-v0 1 8 Items of General Interest Clipped From our Exchanges. Budslpa Balletli. w.Tm MJlla an acred citizen of 1 1 us -"- ' " I 3 Arihrim died at his home in the northern part of the city Tuesday night and was baried at Grays Chapel. A deal is on whereby if consum mated, the stock of the Randolph Chair Co., now owned by G. G. Hendricks will be transferred to C. C. Cranford and others. The rumor published in the Bul letin last week to the effect that a convict while attempting to escape from the camp near Skiloh academy was killed by a guard, proved to be a mistake. We are glad to set the matter straight before the public. Ciion Republican Postmaster C. A. Reynolds re ceived his commission of re-appointment a Postmaster of this city Monday. It was dated Feb. 24 and bears- the signature of President Roosevelt. Mr.. Aaron Whitaker, a promi nent merchant, farmer, and citizen of Siloam, Surry county, was strick- en with paralysis Monday. ne seriousness of his condition is not reported, but the Republican hopes that the attack is only of a tempo rary nature. One evening the past week dur ing an electric storm, lightuiug struck the home of C. F. Nissen, in Waughtown tearing off a section of the slate roof, going through the ceiling aud striking an electric wire burning out the meter. It is be lie ved that the latter saved the prop erty from destruction by fire, Oo it caught and arrested the current. GreenSboro Patriot Josephus Daniels, editor of the Raleigh News and Observer, will deliver the commencement address at the colored A. & M. College in fhis city on May 27. Mrs. J. W. Murray, of Burling ton, who underwent an operation at St. I eo's hospital last week, i recovering nicely and expects to be able to return home in a short while. Capt. John F. Lyon, Greensbo ro's oldest citizen, returned from Durham, bere he sjHit some time with hi daughter, Mrs. Jesse Dickerson Capt, Lyon is 94 years old, but retains his strength and vitality to a remarkable degree. Rev Cbas. H. Wen hold, Jr., of Kerners'ille, succeeds Rev E. A. Holton as pa1 tor of the Moravian church in thh x-ny. He will con tinue to reside iu Kernersville for the present and will conduct servi ces iu Greensboro every Sunday in the month except the fourth. Mebane Leader. There was held in the Methodist Episcopal church of this town vvs- tciday (Wednesday) a Sunday school Institute. The exercises throughout werp interesting and in structive. Several preachers from a distance were present. Rev. V. B North who has charge of the in stitute gave the work his attention preaching Tuesday right Rev. C. O. Durant, of Elon College preach ed last night, Mathew 27-42, sub ject, cost of fulfilling Lfes mission. Monday night there came to the M. P. parsonage a pleasant surprise in the way of a "pounding party," bringing many useful articles, su .gar, coffee, butter, eggs, soda, meal dried fruits, canned g)ods, honey, confectioneries etc. Alamance Gleaner. Miss Kate Clendenin, who has for a long while held a position in the office of the Register of Deeds nd rendered most efficient service, has resigned and will take a posi tion in the Citizens' Bank of Gra ham. She lef: this morning for the bedside of her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Clendenin, who is extremely ill at her home near Saxapahaw. When she returns she will enter upon her duties in the bank. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. I. White are breakiug up housekeeping. On Saturday they will sell a lot of their household goods, and will go to make their home with their two sons, dividing their time between W. P. White, at Ilamseur, aud R. D. White, of Kimesville. The peo ple of Graham and the county gen erally will regret their leaving the county. Mr. White has held a number of honorable positions at the, hands of the people. To their new homes the best wishes of hosts of warm friends will follow them. IQoaarle CkrtsJcle. Rev. A. L Wynkoop, of Mor ganton, has accepted the pastorate of the First Baptist church here and entered upon the work last Sunday morning. Ae expects to move his family here next week; J. L. Cook, of Lexington, is in town this week exhibiting his pa tent wheat separator. The machine is simple in construction yet separ ates the grain from cockle, cheat, oats etc, and fans out dirt and dust very nicely. Tucerrllle ScatiieL Much sympathy is expressed here for the family of D. L. Ed munds, little Albert,, the youngest son has scarlet fever. A rigged quarantine has been placed around the home, and no uneasiness is felt as to the spread of the disease. Sincere sorrow is expressed here over the unexpected death of that upright, God-serving citizen or Page's mill section, Mr. Richard Gunn, who passed away Sunday af ter a short illness of pneumonia. He was iu the prime of life. Thus Caswell has lost another son she could ill afford to spare. Cbapel Bin News. C. IH. Routh, of Hillsboro, was carried to the Watts hospital, Dur ham Monday where he underwent an operation for appeudicitis. Sev eral relatives and friends accompan ied him. On the morning of the 10th inst , Alphonso Riggsbee, a worthy citi zen and farmer, residing in Wil liams Chapel neighborhood, had the misfortune to lose his barn, feed stuff, horse, mule, wagon, buggy and farming tools by fire. The loss falls heavily on Mr. Riggsbee, who has the sympathy of friends. Hickory Times-Mercury. Mrs. J. F. Miller, who has been in Stateville hospital for treatment came home Friday much better and it is hoped she will soon be well a gain. There was a freight train wreck Saturday btt.veen Conover and Newton. Several . box cars were thrown from the track, caused by a broken rail. The cars thrown off the track were loaded with lumber, and furniture especially. No one was hurt, but trains were delayed, going each way for several hours. It was bad, but could have been worse. Forsyth News. Miss Zora Stuart, who has been confined to her room for several weeks from a sprained ancle, is able to be out on the streets again we are glad to note. Master Isormau Pegg, son of A. A. Pegg of this place, got his fin gers mashed very badly while play ing with a boiler aud engine, by get ting his fiugers in some of tlie run ning parts, no bones are thought to be broken. Concnrd Tribune. The probabilities of securing the proposed street car line is strength ened today by very eucourag'ng re port from parties who are manipula ting the scheme of. raising certain shares of stock in the corporation. Mr. B. B. Howard, master ina- chauic at the Gibson mills, sustain ed a painful injury yesterday after noon while adjusting a belt. He in some way caught his thumb between the belting and the pulley, cutting off the end nearly to the first joint. Graham Tribune Miss Sarah Kernodle, who has been teaching school at Raleigh, re turned to her home here Sundav. having closed her school for this term Mrs. Sam Best, of Haw River, died yesterday at her home. De ceased was about 40 years old. She leaves a husband and several chil dren. The remains were taken to Gibson ville today for burial Returning from Raleigh Monday Senator J. L. Scott, Jr., had the lit tle fiuger of his right hand broken between the first aud second joint. i ne injury was caused Dy a car door swinging shut while he had his hand against the facing. Randleman News. The poles and other material for the Randolph Power Co., have been ordered and the construction will begin at once. Mr. Fphram Lee aged 82 years, died last Sunday morning and bur ied Monday, Rev. White of the Friends church conducting the fun eral services. The Book Club met with Miss Claude Fox at her home on Main Very pleasant evening "was spent. Dainty refreshments were served in a most pleasing manner. Warm. Escort. ' Mr. John S. Bell, of Mebane, and sister, Mrs. D. F. Morris, of Ports mouth, Va., have been here this week on account of the , illness of the ir mother, Mrs. Lucy Bell. f ' D. L; Robertson, of Alannaduke, not only knows how to raise big hogs, but he brought to our office Wednesday two hen eggs that weighed 7 1-2 ounces. They weie laid bf a genuine Plymouth Rock hen. We are waiting to hear from the iiext one. Wilkes Patriet A. B. Hayes says that a few days ago helost a fine horse. It got out of the stable daring the night into the cow lot and one of them "hook ed" the horse so badly that it died a few hours afterward. Three of the children of Jonas Sheets, of Harmony, died within-a period of three days last week. Two of them died the same day, and two days later another followed. They seemed to have a combination ol diptheriaand scarlet fever. Officers Haynes and Bandy locat ed and destroyed an illicit whiskey outfit a couple of miles west of Aus tin some days ago. A splendid new copper still wa3 among the equip ment. Some beer was on hand. It showed signs of having been operat ed the night before. Master Bob Wyatt, son of Mr. John Wyatt, of Perry, had a nar row escape from what might have proven a senoug accident Sunday He fell beneath the horse which he was riding and another horse pranc ing behind, ran over him. Other than some bruises he was not -badly hurt. HYPNOTIZED BY AN ADDER Keeper in Bronx Zoo Transfixed With Terror. m Go Wlth r ltasIufW The demand for that wonderful Stomach, Liver ; and KSdnev cure, Dr.-King's New Life Pills is as tounding, says Freeman Drug pep- pie, they say they never saw the like. Its because theyV never tail - i " i i - .? !' to cure oour ocomacn, - Aomupa-.. (jy tion, Tndlgestiou, Biliousness, Jaun- J 2 "Taft'a to continue .Roosevelt's policies, but uot his- method," says j Q a headline in the Boston Hearld. jf) Going to equip the ship of State! with something: akin to these new 1 Maxims noiseless guns, eb?" KILL the COUGH AND CURE the LUNGS 1 WITH gs Tto- lisGouery fob C82&H3 itfSE&L AMD ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY! OB MONET REFUNDED. Typewriters For Sale. I have several Second Hand Typewriters of different makes on hand, which I will sell at a bargain, and guarantee them. Come be fore they are picked over -B. E. Teague. -THE- New York, March 9. Opening the door of a reptile cage in the Bronx Zoo today, George Snyder, head keeper, was transfixed with terror as a puff adder, one of the most veneraous snakes, swung from the door gratiug on his arm. Swift as a flash the deadly adder swung its coils about Snyder's arm a:id hung there, it head swelling with anger and its beady eyes glittering. Realizing thata wound from the fangs of the snake would mean practically instant d ath, the keeper stood absolutely motionless, fearing to make the slightest sound to call for aid from the other keepers in the reptile house. Snyder kept his eyes fixed immovably on the snake, fearing that if he took his gaze from the snake for a moment it might bury its fangs in his arm. As he looked into the beady eyes of the adder, Snyder felt with a new thrill of horror that he was swiftly sinking into a hypnotic spell under the mysterious influence of the rep tile's power to charm. The terror stricken man was on the point of sinking to the floor, paralyzed with fright, when John Tomev, a keeper noticed his rigid position and start- j American Office. ed toward Snyder. W ith a horse hair lariat, winch is used to snare snakes, Tomey cautiously approach ed and with a dexterous fling of the oop over the nuff adder s head, now swollen to three times its original size, caught the snake and in a mo ment or two had it in the cage. bnyder was so weakened by the terrible experience that he was tak en into Curator Ditmar's office, where he revived after a short time, but his nerve was so shaken that he was relieved from duty for the rest of the day. Baltii nore American Established 1773 The Daily American Terns hj Mail Postage Prepaid. l am closing out my stock of goods at a Suits, Pants, Ladies' Dress Goods and everjrtiiing that is in a first clars dry goods store, I am offering my stock at a great sacrifice in order to make room -for New Spring Goods which I am re ceiving daily. Come and see my goods and compare prices with others. E. L. BORLAND,! 107 Red Front on Davis St. -4th door from Postoffice, rT TTlT TXTTV-XT XT S Vi 7A SSSSSSSSSSSsa DMly, One Month Daily and Sunday. One Month Daily, Three Months Daily and, Sunday, Three Months Daily, Six Months, Daily and Sunday Six MoDths Daily One Year Daily, with Sunday edition, One Year Sunday Edition, One Year. l.-n The Twice-a-Week Amerjcan The Cheapest and Best Family paper Published; Vews- ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Six Months, 50 Cents. THE TWICE-A-WEEK AMERICAN is pub lished in two issues. Tuesday and and Friday niornings, with the news of the week in compact shape. It also con tains interesting special correspondence, entertaining romances, good poetry, lo cal matter of general interest and fr sh miscellany suitable for the home circle. A carefully edited Agricultural Depart ment and a full and reliable Financial nnd Market Reports are special features. CHAS. C. FULTON & Co. FELIX AGNUS, Manager and Publisher Baltimore, Md. To loan money, buy and sell ' Real Estate, write all kinds of Insurance, loan your money for you on First Mortgage Security at 6 per cent, interest without cost to lender. OUR IDEA. That if you will do business with us you will never regret it, and this state ment is based upon the opinion of hundreds of satisfied customers. OUR PROPOSITION! If you want some bargains in Real Estate , on Davis street, Means street or on the Street car line, by the way it is being built, we saw them with our own eyes, we can sell at reasonable prices. ALAMANCE INSURANCE ft REAL ESTATE i COMPANY, Burlinotop, N. C. - ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME interest us to the extent of pro viding the furniture portion of r.hem. Our part of home furn ishing will interest you if you walk through our salesrooms and make good use of your eyes. Whole sets for parlor, dining room and bed chamber, separate pieces for hall, library and every room in the house at conserva tive prices. Our furniture ranks high BURKE FURNITURE & COFFIN COMPANY. There is a glorious opjfortunitv for some millionaire to distinguish himself by buying the big stick for the National Museum. One difficulty about Wall Street is that there the magazine writers are half through exposing one set of tricks and the financiers have learn ed a lot of new ones. promptly obtained In all co entries, or NO FEE. TRADE-MARKS, Cave&U and Copyrights regis tered. Send Sketch, Model or Photo, for free report on patentability. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Patent practice exclusively. Surpassing references. Wideawake inventors should hare our hand book onHow to obtain and Sell patents. What ln Tentions will pay .How to get a partner And o t her Taloable information. Bnt free to any address. D. swift a CO. 5Q Seventh St, Wathligtoa, D. C.JJ mm . The Angle off tiks EBUsidle One of the exclusive features of the Keen Kutter Safety Razor, wherein it excels all others, is the angle of the blade. It is set at just the right slope for a comfortable, velvety shave. It can't scrape it can't slip over the heard every stroke cuts clean and close withojut the slightest discomfort to the most tender skin. This is but one of the important features- of the remarkable that tnake it the greatest safety razor ever manufactured. The blade may be slanted to the proper degree to give the sliding cut that 'shaves smoothly, without pulling, and this slant can be regulated to suit your own style of stroke. The blades are sufficiently thick to insure a keen, dur able edge and rigid enough to prevent any springing or vibration of the blade while shaving. Tcry IJ?lor in a le"atner case with a dozen blades ready for shaving The Keen Katter trade-mark guarantees satisfaction. Stiver Plated In Black Leather Case, $30 Gold Plated In Pigskin Case, - $5J)0 If not at your dealer's write us. SIMMONS HARDWARE COKSPOJSIY (Ltdo) SU Loula ana New York, U.S. A. I '4 m m r WW wrw f I . l j v -

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