a-..r'- t i'v.- JThc State Dispatch.. f-, - - : :'.x. -aS: ' V- 4 . 1 I 1, : THE STATE DISPATCH Published. Every Wednesday ' V By V- . " oy. upon as and? we can -make the w , best of it we'can, while hei: cavort ing around over the country slander ing the .good people of ..his -own state. ; ; .v Dr. J. A. Pickett, S. M. Hornaday, i 5 "' . " Local-grain prices , arex too low, . J, 'ViSSSJ Pri ale lower in proportion than grain prices in the'; W est and the local price must go up, r; the western prices come. down. There is no good reason why our fanners should sacrifice their products, the: western farmers reap the reward of their .labors' This is a "matter that should engage the attention of thoughtful fa'rmers in - North Caro- liua Liet then) demand a v pnce to any individual connected -mth the to theif western neighbors or VP&- 4 . . .. ' refuse to sell. : . All 11C TT a UVWO CkllU UUUO AJ1 Importance must be signed by the writer. We are not responsible for opinions of ; Offiee Kret Floor, Waller Building. Telephone No365.v- JOHN E. HART, Editor d Bsbe BW- JAMES E. FOUST, Gty Editor ami AsitUrt :Baaess Maatfer. Subscription One Dollar per year, pay able in advance. 411 commnnicatijni in regard to either news items or business matters should be addressed to Tkc State Dispatch and not Our correspondents. y m , iti Found at Last. What will be discovered next? Natioft AorrtiMra. Adrertisemestslfor i The source of the Nile, -which was toe 2, 3, and 7 pake must be in ftht ' L -jj , Au - j fieelby Fridav. li iL, aid thoM f or 4, a "iuuen mvsieiy irom tue ua ui 6 and 8 by Moaday, 19 M. - ftjreation to some vears aco wasfafter : o the loss of manv lives and. the ex- ceipt for subscription for Tke Sute Ditpatck penditure of much treasure, at last waU be honored at this office unless it is I discovered. Now the north pole, which has oeen the subject of much Entered as second-class matter May speculation and the loss of man ?0,1SSuav?eO8t,o?TO trByi?ng lives and the expenditure of much ' ton, North Carolina, under the Act of r (ingress of March 3 1879. money haa been discovered and the ' honor comes to an American. Bar-. Wednesday, September-8, 1909. ling the honor what does it all amount to, saving the satisfaction' of 'what It has been suggested in as much might be termed idle curiosity. A as an American discovered the However, it is characteristic of North. Pole, that it be presented to the Anglo-Saxon race" to be ever President taft to be used as a "big reaching out It wds this restless stick." The progressive American will put it to a good use alright, al- bus to discover the Western becnis- ants of Mars, as we cannot gp th";re neither could; we y establish trade re-" la uons with thet planet. If the traf- fic with Mars promised anything, qo doubt Harriman or' Hill . perhaps,) are being .worked to r their r utmost . . . 1 1' -i ' - - . - I J Jl J i X ' - i t T - right A rumor;:is going the rounds that a large independent tobacco concern with a quarter million dollar plant. phere. Now the wise acres are try ing to devise methods with which to communicate with Mars, one of our uearest. planets. .Then just think of the folly of the matter, what good would there be in establishing a line bothS would 'stand ready' to finance a nchenie to reach - the planet an would issue security agarast it and sell them on the Wall street ' stock market toan advantage. .-Poorer securities have been sold on ; th4t market Our esteemed contempor ary, the Ifews-Leader, of Kichpaond, Vra., commenting editorially, on the discovery of the North Pole by Dr. Cook remarks: "So far as we can judge, what was found at the'Pole was nothing-- jiist the same bleak, barren, lifeless waste ea and stretches oi ice. that -makes the Arctic landscape, so oflenj)ict ured and described. It is difficult to understand what practical advan tacres mav come to the human race from Jthis storming I of nature's. last fortress so grimly buttressed with daDger3 and terrors. But the.world wanted to know, and now it 'will know. ' Thousands of fancies and dreams and many theories long expounded will be destroyed by Dr;Cook s achievement. Because this Pole was the one spot on the globe un known to mankind, imagination con cerning it has had boundless range. Now we are hrought down to actual facts. ill . .1 . will locate in; Durham for the purr pose oi manufacturing smoking to- - . A. - . , lt r . , . T -rni . , . - , of communication-with the mhabit- oocco. xi mere is any trutn in tne rumor, it does not look like the to bacco trust has everything its own waj after all. - , , - Good Times Are On Us. , At the risk of being tiresome or " monotonous The Dispatch likes to speak of the good times that are now on us. Jbrom every section oi the country the. news is of the most en couraging character, as to the great activity in every line of business. Long before the wild geese take their flight for their winter home the countrywill be in an uproar of business activity. lilroa build ing has already . commenced - and there is a great demand for labor of all "kinds; at ; renumeraii ve .wages. The coal mii'es arid cokexgvens of .- . - ..V-.. ..." the mining sections of t tte coilntry is I f capacity ta fill orders: incident to- the great acu 7iiy lnrauroaa iranspor tation and building 111 due to the wise policy of the Republican party which-is now in full coutrol of ..ev ery branch of the government. ;The latest Jews in railroad building j ortn;uaroiina ; s , contained, in : .a specia.from Waynesville -to. the i.ews-eaaer,; oi xucuinonu, - v a., which reads as follows:' ' . . Warrensville, N. 0.,: Sept.2.-t-The countv commissioners atr their next meeting will be asked to su6c' init a prbpition' to the people to take stock to the amount of $250, 000 in the Virginia and Carolina rail way;', which is to be . extended from - Konnarock, in Washington county, Va., down Horse creek to Berlin, and to thia place toj Jefferson The time allowed for the completion of the road is three years. The dis tance is about twenty-one; miles. The road starts at Abingdon, Va.. and enters the White Top country at Damascus, from there and to Konnarock on or near the State line. This road will , be built and it gives us direct connection with Bris tol, where a-large part of the trade oi in is seccivn goes. mm e rasisifliaw ., A pill , he tirr far mer to ow his crop of s ,v rrier r should invgate before, buying his gma driU. the latest improved Farmers Favorite, also the lat est improvedE need no comment as the best farmers all over this country are using said machines, and 'are well pleased. -And-to show the. public; wilT saywe Sold ten last week without any effort -on pur partr and it seems to us that ye are selling the oods the people waiit, all we want is a'chance to show you and demonstrate that we havethe etachine or? )marketi Our line of Hardware, Paints and Oils, Lime and Cement is full and complete. Harness and Buggies the best inown. Get our prices before you buy. -" ' '. . -: ' . : Thanking one andPall , for liberal pannage, and soliciting the continuance of a part of i your future business, we are yours for ;busihess rf iy Reaches The Spot The causes of Liver and ' i-1 Bowel troubles are numerous" : but Vick's Little Liver 7 Pill stimulates both liver and bowels at the right spot. Prove it by a trial mild cuiative. 25c. O 11 BURLINGTON, N. C 8X ;W' it-' " The Industrial edition of tha Reidsville Keview issued last Fri day, is one of the neatest and most attractive papers that has come to this office in quite awhile. It re flects much credit upon the enter- ?prtsii publishers iSfiti tliTaringiffg 1 before the publie: in this manner, of the city's industries will produce profitable results. , ... The fact that the honor of discov ering tbe North Pole should be be stowed upon an American is very gratifying.' It has ben sought by explorers of mauy T UrMirmanr. years and the man who? ca. stand the privation and hardship of sucb an expedition is justly entitled' to 'all the honor and glory he "may be able to get out of it v. ft: . mm The discovery of the North Pole has been the topic; of conversation for the past few days on the street corners, in the drug stores, iu fact every where that two or more peo ple assembled. It has eclipsed the Roosevelt African hunting trip, the excitement over pellegra and every thing else. The discovery no doubt will revolutionize many theories of this much sought and talked of spot Editor Foy, of the Mebane Lead er, lambasts the Honorable Joseph us Daniels editor of the News and Observer, in his last issue in royal style. It could not have been apy ( bettec.'said by anyone and is just what has been nesded'for some time. The article will be found on anoth er page" and its to the Queens taste too, it you don't believe it, read the article. ' ! Ex-Governor Glenn, the wind! jammer, will spend a tew weeks in New Jersey, in ,the iUerest of prohi- p v w . bmon. It tseems -to ns,that the rv.?;-.,v' & & f ' ernor to do, would, be to stay at fx.: ! t home a whJlf- ani) nw fiia inflnanna ? . in trymg to enforce the law at home, .ithis in our opinion would be the r proper fljing to do, but we suppose I JAMREPRRSEffriNG THE MecklenBurg M Charlotte N. Carolina, in this section, and am prepared to make vou prices on anvthincr in the fay qf .gdatonesTft See , my cuts and get I ray prices be 'ore placing 5your order, Mafenal anrTwjorlcuariaifetd arsr-ciass. - . ; W. N. MEBANE, Box 464, BURLINGTON, N. C. WeU! of all the good things. A cold drink or Ice Cream at on Drug Com'y is the best. j P S. Get Your Turnip Seed Here. Burlingt Ta fefresfe tin Body oo Tkesa Hat Sprlag nd Moaner P175, Hike , AND DRUG STORE SODA :-: FOUNTAIN :-: HEADQlARTERS STROUD'S Cold Drinks, Ice Cream. Delicious and Refreshing Up-to-date line of Toilet Soaps, Cigars andTobac- .1 , co, etc. Prescriptions filled on short notice. ;. .V j T. H. STROUD, Burlmgton, :M V , . -.. . t -. . - r-Vi-V-.-' 6 bnpil WAREHOUSE Headqua HIGH iters for EST MARKET PRICES We are glad to inform our friends and customers that we are in bet ter shape to sell their tobacco than ever before. We have made our house much larger which gives us more room and better accomoda tions for our trade. We have with us Mr. O. D. Hooker who has had twenty-five years experience in the tobocco business. Hooker will run the sale and will see that you get the top of the market for your to bacco. We did the very best we could do for you last season under the ckcmstarices', but we are glad we arein shape Jid.db better for you this seasonfeMhihg you for the past and hoping to serve you in the future, we are yours anxious to please. ;;... ;y V:W- - tions, Prices Quality nd Styl .- , .. We are going to Start the Season with a Rush; Come and see how well we can please you and how much you can , arrived.. See our Suits in the most Fashion able colors and smart est designs. At $9.95 thq equal of $12.50, at $10.00 the equal of J12.50 to $15.00, at $15.00 the equal of ?20.00,at J20.00 the equal of $25.00, at $25.00 the equal of $30.00 it.. .-Si ir. iJ . ; A r Seex)ur cMdin'sirat vahies. see our Indies 'Sweaters, right ne vf and just what you wantrihRed and White. The $2.50 Sweated at $1.98. The $2.00 Miwes Sweaters $1.50;- rew arrivals in Sills and Medlines, See our MessoKnes at $1.25Jrr a great range of colors 36 inches wide and the regular $1.50 quality ; Fancy Silk 36 inches wide, real value $1.25. Special at $1 00. v , y; . ,--:;r--;-.- ;-- Mens' Boys and Children's Cloth ihg in the very best f ailoring and most artistic Designs. If you want a smart suit, you can get it right here, just come in and take a look through our -large stock. ' - Autumn BURLINGTON BRICK WAREHOUSE -Hooker TKnrnKiirrf onrl Hll 5f . eyes on our der Mi11inery--Ladies keep voUr Department v Every Millinery tmnt filled 'o$n.. Departiri .Main and Worth St, i ;