"X : -it J. V. ,n':?l 1 f. t 'rM".A A - -r. t "'''siv)f :V 4 ! f - i; ' - -4-: r'j-'-'' 1 1 ! f : I . PTTRAT r APPTFR TTRMS I -V uvm - Mrs- WP.Lbdley; of., Snow . '; '..: ;-: ' .. Camp .No. 2, came up last veek on a V' uiVn t'--v:v'--Tisn; 10 uer uauguier, - jura. v xj.-?x. : - -;"v.vv " S. L. Koseell went to Hilisbbro clast Saturday .on a visit to friends, " ; ' -C:. - Miss'Jbsie Spoou is 'inl Guiliod -t :' visiting kmfolks this weefe; ; ) : V - i-. v;: Waddell has resigned nis .' '.':. ? position in the. store Cat sBel lemon t . ,--l;-lJl-',rV'-;'and is sueceded by G.lVL Deunyol ; : . y Greensboro.' We are sorry to Jose ; ; .: .'. " ;-;-:,Mr Waddetas a patron of;No.7, but give Mr lienue a nearly .wei come to our route ana nope ne win like the place fine. V f !lnd .frKr has a new bov at h is ? house. y We hOpa the little fel low will make a. better man than his daddy. " We are glad to Mrs. Lewis H. Holt out again afterv being. com fined six weeks with fever. Little.Lozena Garrett of Graham is spending a couple of weeks, with her Hunt, Mrsr L. H. Holt v. Daniel C. Holt came home Satur day on a visit to.hia parents for aiew days before entering school at Elon College where .he will spend the coming school year. Mr. . riulfc has been engaged in. the ice business this summer in Burlington and is a de serving and hustling young man , Miss Alvenia Guthrie and Miss J alia Holt of Burlington, and Miss Jessie Pogh of Greensboro spent last Friday nigHt at the home qf C. F. Pauhut." j Hilary Rauhut entertained seve Tul of his friends at his .home last Friday evening. v jxjiss Mome ijoy aesires w oner Jier sincere thanks to her neighbrs and friends for their kindness and att ention during 'er recent illness from, which, she has not yet entirely " recovered but is better. 'May. the God, who' we serve, bless them.,, B. H.lHargis has built a new well house and dairy combined. J 4 The muscadine is beginDiug to blush and urn rad since the farmer has stripped his corn and Charley ; Bays the crows ond squirrels may at tact the corn for indecent exposure. Dr. L. A. Johnson is - improving some and we hope theDr. will get well enough to hunt birds some this ' ;fell. y 4: y:y:-t v The protracted meeting Ibegins at t Friendship ueit Sunday. Good friends, dont forget the let ter carriers jricuic next Monday the 6th. - Come but and bring" the 'Ma dam the babies and the basket and let's get 'acquain ted Ewith the'pople from the twenty, nine other , routes in the county. - . ' . 'i. Gibsonyille Notes.- v Kev. ;Mr. ' Yost of Lexington filled the pulpit at the M. P. church last Sunday and"Suuday night, preaching helpful efmvns. i 4 Misses Jenn-y"anil N ilie' WynnJ rt'turnerl ouhday trm ; a. - vvhere they have ; bp visitiag relatives i kndj W ill D vidson of Charlotte . is visitinp; liiJatiter Berry Davidson. " Mrs. V. J.-and Master Car aqd Laiice Jennings .Hayo returned home after a three weeks visit to Jas, F Bradsha w's at , feaxanaha wi V; , 1 Mrs. O . F Huff is out again , we , l"1 are glad to sayafter being sick seveV ' ;;: xul; weeks. . - 'V' J :-;,v v Miss Mlie? Phillips Msvisiting J r r isli noyr. marketiltchfthis space? forS announceinent next M E " We e; the splegagenf for tte : ! May: Mantom Pattern: all Sizes in Stocfc lltterai 1 Oc eaih. i liiiKKiiil , friends at Snow Camp . . Clarence Davidson i& visiting in the Eastern part of the State, : ; ;Chis' Campbell : is visiting .' in Greenoboro this .week. : Mr. and Mrs. W,'1 J.Jenriings at tended ihe ' Bradsha w-Clendenin- marriage at Elon Col legej Wednes day.-- y ' : V;: ;r.';:'-; : The Graded School will opeu here Monday With Prof Hpbbs as Siipt. y-yl-y. Pleasant Jtems.:! -J Mrs.. Pace, Milow, Pace's motherj was buried atPIeasant : Hill church last ThUrsdav; Pev, Miles Reece, mm! ucted ; the fu nera I exercises. : "The .church will soon be com- pleted. " V . s The protracted meeting begins the first Sundayin September. We pray that God's : richest ? blessing , will be with -Revi Wells during the meet-. ing. : v?v - Revi J. H. Owens, hw' wife and mother, of South Carolina, are" visit ing Wm.W. Owens in v this com munity. Re v J H. Owens preached an interesting iserm n at Pleasant Hill church last Sunday evening at 8:30 o'clock. . p r. Miss Flora , Riddle, of Spray, is visiting friends and relatives in thi part of the county. She is a charm ing girl, if the reader does hot be lieve it ask David Carter, v- R. W. lsley , and David Carter were ov.er at Whitsett lasf Satur day for the picnic also on business. G. A. Wright, has been attending a singing this season. liy is l waid that he is ' now" singing night aud day. : ; t . : We hope to have a good school at our new school building this session. The two ajoining districts have been consolidated. ' "J i , Wm, H. Enliss is going to build. a new house. It will be completed in the near future ' . ' ; Ed. A." Isley is painting his borne again. " ' ' . " v' . . ' It is said that Plesaut Hill sing ing class is Nthe best - in this town- ship. -: . Th farmers of th is section are be- gining to stake fodder. It is drying very fast, the sun is parching things. Cotton is not so good in this section. . Many of. the Pleasant Hill pkk1 pie attended tne closing exercises ol the singing at Cane Creek church WmV Staley,,of Burlingtou, ha been visiting Jin this part of., the county. , K. F. D; No. 8. "We wabr to thank our good freiudsr RufeMatlock-for fixing tip our road. ..It certainly needed .it. Uncle 'Rufe always trys to' help J.H, Ross attended the oldsoil diersunion at Charlotte last week. They say: that ; Uncle Henry - had such aJtyg time that ; when he got home1 He told folks that he had been to . Asheville Mrs Will Jones of Atlanta "Ga. is visiting her sister Mis. J. R Gates. '. - : " A: J. F. Barker, and family C, E. Tapscott '-and. family j F. Barker and family and J. C. McUulloch attended."tlie big Sunday School "to- do" at Saint Marks church on No. 4 ' Brother iVcCul loch stop ed br the "wayside to help eat melonsnd gou there too' late for his dinner.' We hope he enjoyed the melons for lie on the northern - ,We keep at all timei J' yrfr- $50 or $60 for a'cus-; tom-tiailored suit; if Vyoii ; v want to but ' you w6n't y get better tailoring or fabric, than :x Ed. V. Price & Co. our famous Ghltago v tailors, are ableto give .you for ' T: " . ? :. Vy. y $20 to $40 ' If you'd like to' save this ; difference, ask us to take your ; measure, ana snow you the ? t . - ..- v i.-, -'.V elegant Ene of Price woolens 1 for Fall and 'Winter. Make; your selection earfy-- today. ; 1 1" i .-. -y FOSTER SHOE CO. BURLWGTON.if. g; has none at home at least 'we have not seenany. around there. ' . Misses Nellie aud JLuey Wilson ot Danville .Vau. ate visiting at J D. Simpsons.- ' " " v ' - J. P. King left for Oxford Mon day where, he is painting '' 'Our friend H .T, Hensley Was on nis way to U uion last ' Sunday, in wagon, with his family" and a ;, man il i ! . wiiitj aiuufjj lii au auiomooiie. . :ivir. rlensfey didn't do a thing but Ieavf t lis wife' and child ren and got in that thing and;rode off We would not liave thought it of him. ; ' . W:, ' . : Miss Ethef Somrs rretiirhed Mfi Saturday from a' trip to Greensbsn she looked like she enioved herself Farmers are ver" busy this wee! witli tobacco and fodder teyv: ha vS. nice weather for it. , -; f 'U Don't: forge.t the carriers and nat rons Picni'i M)nday Sept6th W wanvio see0l,arg? crowd trom iNo. 8. IV- A;. Hail NoT-.5f ; and W.v J BrookV No. '2. have charge'pif; th arrangements whicli: injures a good time, come out and helpus enjoy ouf noiiaay. :- . . , 4.,; . r - B Mr. Editor: u Yoxi . askinVlas? weeks paper why the gooil " farmeiv dont brine in melons fruit and etn' to 1 the editor, now:we?wili tell v you y give theig()odlooIji uai iitus mese geoo,aniDg& ana inat4- paragraph JtteOQit'deWebi but disjre to say-that we tlMuhtthe t-heory -ad vdnced eiaily in so- far. as good; looks m cbn3erned -f We no dou bt haye aEefiBcient lot ' of rear tiers, but wewbuldnot ibetmuch money on the Wxl Ioks of theTen.' tire, lot, except tNo; 6.T . : - W yl iove;niypwl"ateWpmsb 00, you near beers . ; vi " f- ;U:j6Ve iny' mptheNiu law but oh; you city pa'sI'V--' :' ;.L : r. ; I love, my near, beer but oh, ;'you You Gati Pay: THE- ""V Baltimore , AmericarL Established 1773 v - i , THe : Daily American '.' x k u.:l P..... PM nHv On Month v ' '. SS5 ;25 Dailv aad Sundav. One Montbt "'i4(f Dailr.Ttoee Months - c - . v-.''-75 Daily and" Sunday, "hree. Months ;1:15 DaUr. Six Months - : ' ,1.50 Daily atid Sunday Six Alontha , - 2.25- Daily One Yearv H?t-:-i 3.00. 1IWiy, VY1LU :.. ClUlUUU, .sj!r-': Sunday Edition One Year.:-;.:', 1.50 S 1 he 1 wice-a-Weck Amencan The Cheapest and Best vJFamily STeyrs SteA rf A "Papery Published. t ;t ONIT ONE J DOLLAR flTEAR " Six Monthf, 50 Cents the twce-aeek American; jspub- lished Intwo issues, Tuesday andj and Friday mornings; with the news of the week in compact shape ,: It also con tains interesting special correspondence, entertainlncr romances . eood poetrr, lo- cai matter of general interest and fresh miscellany suitable for the home circle. A carefully- edited Agricultural Depart ment And a full fl.nri -ppliahlft FiTinnpifll J and Market Reports are speclaljteatures. CHAS. C. FULTON & Cq. FELIX AGMJS, Manager and Publisher American Office, " '-:' - Baltimore, Md THP The Largest - and Best News y paper in NorthCarolina. "" "v. "--"' 4 H;r'?5:.; : Every day in Year, $8.00 ;a Year. The Ovsebver consists of "10 to li pases daily and 20 to 32 pases SnndaT. It. handles 'more, news : matter," : local A Ol.i. . a! i; J - . i I ouiu), aauoutu anu . iorpign : loao as; other North Carolina newspaper. " " ' THE SUNDAY OBSERVER . . ' !' . . . ' .. .-. - ' '. is unexcelled as a news medium, and n also filled with excellent inatter of a mis cellaneous nature. . ::-y , Address :.. r;,V. 'V. ' . V THE OBSERVERXO ; ":y ChariStteN. C ewriters For Sale. : I have seyeral Second ,Hand 1 Typewriters x of different makes on hand, which ;I ; will, sell at a bargam, and guarantee them XnTe be- fore they are picked : over B E Teague. i,5i2 jrJ- nERMAIIQNaE 3 MCTIQNART A Library in One Book Besides aa accuriite; prac tical, and scholarly vocabu lary, of Englishenlarged with 25,000ITEW WOEDS, the International contains History of the English Itanguage, Guide to Pro nunciation, Dictionary of Fiction, New Gazetteer of I and Jatin Names, and Eng Jis.h Christian Names, For eign Quotations, Abbreviai tions, Metric System, Etc. S3380 Paces. SOOdlUnatratloa. SHOmD YOU NOT OWN SUCH A BOCK? V VvEBSIEK'a Coiu.ioIi.Ta DlCUOtUkT. Latw ret pf oar sbridmenta. Regular tnd Thin Paper Edition. 1114 Pm. Ii00111ntrtian. ' ViHtafor "IHrtenar Wrfnt-'fg" Frr. - S. & C. UERRIAW CO., Sorlnirfleld. Mass. ' ' "-. rflTPT niuui TTToi,r . a - lb 41 . 'r i feed when "everythiiig . eke fafla;" 1" T UU3 Prsttatioa and- female i weaknesses . thev . -T. remedy,, as thousands' haye testified Charlotte Observer Typ !lr T 11 r "i 11 iii 1 1- 1 VjijjiLjjiaiZLj I a the world, jNew Biograph ical Dictionary, Vocabulary pf Scripture Hames. Greet am" Tjft, x. "1111111 i , lvifewJt -FALL- , ,- : I - ci vt-; --- - h ( v 2 1-2 miles ALAMANCE INSURANCE 8: .KM-: -' 1 0l;-;a-'H-l ;-r' I, h7.iw mi 1 11, ' ' - nr . 1 ' 1 I ID H GOODMAN $ - JfS!! .1 ,; ljsiNoosOsosososfl 633spNOsr FoSaieivi f I 113:-cre aini V viL'-.;.- : y IMllPOtflnlNII P- COENER MAIN ITCTsM l lIHiaaqiiit . customers that we are in bet nape to sell their tnhacrn than peiibeore!Wet hay e made bur house much larger which ives us more room and: better accom'oda- iocqojpusmessHdbke peJ?ithe PMojforlasf the circumstances; butCwe are glad we ate in sbanp;. trsvln f. Trn season; TKahkihtf vnir for the and hob Mttreiarfe ' H IRR Southwest BnrlingtoD Newl 6 room jhouse, barn, grainery and otheranecessary outhouses. , 1 Will cut aboutf 2,000 cords of f ; wood,omef ine hickory timber, i Well watered 10 or; 12 acres in good meadow. t.i . . v -This is one of the best farms in Alamance County and owner . is selling : because : cannot look after it." r , x - , - ? A heal Bargain. : " .... 1 REAL ESTATE AND FRONT. STS. , ' DlT1; Dnrrirc ieelthatlvbultfet . serve vmi in to - RKWlflFHflllSE 1 V watermelon.. ? :v;-'ic i - :f -: v V"i mum TROUBLE yx iiuriiuurg q jLaii i &?;rcC5fp.;; 1,: f : v Jf : ! - v , . 1 Appendicitis IS -bad pnrino-h Knf 1 1 ;-i:i--:f:':f ii Lbeeww- sJ

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