1 -.I - v: ' I" '; -". t t , .v i r . . ......... - t- rr... - - - ijj StJ jUhanacroJ Episcopal ; Erwin -U Holt-v iSenior Warden. S. A; Steele, ;-. - Junior; Wardea.- Church. f'-'!. V ' ' LfL RnrrenA TTnlfc Ti"mft N." .Williain- ; " Williamson. Julius C.Sqnires,Ijewifr arm jf 1 Airrence o . nun. i . "-j 3. Carter, William A- Hall. V. '. . , Services: SnndayXl.00 A; M8.00 P.M. ;-T-V ."Wednesday. 8)0P.:VI.-r -', V? M. Tnira sunaay , t . oy a. jx. . J 1 : Christian Church. C t Corner Church and Davis Streets. : ;f Rev. P. H. neminf, Pastor. ' -' ' , ' ' Services: " ' .Preaching every Sunday, 11.00 A; M, and 8 P. M. Sunday School, -9.4 A. M. .John E. " : . , ' Foster. Supt. , : - j ' 'Christian Endeavor Services, Sunday C evenings at 7. lo I ;' y v. , Mid-week Prayer Service, every Wed- v ; nesday at 8.00 P.M. 7 I Ladies Aid ana Missionary oywvj meets oil Monday after the SecondL Sun " day in each month. ' ' - " J A'cordiaT Invitation extended to all. ' Vr A'Church Home -for -Visitors and Strangers.y- f Burlington Reformed Church. Corner Front and Anderson Streets. Rev. J. D. Andrew, Paitor. Sunday School every Sabbath. 9.30 A. M. - Preachuig every 2nd and 4th Sabbath, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ; Mid-week Service every Thursday, 7.4o K h. cordial welcome to all. Parsonage 2nd door east of church. Preshyterian Church. Rev. DonaU McWer, Pwtor. Services every Sunday at 11.00 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday School at 9.45 A. M.' 'Prayer Meeting, Wednesday -at 8.00 ( The public is cordially invited to all services.- Front Street M. E. Church, South. Rer7 E. M. Snipes, Pwtor. Preaching every Sunday, morning and evening. Sunday School, 9.30 A. M. Prayer Service, .Wednesday evening. Macedonia Lutheran Church. Front Street. y Rev. C Brawn Cx, Pastor. (Residence next door to Church.) Morning Service at 11.00 A. '. Vigpers at 8.00 P. MA;. (No services on third Sundays.) : Sunday School, 9.45 A. M.j every Sunday Teachers Meeting, Wednesday, 8.00 P. M. (At Parsonage.) ; Woman's Missionary Society (after morning service onjourth Sundays.) ' u. C. Bs., Saturdav, bef ore third Sun days, 3.00 Pi m. -K ' L. L. L., third Sundays at 3.00 P. M. Baptist Church. - Ret. S. L. Mertan, Pastor. , : . h . Mornffcg Servicesj 11.00 A, M. , " , Evangelistic Services, 8.1 5 p. ; Wednesday night pray-r meeting ser rices, 8 15 p m, v Business meeting, first Wednesday evening of the month at 8 15. 1. M. Sunday School. 9.30 A. tl. J. L. Scott, Supt. . The Methodist Protestant Church, -T Rev, J Q. Williams, Pastor. Sunday Serrices, Ili a, m; and 8 p. .m. Sunday School i-9:45 a. m. J. G. Rogers, .Supt. i, .A. .1 ? , - . v. Jj Christiariinidea'vbf.'Wednesday'8 p. m. L. W. Holt, Pres. Wehh. Avenue. HiL L Church, RerTr G.Vicker Pastor.- - Preaching every firt Sutidav at'll a! " m. and every necond Sunday at. 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday-school every Sun j day at 10 a. n. . , E. X. Jarrett; Supt. Everybody welcome. " ' r ' THE WORLDS 6REATESTSEWIN6 MACHINE .LIGHT RUNNING Ifon ranteithera VlbratlngShuttie. Hot?. ShutUeoraSinffleThread Chaia&ucf "' Sewing Machine write to ' THE N!W HOME SEW1N9 MACHINE COSSPAM? - - ; Prangcyi Mass., " . ;- Many sewing machines are made to sell regardless of quality, but the Sew Home is made to wear Our guaranty never runs out ? - '" -Bold by authorized dealers onljr ; Ellis Ma( Line & Music Co. uuder arrest for cattiBgrR. ,E- Brow is ii ; the hospital, seriously ' Th'p TpIi mnnVJ - brarich of t American I6c6niotiyevAVork8 is ar ranging to increase its working fordf to .500 -to hand le new con rract calling for the construction of fort locomouves. u .;- - ,, f Mrs: James AV Sutton Jastweek confirmed the report tLat the body ol her son, Lieutenant James N. Sutton, would ' be exhumed and an autopsy held to further determine whether the dean officer killed him self '' ": : ' ' I . - h. a sinorle locomotive on the Vir- ginia Railvvay last' week pulled 107 loaded; ears of coal from the coal fields to the sea. . It is beliesed this is the largest coal train ever drawn by a single j engine "on a railroad, in the South. -j AuTauto containing Biily Sunday the evangelist, and his wife turned turtle at Laparte, Ind., one day last week, throwing the couple into a ditch, Mrs. Sunday being seriously injured, while Sunday escaped with minor bruises. Two boys, each 17 vears old, giv ing their namfe as Abram. Souin, of New5Tork cit , and Moey Garrett, of Brooklyn, werfe arrested last week at Wilkes-Bane, Pa., for attempting to wreck a passenger train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad. ' Mrs. Stephen Hart, a superinten dent's 7 wife, was fatally shot .Jast Wednesday in a battle about her hbmeTidtJCarlishV.ind....T miners attempted to lynch Superin tendent Hart A sheriff and si de puties are patrolling the tow& Thelatest political story of inter est torreach "Washington and"which has caused much comment among the District of Columbia Democrats comes from Texas. It is said that the 'Prohibitionists may nominate William Jennings Bryan for presi dent in 1912. A 16-year-old boy while walking the New Jersey Central R.R., via duct: was struck by . a. passenger train and knocked 1; into the Bound River, 150 feet below.-His foot was badly crushed snd had to be ampu tated. .he boy. is still alive and in a way .to recover. 'Eighteen rjrsons' were iujureTl when a Report " special on. the New York, New Haven arid Hartford backed, through a buffer track fence into ai crowd of five hundred people in the station at Boston last week. A-panic followed, women and chil dren were trampled upon and scores had narrow escapes . For being involved in the hazing of Rolando Sutton, a brother of Lieutenant James N. Sutton, Jr., United States Marine Corps, whose death at Annapolis two years ago hasyilst been 'ihvestigaled,? seven West Point Xcadets were 'dismissed from the. United States Military Academy recently by direction of .President lait. There recently died in Toledo, O ,v asoaolihe late jQrrin JKs ndall, if rom - whose initials the use of "O K" meaning all right, is said to have sprung. I he father during the Civil War was the head of the firm of CX Kendall & Sons, bakers, of Chicagi This firm furnished hard tacks for. the army, on V which were stamped itne initials "u. is.." With five deaths from pellagra in' sutler county, three others dying and three v -cases under observation' there is almost a panic in that sec- tion of Alabama. Dr, Mason, the expert or this kind in the service of the S.tate, is investigating" in Clark county where more than 100 cases aie reported. Nothing can be done either to suppress or control it ' Montgumefy Crockett, a confeder ateyeteran, seventy-six years of age, committee suicide by haneiner him self intthe? liift of ' theVtables of his oyu-iu-ian, uwcuu x. oijaner- at wytheyuio, - - Va., last week. Mr. Crocketlserved vdunrigf the war in .the fifty-first yirginia. Infantry. His wife diecValKHit three Sars ago, since ijn.-iiiiuict.ijt? uas uevn n a oejectefl hud niiiancholv state. ' : Charles G. Stoddard, vice presi dent of the Dayton Motor Car Cpb pany, -announced that the local com pany, will never again .enter into a racing event.: 'The Dayton cencern conducted', a larg excursron tdthe I SOO residents of this city saw the racs7?ji(C, accidents which marred the motor, car , business is damaged every, time ,a . jnau P? I There was mucn fxcuemenjt ia Saeek iinSN orwick, a ubub of Roan oke Va-v over-the attack upon thirT leen-year-old Pearl Farris, daughter of Mn and iMrs.: Charles Farris, by. an unkfldwnl white man last njght: The girl acobmpaoied brother , wa " going-Tbn ran errand. ivhen1 the forme -waS .attacked and the' .latter chased? a way twilh rocks. The. girl screamed . and fought her assailant and ; succeeded; in freeing herself,1' Bloodhounds were secured, but the trail was iost .-: : y i SAYINGS OF MRS. SOLOMON. Being tne Confessions or the Seven Himdredlh Wife Translated v Helen owlan j V C Washington Herald. - . , Verily," verily; my daughter, the happiest state in life is not the state of holy matrimony, neither th state of single blessedness. ; Nay, it is the State of Nevada! For therein, in three months, a woman sheddeth all her troubles, in cluding her husband : ' Lo! who doth not envy the divor ? For a real widow mar feel sor ry but a divorce is a cheerful loser. Verily, verily, she hath' all the charms of a widow and . nrito these is added alimony. i v-.; ., : , Moreover, she is "piquant, for she hath a past. She exciteth a man's curiosity. vShe.telleth him her - troubles, she yearneth for consulation. She weep- eth with the right eye while she flir- teth with the left. She appealeth to tus sympathy, sne gettetn upon nis easy side. And lo though she has been un able to agree with three men, yet will a fourth take a chance with her. And why is this? - For a simple maid is an unknown quantity, and a' widow is a standing article, but a divorce is a "second," ever a hand-me-down. ; Yet, as a small boy, delighteth in firecracrkers and yearneth to play with the matc hes, so doth a man 'follow a danger signal. . -pv- Yet he is a babe that sticketh his finger into the gas-jet tosee if it will burn a dog thatchaseth a wasp to find out if it will Hting. .... n Yet I say unto thee .a woman may divprse one man for a good rea son; but she that divorcety two hus band either a fool that knoweth not how to pick them out or a fail ure who cannot keep them. Yea, she is like 'unto cheap jewelry which is "valued .only for its associations. , yen iy,i verity, to mate a coiiec; tion of books is a sign of intellect, arid to make collection of iewela is a sign of intellect; and to make-a col lection of husbands is a sign of pa- resist oelah! ? - . ,rTfie tarid film OrDdom; j-wa8 seen in the. red face, hands arid A (iams, of Henrietta, Pa. His avK ful plight frohi eczema had, for five years defied all remedies and baffled the best doctors, wb snid the pi'Sidu blood had affected his lungs and nothiugfjcould save ? himf. : f Biif.?' , writes hl8;mbther,-seven.'oittte8!t of Electric Bitters completely cured him." For . Eruptions, Eczema, Salt Rheum',.. . Sores;' and -x-all .Blood Disorders and Rheumatism lElectric Bitters are tupfeme. Only 50o: Guaranteed by Freeman Drug Co. G. 0. P.BUY8NEWSPAPER Buena Vista , Times, Will . Be State Organ of Republicans. Roanoke, Va., Aug. .25.- The Buena 'Vista Time's,' which -inee its installation three years ago has been a Democratic .paper, will appear to morrow as the; state; organ of the itepiHHican party Uol. VV. I. Boone 'ia-.ej, of Jrtb paroliria and a wel Unowri ue vvspaperl ;inan in that State, has leased the paper and will be its editor nA number of the best writers in the. State have been secured, and the plant will be enlar ged - It willrbe the Stofeorgan of the DartVand Wl l 'have a Vn'rPiila. w .uv. . . lit CI jtllUU tion in' every wiinty ofthe State. Man lias -stoppetl - proposinV Siit the yearly crop of marriages t: shows that providence goesli-ight dnlis,; V i v y-i.1 f i' nace auicrae- a messing. ibnce6?e1 sori 'has coriie to t he rescue, of "our muchlibifeed ;;ciyUization. W Iff Sep tember; Womars- Elome Comriajiion, he pointrout -tha rioi wrcng;but blem,; but there isnany !V 'According !toD the oilflutjoni fefo&g$$Z misconceptions;; -;f iljfe y.tfeiiiqutt tipn;,snot;e old'Jiiricisjrigrpvi a sigri of civilization. S As for our ini mediate fore&rtKers, 'they canblaim no credit for large families 'for they eitherrvg no thought4b! the ques tion! at alitor elsewelcoEued -children as' ftitufbread-winrieiL "To sum, up," he says, believe that the evidence is conclusive that racei suicide, so far a it has gone, has proved an almost unmixed blessj ing instead ; of a curse; that the race can never again return to the method of blind aud wholesome reproduction without thought of, the future. - No chss.or group Jn ihe: community which believes its self .worthy, to, ex 1st can of course view with equani-mity-any proposal to .limit the,off" spring of marriage to less than three or such number as may be necessary to secure the survival of that quota to adult age, so that the second gen eration may; be at least a trifle more numerous than the first. -; , " "On the other hand, biologic mor ality, while deprecating the produc tion of children, who are likely to I be born unfit, or become so from lack of proper gupporv and training, glori fies and exalt i as. both the highest racial duty and the most precious individual 'privilege the bearing of children by those who are person-: ally fit to bear and financially com petent to rear such as will be of value to the state. .There is no achievement better worth living for no more valuable legacy that can b left to the future, no more enduring clam to honorable rememWancei than a, ,tamily' of well-born, well reared children. V j "At the same time there is a grow., ing tendency to encourage aud prpfx mote in every possible way the mar riage at a reasonably early age oi young people, who are particularly desirable as future ancestors, to use a Hibernicism. Some day possibly we may become 'sufficiently'' intellig ent to endow this sort of matrimony with state funds. r At all events, an intell igen t d irection of race fertility , by! selection of parents and rational limitation of the number of. children will be the path of future progress." . - - r ' ' '-';-'-' Kills Would-Be Slayer. " , i ... " . A merciless murderer is Appen-1 dicitis with many Victims. But Dr. Kings New Life Pills kill it by pre- venuou. j. ney gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, prevent ing that clogging that invites appen dicitis, curing Constipation, Bilious ness, Chills, Malaria,. Headache ancf Indigestion. 25c at Freeman Drug Co. Dr. A. Jr Christian a well kuown oolored-phy sicianof in ston - Salem -was., before -Recorder Griffith. last week charged with, giving prescrfp lions; -for cocainei The Ireborfler cominueq tne juaraent.. v i Burlington Tailoring & - -. f 25 : In C D. Wbitseirs old Shoe Stand. ; Med'n Suits" and "Ladles' Coat S&iti "made to measure. AS -- v A large and complete line of samples from which to select. 1' All kinds of altering, repairing, clean ing and pressing neatly' done, i' : French cleaning for all delicate fabrics JAS. M. LEATH, Taildr, J A. HARVEY, ' Manager of Cleaning and Pressing. - . . - lepartuieni. ; Ml work done on Premises. fci'fcAAii;'? 60 . 'VIZARD Trade Marks. Designs Copyrights Ar h f2lLy25-HPP,?i??.J'fcether aa , sent free. Oldest apency for securino- tatnt tSte -SPCo- receive - CAtAUittft.' Vt.i. ... j- -.- . - t-.-.- t ;j-r;.. - P"iSsoree1y flinstrated weekTr.' Lanrest dr. culauon of .any gdenttflc Journal, Terms ta M&UO.W.WftW.Ynrk- Cleaning Works ABraneh omc& f BUWasbtaitoJCiic ' Riaiihiif T f' close :to v: COMPANY, Burlington, of ' iii!a hani si1 ALAMANCE INSURANCE & i- . .. A SPLENDID PROPOSITION boro .will begin Publication July 18th. It is the pur pose of ;-the management to me it one of the best ; dailies in the.State. It will inews, ents through out the State, The Price of ! the Daily News i$r$6.00 pe'ye-'py;i':J, tSW&k' -AVe r have . maHd ariM whereby: we can send you and Daily' News and the State Dispatch both one year for $6.00. Six months 3t00 T - $1.50. .This; affords, you an excellent bpportuhity to IC tor the price of one. Don't .put this . off, but . send us your subscription at "once, The State BUELINGTGN, N. C. 4 v Women, worn and tirdio tonic. . That feeling of weakness or helplessness wiJ not leave:you of itself.- You ehonldtt Cardui, that eectual 'remedy for the ailments and weaknesses of women. benefit it has been to thein; uoo uuo leiiaLuej uxirvariuu luumciue r v f - . of Pierce. wrote: .Iw-as a snfterervfrom all sorts of female trouble, had PP n?y side and legs, cotddnot sleep; iad shortness of breath, n Sere 7ears, "Dutil my husband insisted on my trying Cardm. ; The first bottle gave me relief and now I am almost Fell." AT ALL DRUG STORES Da promptly obtained in all coqntxiea.or KO FEE. TRADE-MARKS. 4'avpata ami ( ' tered. Bend Sketch, -Model or Photo, for Tr report on patentability. . ALL business STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. ' PrteS T.Dacl exclusively. Surpassing reference ! P V? - W ideawage laventors should hare jflur hanft. book onHow to obtain and Sell patentaWteUn Tenuons will pay,How to get a partnertandoth 501 Seventh St., Washington. D. C 1 " ;-t lasmngion, u. I andloinersjm? signt 7. - -2 Imilesiof Buriinfiftoii; redlisoilSrVilI cut aooui rtuvcurus m or TVodilfFmWloc :foi market. fx C. .V- carry the latesttelegraph . .. MsMM'i; ' 4 "; ; 'fe-. ' Thousands tof i.wonien, have Tryit--don't experiment REAL ESTATE Dispatch J33 Ha., triea Cardni anii flfterward Succeed wherij eyerytliirig else ia3a. in ttiervousf prostration and lemaic weaknesses " tiiey ; are the suprerr.e remedy, .as thousands have testif.eo- rbR KIDNEY. LIViR AND STOlViACHrROUBLE . itisithebesramedicine ever so.d i over a druggist's C01 - f -! over a druggist's courffer. H t . "S v9 m A R-J'-- wr