si'. v;-'-: ;V - .- . '- "-.-'iT-c I"--; Al 1- : m mm 1 I .! ! t FMt '. 4 :The Ste Dispatch v,. - v v . -.v'. - 53 SbuLS& f , , . ...... ...... St: Athanaritis Episcopal- Gmrdt. Rer. Eiwird L. Ofifty, Rector. ;. Mr. ErwinA. Holt, - Senior Warden iff a. A. Steele. - Junior Warden - V ' ; Vestry: ifani RnKna TTnlt. James N. William Holt. Jr.. Fiul K Williamson. Julius C. Squires, Lewis J. Carter, William A. iau. Services: Sunday, 11.00 A. M. 8.00 P. M. Wednesday. 8.00 P. tf. aTAair fiVinnl 9.45 A. M. Holy Communion, First Sunday, 11.00 K. M. Tnird sunaay, .ov in.. Christian Church. Corner Church and Davis Streets. Rer. P. H. Flemin, Pastor. Services: Preaching every Sunday, 11.00 A. M, and 8 P. M. . cx,roTr school ft.ia A. M. John R UlUiUUJ Foster, Supt. ' Christian Endeavor Servicc-s, Sunday evenings at .15. . Mid-week Prayer Service every Wed nt ft 00 P. M. TuiiM Aid and Missionary Society meets on Monday after the Second Sun day in each month. ioi invitation extended to all. a niTirrH Home for Visitors and Strangers. Burlington Reformed Church. Corner Front and Anderson Streets Rer. J. D. Andrew, Pastor. Sunday School every Sabbath. 9.30 Preaching every 2nd and 4th Sabbath, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Mid-week Service every Thursday , 7.45 P. M. A cordial welcome to all. Parsonage 2nd door east of church. Presbyterian Church. Rer. Donald Mclrer, Pastor. M. , Services every Sunday at 11.00 A nd 8 P. M. Rnndav School at 9.45 A. M. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at 8.00 The public is cordially invited to all services. Front Street M. E. Church, South. ReT. L H Snipes, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday, morning and evening. Sunday School, 9.30 A. M. Prayer Service, Wednesday evening. Macedonia Lutheran Church. Front Street. Rer. C Brown Cox, Pastor. (Residence next Church.) Morning Service at 11.00 A. M. Vespers at 8.00 P. M. (No services on third Sundays.) Sunday School, 9.45 A. M., every Sunday Teachers Meeting, Wednesday, 8.00 P. M. (At Parsonage.) Woman's Missionary Society (after morning service on fourth Sundays.) in. C. Bs., Saturday before third Sun days, 3.00 p. m. . L. L. L., third Sundays at 3.00 F. M. Baptist Church. Rer. S. L Morjan, Pastor. M oming Services, 41 .00 A, M. ; EvaTigelistic Services, 8.15 p. m. Wednesday night prayer meeting ser vices, 8 15 p m. Business meeting, first Wednesday evening of the month at 8.1 5 P. M. Sunday School, 9.30 A. Al. J. L. Scott, Snpt. The Methodist Protestant Church, Rev. J. D. Williams, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School. 9:45 a. m. J. 0. Rogers, Supt. Christian Endeavor, Wednesday 8 p.m. L. W. Holt. Pres. Wehh Avenue M. E; Church,- ' ReV. T. C. Yickers Pastor.'1'' Preaching every first Sunday 'ai 11 a. m. and every second Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunciay-schoof every Sun day at 10 a. tn. E. N. Jarrett. Supt. Everybody welcome. vl Step?; have' been taEen by. the new cadets at the Virginia Military. Institute ; at Lexington which 'will no doubt put a an end to haziug at tnat lniituuoD. tried to kill Blake, but was in charge by Ke police. ' Blakehas many friends and they allege it is a case tof Blackmail.,;; v Mralf MarMcInturf; wife J of a well known farmer.; whose home is four ; mifes from -Bristol, ..Va re ported to the Bristol police last week that her husband has beenS; missihg A one-inch scratch from the iaw since September 8lh. . He was de- of a rabid ; dog was responsible for voted to his home and .went away the death laot.week of George Mur- that day with the understanding that ray, the four year old child of a local he would return that night. He merchant at Waverly, N.'Y: v was;traced as far as Abingdon, Va. ... . - , i rj Mrs; Mclntun says Jie nas not re- AS tne result oi an eiecuou ueiu i -w-r i a i t d i r fr I turneo. in uanvine v a., lasi ween ?iv,vw i . - sl A a nonf Krrrla will Kf illpH I ' for the street inmrovements and for Quick Recoyery After Panic. building a new bridge . across the J Celeveland Leader. Dan River. r ' High-authorities have never quite Lewis C. Grow, former presi- agreed as to the seventy of the fan dent of the Colt Patent Firearms ancial crisis of 1907; tested by the Manufacturing Company, died at similar business con ulsioris of other rJarttoro, uonn., last weeK, agea ou years, pwnuv r.iosv.ouu years. Since last January hp has Some have maintained that the strain been chairman of the board of direo- was more severe two years ago tnan tors of the company. " f Fire at 10 o'clock last Wednes- it ever was before, but themajority of those who have passed judgment nn 4Vw o..f4-in -thai '': tha rvinin days night practical y destroyed five H Your son has Consumption.- His case is ; hopless.,i; - These, appalling words were spoken '.to Geo. E. Ble- vents, a; leading merchant of Spring-- one a . lung, sjiaiist. v, - Jl nen nras shown the wcnderiul power of JDr. King's .New Discovery. ; "After three .weeksuse' write Mr. Blevens "he was as well as ever. 1 l;would not fake all the mouey in the world tor what it did for mv boy. Inlalli ble for;5 Coughs and Colds, its the safest,- surest cure of desperate Lung diseases on earth. 50c and $1.00 a Freeman's Drug Co. Guarantee satisfaction ' Trial oottle free hundred bales of cotton in the ware hoorse of the Sellers & Orum Cotr ton, Company at Montgomeiy, Ala The loss is estimated at $32,000, partly covered by insurance. It is rejiorted on geod inside au- crashes in .1857, 1873 and 1893. All have agreed that several mark ed differences had to be taken into account, and that comparisons were not in all respects easy. But now there is na room for thority that Gov. Glasscock will call doubt as to the state of things less tlie West Virginia legislature in than two years after the panic. The special session shortly for, the pur- recovery in trade and industry and pose of passing a law to levy a tax m the securitv markets and the re on natural gas. Perty leaders have sources and business of the banks is expressed themselves as favoring the more advanced than it was twice as scheme. far from the crisis in 1893 or the In a Distol duel at close ranee at earlier financial convulsion in 1873 Sylvania.Ga.,last Wednesday morn- Six years, in the later case, and five ing Clinton Overstreet, a depjity years in me aepression ionowing 1 AT 1 , 1 , .1 1 11 I T Ukn nnmst SV I U ei nrvf- Iiti n snerm, snot ana instantly Kiiieu j, luc uw, viv uui uuu6 A. Bragg, a planter on the latter such record breaking prices for some first, but his aim was ooor and the scored within the last few weeks. officers first shot dropped him. -Nor was there such a demand for k t tt r . m- t i labor, turee times as lar irom tne Mrs. J. H. Peters, of Rice Lake, -, ftQ ao f. M nnm Wis., is the only woman founder D ' , ,, . ana macninisu mine country, says l, . e 1ftnr, - . . .L 7,-0r the panic of 1907 was not nearly a news item from that city. She I tr j Ux . , , , , i i. so long ana uimcuib ro recover irom picked up her trade when visiting ..f r., . i, . f" i i j, , , & as either of the two great business her husbands shop, and can do anv , . ... . thing of the things that machinists j .lL nr ju n . T.ft. . . , compared with it. Weigned by its generally do It is also reported ft j. i j i r effects upon the wage-earners it was LuaL siitJ is a guou couis.. , :. . , . j , , J Sylvanus Bourne, aged 62, presi- and that, after all, is about the best aent and treasurer of the Bourne & test which can beapp'ied. The re- Knowles Manufacturing Company, covery of trade and productive in makers of iron specialties, commit- dustries from the depression into ted suicide in his office at the plant which the panic plunged the coun- m Cleveland, Ohio, last week by try has lately become remarkably shooting himself in the head. It is swift and complete, and the workers thought that worry over the illness are reaping their share of the bene- of a son. prompted the act. I fits; Mi THE WORLDS 6REATESTSEWINS MACHINE .LIGHT RUNNING u Ifyoa want either a Vibrating Shuttle, Rotary fenuttleor a Smele Thread snhninAtithi Sewing Machine wrilto " THE MEW HOWE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY Orange, Mass. ; Many sewing machines are made to sell regardless of quality, but the Xew Home is made to wear Our guaranty never nine rnt Sold by aotborizcKl dealers only. mnsf inforaotinir ononta ", .v-m3 1 f ff CI in fhp hiatnrv rtf SmirKurocr Virni'nia "0W He OaVCQ IRt UrCUS. took place at Rodlord, Va., last Cleveland Press. "jcuiuit ui wxaijr jumper Augies, a .1 llAlnoor Urnlnn on T? ttllS StOrV: 7 o 1 Years airt xio woe rrorhnnf hv ish bned marned west of the Alle- C I? J .T & - hi j itt up iuc ouuLii wiui u watiuii mill enies, was unveiled at Westview P , Cemetery, which is a part of the In- "uw , wres3 .agt"t. vi ii j r- c r 1 w iiiir u w r r u m r nr n n r' 1 Letters and mailbags are frequ- camels from the sandy desert ol ently carriers of tuberculosis. Ac- Arabia," cording to testimony recently given When the show. reached towu, in- beiore the po&tal commissioner of the stead of 20, there Was but one sickly British empire, dunug the last 20 camel. Some ot the country news years, 8U per cent ot the deaths papers paid no attention to this slight among letter sorters bad been due to discrepancy, but when .Cobb eutered consumption contracted by the men the office of a Georgia country edi- atter they had entered the service. Upr he was mad enough to, tight. rpt tt . . t i i nu j "1 "saw your parade, sih" said 'Iu- r : r- you lie our people. I've a " . 1: : :i V , . o roat you. vVhere are uu FuSf ujap auu reso uuons 20 camels you made my paper OT trip hoarn nt Hirprfra aiitrm K y J . X r . you've got in your show?" ing construction of six miles ot road .tmi . i . .,rrr ii i i. . . "xii leu you now it was, ex OnndwJn W rl rJP11 Cobb. "When we passeI Creek to Morgan. The new line 7 T T will parallel the Nortolk and Wes- 1 f ' ih fprn T?r! slightest warning they leaped upon ,'tbe bank and devoured all but one Sixty-hve stalls, manvof themoc- of the camels. We put up a brave cupied bv race liorses, were burned ngnt Dut 11 was no use." last Wednesday night at the Inter- The editor gazed at Willis a cou: state Fair grounds at Lynchburg, Pe of minutes and then said: "You Va The fire was caused by an are a one. You ought to be a overturned lamp and spread because Georgia editqr. CouiV t my house ot the lacs of water pressure The t0 dinner today. I wain u iuti-o- horses were gotten out of the stalls duce my wife to -the .biggest liar on with much difficulty, but none of them were injured seriously. Fire resulting from a lamp ex plosion licked up the greater nortion of Black Lick, Pa., last week, one of the busiest towng in the Indiana county. The flames gained, such headwav that dynamite had to be used to blow up buildings in the pain or tne flames to prevent furth uesirucnon. A score of ' bus houses have, been wiped out 'Br, v Charles J C. , Blake, a well knoyti ybung.' physician,. was arrest ed at 'Jacksonville, Fla.,'last Wed nesday ' morning ; charged v with va Notice. All persons are hereby forbidden under penalty of law, to employ, house or harber my son Bill Mc-: Broom, who is under age and left home without cause. . , . Jap Mc Broom, S- Burlington, N". C. R. F. D. No. 5, Sept. 14 1909. Swept Over Niagara. . This terriable calamity ofter hap pens because a careless boatman ig nores the riverV warnings- -growing ripples and faster current Nature s warnings are kind. That dull pain or ache in the back warns you the Kidneys need attention it you would escape fatal maladies Lropsy, Dia betes or Bright's disease. Take Elec tric Bitters at once and see Bach ache fly and all your best "feelings return. '- After longs suffering from weak kidneys and lame back, one $1.00 bottle wholly cured me," wu'tes J. R. Blankenship, of Belk, Tenn. Ouly 50c at Freeman Drug Co. for sale by B. A. SELLARS & SON Burlington, N, C. . . depart- SH F : MENT - in the world cannot sare?u 0f fire. The way to guarantee against loss i& to out a policy 'in one of tne 50 Insurance Companies represented by us. Then you have absolute In surance against pecuniary loss. The rates are not high. Let us tell you? ALAMANCE 11 INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE COMPANY, Burlington, N. C. CORNER MAIN AND FRONT STS. PROCURED AND DEFENDED. 8ndmodI.I drawing or photo, tor expert aearcb and free report Free Adrios, how to obtain patents, trade marka, eop7ilat,eta, N ALL COUNTRIES. Eushuss direct wtA Washington saves time, money and often the patent. Pttent tnd Infringement Practfw Exclusively. write or come to as a T10 Zlshtb Strast, Mar United gtataa PatabtOSfaw, j WASHINGTON, D. C. 1. mmmm mm a IIKt A- W icks croup a" PNEUMONIA Protootor SALVE Latest successful Treatment and Preventive. CJombined Rubefa cient and Inhalant. Criminal for homes to not have ready. 25c. 50c and $1.00. Trial size mailed for 30c. K L. RICHARDSON. GREENSBORO, N. C, er earth. you.'' She will be glai to' meet t: FOR SALE NBY KILLtke COUCH AND CURE the LUNGS WITH r. H017 ling's oouery PRICTR OLDS trla,BatUrFree AWD ALL THROAT AND LUNQ TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATIS7AC3TOB.1 3 OK HONEY SEFUNDED. .. Hi-...:....., iw r c c TRADE-MARKS. CftTeatS and t Jonvri irhta niri. tered.Send Sketch, Slodel or Photo, for free report on patentability.- ALL BUSSriS3 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Patent practice exclusively. Mirpassijig references. . -. :, Videawak inventors shonld' have Ottr hand, hook onHw to obtain and Sell patents.What in ventions will pay.How to get a partnerAndother umituiaiion. eent iree to any aadreaa. FEE EPREMI The SOUTHED AGRICULTURIST offer more and better premiums to club raisers than any sbutnern'paper. ' This year we are giving away a lot of new and valuable presents some thing you never saw before. Anybody can get a club for the SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST, because it is thebest paper published for southern farmers and the price is very reasonable. Write for free sample copy containing at tractive premium offers. Southern Agriculturist NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE CLAREMONT COLLEGE, Hickory, North Carolina. Opens September 7, 1909. dffers the following Courses of Study: Clas sical, English, Music, Art, Expression, Preparatory. Location ideal. Buildings large and airy with new furniture in every room. New-Heat ing system installed. Signor D'Anna, Director of Music. Rates mod erate. Send or lew Catalogue. - ; - , yiiS:Cn JOSEPH L. MURPHY.; President r v. FOR SALE-200 ACRE rFARM 6 miles from Liberty, 15 miles from Bur lington and one mile from Oakdale; fine I location for some one .'wanting good farm. - Terms resonable. Address - - ROCK CREEK. N. C. ' , -Rf F, D. NO, 2. mm Nearly all women suffer at timfrom fe ailments, borne women surfer more acutely and more constantly than others. But whether you have little rjahl Or whethfir ?VOn RliPf fno-nanlir trnTl should take Wine of Car dui and get relief. , Cardui is ' safe, natural medicine. fot Wrnnen, prepared scientifically from harmless vegetable in gredients. It acts easily on the- female organs and gives strength and tone to the whole system. 0 Tlie Womah's Tonle tr?- . (Ton n v 1 - 4'' K J j . Li; 'M I 1 1 .IS v.Cardiu -has aonq::morefor-'me,thMi?In -dpi.h&'- Tst Rnriiisr I It no avail, so I. took Cardui, and inside of three days, I was able to do M j 4uwyflyu. , Kjoxiwc uj.tuimy,xrouDienasaieyer returnea. j-ajt , . TOK SAUK BY - " m Maifei. Music: "1 cnmiual assault ' 7 V-1 A JL 1 JL UC

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