'i':-J'F'', fist'" : 1 We take gi-eat pleasure in saying to th tfiat never in the history of the I Fair Assbciationlia such great preparation been made for a successful fair as has been maofe ' : -V'V.- : " , ' '"-- -'''" -'f'S .:;.v.: viuiv itmivebc 5PFP.TAT. A Gorgeous, Gigantic Co- L O. L A , nnerative nrernnse A Monster company,, of amusement comprising the 101-loing-Free and spedal, attractions. FT F CTRIC .THEXTRE Entrancing Electric Revelations THfe VENDOME Interesting, Diversifying, Instructive and Amusing. THE KERRIS WHFEL For the jolly boys and girls, THE OLD PLANTATION A jubilee or run. - SEE THE MAN TAKE HIS OWN LIFE in his hands when he dashes down an elevated ineline 100 feet high and leaps the .ap on a bicvcle, leaping through space 50 feet wide. Everybody should see this Uaiiog act, whicn is iree 10 mi. AND R AT NIGHT FREE adMsion GRAND FREE ATTRACTIONS Don't Fail to See the Balloon Ascension Every Afternoon and see the man DROP FROM THE CLOUDS In whose benefit all will share alike. Greatest Amusement Event Ever Held in this county-- A Huge Time. Aviating in its prominent char acteristics from the usual stereotyp ed exhibitions and presents the most exclusive of amusements. BAND CONCERT DAY AND NIGHT PEERLE 1 SS PERCIVAL INTREPID BICYCLE HIGH DIVER FORRINE'S ELECTRIC PALACE The Fairyland of Science-Bewildering, Mystifyiog and Delight of the Children and.be , 3 Admiration of the Adults. . SH Affords Amusements for Old and Young It Will be GaHWeek from Start to Finish And such a Celebration as has never bebn see in this County " --vjtiwiWt ! physicians to be in a critical cmidi- ) ft! CnnirHnnL Nawc ( ) vpr the tate s pnysicians to De m a untnn i"uur tirTn It. iippiI be un sumrise should thfii4ta.se reach thiscouutv. Doubt- less our physicians are anticipating Wilson ha- appointed ; it. S2Z5o iS Rev. R. tl. liroom, oi biiuewn, W. T. WHTTSSTT. . r 1 IrinitY Park School A Firt-Cla$ Preparatory School C. 48 piesiding elder t filUmt th i n xpired terra of the late Rev. VV. S. Rone. Governor Kitchin last ' huraday ordered a 8 cia term of Wilson rJm:. 1 uri to beein Octob r 25th .wntinnp one vek Judge -v 1 - - 9i tertiticates of Graduation Accept- ed for Kntraucc to Lea .- Q Lest Equipped Preparatory School u tie dootn Lrnltv of ten oflBcers and teach- k Campus of sexenty-five acresv iibrary contai irg forty tnousana luraes. Well epuipped gymna- i lim. Hish standards and, mod- ai l'-s M. Co-ke will preside. TTi. (5hb3. a vmumu uet;ro, was placed in jail at Stattenville last week A r;th thp serious ofifense ol ! attempting to criminally assaulting two wnive gin' Ml .. iles east o! &tatesvuie. p Catalogue and Othr Informa tion Add-es H. M. T40KTH, Headmaster, 'urham, - - - N. C. T. Trntrdon. who for the past KJ. O ' ... J hPHti clerk ot tne rtu- I x J ca o i.uu I r'r.nrt tendered his resignation Rwd Tuesday and it was 1 h methods of induction, rre- pacreptedr It ii uiulerstood tliat Alar- ' Lent lectures by Pfomioent lec gj .,; Vers. Expenses exceedingly mod,- . . ' . t -.,-11 l success. . ST. t?,i v!n R Ellis died sudaeniy I Tuesday morning of last week while w titing on a patron ai uie buiuiH nr-nrtrkor 111 thft Raleiyrn post office. n -uiv" " w- . He hactijeen in poor health for the Ktt- Trrrn past two years or uiwc not give up. . xrio Tjirnprl colored, of Dur - i.ciw - t- ; ' . ham, will bring suit against Guil fA nntv fnr the death of his son. IUIU vv-.7 , Tj;Q oii was klllea DV a ffuaru wmie serving a sentence,on the roads of Gudford county. J.ne guaii utta fled jrom tne county. Coleman Candle, a youth about eighteen years , of age, was arrested 0 1 . . 1 nkaFrraH With at xiamie reueuny -- break ng into the hardware store of iL T?Aiff. PTrd ware Company, of II I C Jt-v r - .. t - Rockingham, and making his escape with about eighteen revolvers. ! i)n;ni mrl? K C Plunkett, of X. OW , - - - . J I Richmond, Va., and a native oi j Forsyth county has oeen reinsm K?o run as nndtai C1TK UCI-wm Richmond and Charlotte. .He was suspended, arrested, tried ana ac . i Yoa look for trouble if you obtain a ucaxm oi uou Dtiui quauiy uc c- I W a ak . 1 nencea nunter s ana MarKsxnan deal is a reliable, unerring Stevens. riliD OUT Wrl Y by shooting our popular Roifies, Shotguns Pistols . Ask jrmir local hardware or sporting good tBer- R for the STEVENS. If you cannot obtain, we 'iiect. Exfrtts Prepaid, upoa receipt of Cntn-llice. Jnd six cents In stamps for xfo-pge IMustrat JJUtalog, including circulars of latest additions. "r line. Contains Doints on Shooting, Am- "iun, the proper care of a Firearm, etc. A U X Mr wmww m vre -wUl mall you a copy of "GUNS AND GUNNXNO" by Dan Eearo. J. Stereu Arms sad Toolta. o. Km SMI CBICOPES FALLS, MASS. -rm 1 ' S 31 " W John G. Grant of the 10th North Carolina District, h8S been invitea to unn rresiaent Taft at St. L uis in October, and prxeed with him to New Orleans and remain with hifu until he arrives in North Carolina, it is stated that he will accept. A doi? suppose to be mad caused at Mt. Airv. Sep1- ikjuv -w - a, , tember 20th, bitiEg dogs, chickens, etc., before it was Kiiiea. mr. iyauu- - m - . sey Cody, who t gave the animal its quietus had an arm and leg badly ..i-ei-ated. Jjeartui oi nvuropnoDia t..i:.u i'.- i 4- he went at ouce io jcvaieigu iui ucair in en t. Afttr beint? shot in the face with fitAinl in the hands of Svlvester f-' - - - - . Reeve at Salisbury recently, Aiamn Wood, a. well known colorod man, cought up thev bullet with which he had been shot, spitting it ou tne ground. His injuries, while pain- ml, are not tpougnc m oe laiai. L. H. Smith, Jr., of Liberty, ap peared betore the Corporation Com mission yesterdaj in the interest of Koftor frin sprvice between Greehs- uuiuv - - r i UJL yJ OU v. I hetween the two i b nointi. and represented numerous' petitions from citizens and business organizauoua. T7i t v fppt trontaera on Main street ofHkh Point sold last week for $200 a front tool, ine lot was owu ed by J. El wood Cox, and was sold to a New York firm, which will erect a three stoiy building thereon. The'lot is looatea wiinm ou uwi C - . -ec h..:i,1;.,.V ' &A ot tne new post ouice uuuu.u6.v , . . . Great Fall Op IS I AT G I a i I 6? SM; 7 S fl IH ,1- ;u- 1 1111 : I t--jSsa en .si I mmw r m m. m r - ja w . . r: 9 Ife tl am. 73 JE-. H Ku"Jm.ki ? ' M Mil ' 09 I - KAMiai? M l 69 AT G00IHMAN S STORE ouitted. on the charge of hauling and out any insurance. selling whiskey. . ; TT M Jnins. ofTraphilL Wilkes county, lost his store and dwelling by fire a lew days ago. mr. ouiucs saved about $500 in money and only a few of his goods. This is a Heavy T loss on Mr.' Joines,rwho is a very L inlitcfrlnii-j man. I enierprisiug uva, iuuug...v-- - ..a1. .' lioarvann with D I ue prupei iiprivoo o - OA 9 8 Our entire line of Men's Bovs and Children s Clothing has arrived and is ready for your inspection. Our cloth ing was designed and made with a view to pleasing and satisfying the most exacting men. ' Men. leaders in their craft designed them,-Every facility and no expense was spared in the effort to produce the mo :t .- m, . a a correct styles.- Following this the choicest fabucs or leading manufacturers were secured and onlv the highest quality selected. And only the clever est tailormen allowed to com plete the work. The result is that these gar ments stand "head and shoul ders' above the great majority of clothes offered the Burling ton oublic, Our styles are J: Uto. Our rfarments mm, -at-at-a--at---a 1 JlldUllWU V W O " give every satisfaction in the wearing. Our prices are the lowest when you consider the value we are giving. - - , ou Also we carry big line of Men's and Ladies' and Children s Shoes Hats and 'Dry Goods. Also Ladies Tailor Made Suits. I "' ' ' miAt Hcipnce in this country peared in Forsy th county JastTues- Thefirsteseoflagar !thenew:dis,elsethatappearsbaffle d iw, ; I peaiwm, wrrv v-, Irtr Ohio . v. uuyV s The Datieut is prononoced by j oati, Uhio. IS: m a - ? )) - 69 -r r 8 " ThHbine ; (5 V '' .' r-.: Y-'AV i. . : . v' : ;. 5 5 J vi ' T t" . T '-: '-t f: i I 'i t - .,1 - 62; ' r-.ft-.i'-ltfihi v .-. . : v, ,