V t Oar-' ding rufull you I ifduil if5 rnyears. avebeen vouinesSi :, V''7f -f J : - -vV1-' 1 ' ' . -' ''"i-fli'j .':'3::; Trinity A Firt-Cl rVparitoix Certificates o! Graduation ' AoeepV ; ed for Entrance ro j-aa-: , ing Southern ColIegPH -y vyJudson x IiVippermao: for Ir J 7 1 1:' the six years pastor of he Bap- U S ;I OUT ' JOIlC jrS a call to the pastbrate of the 8pen- Dont Mistake the Gii$e I ; oj. Your KaL1 U iml 1 hamaiI UaiY Tnm. I ;.'A-V':',;.!:'';--'f''IlwUlllWi. Manning Daunaway, formerly of J Many people neVer ; suspect, their L ' d H I J . W W 1 1 IIS-VM B I I I 13 V t-m r A n f W O TT mrs V TW1IT1 - S I O m A in Spencer for .three yara. , H;has week or aohiug back they think that ) acceptecL a call to Ayilson and will it is duly a mnscular weakness; when go to that place September 26. urinary trouble sets in think it will Rnkor Q vTCaW wlin la of' th'2 soon correct 1 its If. if And so it, is liJCaldJcealthy,U5omr with all the other, jymptbms of kid- 4.1 !..i:L. -L.i now nlanrnArR.. Vrhat is 1 list ' where bought' !the;matchla tfe danger, lies; ou must cure these and property . at Ronda, Wilkes troubles or they may a -linen andper jnUl, ; ,Xhe com? Nedy to use is JDoan's Kidney Pills pany win use tue new vjxioru pro-1 w1 " f linonfl' I weak .or diseased kidneys. - Resi- T ie aU .fhof Vw fhifl nisa flftT dents of ihi" vicinity are constantly canbe bleached perfectly, white in testifying to permanent cures - . ( twenty-lfout hoars.: - , -1-' v j J. W. Zmk, of Greensboro, N.U . r : t rays: ' "i Buuweu-i ifoiu -uauiiiwue SpeaaljAgeat D. A. Kampe and fft mmA Hm and dull. min Deputy. Uollector W. A; edncKd through my loins caused me a great of Revenue Agent Sam s Office, reU, annovance. .Tie kidney -secret r. i-e of ten officew and teach- romnus of sexenty-fiTe acres. Library conti inglprtthouaaixdj volumes. e" ium Hign standards apa; naoav i ern metnouo . ' qDent lectures by . prominent lect- erate. eleven yeeuro m pucuwuwu - al success. .... .. s,fX y-li For Catalogue and Other Informa-" tion Aad-essYftC v Vv H.M; NORTHS Durham, -. ? -..N.C- J. Mr.x W. Steadman' Vaughn, . son of T Vanghb J of iWinston, died in St: Iieo's hospital at Greensboro jvionciay nignt oi last weefc.t f v.Iolm Crabtreelis in jail at Ddr- hjim frliarorAfl ' wnthmnnnftVitriint nn1 held under abond of ; .Crab- tree vis a white man and wa& caught . . . ... w last week in the upper ! edge of the T V Qi tf r-Zt 4.1 -i. .,vi.jO.i-iv oiewarw wruwie: imoi. iwu .. ' i i V. -.t'-j ' i '' . years employ ea in xne power aepaix- A 1 Large White Oak and Poplai Logs, dear of knob, 2 1-2 to 4 feet in diameter, 10, 12, 14: and 16 feet long. Either on the stump v or ion the Railroad For , such tim ber 1 wiU paya Also, Walnut Logs, 15 inches in diameter up, ' same length as oak and poplar I will be pleased to xorres- . pond with any one haying any of the above named tim ber for sale. !has. H. Bayne Burlington N. C o k 'osoasiiaaao . 'kosohthoiu aABq on ckj sanioq joj ibuiuiuq . -Baqng pautquioQ -eApuaAaa pus ?uaurjBaix injssdoona sajvi VlNOWnSNd wdnodO asn Market Report. itter :srs ring Chickens, per lb. ens icks x ikevs ntry Hami ett Potatoei Potatoes is . hea tton Jeen Hides pan 7 Hides, salt 7 Hides, flint leswax lw Mi washed tool. 75 to 18 to 25 13 to 15 13 to 15 9 to 10 2 5 to 30 '40 to 60 12 to 15 16 to 18 00 to 00 1.00 95 to 1.10 ..10 to 1.25 ' 60 11 8 ,20 to 35 10 to 12J 12 to 15 5 28 to 30 18 to 22 STE1 You look for trouble if you obtain a Firearm of doubtful quality. The ex-' perienced Hunter's and Marksman's Weal is a reliable, nnrrinir Stevens. FIND OUT WHY by shooting our popular Rjifles, Shotguns Pistols c 5"?ar Iocal hardwire or sporting foods rner- me sitv HNS. If you cannot obtain, we line. Contains points -oa Shooting, I on, the proper cre of Firearm, etc jy1 six cents ia stamps for i6o-pa?o IUustrat 0C"g- including circulars of latest additions Am- irv Bavrd. Tor 80 cents in itompi we will, mail yon copy ol "GUNS AND GtrNNING'. by Dan J. Stereo Ami aJ p.o.Bsoi cmcoraFAiis. MASS. .ice vjrovernorxuisrweeK onereu rewad oftS200 each for the capture of Charles Fodrell and' ;tt. L. Fox, convicts who -recenU escaped from j the Penitentiiry,, in ( addition to the rewards ottered by the btatffs JrrisoD. '' ' Robert and : Keith Pritchard, mountaibeer8. who! it is alleeed. shot . W s T i ii" tit rrr , tt . . J ana-KUieu v; w. iioneycuu ana wounded JtCevenue umcer irariaDd, in". Caldwell bounty. Febiuary 28tb last, were acquitted last Week in the oupenor uoun ai Ajeuoir. W. C. Rackley ' died ' atjTMouDt ; Airy ouipnr opruigs last wetK. iu his 61st-year. - The remains were taken to Greensboro, where the in terment took place. For ulany years I he was a merchant at Clinton. He is survived by a wife and six child ren A uezro girl, named Sims, ten years old, was killed by an -elevator at Coleman Bros'., leaf tobacco house in Winston last week The girl was ! not employed there. Her head was i (aiup-ht between the elevator and the second floor and was crushed almost into a jelly. 1 The men recently hurt when a hotel buildiug which was being erec- i red at Marion collapsed, are recover ing. Jack Cecil, the Davidson man who was badly injured, is getting well. The men. when taken out from the. debris, looked as if they were mashed into a pulp. Two carpenters, J. A. Johusoi. and another uamed Mitchell were iniured Wetluestlav of last week iur the collapsingof a 'water, tank beinj! built at the Holt VV uliauison cotto mill on Russell street in Fayef teville Mitchell being so badly hurt that uc hoDes is eutertained for his recovery. m, S. C. Fulham, of Cabarrus coun ty, up to the 28th ot August, own ed a mule named Pete tor exacth 33 years. The mule was 6d year old and was purchased from Dr J. M. Wilson,.of Mecklenburg county, iu 1 870. Pete passetl froui the own ership Of Fulham into the stables ul death. 1 Mack Johnson son of "Samuel Johnson, of Ellendale, Alexander county, on his way home from Cald well county' a few days ago, was silled instantly when his horse fell on a bridge. His party had got ahead of him and he was riding fast to catch up when the animal stumor ed. He was 21 years old and well thought of. A Necro convict, serving sentence on the ; roads of, Guilford County, whileratternDtinff to escape was shot aud instantly killed by a guard at the 'Mount Pleasant road building camp one day last week. The negro was sentenced two weeks ago to a four weeks term by City Judge Eure for trespassing. Winston-Salemns to have the lar gest Kint Goods Bleachery. in the South. Work was begun last week on the addition to the already im mense plant of the Maline Mills. As annn us it is oompleted additional machinery will be installed, suffici ent to make it the bigeest enterprise of the kind in'the South. Deputy Sheriff George Gray was tried before the mayor of Kinston fined five cents and iaov , nof fnr slflnuinfir a neero boy. Mr. Clr-axr want to collect for taxes and the boy grabbing him, thought that the youngster was making an attack on him, so he slapped him, where upon his. mother swore out a warrant cnarging uiuw of all railroad companies doing business in North rmlina, prflirftcted by. the corpor- in Tii orSe r before SeDtember r 5 th for an invesriffatioil'of the freight rates from North Carolina ports-to interior noints in, the State, as cotri- pan-d'with the rates- lnfofcVfrouH VXV A. TrMsage and disturbed my tnrpn nn ill icit fliRtiilerv running lull I 1 .t-v Tm ;t:ii.i-;Li'" -. rzr . . TT- a -1 lntrioan s jviuuey iruis nieiuy it;- blast. - .Alr Ueavmg; the t8Cene o? I decided to give them J80' f,?15lx2 "-Or.8--: a!trial -ud procured a box. 'Their aders opened fire on the revenue om-. U8e qu;ckly regulatetl the passages cers using shotguns and smokeless biMm.MM.nB.'.nH romw. uowder. beytral shot took enecr m , uanntannaa n.l t u a ... . . l mi LUC uvuet auuvTjuvo au. a umv. Kanipe's back and arm. His injuries q trouble since I take are not SeriOUS. , ' . I , ti1aiiro in rpmmmcnnin? n , .. . ' I BT I C7 " The ' Nortn Carolina's half miUlDoan's Kidney Pills to other snffe- lion dollar bond issue tor toe eniar jrers. insane is declared by-,mfr,S5upreme 50 cents. j?osterMiiourn Court valid in an opinion jiisi de Buffalo, New York, sole agents for was Questioned as to its constitutiop-1 ; Remember the name Doan ality after the purchase of the bonds I and take no other, by Raleigh Saviug Bank anoVWa-r - h : " chovia Loan & Trust Company, be- QnnnroPirm nr yiir nnt r cause the adoption of the amend- l uuuiaiuiuu ui iuu. i um mtnr wna ilnimpd tu' le materials I ' ' "' K ' n without a three separate days read-'. Effective Occupation Alone Consti- In the Circuit Coart of tbe.Ea8- mnl 01 aoeigmy. tern District of North Carolina, 1 5fpringfield Republican. Judge Henry G. Conner last week Most of the suggestions that new handed down his decision sustain- anAa A:nv0riiA ; tr,ft fr x...th ing the oil inspection laws ot the automaticailv under Anierj'-an State, passed at this year's session v Kl of the General Assembly. He dis- haye been made .Q a facetious 8piritf mis tte bill ot tue Keo K, but the State Department seems to fJnninflnv. of Baltimore, which ask- 0 .l.i u. i ' ' r 7 i j i u i I tear xuai iue luea iuuy ,ue uuvt-u oci- ed injunction relief and that the law iousl and it has been at some pains 1 il'lflrpd nnRonsLitutional oecause l ; , - 7 . w MO correct possioie miscouceptious. of alleged excessive tax ot one halt f ,h' n- cnnu cent a gallon, unjust regulations and &ttl x geasio,, by the mere lelegated authority. . f aih,vptv, uut ont,inal dis- . mfrt . . . - -0- covery strengthens a claim it it be tollowed up by an official nag-raising and an effective occupation. There must be real possession, in the long run, and not a mere paper .lim lr inpisflift.ion. lMpfl on nnfi Inhabitants May Accomplish Won- proclanraiioii of sovereignty. W hen 'h I ' . i mn urll urno llcwtnro 4 Y OCu ders by Persistent Organized questions were gradually threashed ffifojt uut, ana tne mouern practice nnany I t.ef whlishpfl A I first. Snsiin tlftimpd T71 t..... in 4-:.a I T i I f y-l Sfofoo I . - . . XliVeiV IUVU III VJUireu wtvw ,L .rwr.fiivk n,,cf ,t A merino Vonoitca ;nay become a city beautital. -lndi- pouce de Leon, in 1513, lauded on idual working alone have accomp- th coagt 0f .Florida: but the English iished mucn butthey inevitably need ,jlaim wag y because the help A community thonld have Cabot3 had already explored the in oro-anized efforfT and when this . ..SLwu f, rUnU ortnl-tiAiCkn has been seached bv thelrt j..i. a:.,. .... v"v ill 1 Xiatieras. oucn wuuivis vveieucuc- conference, steps should be taken to nly complomfsed, in the end, oniy ffof -ino fl v (Clinton RfrerS VVlod i .1. J 1 .rx .u i uw. - " o - - Qy ine ueveiopmeuL1 01 me uuuuiuc ruff in the The Designer for Oc- of effective occupation. Ttiere have tober. The organization completed, leen mauy discoveries of new lands what next? Here are some of the in the extream ' ar regions in the "first thinas" undertaken by organ.- . - . XTr.a ;-. ii, vcKWa f zations that have had successful ca-1 ro n n1Iintr;pfi. hnt of -eifeeiive. reers: . w: w . v : I onnn nation bv, their eoverumehts Enlisting the children in keeping I Uaa kqo OYrUno-lv HhIp for the streetaciear of paper and other Lg seen at a glance. - ; w ' MBMaajaiiaiBismsysMSM r'nTTiit Jim, j. aSMiwaWaMBiiln I: S USA Yi ' iliGVoN,H-N: .0. n ' i "I- v - ' - - :.V - -: 5 -..i.u.i .,;...,--.: i- 1 " A " . ij I 1 ; Let us do Your I K plumbing for you, ail work . first i class, nothing but 'H0 id juo? ...etfe qod ) -no iiyRJiffW-a v" RULES FOR THE CITY BEAUTIFUL. ICC. Prornot Servi . .. Spfcnil attention given to rt-pir work. Estin;ates-on work furnished i.t iur rfqueti - ATh-wVuk at reas)tiabe ost. CRUTCHFIELD-MAYNARD CO. BUHL1NGTON, N. 0. &&&&&&&&& plumbing Contractors FRONT ST. PHONE 299 ELON COLLEGE. Co-educational. Established 1890 Thorough College courses leading to M- A., A. B.. and Ph. B., degrees. Strong and experienced Faculty with highest training. Good Library. Reading Room Laboratories, Literary Societies, Excellent Mu ic; Art and i locution Depart ments. Diploma frotn Elon admits to graduate departments in the highest uni versities. ... Beautiful and healthful location, 17 miles east of Greensboro on Southern Rait r way. Best moral and religions influence. No hazing. New students met by recep tion committees from young peoples's Christian organizations connected with thf -allege. Good equipment. All buiidiags lighted by electricity, hsated by steam, anC furnished with water, bathrooms etc. A large new domitory, with modern con venience, has recently been built to meet the requirments of growing patronage. Expenses Unusually Moderate. Fall Term Opens September 1st , ' E M.METT L. MOFFIiT, PRESIDENT, ; Elon College, N. C. .. . - - - - ;. CLAREMONT COLLEGE, Hickory, North Carolina. Opens September 7, 1909. Offers the following Courses of Study: Claf sical, English, Music, A rt, Expression, Preparary. Localon ideal Buildings large anT airy with new fun iture in every room hew Heat'- rUDDlSU. 'ik . The maintenance of rubbish bar rels for : the litter of the streets. The earring for the space between the "Bide walk and the curb, and for the gutters themselves that they-may be kept clean and tree trom ruooisn The elimination ot weeds. Cooperation with the tree-warden if there, is one, or whoever may have charge of the trees. It there is no more important first, step than to have some one omr cnargeu with this duty. .. , : . m ' Preventing telephone , and electric companies from hacking - off and mutilating the . branches ana tops t oi trees. ' . ' The enforcement of ordinances re lating to expectoration, the thro wing of Dapere and circulars on the streets. Keeping the individual - premises in good order, including the back The erection of window-boxes and their ' proper maintenace, summer and winter. ' ? . v : f Having the city keep the streeU, Kaitwppn-the curbi cleans If its oft ficiaU don't know' how show, them! Tvf of organizations havq ; and , it hasL meant a new; era for the cpmmu ..:, Tf von can only begin with a ing system installed. Signor D' A nna4 Director of Music Rates mod erate. $eud or New Catalogue. . --- 1 , . ? JOSEPH L; MURPHY: President i a rasSsBSBSsSsSSSsBS mm, i : I ''I f Vk3 tingle fi fillzs IBUzrfle One of the exclusive features of the Keen Kutter. Safety Razor, wherein it excels all others, is the angle ' of the blade. It is set at just the right slope for a comfortable, velvety shave. It can't scrape it can?t slip over the beard every stroke cuts . , -v.' clean and close without the slightest discomfort to the moat tender skin. This is but one of the important features of the remarkable . ; that make it the greatest safety razor ever mamafactnred. . The blade may be slanted to the proper degree to give the sliding col that shaves smoothly without palling, and this slant can be regulated to sui,t your own style of stroke. The blades are sufficiently thick to insure a keen, dur able edge and. rlpjd Enough to prevent any springing or vioraoon oi ine Dtaoa wiwe soavuis. , ' ' O. Breiy raor In a iesChtf'ca'wlth a Joen blades ready for baTlng r The Keea Kntter trmde-martc gvaraBtces Mtisfactioa. -; i ' Ii ixot1a.yoide0e4te1- ' 'i , 1 v HI1 -4 11 Wock 'd6 80but4make;:the ;t o : ' aU block, boo v JwTtif XSV 'A .beginning,,. . " m.i ' ' T , r ports of Virginia ana outn.wiro: r-.-1 t '

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