New The First National -Bank ot Uher nrt Ka hpfii authorized tOibeein ; . :k eo nnn .-.ninonr ivi - ij. Aid uev uaan- Xhe Interstate Oustractioii;coni- Sct'receutly with Ambrose Ajanell J Philadelphia, for the. erection of a $6,000 hunting louge jusc easr 01 gigh Point. ' : ;:h During the first nine .months of fhis vear the tobacco manufacturers 0f Winston-oaiem nave smppecujz, 539,1 62 pounds of the; weed to all of the worm. , 1 nis is an in crease of 3,6 22,200. oyer same period last year. - ; - v;'. Mrs. B. Allen Bryant, whose hus band was killed in the wreck of a Southern passenger tram ac h,udo, near Greensboro two years ago se ared a verdict tor $ 17,UU0 m Ashe ville court a few days ago. She sued for $50,000. j? V Hillman High, a white man of fl'ake county, who eloped with his neice, the daughter of Mr. James arkham, of Durham oounty, was tapd last week at Raleigh for for- Y$rf on three counts and sentenced Itoax years iu jaiL I jfehop Jame Atkins announces Mat the date of the meeting ol the Iffestern North Carolina Annual onfeferice of the Methodist Episco pal Church, at Hickory, has been handed frtm November 24th to Fednes day, November 17th. Ernest Snider who has bee., want- kl for more than two y ears for ilh- it distilling in the 3mithtown sec- oa of Stokes county, has been cap- Lred by Deputy Marshal Carrol . W. Davis, of Walnut Cove, and . D. Cardwell, of Danbury.' Winnie Brown, colored, of Win- ou-oaiem, was seuieuueu lu iuc Cll A J A.. lU ounty jail for twenty-one months r the alleged,? sale oi cocaine in ree caf es against her. The three Lie? are alleged to have been made Will Helper, also colored. Jane Bennett, of Watauga county fho killtd a young man by tne laine of Farthing with a hoe, -Jat a I Hummer, was tnea at a recent term At Watauga ! court and found guilty f manuslauehter. She was seuienu- jd to serve 15 years in the peniten- The Corporation Commii'sioiilast eek signed the fo' inal order requir Z the Atlantic Coast Line and 'the (aboard Air Line railway to build union passengei station at Weldou d to fine the plans and speciBca- thirtv ays. The Virdnia-Carolina Chemical ompauv has divided the State and lereafter there will be two managers a the sales department. Mr. W. T. rowu, of Winston-Salem, will have arge of the Western section, and ptain Parnsh, of Durham, the stern. Thirteen-year-old Marie Pulley, Johnson county, was placed on al at Smithfield recently for the iirder of her foster father. Pulley d maltreated the irirl. and she, was t pentenced. but released on the derstauding she was to be placed a retorruatory. -Press Byers, a negro employed by )eof the contractors on the South und Railroad, is in jail at Win- n-Salem on the charge of shoot g his wite l?he woman is in the pspital and her condition is regards as serious. Myers claims the ootiog was an accident, i W. G. McNeal, a prosperous mer- ar.t and farmer of Wilkes county rth Wilkesboro at 3 o'clock last wrsday morning. He went there attend the county fair. Foul play ?uspe3ted, and the town and coun- ofiicers are investigating .' - Or. J. L. Hanes. formfrlv of inston-Salem, now a resident of Hill, had a thumb so badlv in- ny the discharge of a gun. ' - T J huuting, that amutation of the r was found tn b nenessarv. Hanes went to Winston-Salem Fere the operation was performed. rranprempnfa have hpea mad bv oalinury Doar(j 0f trade for Pre- eQt W. W Fi nlpv. nf thp. Ronth- , ' r Alailwav Comnahv. to deliver a L l J r- j t " "c address in Salishurr Novem- i. n i J . -uu. Thp mppfi nor will hp hpln P'le wln,,i. u;. s lBen Lmgle, a young white man. was killed -with o a shotgun' by his broer-in-la wj Xonnie Bushing last week 66 i the ; road V. near his home; about three miles east of 4 Wingate, Union county:; -The i wo men' 1 i ved withaLingle's father ; aodxlhad been drinking and quarreling during the J.W.Pnritt, white, aged 50 years and Prince McBride, colored,- aged 35, were ; escorted : to Atlanta last weekoy officers to f serve -one vears and one day each in the Federal prison. Fruitt was convicted in the Wilkes Circuit court for counter7 feiting, and fcBride for illicit dis- Miss Rebecca Schenck, a member of the faculty of the State Normal and Industiral College, Greensboro, has been granted a leave of absence and will spend several months in Europe. She will sail Satur day from Mew York for Scotland. She will then visit England and then points on the continent. - Grbvernor Kitchin last week issu ed a requestion at the request ef So licitor Heriot Clarkson for Charles Hendrick, who is in jail in Chester S. C, and is wanted in Cleveland county for an assaalt with intent to kill Julius Smith on the fifteenth of May. Smith came very near dying as the -result -of his injuries. ; v A handsome monument erected in memory of the Confederate dead of Macon county was unveiled at Frank lin, Macon county last week with interesting ceremonies -The event was atteuded by a large crowd that included several distinguished guest from elsewhere in North Carolina and from neighboring States. At Richfield, Stauley county last week William Crowell. aged 80 - 9 years, was seriously injured by be ing caught in avplamng mill, at which he was working. His right aim was almost torn from the shoul ders and he was otherwise badly brused. Owing to old age, his re covery is considered doubtlul. E. H. Brown, of East Spencer, who was seriously injured recently in an effort to fight a raging fixe iu East Spencer by throwing water from a locomotive ou the Southern Railway yard, is reported unimprov ed. His scalds which at first were not considered serious. have effected him severeJty and his condition is said to be serious. It is rumored here that capitalists are planning to build a big cotton mill at Walnut Cove, and aJo, that it is proposed to develop the coal mine near that place and lastly, that a big Country Club House w 11 b erected. Such enterprises are eu- courag ng t( hear, and if put int- realitv, should do much to bring tlu Cove rapidly to the front. With money donated v N. B Duke, Trinity College will r.ct tw new buildings during the next or two! It is plauned to tear do x i the old main building and replace u with two twin buildings, connected by a monumental tower. -One ol tljf i . t ii twins will be erected ami reaoy i next September, then the old; on. will be demolished,. and tue secouo new one erected: Judge Prirchard in the Uniteil States Circuit Court last week re fused to grant the claim of Clerk Grant, of the JJnited States Circuit and District court at Raleigh for $508.60, whicn he claimed was due him as a commission upon $ou, 860.60 of funds of the Rockingham Power Company,vwhich were sup posed to have passed through his hands. . The olant of the Ingram Lumber Company at Fayette ville was des troyed by fire last Wednesday morn ing at 1 o'clock. The building and its equipment and also a car of lum- -1 7"! f . l" ber on tne swing were wipeu awaj bv the flames. The night watch man had gone home for his midnight its ore an is unknown. The loss is estimated at $10,000 wiih no insur ance. ;' ' " LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in Post uni,e unqiaiDRd. RnrUnni N; C. Sent. 25. 1909. Gentlemen ' ;' B. A Horton, Smith Brothers, T. E Markham, R. Q, Neville, C. H. Oakley, I. V. Robertsou. Ladies ; Mrs. Margie Davis, Miss Lucy McCloud, Mks. Moley Wester. t Persons calling for anjr f of these letters will please say "advertised" and give date of advertised list', c. ; ;J. Zeb Waller, X Indian G)rxi and ; FellagTa,r Mil tvaukee-Wisconsin;. 5 So far the world has depended al most wholly upon' the UnitedlStofei for its :Bnp'Ijr pf Indian t cornJ:There is a likelihood now of competition. South ' Africa is r raisin er - maize in large -quantities, and the statement wastmade ftf a recent by the Prime Minister of Natal that Natal wilf ship 240,000 tons of maize to Europe between - now and next De cember. v .. ' A curious. Jact in connection with the use of maize for food by human beings is that the disease of pellagra which is said to result from eating musty corn has been widely preval ently southern Europe- for many; years, but has never . been- noticed until recently in the. United Stafes. There is a - greater use of corn for foo4 in the United States and in all the other countries of the world; ji ; It may be that in the handling of cornmeaKthe dealers in European counteries have not been so carejful as those in the Uuited States: or it may be that musty cornmeal iW not the only cause of pellagra, and that the disease is liable to result from the eating of any musty grain. , Up Before tbe Bar. , N. H. Brown, an attorney, of Pittsfield, Vt., writes: "We have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for years and find them such a good family medicine we wouldn't be with out them." For Chills, Constipa tion, Biliousness or Sick Headache they work wonders. 25c at Freeman Drug Co. An Electric Disaster. Users of electric lights will be in terested iu the disaster that recently befell Olgiuat, a village uear Lake Como. .Electric light, created by hydraulic power,, was installed in, every house and even in stables. An electric storm caused a short circuit In every . house some one 'an to switch of the light. In consqnence twelve people were killed outright and twenty-nine received shocks and burns. The wires caught fire and fell from the walls, catching-iu their coila terrified men and women. Iq some boluses and walls? and iloOt-s be came charged to such a degree with electricity that, the inhabitant.- could not touch i hem without getting the shocks. Iu tue met.iume every where in the village tne lights wee extiuguislied. iue UarKne-s increas 1 em . 11 ed the terror, and the people fled tlirough tlu gl-Mnu u"i, r a pjunug rain, madly scream in . whenevV 7 flashes d Mgutninn ii umiued the .-kv. kr u.ciirv min te- the neau tit'lll V.I Uiie VH.- tlH ifflolMii-.-d into ! eritaWt li 1.. L FOR SALE BY B. A SELLARS ,& SON Burlington, N. C. TP you Intend to Camp or go on Vaca . tlon Trip, remember that the Accurate and reliable STEVENS RIFLES, 'PIS TOLS AND SHOTGUNS are made in Styles and Models suitable to every re quirement of the shooter. Our RIFLES AND SHOTGUNS also possess theTake Down" feature, which means that- the STEVENS can be carried in a Trunin Grip or small Package. Where not tol& by Local Merchants, we thlp direct. EXPRESS PREPAID, upon receipt of Catalog Price. (T7 Seiid for t-at- Paire Book of Ready e Cataloe: la 160- Reference for present and prospective shooters. f Profusely Illustrated and re plete with STEVENS Fire Arm Information.- Mailed for 6 cents in stamps. . "GUNS AND GUNNING" I A By Daaosara W will be mailed to any ad' . dress for so cents m stamp. . STEVENS ARMS :&T00L CO. P.O. Box 5001 Ckkepee Fall, ; Mwachgtettt, U. Si A. .v.iV:"' I Si 111 ' Mir give every satisfaction consider the value we Also we carry a big and Dry Goods. Also 1 4 I I Ellis Machine & Music Co. B .RLINGTON, N. C THERE BUT Spouting, Stove and Furnace Repairing, also Installing Hot Air Systems, of any Tinners in the State. For the price. Give . thera a trial. . Twenty.four years experience. S. THOMAS & SONS. 317 Worth Street, Phone No, 40, A. .. ELON COLLEGE. Go-educational. Established 1890 v Thorough College courses leading to M. A., A. B., and Pb. B.,' degrees. Stronj. and experienced Faculty with highest training. Good Library, Reading Room Laboratories, Literary Societies, Excellent Mu-ic. Art and locution Deparf tnents. Diploma froaa lon admits to graduate departments in the highest uai versities . i:. " -': - ' : Beautiful and healthful location, 17 miles east of Greensboro on Southern Rah way. Best moral and religious influence. No hazing- New students met -by recep7 tion committees from young peoples's Christian organizations connected r with th vullege. Good equipment. All buildings lighted by .electricity, h sated byteam, an furnished with 7ater, bath rooms etc. A large new domitory, with modern con venience, has recently been built to meet the requirments of growing patronage Expenses Unusually Moderate. Fall Term Opens September 1st , EMMbTT L. MOFFITT, PRESIDENT. " IT? - JI Ji W 1 x Vur entire line ol len s Boys and Children's Clothing has arrived and; is ready for your inspection. Our cloth ing was designed and made with aVvir to pleasing and satisfying the most 'exacting men. ;;: ' v - v',.'; :i$ Men, leaders in their craft j designed them. ; Every facility was placed at their disRosal. and no expense was spared in theeffdrt to produce the most correct styles Following this , the choicest fabi ics of leading manufacturers were secured and only the highest quality selected. And only the clever est tailor men allowed to com- r plete the work. ; . ;. . i v, The, result is tfiat these gar ments stand "head and shoul ders" above the great majority of clothes offered the Burling ton public, Our styles are distinctive. Our garments in the wearing. Our prices are the lowest when you are giving. line of Men'suid Indies' and Children's Shoes Hats Ladies Tailor Made Suits. The Home of Good Clothes, BURLINGTON. N. C. We Have Just Returned from a trip to the Piano Factories in. New York and bought PIANOS to SUIT YOU, come in and see them. Easy terms if Wanted : : : : : may be doubts &bou iktok or Peary Dis co veringthe North Pole. vou caunot doubt that S. Thomas & Sons will do you the best job of Tin Roofing, Guttering, ' L . V U . I I 11 II II !' .. . . . - . (S- " I t If fl, HI - , O ( I Trinity Park School A First-Oatf Preparatory School , Certificates of Graduation Accept ed for Entrance to Lead- ing Southern Colleges Best Equipped Preparatory School in the Ki South . Faculty of ten officers and , teach ers. Campus of sexenty-flve acres. Library contai iug forty thousand . volumes. Well epuipped gymna s 8ium. High standards. and, mod- ; ern methods of instruction. Fre quent lectures by prominent lect- urers. Expenses exceedingly mod-;; erate." Eleyen years of phenomen; al success. V i For Catalogue and Other Infprma-, ' tion Add"ess" H. M. HORT, , Headmaster, Durham, . - , N. C. i Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they -are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified,! FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it l is the best medicine' ever sold over a druggist's counter. 4 ' rv Trade Marks k ' --DC8IGN3 's99in1 0 Copyrights Ac tions strlctl Ut confidential, HANDBOOK on Patents i orobftblr o&tDtaoi9b comi . VataniM taken tb roach Mnnn & unt. f dm. Oldest-afi Oldest teener lor eourin patents. , receive uncial notice, without charge, tntba Scientific HtnericatiY Abandsomely lllnstrsted weeklr.V Xanrest ehv enlatlon of any ecientlflo JoarnaL Terms, S3 a year: Tour non eoiapjau newBaeaiers 6? s i mm . Rill '1 n IIa Jk.iN - ft I . . . . w.l- :- '

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