... -.A' t.i I . t 1 F 1 f J ( ; t 'I f 4 il-- rr 3 i - - - V J, i H i:; t ... il ' t ! i'i 1 'if: II t 'i ' v.. i! ! I - 1 THE STATE DISPATCH Published Every Wednesday -By- Tie SuuDisptcli PoUUhn Capaa?; Bariaftoa, N. C" v ' . Dr. J. A. Pickett, 8. M. Hornaday, President Vice-President Office First Floor;: Waller Building. Telephone No. 265. JOHN E. HART, Editor ul Bubess Manfer. JAMES E. FOUStI City Editor ud AuisUat Bauaess Muafer. rf : Subscription. One Dollar per year, pay able in advance. All comrrmnicati na in regard to either news items or business matters should be addressed to Tke State Dupatck and not to any individual connected with the paper. - All news notes and communications of importance must be signed by the writer. We are not responsible for opinions of Our correspondent - Nticto AdTertuerc AdvertasemeaUfor the 2, 3, 6 and. i pgM mut be in iht Oee)y JTridaj, lal ., and thoi lor and M by hoimm , IX Jt. SubBeriber8 will take notice that no re ceipt for subscription for The State Dispatch will be honored at this mce unless it is numbered with stamped fisrures. Entered as second-class matter May 20, 1908, at the post office at Burling ton, North Carolina, under the Act of Congress of March 3 1879. Wednesday, September 29, 1909. When you see a banana peel rest ing on the sidewalk and a fat man unconsciously approaching it. The indications are for an early fall. The announcement that vCom niander Peary will leave the Navy will cause no regrets. What sur prises us is, how such a laker ever got in. Perhaps the disturbance of the telegraph wires last Saturday was caused by the prediction of those re ligious fanatics in New England, who predicted the end of the world to occur last Friday. The report comes from Winston Salem that the Democrats of that city want to n minate Judge E. B. Jones for Congress in this, the 5tb, District. Judge Joues will be as good material a8 thry could put u; for Mr. Morehead to deteac. An advertisement is to a merchai; very much what sowi.ig .seeti io t.. farmer. It may take a ikiie tiiue for the results to become iuj-an-ii', burtiiey are sure to come. Tlu wise farmer is not nigardiy w... his seed, nor the wise merchant w I : i t his i dvertisement. Another Democratic candidate for Congress looms up in the Fith dis trict, this time from an unexpected quarter, Roxboro, iu the person of Hon. J. A. Long. There will be a warm time in the ranks of the Dem ocracy in this district by the time the couventivn meets. A U . . . 1 TV lieu yuu want an article oi mercliandise, buy" it from a reputa ble home dealer. That whatever profit thtre is in the deal may re main at home to enrich the commu nity. Home talent, home labor, home industries, home capital .nd home pleasures are the things to be fostered, encouraged and patronized. Some of the Democratic papers in the State think that they see success ior the party in sight by the nomi nation of" Judge Parker, of New York, for the Presidency iu 1912. Well, they could not nominate a better man, but the "rainbow chas ing" element of the party will nat support him. That was proven once. . Our Ind ustrial v B3dition' has the unqualified endorsements of every public spirited citizen in Burlington. Because it spells progress. Because it will present concrete evidence' the splendid advantages and possi bilities we offer to the home-seeker, capitalist and manufacturer. t With a progressive citizenship, led by enterprisiug men, Burlington is destined to become one of the most important cities in the Pied mont belt during the next decade. Virginia Politic. Never before in the history of the party iu the "Old Dominion," has the Republicans made such a deter- termined fight to wrest the State from Democratic rule as it is now making. The party inaugurated its battle for supremacy in the State by nominating an exceptionally strong ticket for state officers, and enuncia ting a strong platform of principles for its candidates to stand upon The ticket of the party is compos ed of the names of men .in whose veins flow some of the ' best blue blood of that grand and proud old commonwealth. Capt. W. P. Kent, whose name hads the ticket is a recent convert from Democracy and has a strong following in that party which will support him in the ap proaching election. Republican speakers of note and ability are dis cussing tiie issue involved in the campaign from every "court green" in the state. Barbacue, and other public meetings are being held throughout the state. The State Executive Committee has leased the Buena Vista Times, aud placed that veteran newspaper man, Col. W. Boone, late of- this State in charge, who has surround ed himself with an able corps of editoral writers, who are conducting a campaign of education by sending copies of the publication into every nook and corner of the State From this distance from the scene of ac tion the chances of the Republicans ook A)s?y tinted. sue of the Mount Airy Leader, - or the first issue of th$ reyission ofjtlje Leader, ' under the management pf Mr. J. E. Albright-who will : weild the'pen for r Its - editorial . columns. Mr. A lbrigh t 8 a writer ;bf much force and we look forward t bright career for the Leader in the future; The Leader, up to a little more than a year ago, was issued by Mr. Al bright, who sold it, as he says, for business reasons and who pow buys it back for the ; -same reason. . W extend the right hand 'of fellowship to Mr. Albright upon his return to the newspaper work for which he is so well fitted. It is hardly nec essary to state that the Leader will espouse the cause of the Republican party, both State and National and influence felt throughoutvNorth Carolina. It sure does sounch funny to hear the Democrats talk of local self-gov ernment in North Carolina, after what has taken place in this state in the past few years. But we suppose it has been a hobby so long, that has become second almost second nature to them, kinder like tbey are by the Republican party. ; A Dem ocrat can't speak three words about the Republican party, but he has to - mm A m m cry "nigger! nigger! ' One is just about as consistent as the other. ed put thorough fare3 were'del ighted with. the, bargains , they h'ac secured and the genera l venl ipt was that this is me piace w iraue. : ; , q " In the. death of; Governor-Jolin-son, ot Minnesuta, the Democratic party- has lost a V m igh ty. leader, bue who would have been -a power iff their ranks, hadhe lived, and the party gotten Jtself together again. Which under (its present manage ment appearsto be a hoeless im Those Democrats who thiuk they see hopes of the Harmon star rising in the death of Governor "Johnson, are evidently dreaming. They have over-looked the fact, that William Jennings Bryan is still master of cerejnonie and will have something to say about who is who in the par ty for some time yet. Owing to friction between the board of county commissioners and the board of road suDervisors in A v Forsyth county, Winston-Salem is liable to lose her position on the permanent route of the National au tomobile highway from New York to Atlanta. This reminds us of the old, but true saying. "Too many cooks spoil the broth." If you are a kickei and see the shadow of failure in everything that is proposed to help the town. For heavens sake go into some secluded canyon and kick your own shadow on tne clay bank, and give the men who are working to build up the town a chance. . One long faced, holloweyed, whintn carping chronic kicker can do more to drive away business and capital from a town than all the drouths, short orop, chintz-bugs, cyclone and blizzards combined. Thi i. especially appli cable as regards the manv floating rumoro concerning the" bnilding of our street railway svstem iust now. The life of an editor was paved the other day by a silver dollar in his pocket. A crank shot at him and the ball struck he dollar. Now should we 'happen to get 6hot before you pay up your subscription and there is no dollar in our pocket to stop the ball, we shall always pre sume that you might have saved our life. Free i Beautiful RANG ES FURNITURE r-v. : Arrivuij? DAILY red L. Merritt, who has for sev eral years been Industrial Agent of the Norfolk & Southern Railway, will shortly resign that position to accept a more important position as General Agent of the New Orleans and Great Northern Road, with headquarters at Jackson Misiss;ppi. High Point and Thomas ville want to "tap" the Winston-Salem South bound and the proposition is to vote ! bonds and in conjunction with Capt M. L. Jones' road make a connec tion with the Southbound 8 miles below Denton. The idea is a good one and clearly an attractive busi ness proposition. BEST PRICES POSSIBLE V l - --. V - ' t , TORNITIJRE I UT:T0-DATE .Well! The idea of the Democrats nomi nating a business man for Cougress in this Congressional district is a great joke. There are too manv lawyers that are hungry for office for a business mau to stand -any show. In fact, take the lawyers out of the Democratic party in the State and there will be no party left to speak of. The way ihe yard sticks rattled, Hardware jingled am! our clerks and merchants moved around Satuidap indicated a lively day for our busi of all the good things. A cold drink or Ice Cream at Burlington Drug ComV is the best. P S. Get Your Turnip See 1 Here. The Old Made New Everything in the line of Turniture, Parlor Suits, Lounges, Mattersses, Repaired and made gockl.as new. Charges Reasonable. Work Guaranteed. Respectfully D. W. PARKER 516 Webb Ave. Burlington, N. C. To Betresh tha BodT on TbotD nut Spring ud Suaiaer Bays, Make STROUD'S DRUG STORE AND :-: SODA :-: FOUNTAIN :-: HEADQUARTERS Cold Drinks, Ice Cream, Pelicious and Refreshing . Up-to-date line of Toilet S- aps, Cigars and Tobac- co, etc. Prescriptions filled on short notice, .... T. H. STROUD, Burlington, N. C. .n ' - - " - ' Great Of f ering in Ladies' We have a large and very attractive line of Ladies' Coat Suits in the rewest colorings suid smartest de signs. Ladies' if you want a "Suit", you want the best and right here you will find it at a large saving We have been requested by Gov ernor Kitchin to publish the aiti trust law passed by the last legisla ture. We would be glad to accede to the Governors wishes, and would do so if we thought the law was worth the paper it is printed upon. If the law has any "trust busting" features about it, let the Governor and his lieutenants get busy. We had rather see a little Vcrore action Moving Sale" Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Farm Machinery. Oa November 1st, I wish to move iu my new store. I wish to rnn down my big stock, save handling, and name prices that should run down stock quick. Good Collar Pads 15 cents, others ask you 25 cents. Good Wagon JBridles, long reins, swivels on $1.00,-ak the harness maker if he will make you one, for $1.00 and you furnish him the leather. Good Top Buggy for $28, others make you pay $45 'for. Good Leather Trimmed Top Buggy for $45, Side or End Springs, others ask you4$60 and dont give as good job. . Car Superior Disk Drills Walter A. Wood' Co., Mowers, Harrows, Rakes Big Stock Feet! Cutters, all sizes. Come quick before stock is picked over. 8tar, McGavock, and Roysters fertilizers. Seecf Rye, Oats and Clover. N. S. C. The; Always Busy Store. APFhWCT IT Burlington, N. C. Coat Suits: -v. See our line at 9.95 and 10.00. They are beauties and easily worth 12.50 to 15.00. See our line at 12.50 and 15.00. We otefy any one to show the equal for, the money. See our line at 20.00 and 25.00. They are beauties,' Wraps. " Great line of Children and Misses Fur Wraps at 2 00, 2.50, 3.00 and urj to 7.50. Underwear. A large, well selected stock to fit?ahd suit all. V At 69 Shoes to keep your feet drv. warm ! and comfortHhle lt ne'cKa W less price, but not Iessiiality. - At If Men's Suits. They are here in the most desirable styles right up to time. From 5.00 to 20.00. Specials for a few weeks. Come and cloth yourself at less prices than elsewhere!" ' r Boy's and Clulclren Suits. surely jpay you to buy your children suits here.. See our children department. We can fit and please you from 1.00 to 6.75. mS? foraU- eH.'its talk that Isley's ! T5Z J? Wment is showing the most desirable t rtU w tuuc louna nerej and prices to please you. Come and see. Get your Hat fo? the Mr-MaU r .vr:r.-r vyoiuuu UA iiicrcaanaise ever be- v fore assembled under one roof in the State ! ' JOS. A, ISLEY & BRO, CO., i : Department Store i;"",-- Main and Worth St, i mi m 4f it 9 i if it J U -ji&ifrll n4--k XT..'U M.AKno if 0 fcr-.siv.-' a:'!T?v:v; -;.;M. .;

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