r - The Stdte Dispatch. - "7i l ; 4;--- ;1 i VI - jr. t - Mr. Erwin A. Holt, jit. . a. steeie, - St i Athananns Episcopal Church. Rt. EJward L. OrfflT, Rector. Senior Warden Junior warden Vestry: iMeeers. Eocene Holt, James N. William- son, Jr., Lawrence S.-Holt, Jr., Fiuley L. Williamson Julius C. Squires, Lewis J. Carter, William A. Hall. Services: Sunday, 11.00 A. M. 8.00 P. M. Wednesday. 8.00 P. SI. ! Sunday School, 9.45 A. M doIy(X mmunion. First Sunday. 11.00 M. Tnird Sunday, 7.3U A. m. $USttoyyttotoy Co., were doing business, the second PBnefNews Itemi a . dwelling was found to be on fire ay and before tl.e fireman got it under A. Monteomerv. AlaiV Siihdav I , O . wmmv . wv, vwva , ttio UCtibiU LU School superintendent has been re- Snitzer is oat on bail, the case to be ed the opinion that prohibition in -r,. , , D Wj. ' . ' . his state is a farce. In October the Bichard B. Carter. Dostmaster at a.. : u - i - ti -. ii . : i cmxuiuerueiu. .0.121.. a smaii viiiap-fi a Southern Rail- short distance ' north of Selma, was Christian Church. Corner Church and Davis Streets. Rer. P. H. Fleaunf , Pastor. Services: Preaching every Sunday, 11.00 A. M. and 8 P.M. Sunday School, 9.45 A. M. John B. Foster, Supt. Christian Endeavor Services, Sunday evenings at 7.15. Mid-week Prayer Service, every Wed- nnr?.v nt. ft 00 P f meets on Monday after the Second Sun- nf rpio-nino- fmm h TTt,?for1 Rf0o tort to ggjj month I o o vuw.u biio o Ycordlal invitation extended to all. Supreme Court He is so vigorous praved futile. C. B. Orr, president a, oflurcn Qume iur visiiure auu i auu ureieSb tnat some 01 lue VOUDfirer vx wic.wiujcra u,liki meruuaDtS uanK :.j?r,.i:;'Fiaijtoa Gen. ,; Fredr Funston TC St dropped in town for a few hours yes terday ant; went up " to call on His bid friend, Paul Gaylord. Tne Gen- . " i it-- '- . - v . -r ' erai toia 01 a iaugnable experience j ue uau uu a cram a iew aays ago; He was in the bihok ingcompartment of the sleeper and became engaged in conversation with a Kansan from the uraldistricts.rGenerai JF'unston did not introduce himnelf. After they had talked a while on various subjects the Kansan said: "Say, you lood a eood "deal HI?p r red J unston. He's a rpnpml in . - ii tnearmy now." ; - v 4 'Do you knowFu6ston?,? asked "';X- I w w VV MW VA VV1UIUI way will string two copper circuits assaulted arid "robbed of the postol isvku iuuuiw, to., ciui vjntto- iuuus . uurgiaxs aua later iouna boro, N. C, to be used for train dis- unconscious, accprdingsto the .dis patching and the) other for blocK patch received bv the chief nostoffiee offices. ' " linSDector last FHdav fmm Pnsf mjifi- William Macabee, the only sur- ter Scott of Selma, . vivmer member ot the crew ot the A old fricratpi Cnnstifcntion. last WpH- LnmmSccSnn ki.:ni4n iu .i. O " . I wiuuiiooiuu. na lug OWICU liiitL WJlilAJU I ' J nesday celebrated his one hundred seed oil was injurious to the health fcbe - General. and sixth birthday in the Naval and dwtmvpd th oMnm; rial f ijciicc - I . "I should sav I do; Wp? I ... . I w J V i-.xj. w III . U k.. bWUUVOJ I y . V A . V T . -i 1 uk. vrawioiu, oi lue xureau oi ad- i "V 1 J a t Itnal Tn)nom T'7 CO une person was Diirn another instantly killed enously burned when bile, driven bv John MnTnrlnn ran off an eieht foot embankment Tha riinl. oi ."h Funston won't jeven take no at Americus, Ga., early last Friday, the Bi Creek branch of th Nov. ?"Zes at an beautv ho W8' he It i.nnKTnrfUH.ri.n J folk and Western. ner R,VhinH 1Vansan out,gust between me kn' is seventy-six birthday, who thinks Va., is on fire, and so far every ef- mter,.you a 4 ?e?tnervV: f resiVnine- from the United State, tort to extinguish the flames has ibe 8enf5al changed the subject. .V 7. in the world cannot save you ftom loss in case of &!- T1?5w?y t0 g"ntee agai'nstjoss is to take out a policy in one o the 50 Insurance Companies represented by us. Then you have absolute In surance against pecuniary loss, The rates are not nigh. Let us tell you? INSURANCE & REAL ESTATF CORNER MAIN AND FRONT STS. - wwu v, vuv VUUU I . . J mpmlr nf fKa rvMirf nonnnf Ita,. I at RichmonH. IS nrAAirlonf onrl rron 1 WOtlCC pace with him. eral manager of the coal company. I All persons are hereby forbidden There are not enough caDtain.s After serving nearly 30 vears of . eM)en.au7 or iaw to employ, is me in prison on charges of coun- " t, . eou Ji" ivic- Snndav School everv Suhhath. 9 o0 Army, nperts dow say the short- leneitmg ana passing boerus money -.- . ""- g auu err A.M. llM aldT? M Tt a Iarge Per cent of the deser- vey an aged man, was sentenced Mid-week Service every Thursday, 7.45 tions Irom the ranks are due to the In lDe unitea iatates district court constant shifting of the officers. at -Philadelphia, Fa., last week to United States Treasurer Charles ,7? 1 V gover.nn!fn P"son H. Treat has resigned. Mr. Treat S AtIan ,Ga on. a similar charge, says his resignation will take place , pIeaded gullt but asked for some time in October. Lee Mrv mency on account of his age. Burlington Reformed Church. Corner Front and Anderson Streets. Rev. J. D. Andrew, Pastor. every Sabbath. 9.30 P. M. A cordial welcome to all. Parsonage 2nd door east of church Jap Mc Broom, .Burli no-ton. M O. R. FTD. No. 5, Sept. 14 1909." Presbyterian Church. Rev. Donald Mclrer, Pastor. M. It Saved His Leo. "All thought I'd lose rav lee- writes J. A. Swenson, Watertown, Wis., 'Ten years of eczema, that 15 Near Death In Bio Pnnrt doctors cowld not cure, had at last Tt a a tli mil! La,d m UP- Then Bucklen' s Arnica T iZ tL " V ? r :l lu alve cured it sound and well " In Mrs. Ida bo per to face death. "Fnrr.ii.Li. . . " - ' xn . - iiauinip Tor .sirin h nmna u a i . ... vears a severe nno tnuiKlo I . " . T"'" mwuo, ;uia, awui euuiiierators will : . . ,, . . & oalt Kheum, lio Is. Fever Snre i : i .i. .i . . . ... intense sufferinir!" she writca onri Z. .,lo f ever oores, i it" iM l 1 1 1 rf i ifi r iro r nu m iirAAi -w vuj ut i u w i j st i -w-. C C M r n. l c.i 7 .i Tr. "r." several rimM o., 'l uuiU8 umand -i4es. 2 tium uucci in. i,. vnurcu, ooum. cenmai census oi the United States V TT ' T, ,y at Freemau Drue; Co nu.u gu wu leuoru as April io , . . , . . " , r 1910. At that rat Services every Sunday at 11.00 A. ana m. . Sunday School at 9.45 A. M. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at 8.00 M. The public is cordially invited to all services. some time in October. Lee Mc- Clang, the treasurer of Yale Uni versity, tas been selected as treasurer ot the United btates, to succeed Chales H. Treat. Rev. . BL Snipes. Pastor. Preaching every Sunday, morning and evening. Sunday School, 9.30 A. M. Prayer Service, Wednesday evening. on the average will have to eather . f 8 ,re.w . woovery . brought the information spught for from UIC rf1Iel and a cure so. permanent about 1,200 persons. toat, 1 have nofc heen troubled in . . , twelve years.' Soper lives in Big . ?f ? 8 toblcco Iandg are Pond, Pa. It works wonders in iirT116 80- 118 aud Colds Sore Lung, caned tobacco belt extends from the Tuspan River, in the northern part Croup, Whooping Cough v and all of the state, to and beyond its south- Bronchial affections. 50c and $1 .00 eastern boundry line, and up to the Trial bottle free. Guaranted by Republic of Guatemala. This belt Freeman Drutr Co u auuui uuu III leilglll. More than ten lives were lost and Rodnia Nutt, last male survivor property worth $2,000,000 was de- ot the. late r. T. Barnum's famous stroyed in the cyclone which recently midget troup, and who, as a member swept over the province of Piner of that dwarf combination, became Del Rio, Cuba. Communication be- known all over this country and ii, tween Havanna and the stnrm or, England. dlel In hJa hnmo ;n r. -- w u Ul t I t O J UUIUVy &U SJ. was cut off, and reports of damage Chester Mass., last week at the age vj. . -""i"g uavaua. v' w jcaio kjiuuc reunug iy years The dead body of David R Ed- f8? MMajor" Nutt as he wa known wards, a farmer resident of Dorothy Jad n.doctod a successful real es- was fniinrl 5n fV. ,l.i..- l - uws wuaiuess. uuiiciuiusu iasi week by Georee Greller. who nro driving from Rislev to Dororhv HHlS WOUld-Be Slayer. The furious KapL-inro a j. A . ? mm j. n - "'"g mo uug air a Luciunesa iuuruerer is Appen- methodist Protestant Church, tracked his attention to the spot dicitis with many, victims. But Dr. W I n WMl: n where the hncv maa ir;n xr:o aj t :r Tm i ?i i "lu6a j-icw uue jTiiis khi it oy pre- Advertise in The Dispatch. Macedonia Lutheran Church. Front Street. Rev. C Brows Cox, Pastor. (Residence next door to Church.) Morning Service at 11.00 A. M. Vespers at 8.00 P. M. (No services on third Sundays.) Sunday School, 9.45 A. M., every Sundav Teachers Meeting, Wednesday, 8.00 P. M. (At Parsonage.) Woman's Missionary Society (after morning service on fourth Sundays.) u. C. Bs., Saturday before third Sun days, 3.00 p. m. L. L. L., third Suudavs at 3.00 P. M. Baptist Church. Rev. S. L. Morgan, Pastor. Morning Services, 11.00 A. M. Evangelistic Services, 8.15 p. m. Wednesday night prayer meeting ser vices, 8 15 p m. Business meeting, first Wednesday e tut muuiu ai, o. 1 .) 1 . M . Sunday School, 9.30 A. VI. J. L. ococt, oupt. O a 'NOXOMtHSVM , The SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST offer more and better premiums to club raisers than any southern paper. . ? - This year we are giving away a lot of new and valuable presents something you never saw before. Anybody can get a club for the SOUTHERN AGRICtjLTURIST, because it is the best paper published for southern farmers and the" price is very reasonable. " Write for free sample copy containing at tractive premium offers. r Southern Agriculturist lNASrlvlLLE, TENNESSEE The Rev. J. D. Williams, Pastor. 8und lav Sprviooia 1 1 o i o nuay ocnool. :4o a. m. J. G. KSgers. Christian Endeavor, Wednesday 8 p id. 1. W. Holt. Pres. An interesting experiment is be- ventlon- . .TheJ ntly stimulate i made in the hirhr f btomacn, liver and bowels, nrevent- o - - - " juvamju . . ' I women at King's College, London 1,n.g. -clogging that invites appen Tl.e idea is that there is just as much dlcltls curing Constipation, Bilious USE Webb Avenue ft. E. Church, Rt. T. G. Tickers Pastor. . - ' r una ay at il a. w. aim ev,,ry sec.n.l .Sunday at 11 a. m dy!tpiouft.(r:,:i,lav'choo, eveSun where the body was lying. An interesting exDerime ing made in the higher education of educational value in a carpfnl t.,lv "e8S Chilh, Malaria, Headache and of the principle of manauini? Indigestion. 25c at Freeman Dru the home aiidiyoung Children as in r v k tbe.oourse usually read for the tak iv J ing of degree. ' . ' ' ' Eliza Randolph McCaw Patter- Philander C. Knox, Jr , twenty "u J i-meS A Pttemn years old, son of Secr4ry of State f ?,chmond and New York, Knox, was arraigned hpfnr .T., VL.1 ,u summer home at Lake Howard B. Gorham in t.l.p R!v 1, MallT Y., Inst week. She f AMD ALL ick's CROUP AND PNEUMONIA Thfe& CAI WET i-ateat successful Treatment and Preventive. Combined Bubefa- oienv ana innaiant. , Criminal for home to not have reaay. -ic.5Ucand$L00. Trial bizo maiiea ror 80c. L. BICHARDSON. GREENSBORO, N. C. KILL the caunw and CUKE the LUNCS BuUdings .ae jbd .iW with a?- "ft J luowiicu, uiyiior ij Anna i hin. .c nr.. -r-. . lerate. Send or Mew Oatllogue. " JOSEPH L. MURPHY. Eresldent R SALE-200 AfRE FAJ 6 miles from Liberty, 15 miles from Bur lington aiid one mile from Oakdale: fine location for some one wanting a sood tcuui. . l erms resonaole. Address - - WITH 17 Oi; ROCK CREEK. N. C. l.'i FOR i n own rn k -irwt. Ul WORLDS 6REATESTSEW1M6 MACHIMP DistrW Cr. . pm S r ws the eldest Southerner, save on. ...:lL u' , . ' "viUK in leW lOr Wlth hpr rina- THROAtAnD LUWfiTlfflllRt pg R. F. D. NO, 2. Fret I f kLIGHT RUNNING 1 l lrtAm r The Lurid Clow Ot Doom. Ifyon wanteithera VlbratingShnttle. Rotarv Shuttle or a Hlnrfe Threadf ChafnMp ur Machine write to J THE HEW HOME SEW1NQ MACHINE COMPANY Orange, Mass. , . ur guaranty pever runs out. Sold by authorized dealers oaly. OS SAUE BV Ellis Kacrina -frMasic Co. , Mast week, fiharaprl WK k.,k: ' J,v,u 1,1 I .. . ' 1 f UICa&HIir L 1 1 j .... tne Khode Island snppd lwa rr r4""' 8""vea to mat city from pleaded guilty: and paid a fine of 5" - ond ln 187-Patterson $1 5 and eosts. " P dled in 1 904, just befo're the sixtieths Th.n ...n.. . ... anniversary of their wedding. --" p-.iauuu ourt at iSnstoi Va., last week granted license to eleven firms and individuals to d liquor business beginning October was seen in the red face, hands and 1st, and on this nswumf : bodv of t,bp lirl . ..r tr "vuui, mac was I , v -" - ' - i ij , xjl. paicl into the muntv aroociir oon Adams, of HpnrJottu Po tr: 300. Further applications will be ful P11"1 froni ec-zema .had, for five uo.v4CVj later, cisioi nas been I - ,jei11 a remeaies ana battled dry. tor two years. the best doctors, who said the poison T. R q;.. . "uu uau auecpea n:s lun&r and L.K S,res express messenger on nothimr culd sav him g.?n...V LhhU " .!!f. -ri'-his m,her, -.seven bot'of MVw " V ure a- f-'ertne Bitters completely cured perin Z K Pw En-ptions, Eczema- shot were fired through the tr. nl ! '. alU.B robbers dnnfW k;" .l. - xvueumausm Electric , t rr-1 1 1 1- mm mntmn if.i.x ISires summoned help from I n 1" 1 5 TCme- Xi car but the man escanl w uy x reeman urug Uo. vin- xr i i. - wHtiUua, uC ygt aua oest air ever viJlc, Va., has indicted A. TTSnir. held in AUmnn.o Imi V f v w- uaauw v III I 1 (1 I OR satisfactob: tered. Bend Sketch, Model or JPhoto foSi bookHlTS"?0 8honld onr hand. ""Wi-iuswy. u. l. S 1 t- T ;r- rtv."o.,, aruui nas been Vmind toi J 1 Succeed when fM. r & . v;0mens Detore tne people fair week NTn everything else fefls.': and female la nervous ntnet.J weaknesses thTr a remedy, as tW: If InMrrv i tvM AND it iahe beit. medicine TROUBLE 2IrS. Harwell .TnTmcrtTV TVv. . -m. ' .. . - I wSS2W&i, I had been snfle.- d dSded TfafSwT-emceJ;TO3 16 years old. One day i a long- and fair trM.'' - sunenng women to give Uaraa 1 9 TV xiftTi trish to ' k- a fair tna!. I a long-and fair trial.'V s Jon suflsred years. Have you ever sold f . over a drnggist'8; counter i ,: - - s i