' - - IP . ' r. .. iiii 1 I I I :i. 1 1 .1.1111 ii l lis I .1 ?,:''itr:ji; :'Ai VQ''" ASUBUC NEwIspApER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND "AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. ' ' V - 6 " ; VOL. I. BURLINGTON; N:Sc WASHINGTON LETTER. From our Regular Correspondent. The House of Representatives has gotton back at the Pre'eident and in mild language heaped coals of fire on his head for the-strictures innuendos and insulting language of his annual messsage; to Congress aod for what the House calls the evasiveness and irresponsiveness of what they hoped would be an apology or at least. tm explanation. The fact is that the President in "purging himself ;of contempt" as the saying is was it "anything more contemptuous than in - the original dose. There is talk apparently serious of impeachment proceedings and frequent reference to the . im peachment of Andrew Johnson the only precedent in American history. But the two cases are utterly with out parallelism, Roosevelt is still tbe must popular man in the United States and probably more popular today on account ot this very inci dent than he was eight months ago wnen it too K an iterated ana reitera ted announcement every morning tetore breaKtast to prevent tne , A . country from .nominating him. by force for a third, term. The Presi dent has not used the Secret Service malprep3ense for . the detection of ' i r Senators and Members of Congress; but, as is well known, be bap been after undesirable citizens whether they were railroad presidents," trust magnates, or labor union boycotters and assassins. It was through the activity of one of the departments under him that the land frauds of Senator Mitchell of Oregon were discovered and that Mitchell was tried and condemned. . The detec- tive bureau received no instructions 5 to shadow Tillman of South Caro lina and he was not showed by Government detectives of the detec tive bureau but certain information regarding his alleged speculation in Oregon land grants were brought to the attention of the President through Government postoffice in spectors and at the request of Sena tor Hale of Maine. The informa tion regarding Senator Tillman was sent diret to him. The President and Senator Tillman have not for a long time teen on speaking terms and the senator has improved every opportunity both in and out ot the Senate to denounce and characterize Mr. Roosevelt in language that was nearer Billingsgate than parliamen tary. The antipathy, or I might say, enemity between the men bas "be come historic It began two or three years ago when after a first ht on the Senate floor-with Sena tor McLaurin, the President failed to invite Senator Tillman to a White House i-eception to which all of the other Senators and members 1 were invited. Senator Tillman is I a man of uncultivatprl hn;tr nrl he is well posted in national affairs, and especiallv in the affcu re tf tVi o oenate committees to which he is assigned. He is, . however. rouf?h. uncouth, and not precisely a re presentative of that Wendarv flnwer ot chivarly, a Southern gentlemen. lhe Drespnt orlr.:..:i. .l r -v uvuuimsintuoD, as it is well known, has been after rascals, unaesirahlp nit i u-t they were railroad presidents, sena tors, or jail birds; it has been the effort to hunt them down. The fate of Senator Mitchell of Oregon in .ne land fraud cases in fresh in the memery of every reader. There was no reason why the -Administration should not make an effort to invUti gate the alleged relations of Till- wn, or any .other Senatr. Of purse, he has denied any connec tion with the Oregon land frauds. Senator Mitchell, also, denied on the uoor ot the benate, with tears and vociferous assertions of Senator Mitchell was condemned. liarelv fiftv mnre dnvs of Prpai- j . -j j- -- Qent Koosevelt's term remains, and ii w ere is every appearance that these remaining days will be as strenuous 7s tne President could desire, and 11 may doubted if he will find amoung the wild beasts of Africa gamer entertainment than the House ad Senate before tho are disbosed.to eive him 1 D: Pavne,ft nnrtvpf i Pivnfl nrigfltp whileriieathelcreek arid rimded tfi tourth of March- To Ice stocky V' if SU -!f thTbw heiself m the water. student , of current history as spread before the world in the daily; press the situation is entertaining and edifying. ..Only a few months ago it was , necessary for the President to iterate and reiterate'his declara tion made on the evening of his election that tre would not under any consideration, have a third term. The people were determined to nominate bicn and it was with con siderable reluctance that they named the man of his choice, but having named him, ' elected . him with a great 1 majority, mainly, or in great part at least, because he represented Roosevelt and the Roosevelt polic ies. Now, the newspaper head lines have the startling . word "impeach ment," and this procedure is actual ly discussed in Congress. Is. Theo dore Roosevelt less popular now than be was before the presidential nominating convention assembled at Chicago? . Certainly not It is probable that he is more firmly en trenched in the confidence and ad miration of the people than he was then, and among other reasons be cause he has expreseed .his mind t . ... -. Uongress and told the naked truth. In Memoriam. Whereas it,has pleased our Heav enly Father to removerfrom this life our brother &nd fellow-laborer, John W. Rippy, and, Whereas we recognize the hand of God in this dispensation, there fore be it resolved: First: That we bow in willing submission to the will and wisdom of the all-wise Father, who is too good to do wrong, too wise to make a mistake, and who makes all things work together for sroou to them that love him and are the called accord ing to. His porpose. second: lbat while ue has tor some time been physically "feeble and unable to attend the meetings of the session of which he -was the, sen ior member, nevertheless We have lost a wise counselor and a prudent and helpful, officer. , Third: That we deeply sympa thize with the bereaved - family 'and pray Gop's richest blessings and benediction upon the members- Fourth: That a copy of these resolutions bedspread upon the pages of the sessional records of this church, a copy be sent to the family. and also furnished the Burliugton News and State Dispatch. FRANK H. CURTISS, f Committee Adopted in the session of Bur lington Presbyterian church Janua ry 10th, 1909. D. F. MORROW, Clerk of Session. Baw River Items. Mv pen has been silent for quite a while, but I am still living. Health is very good with us at present and we hope for a con tin u- anse of it. Our genial and clever Dr. S. L. McPherson bas gone to New York to attend a medical school lor a while. We wish him much success. Our village was very much shock ed last Friday night when Mr. Lafayette Johnson died with fceart trouble. He was a kind father, loving husband and a, quiet citizen. May the Lord bless the bereaved widow and children, they have the sympathy of our people. Rev. J. R. Hutton, pastor of the M. P. church, preached a soul stir ring sermon Sunday morning. Here after he will preach the second and fourth Sundays. He seems to be getting his people in line to do-a great work this year. On the sec ond Sunday in February he will spreach a special sermon to the old veterans. - ; Business seems to be on the up grade with our busines3 men, plen ty of work to be done. We think the Baptist, church at Graham and Haw River ought to consult each other in regard to buy ing a lot and building a parsonage. We are very anxious to see the good roads come down this way .-?. .r soon. . - 5 J A r - To cet the best smokecall at J. she had an awacK yuwuaz LID IS ON MOST TOO TIGHT IN WILMINGTON Refusal to Allow Sale ot Alcohol Works Hard on Sick. Wilmington, N. C , Jan. 8.-The positive refusal of the . board . of alderman to allow the sale of alco holics in any form by its action Monday night, declining to . license druggists or to make any exceptions whateveer by which the strictly medicinal wants of the profession and the public may be supplied and the manilest purpose of the mayor to enforce the lawas-it is put up to him, has brought the county and municipal officers face to face with the inquiry if they have "hot put the lid on and sat upon upon it most too tiehtlv. Instances of the real need of pure alcohol for sick patients by the medical profession and their inabili ty to purchase the medicine at local drug stores, even upon the prescrip tion of a physician, began to crop out yesterday- and the board of county conunissioners. ; in regular se&sion "yierdajl AaiYeTnoon" as an auditing otmnrfttee saw fit1' to modi fy its fonxiiFaition allowing licens ed pharmacists to sell pure alcohol according to the United States pharmacopoeia upon the prescrip tion of a regular licensed and active ly practicing physician or surgeon having the person for whom such prescription is made under his care,' and a request, from several physi cians is ready for presentation to the mayor this morning asking for a special meeting of the board of alder men tonight at eight o'clock for the purpose of considering similar action Holding that there was -probale cansrtnd that the Soperior Court -airtL 'pxoperpIacefor a final con struction of tbe law and the deter mination of tbe guilt or innocence of the defendants, after hearing all the evidence in the case at the sess ion of the police court yesterday ' at noon, the mayor bound over Benja min Cottle and Adrian Flvington, clerks in Bellamy's drug store, charged with violation of the state prohibition law in selling Jamaica ginger to George Silvia, a young white man, who was later arrested on the street in an intoxicated con dition. - Miss Askew Dead. M iss Savannah. Askew, the young est daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. R. J Askew, formerly of this place, but for the past two or three years res idents of White Oak at Greensboro, died January 4tb, 190 aged about 20 years after suffering for sume time with consumption. Miss Ask ew was a member of Turlington Re formed church, and was well liked by all her friends. Her remains were laid to rest in Pine Hill cem etery on January 5th, the service at the grave being conducted by her pastor, Rev. J. D. Andrew. At an early hour . last Sunday morning at Richmond, Va., Miss Mary Louise Stumpf, nineteen, years of age, and daughter of a business manof that city, was knocked dowij, twice and only saved from being criminally assaulted "by the timely appearance of Irwin Pool, who was attracted to the scene by the cries of the girl. Charles Gillespie, a negro about twenty-five years old was tbe perpetrator - of the crime. About two hours after the trouble arouse the negro was arrested. A trial will take place as soon as the young lady is ble to give the need ed evidence to the grand jury. - Last Sunday morning about eight o'clock Miss May Josey, aged about 65 yeard was drowned in a creek half a mile from her brother; Mr. Milas Josey, with whom- she lived at Faith. She was subject to. nerv das'-spells amThad: been un well , for several xday&, r It, is, .believed - that VREGe iiEARllOmLE. i i.. . Passenger Train Leaves Track and - fet jrW People Are Hurt; ' R4isviiie; N. C., Jan; 8. -Train Nojj'tjfthe. ; Southern Railway, wasi wrecked in South Reidsville early this morning, shortly after mid night while ; going at a moderate rate of speed. .v '. . . , 1 Erineer Beavers, of Salisbury, was" badly hurt, both arms having been : brokeri, and he -was badly bruised about the head, while -It is possible that he was injured inter nally;iV Fireman Beckara, of Spen cer, was not hurt. - The traiu, which is a through train from Washington to Jacksonville, was running about an hour late, and while passing through Reidsville was going' at a good rate of speed, and when mst this side of the Edna Cot ton Mills, left the track and plung ed doWn the embankment, the en- gihe Appling' over, followed by the combination baggage and passenger car,-the latter s front trucks leaving the car and placing it-in an uprighrj position. . fortunately, only a tew passengers were in this car, and aside from being pretty badly shaken up, they were all unhurt. The most re markable escape was that of Fire mn Beckam. His . cab was almost Smpletely buried in tbe mud, and he most have iumDed before the en gine (had .stopped, else he could not possibly have escaped from bis side of the engine., It seems that the Wreck was caused by a. con fusion of orders; the tram having run into an openswitch. , cr V Shortly alter the accidentia wreck ing cifew come in from ' Greensboro. Engineer ; Beavers .. was carried to Spencer this morning on train No. 32 i'lle lived at Salisbury, and married a first cousin of Mrs' Geo. W. Burton and John. J. Mims, of Reidsville. :. , The engine rolled down the em bankment and buried itself in the earth, lhe combination car went in exactly the opposite direction and was damaged considerably. It was simply miraculous as to how th people in the combination car escap ed without iniury. The rails of the main line were damaged ,Tery little. The engineer had received orders to take the siding here to let No. 38 oass. out later these orders were a countermanded and he had new or ders to meet 38 at Benaja. The fireman, it appears, did not- know anything about the last orders, and changed the switch to throw 38 on the siding, afterwards jumping into his cab. The engineer thought he was on the main line and threw open his throttle, with the effect above stated. . The cars Io. 29 were coupled to No. 11. and proceed on . its trip southward this morning at ten 4 w olock. al it's Your Eyes," MyJDear. That give you a ''dreadful. head ache." When you have a constant headache and cannot find its cause, best see me likely to be eye troub le, and I stop eye trouble after care ful examination, with proper eye glasses. I will be at Burlington at the Burlington Drug Company Wednesday and Thursday January 20 and 21st, for the purpose of ex amining eyes and . fitting glasses. Remember days and dates. ; , Dr. N. Roseusteiri Eye Speeialis Durham, N. C. Mr. J. A. Smith, v of 1 JBessemer City, who- was defeated by Con gressman E. Yates Webb;. Demo crat, for a seat in the lower bouse, has employed counsel to aid him in the contest which will come up be fore long for the seat of the Con gressman i of : the -Nineh ; Carolina District. . , 1 ;' : ; It?s so borrowing when .your wot men friends lobk-;at yoor husband not to know, whether they aW woti eripp; hnirVin got : him orgwby yon '.took him. TRAIN SIX NIGHT RIDERS , Union ' City , Tenn., Jan. 7. The jury in the night rider trials return ed a verdict at 8:30 o'clock tonight of murder in the first degree, with mitigating circumstances, against Garrett Johnson, Fred Pinion, Ar- i thur Cloar, Sam Applewhite, Tid Burton and Boy Ransom, and mur der, in the second degree against Bud Morris and Boblluffmah. . Judge Jones, in his charge to the jury, left no hope for the defendants who were present or' near by when Capt. Rankin was murdered, though they had intended only to punish him without taking his life. If the jury discredited the alibis, then, he said, they must return a verdietof murder in the first degree for every man they believed : was present or near by to give warning on interruption no matter by whom the fatal shots was fired or the noose drawn. Judge Jones pointed out that even if the night riders took Capt. Rank in out for the purpose of inflicting Gorporal punishment and that one of ?ir number shot or hung him rwniie me otners were present, ot even near by, aiding or abetting or willing to do so, all alike would-be guilty of murder in the first degree. In other words, it was not neces sary to prove that all of the defend- lants intended to murder Capt. Rank in, but only that they conspired to inflict corporal punishment upon him and, were present , or near by when he was killed.: : " O.D. NO. 8. ikfter spending the : holidays m MRA. atlocks7; Mis. Mamie ici-iind family left, last Wednesday for her home in West Durham. We were glad to see our good friends again. The following enioyed a fine possum dinner atC. D. Martins last Wednesday, J. A Holt, wife and daughter, Mr. Lacy, JMr. Martin, 1. M. Hayes and wife, all of Bur lington. We enjoyed our selves im mensely. Our friend Martin and his clever Wife are excellent enter tainers. R. F. Whitsell of Burlington No. 4, is spending some time at J. F Barbers on No. 8. Frad is remod dling his house and Robt. is "boss iug" the job. ' t . , The Supt. of JBethel Sunday school requests every one that is interested in Sunday school to be present at Bethel church next Sunday the 17th. The public school at Isleys school bouse' has suspended on account of the sickness of Miss Lewis, the teacher, will start as soon as she is able. - . Clyde Isley had the misfortune to cut his foot one day last week. We expect that the rabbits etc. on No. 2 will get to rest some now. Mrs. W. G. Kernodle and child ren, of No. 2 are spebding this week at J. W. Somers. Miss Marv Moore, who lives at W. A. Lewis', is seriously sick, not much hopes of her recovery. Misses Ollie and -A nnie Truitt visited friends in Gibson ville last .wees. They kad a pleasant timer J E. Taylor and wife of Efland, spent Saturday and Sunday in Bur lington, visiting Mr. Taylors sister Mrs. J. M. Hayes. J F. Parks and wife . of No. 9, were pleasant callers at J. M. Hayes7 Sunday afternoon. We regret to note that C. E. Tap scott is right sick. Hope' he will soon recover. ";Mis8 lone Lewis is also; on the sick list. : -, " LeRoy Hayes, onr sub on No. 8, spent his holidays visiting friends in Greensboro and Spray, at Spray be visited oor good friend D. M. Ish ley and fitmily. '. :; ', ;; r- .,,'A good inany iarmers -on No. 8, have eold Jtobacco on the Burlington market recently, and all seem to be well pleased vwith the prices. - Glad we have.a'.4!Oocl market, it is so much letter;than iiaving to- haul a long wavs over tnese oaq roaasv TiuriTTV civ uti i emu Tiinr' tirjniYipnjw : I III II I -.11 A IIII I r II u ii vr- -t r: Zeigler, I1J.,( Jan:.. ll.Of ' 28 Xj ficial information given qutv;atv the mining office tonight. The last of uie wuies was recovered,-coaay. . f;.';;:v.;r: While her husband was gone to , X the postoniceMrsj;;.; H. ':OblSWMSS$. man, a bride of three davs sudden-' iv y: TM" . ly uisappeai-eu irom . ner ooarumg place at Lexington hundayr going to Lake about six mils where she caught No. 46 for Greensboro. Mrs. Heitman told the lady with whom she boarded that her husband had fooled her. . '1 . , ' ' Mr. E. J. Russell, the first class hrnesaand saddle makery whoisV ' :':': '0;:'. located in the Moore -building"! is completing the fine saddle that Sen-'t rrfci ' ator. John- L. McLaurin. . of South -. - - Carolina ,is having, made-for hwll;. friend Jn' Baltimore HonvV Roadstrem. You ought to see the j fine rticle that Mr. Russell I has made. And. lhe Deoole of Alamance . county should be proud of the fact ; that they have a man who - has the . interstate reputation : as a. saddle f maker.; ;;;;r;'';-iV;-- . v -, --'Mlll 'WANTEDTO give one hun- . : dred free tickets to Washington next March. ... . . Read our subscription offer on ; 8th page, and get v busy' for the pretty silver premiums. . ; '-; , " V'j ' ;xV e are indeed glad to say ?that ? we can give yod a $14;50 set of sil- ; , ver knives and mrksifbr-oply thir- . : ty yearly subscriptions 'to- pe State MMM:krA 1 Dispatch. - .' .f, v ;'1vt ". We will: give tmsL-i&Be&Qtti oeauiiiui suver lea spoons the name of the Simmons Hardware W&M Company, of St Louis, Mo., which J you can inspect for yourself, for six ? yearly subscribers to the .Dispatch. NEEDED A beautiful set of silver knives and forks for tlie table' on Sunday. Read our proposilionr ; in another place in this issue and in a few days, if you try, the answer will be "Have". : :f Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, . ' .' f"- as mercury will surely destroy the ::'s!:iK' ' senseof smell and completely de-'" V'V1 f range the . whole system when eri-. ' '- Jp&.-'Z": " ; : tering it through the mucous sur-'- faces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions . from reputable physicians, as the, damage they will do is ten fold, to the good you can possibly - derivev from them. Hairs Catarrh' " manufactured by ?F. J. Cheney v& ';.: ;t J ) Co., Toledo j O., contains no iner :hM:0MfT-: '. cury, and is taken internally, act ing directH udou the- blood and mucous surfaces of the system. lb ' u.;: tTii . ri.. ' u-L'&&d-i&V: -i vuj Juaxx 9 vuiaiiu ue suit; you get the genuine. It is taken Ohio, by F. J. Cheney and Com- mjmWi- pany. esti mou la is iree. ooid oy . v ?. : v Druggist. Price, 75c. per bottle.; "U xatvc uau s I'iiujiijr x 1119 iui uciuo tipation. i ' - Durham, N. C, Jan. 7.- An at- W. Ash burn about four o'clock thisf'i;!S; who came here in the -murder, case" of J., A. Holt and wl about the arrest of Reuben Barbee through the window, upon gding to the the window- an unknown party was seen disappearing in the dark ness, ihyy Ilind Tour Business. :i If you don't nobody ; will. ;It is your business to keeri -ont of Tall thef W00ffr ? trouble y bu canpf. and. you ' cah and fK'-f 'MM t; .will keep out of ; liver and bowel jj'V'if: trouble if yon takejDftrKng-Neil! Life Hlls- xThey0k:e&nMb8u . malaria and jaundices out i of .K yooy rf v v v : x-.. v. - , j system.' 25c; at h reeman Drug Co. -, . v;,;. . '.X i;';s.;V-.". '''X' -1 t i ' r,' - .. . . . , V.i.5-- f". ,l-71h 1 i. V-'"- 5 &'v-'-T:-i's'.!."s: rho brought y&iM$ ' j-;, y - ? ,.;( -M" y X.