3 uli ii.;:1h-r W J. ' . 9 L - : v . P 15' T AT-nOftLicA newspajpeR' deVotd to the: upbuldi6 iiic v -x- ; j - ; ,r r THHFF.CASE850F OKI Makes fepeage: The'dise&sfe- fiifown' pehlgraf which before tW pat year was pra 'causing a Weal dea where, Ue d isease Jiis . made i ts ap-J tive steps are Deing' taRen oy, , me medicaLp mf f sgjnn gpnprfl lly.tn sfernp J" j .n'i i '.'' J ' i . ' ' r .V.JI H i I II 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 .l.ltll UH11II t ' VUx. j emu i HiUUU U11UII U UUllililU W1 W .1-" r?... J ;-r;' -r v;f .- -y- : . Scf ferance Between t : t. da 3 SiOa - 3 K ' itirtnoo tft'the1 'fopMiHea r4he daily ngtwQ,pd!jMJJ Nort h Carolina, is suracieut to show what the Stat trcev (le JiqT a58, to uphold prohibition.; Moonshiners blrneh tiflmexm are $wirfc abMrrlA tlouW. fight it lV h'nnl to tell , what, jyajijjjj the . rpult ; It migjube sai thpX WW out the seourge .which in many res- i)ects"ts even' more loatnesome man Three new cases of this new dis ease havi)rnilyj neheir ap "pea ranee in thisvcity, -while seyen have so fir been:reported from Dur iam, (bur froiif . Charlotte and' many other scattering .cases thrhbtfte State, Sl-rT Two- of., the casjesreported .Jjere are acute,v?hUeJetib.iri is ahronic case. : Up t(h thei present-time cute cases havealway8 proves fatal hile in the ;cliKiosesVaut;50, per cent ot ; the rtatients -recover, .Boat ban4 readily be seen Vthat the disease ts one of ther most fatal fenowii' to thb Inedical profession. s T-f I The disease whibh" hadonTy ap- beared in this country' m ' yery" iso lated cases until thepasryear was u v-' f?i- -iiiL'-yiiJi'' first . poseryea r in i. pruieru . xiau, where it nas '-? been'Tprevalent ,for a number ot years. . : , j. The word pellagra isf Italian ori gin and means rougfe- skin, and al though the disease is not considered jwould, jtltroy rapbnshinipg; fcl ind gen near beer and ; all -eke, be- contagious, lfis pnep-te-mQSj ba for sfom e" time belore "discos define Greeusbopa-4hysician who has. il unual opportunities of observ ing symptoms pfjLfcisease.ajted ysterdav in anVo3?atn wjh tSis rep)rter hat thedillasefflsrlenlr- aflr oon1ed to MfJtne uuirro-in ofatiuffltheWodiSJter dVilctiv The most characteristic symp- tarns of :he disease," he said "is a sote mouth aud ptvalism. A svmptomi is a piarm thkskiu cn the BackTfcit tea wjwch goes up aa far as the cloth- the) neck- br any expossed skm is of te effects in tb famfi-1wa7? thte is alwaya a progressive loss of flesh. svriDtoHisrofihei8tomaeh Wis- ease beioff especially pronounced in ai cases, ix saM, "patientsliave been treated lor seyeral raPnthsMtomahj' trcBihle before it was discovereduiaf th'ereai uuuie was reg3H;nr.q L p td, the1 preswit time acute cases have always, proven .fatal in frori) four! to twelve weeks, while Hbably 50 peeptQfe cropie hiftltfdii sVritimnYtht theo for prohibition' iortlie State wu1d indicite that the rnoral issue, sd lar gely "sust&iuevl "at" the1.1 rjalhjli ' buA i acKea oyme reguiaTT3oncB7roTce o cities, and the internal revenue fore in tne countryriraHKe pronioiuo DUtwiptJnpyne account it wilfXpumJitSat ifeph)hibition istsgy ;iftiwjl spiej arei'ntmnkVpirfpV and tha inSouil4ty-licgrted criminals t64jueaT7tJd 11 what they? mat tembfer EI f3r hvalues for he kno rnirfliHiquodeali inor. in- oidtrjiitMendere'mav be caughti: Alryjirjare does not rojiigiiitHi is uoi nguc mean very manylie4rtat proj; hibjtibnirit,i individually ret Ijrfififfrbiij ' live prp hibrti,"'theerfrould-4)e a vast cnange .in tne present oonaitions ThuflftBdsMlmlarehBow going pu of the'SWte Would be iept here fo locUltn vestmen tT"Pirti ic senti men . 4hauliful..grppn fnlifyua the forest becomes tinted with yellow rnrate soiths je bjmnjf heaQis Jnd f prc. 'Welop chHged iblo an h,htumnoret2e,).((1t. ? pt thtnerchWts ot om cityre remindf M l(fea. m A eame M baseb; M . - . . . I Li ai. A rw rt V 4- 4-n-r 11.. kflxt . 1 n ,?lr v: Mrs. hsannw -1 - - - . m. r?f nai.uukuous areagrp4BnDgiDeii!- nrs-i-Ba-M&tx tsitmr wr nua ineoutiooK tor tne xatoresis oncof- tlm moofc.uovtl paadco i fee iuu5iu - V "I . . . J i I a M vavtm i MWU Mr IUU1VML1VU i'. J M , - i rr TIWT T " . IT J I WKvW J iiiA nut nr it., vi ms sovirr is annueti u .. -i to m -and " little dauglclVli nut 'I hia oHiTina la orrkliorl l L JSnVff Wnl turner August hatlih'idon CUm. kU'Wi.M!rJl-J-i,n lU6wu Au ucjrrciy stitr-wc ' r if -v - : -sr i i - a i .1 . r 1 t rtS r,WJl ffl J3.ja 1 roxnngmoGic as issfc aanney can,5n price olf a ticket, and nng, wliicn i"a great dedlr more cause ef ithe-tndicationa-t)f aneiiased demand ii pbn their-caTryingjpap'aci on LUilU Xirir UVIIC1 Vllbua iunuutv.iui.uv I 1 , - 1 - r -T I SVfK" AT B ?3rffJ?!3 f3 nn miJrr.d hmH.1t. ftn.tl.Am I l,: -i: vknn it nnmoa I -r T r"" f - - uwu. . lr.ii KX fArX-U m-hu. in-connection-wifb Aflaiifio seaports rr f&Iror order tl.p rnHlucts of the when a visit is made,llGfdtry 1TJ.;" OUUWS. XliiXtB TfUClv WC wuv Lv7 I T7 . I . r. j -h J- -T-v - keif which fSfcM ....SS'S.??. xT. AnAkMA t IvMAinf V . 4-Vi a - nAiap tu iihu. x JETI. var6ns-bureuits pf agribulttire, mkn classesft wii enjot a wd ettlw as , fe v , ' . wen wr incir ainiiuaKuic ui "u1l.j i - jTiU- ' threes Jour timqs if pecY.-jGen- riSSi' try Brbh, trt 1 llieand lrm!M tiltimo r.nm nolmninvl il all clashes, JNp.short cbapge artists, .H:4ld& it ated . arouqd the .1 Gentry circus, r 4 e!;fiuc r ;.J grounds and one does not nave. -to upaJnnvm:TKiit' !-:Hiirl!tirMn-;i pormw raory.om m acgaainances N q please note change of sch iDorr w uuiiie duleaa follows From April 1st noon pr evening penein -tne oentry fo; Sent; 30th the earrief will leave return 5;3(X ri.: mi ! From Oct. 1st; tp March ' 3 1st: the schedule will be The anuual picnic at WhiteiX the same as now. This change will timeJ'oF inclfnatioU 4 toj 'f ft st?ri tp -iTwtitute- will - bcireldOTr ! August Ukeetfect Ausr. 25th. This charge 28th. everybody is cordially inw will-enable the 'oanier to wait for of bleasuse J the down tram, -and will be a - great n 1 11. - ever- inaugurated py- the department campna-l patronize rroute A uttie nara on A 2 p. m. an educational adlress mr the carrier 'butPd for the patron supply their demands of the season. FTrm Ramiiol AT- Ontiis: I dranA " 'V'Viirs- ihr'ithe.''ri(M ae&ritvJ. cities of thev north is necessary " to pply their, demand ot the season. Misses AnnjWojfrpw, Annie Ba- D JSP ivfejuyman rm soriiyio puyipypvjj lUfciaibiUMjvtHceree levered racei climb , - TUTWwTii J,r ( o i : -: 7 rc ro ijwi-y"liwii1w'inl'jjkx' I . m w . . i it. r ? tt J. a 'Jiasrer 01 cne jiasonic xraiernus - vhliiu Lot worth Ayaroitna' - - l B" y OL mS ATTJlOUr 01 lUUI Iraff- i v s v '-Xi. r- . r- n . - x k L J.ZfcB'WAtDER A Post Master winter trade. itSdat . r. f ivir. an Mr. J. C. . JVlcDade. 'for: rmany died at iJ3 Durham !wHe,fehl vhad 7 betf r a lew weeKs unaer treatment.- Mr;- um -"woo A' " Ya,7 iaUor a number i3f years rePr VaaAlnTeMiSrm terIlafsthefirn of Ain wVrU. inlifp MpDade wator gHoeTpiiar spa -Prtjifrua . CgtUe. of pistol Kn .the jutethis eai turret urn ed tipei iier I ndav top H inuirla whpn: f tipv- Tei 1 1 spen d .sometime, takipg, Jn duTerent places; of thestate x- : Sft . : 2 ah., paironson x:0, xare coroiT flv ulvited to attend- our "nicniG at the jpgwpak m ie. treetcar J.me D ll nS your oasKet. ? .: The boys pn No. 7 who give him, thie melons last sreek to keeJ?is keep nw nie trap shut they frl 1 tell who's boxheWops so long. ati-aob f Ehraii while .visiting R. :L.TIioy one day last week allowed their, horse to get awaLTOfnttheiav fc1tcfcd ? to the ouggy there was no v narm aone to the liPrse and buggy, but Ben Wad dell says he dontj knoywriat ab6uf tha teirrel ot ' hard 8iderof 'hi up therer This is prohibition times. 5 - J;rJi Sharp vbiilgliini-ftw granary, "we suppose he will rthfesh whett and shuc- corn - at the same time if he gets his granary doner :-.S'loyd M inchtHson drove tha'tnew horse Sunday, but he rode to chiircliv and back byhiPseif tiPldydisaidbe d if he could "spobn" any' better with- his nety horsetheh :he could with his dad'sV 'I .' -n.;,-' Patterson Bros., started out to day 'ftfbndayT threshing wheat. vjuess tney xaim to tnresnctne i 10 tsropiwft iie- they5 ar6 tatf Tliis writer and wife had the plea sure of -attetiding ;a Veiyi? pleasau birthklay ? party ;on -JNo. .irat H; SrmpteonV Saturdayv eveijing.v 'Mrs. Simpson gave the reception ill honor of -Mf. Simpson's ; SOttf birthday: About 5' o'clock Abe people of'the comtnunrty begati io'therihnd in n hodr'-v:mpr& than-" seventy had gather dd ' his lawn t wlirchawas at ringed" for.: the occasfoii, :lem6hade: vvas' served frbmUiel'rlkt til tafet? at si thirty 'the - cMVdaiifllielfed arduuclar la rge table "pia-'therawnr and Corner -Stone i?'Ti '- . thei golden sunwasljuie siiikj rig; beliipd .the;rwestefn. Sorizon p-j mg oi .tne new, ljutrTa;uccU was Tormaiiv: condnct.vf-. was the speaker of, the occas-f : ion' and " delivered " an"" ero0rueut'ad-7 -v ; dreskaitaBlefeheoci fbilongMsaitiumrierfe .X-r te wr who fwc rcr pf eseiit iantt tok paU ' ; : ; iu theervice: ADr. -R. -C. Holland, N' China ove,mQ.ReVH, W. v f y andvPro:OeoFMcAlisterbfM Pleasant, rBMM$z BM'Mmir dered 1 liy jn'em bers of tnevaricais ; choirs of the townil Miss JDsak4 Ros 1 - X after a Word of thanks vabffefey by iKdv. E'Kvfsley theCyourig fddles advanjeed v'farword and beerari to hartd-6ut the gojd rations, Vfer three quarters of an hour had passed and all-had- eat-all - they f coliTd : stdSd, cigars was passed aiduhd,aftef which' flNew oii28C A of,thhose Wneers j trW WW4rW4' ; a i wagon,, until ?,a iew : montps ago; e largest stoeit oi k,uuuo lur ine louacco litaxcvet vucu. ro "'ttst ' : ,-Hvjv..;.r. ; . wtnLpr trade.poughfcL- r QwtritttrvrvrrJ -XlWKe,ot paralysis. tje wa&aiso .11 IB 13 u-rvBsai V w . YoOf. Baltimora arid bdytti e was. , mcapacitated-r by a i cfpolro r i uiKiuiirr.iii 'LiiR..ii. -."ii. nj of this place!, i A; orders cwentjfo i 1. - "T - ' . . northern mai raal aiif it-rrLi iIa .i.)-uurnara yesterday mprmpg .no at-, for.mWylnhilt Heiireudr about Awo wee v U Y LOCALS iCVyCUU ajijn-uiu"w verv few of thA-dotprCof ihis- see-f I TO ood I naedium primings andVprices jriingeH r tint nova conip familiar with thp- fli?ra ntomaJ?6 . . . . - - -s--i.- ; - I aua jt. eeae f f othpr raarkpts. it. almur, i j ... i ic -i ou me uui uieiu , uiai 'Burlington Merchant! ' Association. it. n u i-, Kr i ii e w x orE ."ill 1JUL Ut3 Uiauv TWO I , i . i .. . - medical science has 'scored another orK is to grana xor nim ana it a eQt ,Thv auxlington barketK-esoIutionf 7 & ! it resolved. V that )Tt fTT i), n J oi-n7 fkrn r f , 1 1. I il. . l t ,1 ' .1 "1 1- vic&ry and disease wi anyther ordinary CQ 3l the iipienUtfii 4Mf7josWSt is s ley will le account of thepAlamantef Go S. Convention aVSf Afark iherttfeVftVorjarket pjaKisly pas?ed ( h5 fqlldwing every . way tuJ whereas the streets and sidewalks. the; farmers interestf 'our town are in such4)ad;"co"ndi-- uifcaiiijryjj iiuya jtwcim"u a t-icvcution ana tnatats eviaent to . .every . jauu wwiuuuouug pen uir naicuuuoc I;iUZeU Ql OUr IOWU lliaij it WOUUL Oe WenWnfol&Q wheVe andJ?nHiePt'fbrthe i-daysUfl s nf nnvprJUrt' on pext Saturday and Snn,W lrH f pros., uuK t &tui i .k;! nfarketipth r VfteniVihrKror-boai I - 1 .-?--'- ' iiiiinni.il i r tT?" CJS1'i..r roiii ..moon tlio fihmmon I . .-r -.1 y-yi . Si I , il t . . . y i.-'-. I I l ? L. i j 1 T-k n f 1 I in nut nv. v wu.u'-u-i.v f . n w . n i :-v: ,.ti- o r nnn . - II I ll.Ll - A I i- im oe no ipreauuiiig atane rtemrm-f . , ' - .. i" wuuai'iiwiu-.vioivuua. averai tno 4 A .. Its' ..dollars w - i iL inspecjion oi.ui 0BI . Rgwsuiu uot.pe ayaiiapie. iorgsveippLje CMhe'firstof tne vear and that the nt! (Jlo the cbnvention durfrlff thi dail Uym find wima fli Trpnp.liinor nt nioKT. "p ' I Thompson and family .Ml Dttiug fl-om vv John's Ho pkins J v . , ' " J ?tal , Bultiniflrs. wbon on iMon-l- Messw.-Juu. M.'lublu 0. D.'iBt V . Sfie underwent a delicate a opera- ream OUPPer.- I : Mrwfs m.tit'W HnnAplwrfl tKA wini on the lawn of the Reformed jhurchufam i: t - . The Dispatch ioins his - host I d ilF Wk.ff statiou to good health? opera- lis and i . JN icholson lett yester- aitenuauue as i eayuauV jhjoins hTs - hldav eni furlington Merchant Assiauon , .years old on the oth of bept, i5fiej,, ,: - 3.gggdS2S leaves a husband fivehildrenfeth- C - . 'hhT' :v .ItunTTy fbr eni6ymeht present itself evening was worthy of comment. I Secretary, &,Treasurer. ; : rPur home on ,Ko.;8G(W. Barkers. I er abd mother and one brother.;: V m 4PTt --oaiuraayr ye extenu unip tye vpoaru.pi .lqei;? emehieY!eature: oithei6 .y evening was kn icecream supp r giy-MOaropa en bj ihu,lJdiub.Atdi3uukit.;.- atteudance was reasonably large andfyalsi mrLf A: Q.vGeringer. and BL. Simpson furhsfied spme of the.fipest niusic that' j?as- ever, pfpd uced by.a strjpg baudaftr wh&hj ..bQcjuwdJefi-jfor home, all wishing "that Mr, Simjjsou may ,11 ye anoiner. oy; years ana give ajnhe5bhax..pt 7Z r & rVD. No. 8 Missne lww is. visiting rela tives -and friends , on route. -Net. j- Wreensboro N. JP. f j "h . Mrs H. .Simpson Who has been Lright sick is reported ome better. . f jMr. bimpsnireuests ,us to thank: the "good friends, and neighbors , who bave beqh i-p kind to' themr(Juring ? t Mrs. H. X. Tvpps is: visiting at J, p. -Kings. , : : : Several ot our good friends re- membered us lately with" nice me-ions-ifehWl aVUi l :'.:Iis.. Jennie , WhUsell xf ,-Np.;-4 visited j $f rs, .1 JF, : j3aj bee last ;week,r ..isaEuatilfield -"of. 6ieDtr Jborpj Is -visituig JbierJ- cppsips Misses Maryjajjd J Margafe feyes. f i fasfc .week, glad to r haveiNrvV MMollrelaiLyl jof; iGireepsj The selection iendered was the ar- rarigeintx)iRockA' solehihizei tne :andJeh se6r3s V ' 1 Kdgered.'on the evening breVV 3; , " . V;v UbilUlHUUUO UI BCOpCbb '-PXiXLr-iLK-,: yh! R.CM 23 Sun; ; StuenMoop.G v . SpJ. 4Ilra6iEralAst 23; C I " Whereas the (Jreat Spirit,." in .his ' r : H ' ; power and . wisdpm ; has see rembvefrom our tribe iov ; hunting grounds'' ou r Brother -f.'Ci-V Tl -MHde oifth M:oonfGIS4be it rev -V-'rolvea:.;s&v ;&That . ' . familyiour. heartfelt sympathies thaii i ot h 1 ideatbi wefc hai ye; Jdst Valued' ' - member to'jburv order 'anda'jUrne7 Brothers hdifindQl ;o. 2 hataeppyfhe solutions bjl.-sptsall lu th jSe cords, a opy!tov't he: berea vedniilylglillll Ml and : that they be published inHheStf tl$-Jr::. xuriiJigLoii .xevys nuirj c)iate4i-,i ,ft ; patch, ' ; . '."r - d, X1. VOUKIUI, -N.,.-.- - Rural Came'rs.cpfS ?J? The Rural Cjrrier&-6f AlamahceC, , ; conty win.hold Monday September 6 at ; the . new " ,..- parknjfeS between 1 BurU;3gtou.4;.aod f G.rahaoJ, . ; . r . 1 ; heye wi 11 -be. speaking . apd ja geneS '. raligao tinje .ijcilltniter ndatrpnsJlo4 gether witli their famiiiies are-OOrdii ; ady in vited to be; prest:u?tafc day; v: Bring' yport b 6f ; good,' ' ; t-ktfVrio tn tnt,tA At tZ$i.IJ;2--:..-S'Ji'3'l&.f "o aiiu . lci- us nave a--uay. ' : tcj)leasureaii4;r v mv. vuuaiy u r n ill 1 ui U1SUCU OV- VJ .-;v:: ,. p.-.v ; Pneof the best sttrln-patfd in ythe -J : county; -r'-;"-tH,i-:" - ewjtn NC'Js,visi - ' t Mrs. J.-W. Lyng and per fiadgh-; ;v C ; ter Bla hpK is ; attend ing the ."meeting ; r athaljowf'd MissI Georgia Holt Pt Greensboro V :is.i9itffifeMi88"3y4: 1 Mrs.sTilingeiwhoi been 6ick tor some -time is spme bet-. . ief this; willibe good news 5 to hlrtevll w gtVffirmJ!? - : '1; ' manypleaBnt'youngdies in :ber. I j2 '.. io.u;as xraiiiiett niirsev.uaS vDeen ! - . r with;MVgH.Troliugk ' --. ' rcMrJBQuakejibus DeenS'2Cl!t ouite, feeble for; some. titne r"i r-j ' . ; Mrs BeH Tiew)M wife,: .dMrfiv lundiPhfew a V tion .for e ppndici tis , H erVemai h"s ; a Ivi erebrut Ijmnf morning ahdmeSfemr Lj LrSmsomade