I THE STATE DISPATCH Published Every Wednesday ' -By- The SUte Dispatch Publiihinf Company, Burlington, N. C. Dr. J. A. Pickett, S. M. Hornaday, President Vice-President Office First Floor, Waller Building. Telephone No. 265. JOHN E. HART, Editor anJ Bine Manager. JAMES E. FOUST, City Editor and Assistant Buisess Manager. Subscription. One Dollar per year, pay able in advance. All communications in regard to either news items or business matters should be addressed to The State Dispatch and not o any individual connected with the paper. B . All news notes and communications of anportance must be signed by the writer. We are not responsiDie ior opinions 01 ur correspondents. Notice to AdTertiser. Advertisemerts for me 2, 3, d and V page must be In th iSce by Friday, 1 a ino ior . nd 8 by Mou4j, 1 M. Subscribers will take notice that no re ceipt for subscription for The State Dispatch will be honored at Uiis r mce unless it is numbered with stamped fierures. Entered as second-class matter May 20, 1908, at the post office at Burling ton, North Carolina, under the Act of Congress of March 3 1879. Wednesday, March 3, 1909. Rules Governing the Carriers' Con test. In last week's- issue of the Dis patch vce anuuunced that the rules and regulations governing the rural carriers' contest would be promul gated later. The following rules will decide the contest. All car riers who jentered the contest are to state in their next list of items whose article in their opinion was the best. And the carrier who then receives the most votes wins the first prize, and the one who gets the se cond largest wins the second prize. In this way the carriers will be their own judge and no one can complain if he fails to win a prize. lioual system " unless the heart and soul of system is to have some nour ishment. . A finely adorned head is not necessarily a sign of a sound wholesome body. The public schools of North Carolina are the hope of nine tenths of the children, these schools form the heart and the soul of our educational life. Gentlemen of the Legislature you have heard eloquent pleas from the heads of these State schools, but yuu have heard no pleas from tht representatives of the thousands of little toe-headed boys and girls in the hedges and byways of this State. It is for these little ones and for the thousands of youog men and wo men who will never enter the halls of our great State schools that we plead. Look ut, gentlemen, of the Leg islature for the heart and soul of OHr educational body. See that the feet of this body are well provided with shoes, as well as adornment of the head. We have no objection to improving the head, but we must insist that our educational body is not all head, if it is, then it is not a natural body, and will sooner or later die and go the way of all the earth. We have for some time hoped that we would not be forced to register another kick at the Had way Com pany for the service we are getting on this line of the Southern System, but when one gets aboard here to make the trip to Greensboro, it is enough to make one kick, or even say things that would not look well in print. Jt is nothing unusual to see, on the trip above mentioned, the trains so crowded that a great many ladies have to stand in the aisles. Now this should not be the case, if the railway cannot put on another train, it does look like they j visit its building and investigate its 1.1 rnf rwn onrtnrrn rare fr lioii it J work. v-" suv va-a vuvugii CAA O bV It &-J 4 1 . their patrons with some degree of Jaw River Items. Oui Young Men's Christian As sociation is now entering, upon its fourth month of activity and useful ness., The building is open weeks days from 9 "a. m. until 10 p.'m. and on Sunday from 2 p. m. until 5 p. m. There are now 1.24 mem bers, who. enjoy the safe and . sane recreation as well as the othr ex ceptional advantages. The average weekly attendance at Bible Study and other religious services exceed 60 men and boys. The education al classes held now have an enroll ment of 26 men. The two shower baths and one tub bath are very popular features. The social fea tures of the building are exception al and are a great advantage to all. EAtensiye plans are feeing laid to promote outdoor games and athletics during warm mouths. The Ladies' Auxiliary is a pro gressive feature of the work. This organization has rooms on the third floor of the building and now has 52 members. About 50 ladies at tend weekly and 24 have enrolled in their night school. They enjoy their games and social features of their department. Saturday even ing, March 6th, is the membership banquet for the joint association. All members of both organizations will have a feast royal good time together. A branch work of the Y. M. C. A. U doing: efficient work at Trolinwood Mill, The Anuual Inter-State conven tion of the Y. M. C. A. will be held iu Charlotte Mar. 18-21 and several local members with General Secre tary Birchard will attend. Mr. B. J. Robertson is to be one of the speakers and will present a paper on Recreation on Friday of the conven tion. The loctl Y. M. C. A management is always glad to wel come visitors to its building aud ex teuds to all a cordial invitation to made. for life: r He will be fortunate to get her.' H. L. Birchard, the clever and accommodating secretary of the Y. M. C. A., does not confine liimself alone to the duties as secretary, but like the good Samaritan, is always on the "look-out to do some good deed and say some good word for same. Keep your eye on Haw River, she has some pleasant surprises that she will show before the leaves fall again. Watch! . IN TM comfort. The people have been Jen- Messrs Johuson & Coble, who were mentioned last week, returned from the State Counsil at Elizabeth ient toward the railroads during! City and reported one of the best their sci.flle for existence the past mtetiugs iq the history of the Order, R. F. D. No. 3. lhe farmers rnone will soon be ready to say "Hello!"- on their Hue. Mr. Geo. A. Jeffreys is going to raise a large feed barn this week. We think he is going to get him a fine horse and buggy before long. He received a fine valentine the 14th of February aud he is getting busy to make his home happy for a new cook. Look out, girls, some thing doing. Mr. J. H. Allison visited his father at Hillsboro Sunday. Mr. G. W. Lashley visited his people in Caswell last week. Monrr e Parker has a dog that can aat 24 eggs per dav. B. R. Parker weut to see his best girl the 3rd Sunday, and on return ing home that night he got caught out in a storm and lost his hat and never found it until Monday. Get her bonnet next time, B. R. Rudie Warreu went to the sale last Friday and purchased a lot of furniture, we think he is going to take him in a help-mate soon. King & Turner are busy at their sawmill at present. ' year or more, but now that all the scare is over, it is hi6h time that the traveling public be given some con sideration for comfort while on a journey. The people should not be packed in a passenger car like sar dines iu a tin bix, wheu there are not become necessary to apply for it We will wait aud see. A City Beautiful. What Burliu-Lou ueedft most ol all just now is a civic league, who will take immediate steps to have the city cleaned up and beautified. Nearly all towns of any importance have such organizations, and they are doing a power of good. Greens boro, Charlotte, Abbeville aud othtr towns have been wonderfully bene fited by these organizations and if j terests went before this town expects to keep pace with other towns of like size and im portance. We must organize a civic leagile, who will take the mat ter in hand, and effect the organiza tion aud get ready tor work early in the spring. The ladies who are in terested in the future welfare of Burlington should get busy. At a special meeting called bv the 'Mayor for that purpose. Those who attended the proceedings ex pecting a warm debate like was witnessed last month, went away disappointed. the largest delegation, everything harmnious, aud the people so hospit able to tLem. The next meeting will be held in Greensboro. Hon. J. M. Morehead visited our town last week and shook hands with his many friends. He was the guest of our clever B. S Robertson. ! r' r r i ,i plenty of cirs standing on the vari- aT' i . rn . , will weLome ous yards idle. There is a remedy Mrs j R Williamson, who has ior rener, out it is nopeo mat it wi.l j been iu very feeble health for a long At a regular meeting of the city aid, rmen Monday night, Mr. Jim W. Murray representing certain iu- the boaul and asked for a Franchise for furnish ing electric power, with a proviso that his company do uot offer pow- r in competition with the City of Burlington. After discussiug the Would Make Educational System Top Heavy. 'The following editorial appeared in a recent issue of the Catawba County News, and hits the nail so squarely on the head that we repro duce it for its mauly and bold stand for the rights of the little toe-headed boys and girls of North "Carolina, that arp practically neglected along educational lines. Thare has been a bill introduced in tie LegYature to make one million and one half dollar bond issue to equip our State institutions and the ridiculous feature of the bill is the naming of the heads af these institu tions to say how the mouey shall be spent. We sincerely hope no one of these men asked to be placed on such board, we know some of them did not. We waut to see our educational institutions grow with the progress of this great State. They may all' need all they are asking for, but ye want to go on record here and now as opposing the giving of millions of dollars for the head of our eauca- while, visiting her daugher, Mrs. Blalock, at Greensboro. Her many friends are glad to see her out. Miss Mattie Simpson, our pleas ant aud polite Milliner, left March 1st f'.r Richmoud, Va.. to take a course in millinery work there. She expects to return to Walnut Cove for business. We guess she carried some ones heart. Mr. aud Mrs. Ben Clark visited I heir daughter. Mrs. Massey at Hillsboro Saturday and returned Sunday. matter pro and con it was finally Judging from the visits our genial lett with a special committee com- i rural carrier makes to a certain iosed of Mor Froolunri pleasant home, a contract it being Morrow aid Staley, together with the city attorneys, who are to con rider the proposition and report to the board. Dixon-Whitesell. A pleasant occasion took, place on 'at Tuesday afternoon February 23, at 3:30 at the home of the par ents of the bride, Mr. aud Mrs J C. Whitesell, when Miss Sophronia Alice, and Mr. John H. Dixon were happily united in the holy bonds of wedlock. Rev. F. M Harr performed the ceremony. Immediately after the ceremony g the guests were iuvited to the din- 1 ing room where a delicious and II sumptuous dinner was a waiting Ihem. It would b putting it mihif- ly to say that all enjoyed this splen did fare. Eveu though the weather was ex- temely rough there were manv df guests present besides near rela tives. The bride received manv presents which show appreciation The bride and groom with sever- . . . i . i ai guesrs speut tne nigiu ana were hailed by serenaders that made things lively for about two hours. iur. ana .urs. j;ixon lert on tne 10:30 train Wednesday morning tor Gnmesland, . C., where they will make their future home. Mrs. Dixon is on excellent young lady, possessing many fine qualities, and Mr. Dixon is to be congratu lated upou winning such a bride. Mr. Dixon is a young business man prospective of future good. The young couple have the very best wishes of their many friends. Don't fail to state in your list of items next week who you .think is entith d to first prize. Unless' you state in your next list of R. F. D. items whose article was the best, your favorite may, miss the prize. Read all the R. F. D. items care fully then vote for the one i ou think should have the prizn, and send your vote with your items for next weeks issue, LIST OF LETTERS Remaining In Post Utii.e unnairrpd. Burlington, N. C, Feb. 27, 1909: Gextlemex G. T. Baynes, W. A. Fogleman, William Gertine, John Hooker, Joe Marks, I. S. A. McLsudon, T. Y. Vickers, Thomas Tate. Ladies Mrs. Henry Diedrick, Miss Cora Heathy, Miss Mollie Ray Mrs. Cor nelia Scott Miss Mattie C. Walker, LMiss Maude Woody. Persons calling for any of these letters will please say "advertised" and give date of advertised list. - J. Zeb Waller, Post Master. I OUR 'BUSINESS i To loan money, buy and sell ! Real Estate, write all kinds of Insurance, loan your money for you on First Mortgage Security at 6 per cent, interest without cost to lender. OUR IDEA. That if you will do business with us you will never regret it, and this state ment is based upon the opinion of hundreds of satisfied customers. . OUR PROPOSITION! If you want some bargains in Real Estate on Davis street, Means street or on the Street car line, by the way it is being built, we saw them with our own eyes, we can sell at reasonable prices. ALAMANCE INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE COMPANY, Burlington, N. C. WIM You can't be in the social swim unless you're correctly dressed; you can't be correctly dressed un less your shoes are right :-: : WALK-OVER SHOES are always fitting, and proper. Our stock includes the correct thing for every social function, every sporting event, every recreation, diversion or occupation :-: :-: GOODMAN 1 W Tl? . . . . 11 are our. store oar shelves end arranging to make our store one of the most convenient and up-to-date stores in Burlington. While this is going oa we are still serving our customers with some rare bargains and will be glad to have you call at. present and let us show you our goods. GOOD M A N The Home of Good Clothes Burlington, N. C. CLOSING OUT SALE I am closing out my stock of goods at a greatly reduced price. Hats, Shoes, Suits, Pants, Ladies' Dress Goods and everything that is in a first class dry goods store, I am offering my stock at a great sacrifice in order to make room for New Spring Goods which I am re ceiving daily. Come and see my goods and compare prices with others. L. BOWL AND, 107 Red Front on Davis St. 4th door from Postoffice, BURLINGTON, N. C. The Southern Railway are an il mncing their rate to the inaugura tion of President Taft ; March 4th io this. issue. The rate from Burl- A large number of our friends have entered the contest and are working like heroes, for a . pari of that silverware .which we offer to 1 iugton is $9.20 , giveaway. 'v