hesitate to tell others iw nu,'h good It haa done me." MRS. F. J. NORTON. Freevflle, New York. Your druggist sells Dp. Miles' Heart rT-i-' a-nd wo uthorl2e him to return. t hLflr,t bottJa on,y) 11 It fall w Benefit you. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind KILL the COUGH and CURE the LUNGS M i Where Bullets Flew. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., a .veteran of the civil, war. who lost a foot at Gettysburg, says: "The good Electric Bitters have done is worth'niore than five hundred dol lars to rjoeT " I spent much money doctoring for a bad. case of stomach trouble, to .little purpose. I then tned Electric Bitters, and Uiey cur- ed me. I now take them as a tonic, and they keep me strong and well. 50c at Freeman Drug Store. Mr. Moses Cone, a wealthy cot ton . manufacturer of Gre nsboro, died in a hospital in Baltimore yes terday of heart disease. It will be remembered that he is one of the owners of White Oak and Proximity cotton mills. A Healthy Famny. "Our whole tamily has enjoyed good health since we began using Dr. King's New Lift Pills, three years ago," says L. A. Bartlet' of Rural Route 1, Guilford, Maine. They cleanse-and tone the system in a gentle way that does you good. 25c, a Freeman Drug Store.- A Free 9S-page Diary For Our Readers. We take pleasure in announcing that any ot our readers can secure a One 96-page diary for 1909 by ending 2 tents posta to D. Swift & Co., Patent Lawyers, Washing Urn, D. C. This diary is worth 25 cent-, and contains 20 pages of valuable information, such as the crop production of 1908, by states; brief but valuable points of every day law and patent laws; business forms and population of all cities and states, etc. and 75 blank pages. Had a Close Call. rs. Ada L- Croom, the widel known proprietor of the Croom H ' tel. Vaughn. Miss , kivs: "For sev eral months I suffered with a severe cough, and consumption seemed to have its grip on me, when a trieud recommended Dr. King's New Dis coverv. I beiwn takng it, and three bottles atfected a complete cure." The fame of this life saving cough and cold remedy, aud lung and throat healer is world wuie Sold at Freeman Dr"g Co. 50c nd 1.00. Trial Utle free I A Simple Remedy j i iq n nnrftlv vAcetable extract, a simple, 3 non-intoxicating remedy, women, of all ages, tor womamy pains, uTuian, fjilUnrr fpftlins. nervousness, weakness, and any 71 e . 1 IV It Will Wntvn TnTi rrritAf . rTvi n ur fTTi n n down pains, feet swelled, pain in right side, -headachy, pains in shoulders, nervous palpitation, and other troubles I cannot mention, but I took Wine of Cardui and have found it the best medicine I ever used, for female troubles." Try Cardui. AT ALL DRUG STORES Established 1 893 Home Insurance -Investment Co. Insurance All Branches. Strongest Companies in the world represented exclu . ' sively in this office. Losses paid since organization 'more than $100,000.00, Baltimore American Estillisled 1773 , The Daily American Terns ky Mail PosUf e .Prepaid. l)Rily, One Month Daily and Sunday. One Month f .25 .40 -75 ft Daily, Three Montna r n i c I rru Unn4t. 1.15 1.50 225 3.00 'Daily, Six Months, . ' Daily and Sunday Six Months ftflilv On a gkar Diuly, -with Sunda Edition, One Year Sunday Edition, One Tear. 1.50 The Twice-a-Week American The Cheapest and Beet Family Sew paper Published. , ONLY ONE DOLLAR A' YEAR Six Months, 50 Cents. THE TWICE-A-WEEK AMERICAN ia pub lished in two issues, Tuesday and aud Friday mornings, with the news of the week in compact shape. It also con tains interesting special correspondence, entertaining romances, good poetry, lo cal matter of general interest and fresh miscellany suitable for the home circle. A carefully edited Agricultural Depart ment and a full and reliable Financial and Market Reports are special features. CHAS. t. FULTON & Co. FELIX AGNUS, Manager and Publisher American Office. Baltimore. MA. promptly obtained In all countries, or NO ! TRAOC-aiaRKS, Careata and Coprrlgbu rep tered. bend Sketch, Model report on patentability. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Patent pracuoa tirlnslTPly. burpaaaing reference. Wideawake inTentora shoold bare oot Dana book on How to obtain and SeU patenta,Wha.i ln rentiona will payjlow to rt a partner .andptner Taluable Information. 8cnt tree to any address. D. SWIFT h CO. 501 Seventh St, Washington, D. C. Typewriters For Sale. I have several Second Hand Typewriters of different makes on hand, which I will sell at a bargain, and guarantee them. Come he fore they are picked over . B E Teague. . 'J: rb- nr. Miles' Antt-Pnln Pills, n recommended to girls and . i Help Yott "T snfffirfid with bea'rinc- Incorporated 1906. 1 -. ' i. Believing that there are a large number of young men and young women in the Fifth Congressional District who would like to attend the Inauguration of the next Presi dent of the United States, at Washington, March the 4th, 1909, The State Dispatch has arranged to furnish trans portation, FREE, to Washington and return to all persons in the Fifth Congressional District who comply with the following conditions: : To every one sending us fifty-two (52) yearly sub scriptions to The State Dispatch at $1.00 per year, on or before February 1st, 1909, we will give a free railroad tick et to. Washington and return. . : :Z It will be necessary for everyone accepting this prop osition to make a weekly report to the office of The State Dispatch, where , an account will be opened with each one accepting this offer, so that proper credit may be given for all subscriptions received. If as many as six persons secure proposition, we will furnish all necessary expenses while on the trip to the one securing the largest number of sub scriptions, over and above the fifty-two required tqp& cure the ticket. ; v' To all those who enterthe contest and fail to get the required number to secure a ticket, an appropriate reward; : will be given in proportion to the service rendered, but . no subscriptions will be transferred from one account to another. .V . : l " '...yi Ail those contemDlating accepting this Offer wilL'MOlS out the following blank and forward it to us so we may know how many are going to enter the contest. CONTEST DEPT The State Dispatch Pub; Co., Gentlemen: I have decided to enter Inauguration of the next President, and will be pleased to have you send me receipt boot and sample copies of The Dispatch, so that I may go to work make report to you as often as each report. t mm-, n VcifY!: ....OUR OFFER. .. THE STATE DISPATCH PUB. CO. j Burlington, N. C. ' v your contest for free transportation to Washington to thfe once a week and to send all Yours truly, 1 name. r.M..:l......';.- POST OFMCE... STATE.. In BURLINGTON, r NO, CAR mti.V - immediately. I also agree t J subscriptions on hand witb .........;..............v......;...... '!-' .-.V :i-sM:' w,th Dr. King's Nev; Discouory FOR Gglfgs"8 'JfSSti. Correspondence sohcited. county:........ .V DATE........;............................v J A S . P. ALBRIGHT, Secretary and Treasurer. , ; - "OAUTHROAT AND UJNQ TROUBLES. QAKAimLED RATISFACXOB CX0BX1 . W -r : . . - -.- f-.-' : . T'--'.. - -- r ' ,:tr:s:r i