r . - Local and Xilr VRoitiol nf Finn .-. Col- 4 oq o Knsinejsa visitor m town - ICKC " - , . . . 0 '.a... . " last Fridav. t " v ? ,v - j W. H. Holt P. M. at Graham . was a business visitor in '. town r last Thursday. ' '''' ' '::yT- J. M. Pugh of Greensboro was the guest of MnJJ (X.Guthrie and -family during the past week. Miss Nina Webster left last week for a two wees stay with friends and relatives at Sumpter S. C. Mrs. E. Y. Ferrell of Mebane name here Thursday on a visit to W narents M. and Mrs. Mike Mewlin. , Misses Rosa Patterson and Ber tha Cates left Friday for a ten davi : visit to Mr. George Pickards o Chapel Hill. Mrs. Arthur Pierce of Greens- J boro was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Mike Kewlin, during the past week. Mr. nd Mrs. J. H. Nance of Crossfieid S. C. were the cruest- of Mr. and Mrs. B.O. Guthrie during the past week. Mr. Stewart of Guilford College came here last Fnday to spent some time with his son Mr. Albert Ste wart who is sick. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fowler of Greensboro arrived here Thnrsdav i to be the guest of the parents of the I l.ii.. i1 r i jauer xor a lew aays. Mr. Flavous Plunket of the B, McKenzy Heating Company of Greensboro was a business visitor in town last Friday. Adderson Thompson attended th AnnuaJ meeting of . . the Friend." church at Guilford College last Saturday and Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. W. AT Wilson spent the latter part of last week visiting the aunt of the latter Mrs. Smith of Greensboro. Miss Dafney Fowler left Thurs day for Thoroasville where she wil; spend several days as the guest f.i friends and relative Mr. R. H. Garrison spent last week with his pareuts and relative: on R. F. D. No. 5, prior to his de parture for High Point. Mr. W. R. Garrett returned last week fom Virginia where he hn been engaged in the fmit tret- bui ness, during the summer. Miss Betlie Lvde May went to - Elon College last Thursday 'to a- range for; entering school at the : opening the hist of September. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Whitsell of R. F. D. No. 4 It ft Thundy for a weeks stay with relatives and friends at S-.rnmerfield and Greensboro. Mi?s Margaret Neville of' the Wi man's Hospital at Philadelphia i pending her vacation with her siter Mrs. V. L. Spoon 04 R. F. D. No. 1. Mr. aini Mrs. Ed. Tsague left Friday for Guilford College to at tend flie Annual meeting of the Friends, which was in session at that jlace. Mrs. G. W. Davenport returned Thursday trom a visit to Linwood and left Thursday evening to visit friends and relatives at Gibsonville and Whitsett. . x Miss Vermont of Chapel Hill passed through here last Thursday on bar return home after spending some time visiting friends in Cas well County. Work on tearing away the old building of the First National Bank ia going at a rapid rate. The place will soon be cleaned away ready for the foundation. Mrs. Lucy H. Long and Mrs. Hoepner and three sons of Louis- ' ville Ky., arrived last week ior a three week stay with their sister Mrs. J. C. Staley and family. Mr. Nick Mebane spent last Thursday in town visiting his pa- rents and shaking hands with old acquaintance. Mr. Mebaue has severed himself with Harry Belt Bros., and is doing; a progressive business of his own at Greensboro at present. Revolts At Cold Steel. "lour only hope," said three doctors to Mrs. M. E. Fisher, Detroit, Mich, suffering from severe rectal trouble, lies in an operation, "then I used Dr. King's New Life Pills," she writes, ."till wholly cur ed." They j prevent Appendicits, cure Constipation, Headache. 25c. at Freeman Drug Co. ! ' Mr. R. B.I Waddell ' Contractor of Greensboro: was in "town last week J bidding on. contracts for building, if -.- tTT ' ini .1'. kair. aauei inue sucwaaiur-viu 1 . ....... I AAnt.tnnlnfna mninnn nia t)im. UC1 ,UC Wtw:wiLFAn uiwi 'uf, ilv 1 here " in the future, He- has been enVarrrd in work at Whitsett . 0 0 . .-,-. ....... during ther j past summer. We have an opening tor two good men with horee and buggyjft,. fgel and 'collect for "us ' in" 'Alamance county, a good commission contract to the right party, if mterested ad dress. Singer Sewing Maching, Co. O. J. Denny. Manager, ; , Greensboro, N. C. The Merchants Association have recently fitted uo their office on the second floor in the new Waller building. The office is furnished with such furniture as is needed chairs, desk, etc. And the Associ- tion although in ita infancy is mak ing-rapid growth proving it merits. Mr. Clarence Cates who recently resigned his position with the Sin ger Sewing Machine Company and is connected with the B. Goodman oothing company desires to thank his many friends for their kind pat ronage during the past and assures them of the same kind teat men t r the future. If you want the best in Sewing Machines write us for prices on Sin- zer and Wheeler and Wilson's. We will call and talk it over with you. Yours truly, iuger Sewing Machine Co., jO. 'J. Denny, Manager, Greensboro, N. C. Miss Mary Wilkerson will teach n Jamestown the coming'; school term and Miss 'Belle Wilkerson' will. teach in the home of Mr. James N. Williamson, " Jr. -in Burlington. Both are accomplished young ladies and their friends will be delighted o learn that they will be so pleasan tly located. -Reids ville Review. Nature's Wajning. Burlington People Must Recognize and Heed It. Kidney ills come quietlv- myste riously. But nature always warn you through the urine. A otic the kidney secretions-. See if the color is unhealthy If there are settlings and sedimn?atr Passage too frequent, scanty, pain- ul. It's time then to.use Doan's Kj1- j ney Pills, . .' To ward off Bright s disease e liabetes. Doan's have done great work i& Burlington. C. B. Ellis, Davis bt., Burlington- N. C. sayst I have no hesitation ia recommending Doan's Kidney Pills. as thy are a reliable remedy for kidney complaint. I suffered from severe pains through the small of my back and irregular , passages of the kidney secretions caused me- ropch annoyance. 1 finahy procur ed Doans Kidney Pills at the Free- mau Drug Co. and though their use- the pain in my back were soon re moved. I give Doan s Kidnev P1II9 the credit for my present goott health." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo? Ncv York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doau't aud take no other. Alamance County Sunday School Workers. It is the desire of the -Executive Committee and Officers of the Ala mance County Sunday School Asso ciation that all township that have not yet held their Townships-Sunday School Conventions do so dur ing the mouths of July and Aogust, as the County Convention meets at St. Marks ou August 28-29. It is very important that all townships hold their sessions before that time. Blanks for the reports of industrial schools and also for .the Township cap be'had by addressiugthe Coun ty Secretary J. T. CobbTElon Col lege, N. C. . It is stated that a considerable, increase in appropriation for work in the Spencer shops has been made by the Southern Railway .officials for the month of August. The amount of the increase is not given, but it is said to be a substautial gain over previous months and that a number of skilled, mechanics, boiler makers and other classes of work men will be required to produce the puota of work for this point, f , 1 v Catarrh Cannot Be Cured. with Local 1' Applications, ; asf they cannot i reacn 4, tne Beat 01 aisease rCatarrh. is a blood orrcoristitutiona disease,;, and in order, to cure it you must take, internal remedies.. .Hall's aiarrn uure is 1 iaen inieruauy, and aets directly on the v blood and muus surfaces., f JlalPsCatarrh Cure is not auickedicine. was p recferibed . by one 7of the phy- sican.iD.4his oounrty. for years . and is a regular prescript ion. It is com posed of the best tonics known, com bined with the best blood (purifies, acting directly , on11 ie" mucous sur faces. The- perfect combinated . o the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results u curing Catarrh.' ;, '.y . Send for testimonials free. ' F J. Cheney & Co., Props.. Tol- edo, O. - Sold by JJjuggists. price 75c Take. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. MAYINGS OF KIRS. SOLOMON. Being the Confessions of the Seven Hundredth Wife Translated ''. Helen Rowland. Washington Herald. Behold, my daughter, ihough there be tift-seven varieties of men, vet they come in but two brands- the brand that talketh aud the brand that acteth. Goto! What profiteth it a woman though a man prom iseth her the whole world, yet givetb her nothiug but attention? For these are cheap I charge thee, if a man . talketh much gush and flingeth bis arms about thae upon slight provocation, cry "Nay nay!" But if he babbleth of platonic friendship and walketh at a great distance apart from thee in the moonlight; if be touches! thine arm with but the tips of bis fingers and thay tremble, T say un to the, prepare thv wedding trous- seau. i or it is not a cold heart. but cold fear, that keepeth him from proposing. I)! platonic friendship is a mvs- terioos thimr. Yea, like onto a mackintosh, it covereih a multitude of surprises. .It cometh ..in' many guises and disguises. If a great ctnveuienee. , lWre i the kfnd cooceaieth a man's desire to kiss a woaaan and tle kind that coiicealeth hit d-riiTe to escape: ber. : ; , - The kind that resembletb lov and thv kimH chat resembfeth ai bani sarwiwichJ - ' The-kiocl with frills amfc lhe kind wFih thrflils. Go fot 1 uA tbe cream always on top f the Jug, and the foanu aU ways &m top- off the gjlass and thr io iing fHH tep of th- cake? Is not h- bacdsonaet pewrtJ of a bold the n trance there Cor satdt the sweetest ypwrt of a kiss, the -moment just before tai sag, amji the bt prt of love t3h WgiHnug thei5fr even plateau fariendabipL SeliahE Tte Sficm Of Lsag Lif e A French scjrUist has discovered 'wie secret of lokg,hfe. His mst1- hd deale wi ttt the .blood. But long ;igo millii5 ef Americans had pra vfd ,Eleetric- iSttters prolongs 13e and maLes it wostb living It puair hesr enrrohe a vitalizes the blood J rebuklls wastefi tirve cells, impasts hie aD tone to. tlve entire system. Its a gwlseml U weak, sick and de l)ili.tatad' peopW. "Kidney 'tr6'ul)e had blighted ia.y life for "montk," writes W. M. Sherman, ot'Cushing Me., u-t EUtric Bitters -cured). me euiireiyi-." v uly 50c. at phtmiu Drug; Cu. ' . Rev. Bavins Cade, who recently invented a typesetting machine wbieh he is having, built in Pbila delfibia, says the machine will be ready about, August 15th and that he will take it to Shelby tor trial. Soldier Balks Death Plat It seemed to J..A. Stone, 'a civil war veteran, of Kemp, Tex , that a plot existed batweeu a desperate lung trouble aud the grave to cause his death. "I contracted a stubborn cold," he writes, 'that developed a cough that stuck to me, in fspite of all remedes, tor years. My height rau down to 130 pounds.. Then I began to use Dr. Lmg's: New Dis-1 covery, which restored my health completely. I now weigh 178 poands.'' For severe XJolds, obstin ate Cooghs, Hemorrages1 ; Asthtiial' and to prevent Pneumonia it's ,uo rivaled. 50c. and $1.00. Trial lxttle free. ; Guaranteed by Free man Drag 0u. ' - f Burlmston TailoHiig -V. ; ! CT D. WUltS8iri eld IborJtaad.? - v. .'w - . .'It 'tie-'"', - y. - ; Men' l8nltd ; and Ladiesg Coat Suits large and) qojnplete line of , samples from which to select. . r. :-. --- 7--All kind of altering,Trepairiog, clean ing and pressing neatly done, v . z French cleaning for all delicate fabrics. JAS."Mrj.EATH, Tailor, - Manager of Cleaning and Pressing 7.V f- " Iepartmen.t. y - . - ., - 41! war tfm 11 Preialses. - r - - ti Large Wnite Oak and Poplar Logs, clear of knob 2 1-2 t 4 feet ia diameter, 10, 12, 14 and 16 feet long. Either on the ; stamp or ; on 7' the Railroad. For such tim ber I will pay a ice Also, Walnut Logs, 15 inches in diameter np, same, length . as oak and poplar- . :' I will be pleased to corres pond with any one having, any of the aboye named tin ber for sale. ;t ; Chas. H;rBayne Burlingtoiii N. C. Notice to the Pcblic! 1 have a-qever-tailing pure lor Scrofttlar and. Eczoina; actare juar- antew vrben lirectiuus. site fbll wet I . Distance no objection, y Call on or address : ; .ru- - MRS. A, E. HINESLV, - ' 'Burlington, N. t . XI t n 4 1 r 1 mi uoottLasnrr HOUSE It will be to your, interest to inspect our stock and get our prices before buying any thing in the house furnishingine. .Our stock of Art Squares, Carpets, Rugs, Matting arid Linoleums are new and complete, the pat ters are good and the prices are in keeping with the quality of the goods. Ask to see our line of Lace and Portier Curtains. We have jiist six refrigerators left which we have recently cut the prie 25 per, cent, you had better get one before they are all gone. . - - ' ' :-Y. We are in a position to furnish your home on the easy payment plan, a part cash, and balance on weekly or monthly payments. - - fc 'Ai iyEEWFOTtCED - THE, KIND fTHAT LAST ana look well while they ikst BURP FURNITURE Subscribe to the 4 TEETH l: IS- L "It didn't hurt a bit Dr. J. S. Trosf, .til.-?- 1? ..emnofrf7V m? EXTRACTED ."And.- FURNISHINGS bed of the Viifl - enforced Harmnock is woven gextra heavy in the midHi i where the wear comes a nat .entedfeaturelfound in no other hammock.1 The ert heavy carding; at head and foot is put on under tension suringudistribution of the bed orthe. hammorir k ff1 y Spreaders 5 .anchorages. 'Xnor5.usefi in Vudor Ke-enrorced Hammocks are sun-fast and; practically fade- less. Vudor t Reinforced Ham ocks Come in 1 many hand sbme designs ' arid color com binati6nsi and iri various styles ranging in price from $2.25 to $8. : Call and see them. & COFFIN COMPANY. Dispatch $1 per Year BY PAINLESS R1ETH0D f PureBreatli Improved Health Comfort . Attracliye "Appefance Foul) Breath Poor Health Neuralgia ive Appearance Which of the above do yoo prefer? The service of. a first, class dentist together with your personal atten tion for the one. -1 r; " ; ' :.v. v ' i Neglect o f scientific attention for the other --v " Modern dentistry in kll its branches is Within your reach. -: ' Throughly equipment. Best mater ials. - Resonable prices, and satisfac tion guaranteed; as the service rend ered are of a high class, founded on scientific principles. Office over Sellars ( othing Store. Offie hours, 7:30 a m.j to 12m., 1 to . - - . 5 p. m. Burlington, N. C. 5 8 n 9c A