The State Dispatch: 5 3 T ! Prescriptions Carefully Gompunded I We carry a large line of Fresh Drugs, Rubber Goods 4 and Toilet Article t freeman LOCAL AND Schedule Trains J -v.-, 115 111 14-' . 1 3c East; -:32':-i. m. East 10:02 tr. wtce -jias l. "&8t v T IKK p m Vesi 6:2c -V: m. it k vour Grocery man for White Illy Flour. Boland spent Sunday in Cas-; well County nsiting friends. Win. Fix returned Monday from a weeks stay at New York j Lewis Marsball spent Sunday , at Mebane as the guest of friends. ;- M r.. Benjamin Hoifuia'u of Whit sett visited his brother Monday;- Miss Nina Icgle ot Greeusboro visited tyiss Queen Ingle last week, A. M. Hadley, ot Garham, was a busiuess visitor in the cify Monday J. D. Stokes of Whitmire, S. C. iJ spe ding this week with his brot her. y Miss Jessie Pug'h of Greenslxro is the guest of Miss -Ada Guthrie this week. .. , Miss Jessie ilebane spent a few days last week at Durham visitiig relatives. '. O. A.- Starbuck ol Greensboro was in the city lastJWednesday afternoon, on business. : S. B. Hammer of Lynchburg Va was the guest of Mrs Lovett during the past week. '(. v- Mrs. S. A. Horne returned Sun day from a visit to J no. C. Home at Danville Va-1 We had a pleasant call irom our friend W. A. Madkins, of Altama-hau- Xo. 1, Monday w : Y .: C y r us H . Heritage anticipates leaving to-morrow for a ten daystay at Mt. Vernon Springs. Our delegation who went. to At lantic City last week have returned and report a grand time. Mrs. Katie Apple of Greensboro spent last week as the guest of re latives and friends in the citv. Mrs Walter Page returned Mon day from a months' stay with rela tives and friends at Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs Curry Stewart of Greensboro, No. 2 were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coble Sunday. C. D. Whitsell attended the coun tv Sundav School Convention which met at St. Mark: Saturday and Sun dav. B. Goodman anouhces the arrival ot sev fall eroods in this issue. D jn't fail to' read his ad on other 1 ige. Mies Lida and Louise Jones of R iaieic'ii are tne guest oi ineir cou- sin thi Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Davenport week. J. L. Soott who underwent an operation at Stokes Sariitorium Salis- luirv rettirnpd home Monday much improved. FOIl KP:XT 3 rooms, for ligh Hou-c kveiinH-, man and wite, no ell ildien. See W. N. Mebane," at Guthrie Place. ! " -, C. F. Blaiu-' ard and ' AV. W H erne left ti rst of the week for Ox t'i'd wii.jre tliev wil ill be engaged in -;n penter work. V . Cau-s President of Bur- liugton Towush'p S. S attended the Convention at St. Marks both Satur- (W and Sunday. s u. x Li. B. Whitted have an noiuic-tneiit in this x isue. Thrii pattern announcement will interest 0,1r lady readers. ' ' Jiki. R Hoffman is nlacinfil mate- t'il ... 1 , o m his lot on Front street next to M: Dr. Pattersons for the erec- tu jn ,,t a sjx room cottage in the j Try Qurgg Drug vomp ')c'a'' future. ' - " . . '4 '' - J i I PERSONAL. ? i : -: rr - , A VA. GAmiok' of Kim'esvUlejvisi VNtrs. Ti. A. Coble. snent Saturday! u": n r AM, i,t;,V: at: WiHtsett attending the annual . . -- -r - PU;' p's'-:';''':- , V I bei, who attendedtheAVhitsett pic- nic Saturday. ; v; ' Mr! Cicero Durham, has .accepted ajpositiou with the Burlington C't tfin Hnmnnnv 1 - " , -r; r . 0 . -: -.. . - ' - . - ' " I . turned from a visit to. inends at Fnnuav Snrinos. " - Jno. R Hofiman spent last Wed- uesday the guest of his auntMrs. J. o s? t..i: vr -i " - v 1 j r O i : - . . - xou are euiiuBiuy we ws uaL money will buy, Melrose, Dan A7al- ley ana unampiou is uie - - B. B. Slauehter left yesterday for Durham to be present at the open ing of Trinity College next week. Mr. and Mrs. (VT Hopkins re turned Sun lay afternoon irom a vi sit to relatives in Durham County. ' -Mr. and Mrs Arthur Terrey have -i r - ' i" j returnea irom a visu oi several uay& to relatives at Siler City and Pitts- boro. V , i ohter Iuis of Danville Va. have been the goes1 of 4Tiss Cecil Holt during the pas :ej days. "Don't take something said to be just as good, there is none jus-f as good -as MelrostrJJan Valleys and Champion. : Afiss Sallie Scott left Sundav on a tnree weeKs vacation visuuig reia ives and iriends at uurnam, itox boro and Milton. Mrs. Leslie Mebane formerly of Durham' but now ot Chicago was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Mebane during the past week. Misses Maggie Shoffner of Greens boro and Lucile Kirkm.m of Chat ham county are the -gueotof- Miss Ullie Hail this week. ,Mrs. . W. B Mayoen and two daughters. Misses -Mrearet and Lucy'are the juet of Mrs. J hn E. Hart on Means Street. .W.'N. Melane made a business trip to Siler City Saturday to erect a monument ior rev. kj. n, aviuess in memory of his - wife. Mrs. R. K. Davenport spent last xveek-with her parents at Whitsett, Mr. Davenport gufng Sunday , and botli returning Monday. -V . Miss Blaccie Neeley of Pleasaut Garden returned home Monday af ter, spending . several days as : the guest of Miss lame lurner. The Alamance Real Estate v and Insurance Company have a . change in their ad in this issue. . If interes ted in real Estate look it up. ;3Ir. and Mrs. W. F. Montgome ry of Mebane JNo. i visited the lat tf rs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. A. Smith in this city la3t week. t '' , Misses Lillian and Vellna Shoff ner were the guest of their .Uncle, Mike Reitzel Sunday, attending the Sunday School Convention at bt. Marks.- FOR SALE Three (3) Pointer idog pups, over three, montns oia. Good otock, also mother ot pups, age '2 .y ears. Write LrD. Lloyd, Chapel Hill. ' Miss Connie Horne'of Union ville S. O. whd has been, the guest of Misses Bertha.: Sallie aiid Verua Cates sincelast Thursday leaves to day for her home. - v ' . T DPender of Hillsboro is iu our midst again teaching . a singing at the Methodist. church. We are glad to know tfcat the achool U pro gressing nicely.- DR. VINEBERG,lhe'Eye and Ear Specialist' cousented to again visit JBurlington, he, will be at our store September, - O'th and 18th. ERE EM AN DRUG CO, , leq wim tne laemryrisroashow wfctcn lwiu De piacea uerore tne spectators tMiss Durham of SaxarjahaWrwas in town yesterday shopping prepar log to leave lor jrnnaciejpnia to.taKe a course in. a, Hospital preparatory to being a train nurse. , , - ;' The Ellis ' IJachine and Music Company. hat an attractive ad Tin thw issue ri; It will pay vou to read it and also to investigate the man v attracfrions"" they" have in stbckX v Master Bynum Hart, son of Mr. and Mrs John-E. Hart, . who , has been visiting his grand parents, Mr. and n Mrs. Wm. Havdfn at Stuart, .Va., for several months returned hum e last Thursday.- . " : JX; v v Mr. Am inks health -is noor and it is U19 9 iu u : J-ii, a iu IVH. las b feared The will have tobe treated at more before he is better.. , v r Jooper Bros, Dry .Good Store will open on Sept llthf inanyT of ' their gds are .here. The building Is ai- most ready . for the opening liice iar- ge shelves wun very oeauuiui snow i i '. i ' i ' - r ti.i. v. '' '? .-:, J . FOH SALE: Enelish Bull- Afrner bltcu" P"r bread, snow white, two ye old, gentle, and m everv way a very tine animaL Kea -. . o son tor sellinsr nave, no place to keep her ,(Jnly those interested address uJ' - Lock Drawer 158, Burlington N. C. The ladies Aid Society of the M. P. Church meet at the homeM) Mrs. Geo. Coble about two miles from town and hat! a most delight i"ul niectiug. After the meeting a social entertainment was held On the wu watermelons seKed. and a goooT tinrip existed. - : , : 7 . v ; - The. many friends of Miss, Ruby Teatrue, daughter of Mr. and 4 Mrs. o " o ... B. E Teairue. will be pleased to learn that she has returenu from St. I '- -4 she underwent ah opera tiou for ap iet; uospitai, vireeusooro, wueie she is getting along nicely. . - . Mrs. Maud Patch, Misses Swan- nanoa Pattersoa and A 1 venia Gut hrie will leave touiorow for, a north These ladies will sutnd a week ten days and we are sure will have a grand time. . . ' " ' ' ' , ' The following is a summary re or port of the huuday.. Schools of-Bur- lington township during tne past Number ot schools in tOwn- year. snip i i. i i Total number of officers; teachers andiScho!arv2,40i. Total average . attendance. l.41: Increase attendance, 291. I umber, of months iu year 12. Sch -iars joined church during past year, 113 Number on eradel roll, 137. ' Number in hotnef department" 263. Eight - schools were represented in last convention. Number of adult organized classes 10. W. M. Cates, President, J. G, Rogers, Secretary-Treasurer. . at prn trin While cone tliev will vi-. U: v Vfirl- .Riiiio.iiivt.;.!: r.jI;. I liJOie, UMllUglOU IIU -IVUTllUJtUJU. ALUKNu U I If ill U Holt, Gates Company1 WeHnesrlav. Thtirsdav. tember. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Domestic Woolens trom tne riUr-KllN iailuk- ING COMPAN Y, the popular price tailors of BaJti-; more, d. Suits, Overcoats and Trousers nade to your individual measure -and delivered to you 3 vheri you want them. , Satisfaction .in price and 7 - .. lit yUcUtUJLCCU. U.11U. U.U11 ; . leave your measure. THE HOLT GATES 01 .Main Street. ' FOR SALE-200 ACRE FARM 6 miles from Liberty, 15 miks from Bur lington and one mile from Oakdale; fine location for some one 'Vanting a good farm. Terms resonable. Address - - ";J.';;RVr'At)AMH:;.:;..y: ROCK CREEK. N. C. ; -.';: R-iijip, 2. ; Notice. J- PuritV Council N"o. 22i Dauehtera of Libert y pwill served creantand craKe lm raeaiateiy aiter ine ousiuess sed'ofinextSa even? ing Septemberi4thi Eyefyinember of this Council, add anypther epa ber oAbe order who J rhavjbe in tHe 4feoUncil ;meets. promptly at So'clock at: the Freeman and Page yJD. Wuhamsfy .Gotinciiorr They've Caught, On-he Talk oSF toe. iown. . ?The Archie Gunn seriesof icolor giuuies ui SLage ueauues ueiug giveu away 1 with UheeWaYorlcWorld has matle a gi eat success.. ;:' The de-v maud bothn :. New York1 City and bu t "of town for the past t wo. Sunday TIT 1 1 .': : : r I 7 111. JL- .1 i v oriu at a - ureraiurar ilu everv copy of the, Sunday World Maga- zi tie there ai e 5 ix beautiful panel photo sizecoljar prints of famous actress famed both for thai r beau-, ty and their talent. '.' ; Opening or City Schools. i The session of 1909 - and 90 will begin Monday Sept. 6ih. It 's earnesifly "requested that -as far as possible alt pupils will ... repor the firstjday, that they may be properly classified. . All new pupils and' all pu piU of. last session who have a try examinations to make-up will -meet theupeiintendent in hisV office at one o'olock Mbhdiy afternoon Sept; Gth. -v. . -;; ',.-; '-. Frank H. Curtis Supt.- . Qpening at Elon Coilege.; "" The opening at Elon College takes ulace today, this is ourdiorae col lege and we always send a large de- le$?atiou from our town. Thus-far we have learned of five young ladies Misses Mary ; and fBeulah Foster, Pearle Fogleman' Bettie Lyde, May and 'Flossie Loy , k who enter, on the opening, the two first having been in school there before. We wish these young people every pos-, sioie-succes as iue wuuvu ujjvju the sea of college life e dou'b if any town in , the State will send as fair a representation : to Elon Coir lege this year as. pur town Burling ton.- 'A.-' . ' Very little tobacco has- been of fered for sale on the market at th s place owing to the fact that farmers are busy making feed and saving their tobacco in the field. This is nothing unusiial as we note very lit tle has been placed on the market at anv Dlace.' it is quite piobable .when the feed saving seasou is over a gVo st break' will' titke place which our warehousemen are prepared to i j.i i?. iL'.: taKe care oi aua give cne xariuers uie best ot attention. A LEADING BOARDING SCHOOL (or S50 BnidenM. Xatabliihtd 1884. Pnpwef for College, BariaeM. Tuh Ing, or for Lite. Health, Cbmottf mnd Bcholmhip. - Wide patroaif Very reasonable rates. Xa atuaent receiTe. iwreonu wnuo. , aahoolhtgMrendoned. (Location le I Desrureeobora,a. u.) rat unnu Cstslom, Tim, etc., addnw th Preeident, - W. I. WHITSETT, Ph. : Whltiett, North Carolina the Fridav and Saturdav: Seb 4th, 1909 of Foreign and U 1CU1 IU ,OCV, tiuo iun Burlington. N; C. ' s OLure tsaa nreaa sooiis tne W5a -' v 1 ALAMANCE fflNfJNPTRBSTlCOHPANVl HilKiiiilii City of BiirlihgtoiiSiiSsiif WMM ' Alamance Couritv Hi tf h .ountv Hitf h ooutneni tsitl elephoiie Lompany oouinera uaiiway jmpany chaiitsd indiyidM with our trtment and th; DeDosiFvoiit if caii get it any tirn interest compounded. quarterly. corner or Main and; Davis streets. MKOMiipiiiiii aw I Representing ' the - ' - . Ttr-L'Th-w rtrr ':;'NJ! in this secttonaudam prepaied to make you pnees On anything4p thej way of. Headstones, Tablets, Monuments, etc. See m cuts' and : get my priCeis before placing your onJer tirst-class. ;;,-; -. .- , I s . --v,., ,:;-cv W.iN. MEBANE 464Bm Lightest draft and easier to operate than others; Will sow rust proof ioats, that all others fail oru Will ptitsout more 1 fertilizer 5 and more, equal than any; drill. Mnrp'than vnn in ns all pleased. Just received a solid car. Prices;: right. Call and see them. TT Len wny taKe : ; ------ -.- "r: 'fi:-- .With unkiibwh brar ds. If yqiv'rit thebdsti ;': BuyrMrpse," Dan VaUearidi. ; -yj. i For Ellis Machine &;Music;Ga J safe wav Gommission ; " c J: k; wav (mrriission seomty;pfl 3'" 3CJ '' - "'. J'.-.- nrf tilt V: . - . it: in this Pmin tv ann ' ? , 1 Jvr. WHole me ' ' :'' N- cnances.; ; Grc eers. J from a trip to the Piano Factories in 'New 'York'-d ; and bought PIANOS to ;! SUIT , YQU, Icome in and .Wanted : y r : ; ;':V''-.: ..V'X- . .4"., V:- .A "1 - 'X 1

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