The State Dispatch I i I S A T J S; F It has always been our endeavor and always will be our' endeavor to so conduct onr store in every p&rt of it, that each ard every customer who comes here to trade will experience nothing but the utmost satisfaction. Satisfaction in the way our, service ia conducted. - Satisfaction in the courtesy extended Satisfaction in the quality and style i! If there is one thing above another that secure from the manufacturers only such customers absolute satisiacuon. It is on such lines, as these on the ote every deal that we solicit business. f Freeman 4 LOCAL AND Drug Corhp Schedule of Trains yrt. 112 - East , 1:32 a. m. i. Ill West 5:02 a, m. a 144 East " 10:08 a. m. 21 West 11:18 a. m. u 22 East 4:00 "p. m. 139 West 6:29 p. m. Mr. Pugh of Newhern is visiting his uiece, Mrs. G. M. Thompson. Shungopavi, fbe noted magician, at the School Auditorium Tuesday night. Barbed wire 3 cents per lb. at Graham Hard ware " Co., Graham, N. C. Secure your reserved seat tickets at Fret-man's for the Shuugojavi Youna Co. at the School Audito rium. Miss May me Clapp of' Gtbsou- ville came to onr town yesterday to spend a few days visiting relatives and friends. Youna, the American-Japanese iueler. in his wonderful feats of Japanese juggling at the School Au ditorium .eb. 16. We Burlington people are all waitiuer rjatientrv and eaeerly for work to beerm on the new cur line which we aret assured of. Mr. R. L. Smith and daughter of Chapel Hill No. 3 spent Saturday and Sunday visitinga-Messrs. S. C. H Patterson, 7. R. Davis and others II One of the greatest attractions I lever given in Burlington will be If the Shungopavi-'Youna Co. at the fScool Auditorium- next Tuesday night. . The parlor organ which has been used in the St. Marks Reformed Church in the country will be sold at public auction on next Saturday at noon. John R. Hoffman, attorney, is spending a few days at home at Whitsett, hoping to recover from a a severe cold and alight attack of a grippe. Shungopavi, the full-blooded Mo- qui Iudian and descendant of the Cliff Dwellers, in Indian magic at the School auditorium next Tues day night. r Dr. N. Rosensteiu can be seen at Burlington, Tuesday, Feb. 1 6, at the Burlington Drug Company for the purpose of examining eyes and httine erlasses. Consultation free. - o - No more divorces. uu" in stay a lover true, Every wife his only sweetheart, tooV Perpetual matrimonial bliss 'twill be It both take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. T. H. Stroud, Mr. Edward A. Benson has com pleted the work- of renovating and beautifying the interior of the Meth odist Protestant Church of this city and the pastor, Rev. J. D. Williams extends a cordial invitation to the public to atteud next Sunday. Irvine Glenn, the five weeks old n or Mr. and Mrs. Turner Sum ner, died in the home of his parents A". :a Mills in Burlington P ''. 4th, and was buried the next (' '' 1' ii lliH Cemeterv, the fu- HnkK, ...Ml t A a vi(v being conducted by I). Andrew ' i functions of winter, mid- hf s, loss or sleep tell on 't itb, Hollister's Rocky ' ".in Tea clears the blood, aids (; ' relieves fatigue; makes a i in. yotfr health. Greatest to ea.r Tablets, 35 cents. T. H. Stroud. I r wks an important transfer - ! .-tate iu this city this week. . ' ' :t National Bank purchas- ' buildim" in whkrh the insti- ti'iion is located, also the store room '.'"iiing and a vacant Tot west of store front on" Front street. It Earned that 10,000 was the prce paid for this valuable piece Jof property. A Cj T I O N of goods' we exert ourselves oyer it is to goods as we Know will give our motto of absolute satisfaction in - any, Bariington, N. C. PERSONAL. Barbed wire 3 cents pr lb. at Graham Hardware Co.. Graham. N. C. Somebody led in the Washing ton trip whjch the Dispatch offered; somebody will lead in the silver ware contest Who. will it be? Your attention is called to the new ad of the Burlington Bakery in this issue. They have something to say. that will be of interest to you. A large number of our friends have entered th 6 'contest and are working like heroes for a part of that silverware which we offer to give away. The six months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Grovery Moore died last Thursday about eleven o'clock and was buried the following day at Pme Hill Cemeterv. Remember, we are pulling for three thousand subscribers. Toadies, gentlemen, girls and boys, read our offer and get part of that beautiful silverware on exhibit at the Bur lington Hardware' Company. s J. O. Foy, of Rocky Mount, N. C, has decided to start a paper at Mebane, this county. Mr. Foy is a man of considerable newspaper ex perience and has the natural ability to produce a good papor. We wel come him and bespeak much success for him in his new field. An addition to the Ward Hotel is in progress, which will add about twenty additional rooms to the building. These rooms will be well arranged and equipped, which will add to the business develop ment of our town, as it will be more convenient for -raveling men to re main here over Sunday. The long winter months -heavy foods- lack of exercise decrease your vitality, make you feel mean. Hollisters Rocky moutain Tea gives you vitality clears the blood builds up flesh. Makes you strong and robust. Great Spring medicine. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. T. H. Stroud. Mr. Wm Way, of East Burling yij, died earl) Mouday morning at lis lytne, and was buried on the following day at'Mt. Zion church. Puueral services were conducted by Lev. J. D. Andrew. Mr. Way vas about 54 years of age. . Leaves i family and a large number of friends and relatives who will sadly miss him. x A Pretty Woman. Pretty women like to wear eye glasses fitted by Dr. N. Rosenstein because then they improve the looks as well as the sight They com bine the convenience and neater ap pearance of eyeglasses with the ser vice derived from wearing unsight ly spectacles. Come to Burlington Tuesday, Feb. 16, at the Burlington Drug Company and let us show you them. Dr. N. Rosenstein will be here for the purpose of examining your eyes and fitting you with the best glasses. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in Post imioe unciaiirpd. Burlington. N. C, Feb. 6, 1909. Gentlemen f ' j Pigira Clapp, J. H. Coleman, W. M. Grubbs, Leaton Harris, G. A. 'Lowe,. J, .-E. Monsees, Master Boyd Ward, Ladies , ' ' Miss Mattie Burnett, Miss Ber tha King, Mrs. E. L. Kernodle, Mrs. Joe Merritt, Mrs. J. M. Mor ton, Mrs. lary Malone, Miss J. A. Williams. Persons calling for anj ,of these! l.ii ;n i : n ,i :,i 1 jeiLeis wui piease say - uuvwuocu and give date of advertised, list. v. J. Zeb Waujsb, ' v ' . Post Master. ORDINANCE BE IT . ORDAINED - BY THE BOABD OP . ADEBMEIT OF Crry; OP BUR LINGTON: Sec. I That there be and that there is hereby established upon the following named streets and avenues and parts of streets and avenues of the City of Burtingtonr to-wit: Peele street from Plaid mill to Front street, from J?eele street to Main street, Main street from the Southern passenger depot to Davis street, Davis street from Main street to. Tucker street, Tucker street from Davis street to Webb avenue, Webb avenue from th intersection of Tucker street to the intersection of Gilmer street, Gilmer street from Webb avenue to Ireland street, Ire land street from Gilmer . street to the intersection of Rainy street, and such other streets and avenues as the Bur-Gra-Hawv Traction Com pany, its assigns or successors 'shall lay their track oer and, upon, and profiles of which are filed, with the Board of Alderman of the City of Burlinton, a grade line shown by said profiles aud blue prints attached hereto. Sec. II That the said Bur-Gra-Haw Traction Company, itsassigus or successors be, and the same is hereby empowered and permitted to begin and complete it construction work for the laying of tracks upon which to ruu its cars . over said. streets and avenues,, and it is em powered and permitted to lay said tracks conforming to the, said grade line so established in Section I here of, provided, that when it shall be necessary to excavate or fill to lay said tracks conforming to said grade line, that the said Bur-Gra-Haw Traction Company, its. assigns, or successors, shall excavate or fill the entire streets and avenues from side walk curb to sidewalk curb to con form to said grade line and shall advance the necessary funds to pay all expense necessary for said ex cavating and filling, and that it shall file with the Secretary and Treasurer of the City of Burlington a statement showing the cost of such excavating and filling so done upon said streets and avenues, except the cost of excavating and filling for a space eight (8) feet wide in the cen ter of which is to be laid the track of the said Bur-Gra-Haw Traction Company, its assigns or succesbors. Sec.. Ill That any and all amounts paid by the said Bur-Gra Haw Traction Company, its assigns or successors, for the excavating aud filling of said streets and avenues other than the excavating and filling the eight (8) foot path or strip, in the center of which is laid its tracks nhall be repaid without interest to the said Bur-lira-Haw Iraction Co. its assigns or successors, by said city from the money first collected from the said Traction Company, its assigns or successors, by way ot muncipal taxes upon property own ed by the said Bur-Gra-Haw Trac tion Companv, its assigns or suc cessors, and subject to taxation by the City of Burlington. Sec. IV That upon the said Traction Company, its assigns or successors, filling with the secretary of said city within ten days from the passage hereof a written accept ance of this Ordinance And its con ditions, then this Ordinance shall be and become a binding -eoa tract between the said Bur-Gra-Haw Traction Company, its assigns or successors, and the City of Burling ton. Sec. V That the original ot this Ordinance, together with the blue prints attached there to shall be filed with the Secretary of this Board and by him kept with the valuable papers of said -City. This Ordinance is hereby accept ed for the purposes therein express-; ed. This February 5th, 1909. Bur-Gra-Haw Traction Co. By J.W. Murray, Pres. Woman Brutally Murdered Winston-Salem, Feb. 5. Charles Ferrell, a negro about 34 years ol4, brutally murdered his wife. Chrissie, this afternoon as she sat in her home on Highland avenue. He fired four shots from a revolver, killing her instantly. An eye-witness says Ferrell began firing after his wife told him she'was afraid to live with him longer, she having left him af ter a fight Christmas week. There are three young child ren. Ferrell escaped immediately, but his capturewill soon be effected; the police say; - " - -.. Rural Telephone Line. A 'Farmers Telephone ' Line, furnishing service to a number of well known people, will soon be connected with the Burlington ex chang e of the . Southern Bell Tele phone Company, v This new line will extend north from Burlington for a distance of about nine miles, and the following parties will be connected on the line: W. E. Vincent, T. R. Blanchard, C. R. Mc Auley, J no : A. Warren, Eugene Anderson, Jno. Chandler, Jno. Aldridge and possibly others. This line 'is oeing constructed under the plan of the Southern Bell Telephone - Company, by - which farmers in all sections of the State are enabled to secure telephone seevice through the great Bell sys tem on an economical basis. Many farmers and rural residents are tak ing advantage of this proposition to secu.-e telephone service Jn their homes. ' Mr. Taft shook hands with Mr! Rockefeller at Augusta, .a process that is not as dangersous in January as it would hve been in October. FOR SALE. Farm of Thirty-five Acres, consisting of First-class Truck Land one mile from town Apply to f W. R. Sellars, or : Dispatch Office. FOR SALE. A Large Eight-room Dwell ing with water Situated at Whitsett, N. C. For particulars apply to Jno. R. Hoffman, Burlington, N. C. The most successful men are particular about the maintenance of their equipment. We do not follow the line of least resistance. TROY IRON & MACHINE W0RKSI am Qoskg Omit Ae Stock o URNIT AT Which I recently purchased from The Welborn-Airheart Furniture Company; I have also jadded to this stock a carload of cheap and rriedium priced Bed-room Suits, Odd Dressers, end Beds, Chairs, &c, which was bought for cash at a low price. This will enable me to offer some very attrac tive bargains in this line. ; ' I am Daily Adding New Goods to My Stock . i ' and expect to carry the largest and most complete line of furniture and house furnishing goods ever carried in the County. 7 Call and inspect my stock and compare my prices. M THE BURLINGTON, BurHngfon Drug Gom'y . ' : r HAVE A, . i - J handsome line of Cigars " and Candies for the holi day - trade. See them. Burlington Drug Com'y Again a " good news item comes-to our. desk from the Oakdale arid Cross Road sec tion, but no name is signed to it, hence it goes to the waste basket. We cannot and we will not publish such commu nications unless they are sign ed by some one. The live stock now on American farms has the stupenduous value of $4,320,000,000, according to the estimate of the crop expert, B. W. Snow, in hw annual review m the Orange Judd Frrmer, of Chicago. Large White Oak and Poplar Logs, clear of knots, 2 1-2 to 4 feet in diameter, 10, 12, 14 and 16 feet long. Either on the stump or on the Railroad. For such tim ber I will pay a . Good Cash Price Also, Walnut Logs, 15 inches in diameter up, same length as oak and poplar I will be pleased tojeorres pond with any one having any of the above named tim ber for sale. Chas. H. Bayne Burlington, N. C. Wamtal! URE COST SmITM FURNIUURE STORE ; - - NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE! Hereis a fconafide Pile ' 6emedjr and X guarantee it to '' cure every case of piles, let it : be . external or blind, . soreness . or itching piles. Come get a box and try it and - i not benefitted your money will be refunded.; ' . ' :. - Put up by J. M. EVANS, - Altamahaw, N. C. SEE- Burlington Bakery or phone 153 fo Christmas Cakes of all descriptions cheaper than you can bake them. 1 Turkey's Roasted Price reasonable- V - , - An advertisement m THE DISPATCH brings results. 6 i Business Department BURLINGTON GRADED S GH O O L S,' Thorough instruction is offered 4 j 4n steriograhy, typewriting, book- Keeping, commercial arithmetic, and busines correspondence. Stu- 6 dents fully prepared to fill posi tlATlfl in t.Vio hnfiinoaa nrnrM For full information concerning terms, course of study f etc., apply to Supt. F. nVCBRTISS or MISS LE. STARKE, Prin. Fresh Oysters Always on hand. All Oysters sold here are strained. j BEST FISH ON MARKET. First class meals at all hours up to midnight. . T. B. FOWLER & SON, n3 W. Davis Street, Next to N. S-Card welL I 1 V ' t I ;t:: ? v.