5 . i i K - r 2' " -it! . i 4 ft Iter .- ARMY!! My stock of Dry Goods and Notions have just arrived. I make a specialty of ; SHOES, and LADIES TAILORED COAT SUITS. I also repre sent the well known Interna tional Tailoring Co., for made to MEASURE CLOTHING FOR MEN. Fit guaranteed I cordially invite you to call and see me before purchasing else where. I can save ycu money. Thanking you for your past patronage I await your further command. Yours for service. JNO. A. HALL Haw River N. C. clothes Trolinwood Hills. e &e &&& e9 Guuu rjLuivimiNiar Let us do Your plumbing for you, all work first class, nothing but the best fixtures used. Prompt Service. Special atuiiiioti vru u ivp.ir work. Estimates on work fumiiied at vour nqut.-i. All vv..jk at reasonable cost. PLDHBIKG CUXTRACTtES CRUTIWIELD-MAYNARD CO. FBONT ST. PHONE 299 f5 &&&& && &&&&&& fe Ve Have Just Returned from a trip to the Piano Factories in New York and bought PIANOS to SUIT YOU, come in and see them. Easy terms if Wanted : : : : : Ellis Machine & Music Co. S , 13 ULIXGTON, N. C. , ELON COLLEGE. Co-educational. Established 1890 . Thorougli C- liege courses leading to M- A.. A. B., and Ph. B., degrees. Stronj and experience-.) Faculty with highest training. Good Library, Beading Room Laboratories, Literary Societies, fxcellent Mu ic. Art and locution Depart snents. Diploma from Elon admits to graduate departments in the highest uni -versitie8. Beautiful and healthful location, 17 miles east of Greensboro on Southern Kail way. Best moral and religious influence. No hazing. New students met by recep tion committees from young peoples's Christian organizations connected with th alleges Good equipment. All buildings lighted by electricity, heated by steam, am furnished with w -ter, bath rooms etc. A large new domitory, with modern, con--venience, has recently been built to meet the requirments of growmg patronage. Jixpenses Unusually Moderate. Fall Term Opens September 1st EMMIiTT L. MOFFITT, PRESTDENT. Elou College, N. C. Gillian Smitii of .! Libertir:"No. 2 (jas a: business in Jtown. during - Sank -Po well of Greensboro 1 was Ha the city last week i; having his Heauties.;struck. ; : Miss Vellna Shoffner spent Sun day night with her mother who lives in Guilford county. Mrs. R K. Davenport returnet Thursday from a few days visit to her parents at Whitsett - Jas. Robertson of the Dispatch force at"Xe,xington is the guest of bis sisters tor a tew days. Messrs Moody Loyd and E. P. Cates of Chapel Hill were busines visitors in town last week. i C. D. Whitsell attended the fire men's tourment given at the Audi torium at Greensboro Friday night. . Miss Flossie Loyd, a student of thesSalem SFemale nAcademy and College spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents. Mrs. L. N Cates who has been the guest of her son Clarence Cates for some time returned to her home at Orange Grove Thursday. Peary and Cook, have discovered the North Pole, but every cook has discoved that, Melrose, Dan Valley and Champion flour is the best Miss Blondza Cates of Tallahassee Fla , who has been the guest nf near relatives and friends at this place tor the past month left Friday for ler home. Be sure to take your gal to the lair, it will be well worth your time. more fun in a few hours than yoq can see anywhere else. October 5th to 8th. Miss Hayes of Atlanta Ga., ar rived Thursday to accept a position with the millinery department at W. E. Hay. Miss Hayes comes highly recommended as a milliner. Free band concerts will be given at the County Fair, free ballon as censions, free trapeeze performances, anv of which will be worth the money. Mrs. T. C. Smith visited friends here last week en route to Greens- oro to visit her son Ernest Smith who is at St. Leo's Hospital. We 11. r r . i are tri-ui u'iiote Mr. omitn is im proving. The specimens of exhibit for pre miums at the fair this vear will be 0 better than "ever before. See what your neighbor is doing, he will have an exhibit there. Miss Roshell Russell 'sndxmother of near Mansdale attended the nil- inary opening last 1 Friday aud Saturday. Miss Russell who has taken a special course in the study of music will organize a class at Spring Meeting house in the near future. ' We offer One Hundred .Dollars Reward for any ease' of Catarrht hat cannot be cured byfH all's Catarb Cure.i;: j. We, ths undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the lasfet 15 years rand b' lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out anr Obligations " made by his j r ; -r WjllMN ;KlNNAN & MARVIN, ': .Wholesale Druggists, .Toledo, O. -Hall's Catarrh Cure is takenlnternal ly, acting directly upon the blood aud mucous surfaces ol t the system. , - Testi monials sent free.5 ' Price 75 cents per bottle. 8old,by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. . ; . , ; The Vild West performers wH give free ract s by .' their cow boys, which will present a real picture of wild west life If you have ever read or heard of the cow ybovs on their wild west rauches you will be in terested in this. Eighteen cow boys will be present with an expert lady aider. , f Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Sell visited her brother J. B. Cheek al so Ciaud Cates during the past week. They were en route to vVaterloo, S. C. where Mr. Self hrs charge of a High School at that place. Miss Lelia Curtis, a trained nurse in the hospital at Raleigh is the eut t of her mother. She and her sister Miss Mamie spent Friday and Sat urday and Sundav as the guest of i i irienas at Mebane. liiiiiiiir gThOiatetiEesfcMnkmae Designated Depository of The City of Burlington : v y'. cK- - ; " ; , Alamance County Highway Cornmission Southern Be 11 Telephone Company " J v Southern Railway Company We handle the accounts of Manufacturers, Mer T chants and individuals, all of whom are satisfied ' with our treatment and the security, offered. ' Deposit your surplus money with us, where you . car get it any time. We will pay you 4 per cent "r; jret'. compounded quarterly. , , have moved to the new ISLEY BUILDING corner of Main and Davis streets. Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent 1 ALAMANCE LOAN & TRUSTIGO. Jerry and Joe. Jerry Simpson loved to work off jokes on prominen men who "gut atter" him. He and Joe Cauuou, now speaker, had many lively tilt. One day Jerry made a rip-snorting anti-expansion speech in the Houet : just the kind that a populist like Jerry could make. ; "Had you made that sneech in Manila," said Cannon, getting the floor and levelii g his finger at tbe Kansas congressman, "you would have been tried by a drum-head I court martial and shot." I "Well." replied Jerrv. "I would ; just as leave be thot iu Manila inr making a speech ot that kiud uo u, be shot in Ongress by an old smootli ore brass Cannon from Illm i ,; That reply tickled Tom Rd o much that he came up to Jer.- and 1 - .mi - . said: "I hat was all riirhf .Tor i irgive you a lot oi things for that! Kansas City Journal ( - - v rMlllllllaiH RE-ENFORCED HAMMOCKS THE KIND THAT LAST and 'coV waII wKII thev last. The bed of the Vudor Re enforced Hammock is woven extra heavy in the middle where the wear comes a pat ented feature found in no other hammock. The extra . heavy cording at head and foot is put on under tension, insuring equal distribution of weight over all the cords. These cords are fastened to the bed of the hammock by means of hardwood spreaders and strong cord anchorages. The colors used in Vudor Re-enforced Hammocks are sun-fast and practically fade less. '. Vudor Re-enforced Ham mocks come in many hand some designs and color com binations and in various style: ranging in price from $2.2 to $8. Call and see them. BURKE FURNITURE & COFFIN COMPANY. ViJ VJJr -Jf J THERE BUT may be doubts about Cook or Peary Dis covering the North Pole. you caunot doubt that S. Thomas &: Sons will do you the best job of Tin Roofiiig, Guttering, Spouting, Stove and Furnace Repairing, also Installing Hot Air Systems, of any Tinners in the State. For the price. Give . them a trial. Twenty.four years experience. S, THOMAS & SONS. 317 Worth Street, Phone No, 40, A. OS Peary, 6ays he has discovered the North Pole, but Cook hasn't, Cook says he has, but Peary'hasn't. Ihere is no difference of opinion about Melrose, Dan Valley, and Cham pion flour being the bestr The Secretary of the Fair Asso- ciation has written contracts with fifteen big shows to be present at the County Fair. These shows. mean barrel fulls of tun for you it you are present; - , H ; Weak Kidneys Make Weak Bodies. Kidney Diseases Cause Half the Common Aches and Ills of Burlington People. As one week link weakens a chain, so weak kindneys weaken the whole body and hasten the final breaking down. Overwork, strains, colds an ot her causes injure the kidneys, and when their activity is lee-sened the whole .body suffers from the excess of uric poison circulated in the blood. Aches and pains aud languor and urinary ills coine and there is an ever increasing tendency towards diabetes md fatal Bright's disease There is no real help for the sufferer except kidney help. . 'Doan's Kidney Pills act directly on the kidneys and cure every kid ney ill. No need to take the statement of oomeone living faraway as evidence. Here's a case right in this locali ty . Mrs. M. R. Drurawright Poplar St., Graham, N. C. says: I can give Doan's Kiduey Pills my hearty en-: dorsement as I used them .with "high ly satisfactory results. For some time I suffered from backache, caus ed by disordered kidneys. When I heard about. Doan's Lidney Pills, 1 decided to try them and procured a box. They proved of wonderful value to me." r ' For sale by all dealers. P ice 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buf falo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's -take no other. . : ' v ; FURI S NfTURE And V) HOUSE FURNISHING It will be to your interest to inspect our stock and get our prices befqre buying any thing in the House furmhing line. Our stock of Art Squares, Carpets, Rugs, Matting and Linoleums are new and complete, the pat ters are good and the prices are in keeping with the quality of the goods Ask to see our line of Lace and Portier Curtains. We have just six refrigerators left which we have recently cut the (price 25 er cent, you had better get one before they are all gone. 7 ' V yj - - r f ,. We are in a position to furnish your home on the easy, payment plan, a part cash and balance on weekly or monthly payments. v.- M B SM The Furniture Store, rJurlingt on, N. O. US I : ' . .-i- ;V'. V .v '. ON , ;.. S.; i ... i -V ' -1 A..