1' - p --V;t-W a'iV 'Avaite pbvtsiciau : earner second' Items cf acm Intertft Wippcd gQ pferiptKnfi,t Wlj ilafeaict EI Jfts. liViftite was1 in low nv IftoiS. day. He' MWliil been resiuiugafe j.iujciiviuiiBuuj months but expect toiT-go toVKara-i seur in ' .few days, The Many frienda of M$ White will beglad to learn that-she is very iniich im- proved in health Uranam riqisery- UI vxmpany is 'incorporated the first of the . TT - ' 1 1 " r was week -The raiU: will be locatedliere The capita stotik-authorized isf 25 000. Messrs. iWF. Blackmou, A M. Hadlevind Chas. C.'Thwnpson are the lncqrpmrs 4Tecon pany will erect buildings and beg jet buildings and begin busi ness as, soon las possible. Siler Cttj firtt ij A field composed of Baptist chur cbesfof BUef, qjtyiili6vesi Creek; Mt Vernon 'Springs and Liberty, have formally cled I&vC. A. G. Thomas of Mbntoe; to the- pastorate of their respective '.churches. They will be indeed fortunate if Rev Mr. Thomaai acpts.for he is a splendid speaker, deep thinker and consecrat ed Christian preacher. . Leilsstsa Dispatch Survey is belqg made for the lines of . the Southern Power Company which pass ttuough town connecting the three cotton mills. Sentiment is growing for the use of this power instead of that furnished by the municipal y plant, which, argue some," "is ' Costing the community several thousand dollars a yeaf more than it "pays. I " One day last week while at work building a house near .Cravef .& Zim merman's store Messrs iEd ;Wagner and Joe and Luther Sink were pain fully injured in the collapse of 1 the scaffold on which they were stand ing. None, however was danger ously hurt. The carpenters fell a distance of about 1 2 feet and were lucky to escape as lightly as they did. ' lalelgh CascisUB. Hubert Edwards who has beeu charged .With -keeping a - disorderly house at his. restaurant opposite the city market has left the city' and his whereabouts are unknown to the aus thorities. ' - i; ''y 'X'' :. The head office oty .the: -Virginiar Cotton lills, have been moved from Kaleigh to Swepsinville, Alamance County. Geo. Thompson, Vice President of the Company has mo v hh family to Swepsonville where he will re-ide in the future... Wilkes Patriot While a large crowd was witness ing the "old plantation" show at the fair one evening last week some ot the seats broke down precipitating the occupants to the ground .some force. Mrs T. V. Ellis ot North Wilkesboro was caught bcneathsome of the timbers and right painfully though perhaps not seriously hurt. William Pearson of Moravian Falls ran across and put out of busi ness huge rattler the last uf the week near his home. The reptile was three feet and five inches . long a id was tully two inches across the bak. It. carried eleven prattles and a button Incidentally we re call that anunsuallyriarge .number ot rattle snakes are reported to have been killed in this county this year. Lee Coantr Times. Rev Broadway, Primative 'Bap tist preacher from Burlington will preach in Sanfordj Thursday night Oct. 14th the place for holding ser vices will be announced later. Deputy collector J. B. Holland and Deputy Marshal V. J. Sloan made a raid in the upper part of Moore county a few days ago and captured a whisky still and about 400 gall ns of beer.N The opera tions succeeded in escaping.- Greensboro Patriot ' , Hon Cyrus B Watson of Win?-ton-Salera is iu the city attending Federal court. Heappears to have re covered entirely from his recent ill ness and hi. friends here are delights to see him in his accustomed vi gor both body and mentally. For the past two or three months there has been a steady increase in the sale of whiskey on prescription hi Greensboro the increase for Sep tember being especially noticeable. I'uring the pat month 71 'physici ans wrote prescriptions for; a little more than 100 gallons as against S gallons in August and 75 gallons in July.. A colored physician head- 1 the list in September, writing 751 ctioes;flo jf the grtenamlierjof prescriptionsV f i. iThe localrJmjRirs are-pjanuihg ttf ycni-WjfiltfcsmThank; giving -da) jand hoist an :i American: hiverthy uewt scnbor ' bujjMing Every-Junio Order lodge , in ;th county vwill he in vi Wf& 'participate A-child MHihkintleK35dr?W5 v5yd BurtG were bit by dogsajH inert to KaEgigh to the: tfasteur Inn stitute. A mad stone which belong! ed to the .late J. . C. Mills .was applil ed and stacki''Taepaents are get tuig-along nicely 'under the treats m,ent-they are-receiyipg te rTn4 stitiate. ..- A; telephone message to Dr Stockard lat night stated that an ex-; 8minationof the head of the dog! Buowi.mant nau a genuine case oi, hydrophobia. Rorta'WItteslioni Hosfler; . Messrs.' A. L. and J.. R. Combs closed a deal this week for the fine farm in Alamance county known as the R. L. Holt Sunny Side fannv A L Combs movecl his household furniture and some stock' there this j week, where they will make their home. The consideration paid was ; fourteen thousand dollars. Mr, Combs expects feseed 100 acres of wheat on the farm this fall. The good roads convention met. in Asheville this week and Govor-. nor Kitchen made an interesting' speech on the subject. Mnch of the spirit will be carried over the state." In this connection notice that a peti tion is being signed in Wilkesboro for au election to vote upon macada mizing the main street and road to the bridge. Certainly'our town will meet Wilkesboro with the work at the bridge. Forgot the Golden Slippers. When children's minds are un folding and they, are seeking to ab sorb knowledge some of the ques tions asked would puzzle a Solomon to answer and convey the exact in formation that is desired to .impart. An instance in oiut happened a few daysiagd vr,..- Edward Robinson lute a foreman, in one department at Baldwin's died, suddenly at his home in New Jersey. His nephea tot of three years lives in this city and .was fond of his un cle for -whom he was named. Little Eddies mother had Veen teaching him that heaven -"was a most beauti ful place, whose streets were all pav ed with gold aud otherwise tried to describe it to the infant mind. -.The cJvild was; taken t( his uncles funeral and' told that Uncle Ed had gone to heaven. When the little fellow was taken for a last look at his deatl relative he studied long and earnestly and then "turned to his mother and seriously asked: V.1 -f'J3ay. mamma, don't you think 0nclefEti,Amade a mistake going to heaven-with his shoes on."- Phila delphia Times. Tne British, teame;.Gretevale, Ltoii' "last ';Weiines lay morning for W v v - -v- ' , q Liverpool "with the third cargo of cotton Tor" 'foreign-export this sea son. -The big tramp carried 11,713 bales, val tied at $750,000, and con signed by' Messrs Alexander Sprunt and Son. yTtie two former cargoes went, one to Bremen. Germany, and the other to Genoa, Italy. While the receipts at the ports are well ahead of last year, reports from the interior are to the efftct that grow ers are holding much of their staple for higher prices. . " FOR SALE BY ; K A. SELIARS & SON mm an4. 8ix, cent cotton passed . jnui Ane fcK'i-:' rvJ 7 'J-. 1 v- ulafom had wm) nh ; in hMnnvl ?s"iJ 5 -M MI v.&ld (iut o wo tne ioe at the V&pffi$it fi 'st made a calculatedatfack'pn ihe r market and Jrwd: cotion tp a t prices ;T -There has never been a pauper, tparaet sincei rvle( lishment.brmaiiy teziile markets in Hhav ,been fernjsoimi4 ipnce oi.ine stapi up, angjnere 13o wever that may bhl the iact is of jinqpprtante, and the fact - is .thai we iuuiuons wnicn iormeriy v ivei ffiTp theasof Jthe pecujatoreVaitHe North. now stays in. the Southl The. cottoncrop is worth 700,009,0, and this amount, is cculated from planting to final distribution. - A large share of tthal sum formerly re- mainea in iew xors, out xew York ribxlonger'gets a'profit but ot all proportion to her interest in the Cr6p. Vi:'.'-: The doubling of population in any community will, generally, mean the doubling, irhot:theT trebiihgi of tie real estate values. ' It may be taken for garnted, therefore, (hat the urban real estate of the South is today worth at least, twice what it was worth 10 years ago. Such an in creaae.over a large;' area of country is almost unprecedented, and yet it is but the begin niug of a larger in crease. The pauper Sounth is a thing of the near past, but holds no place in view of the future. - ..While alone sauirrel hunting in a swamp hear his. jatheUbome iff" isrunswicK county, ljinasay-lvimiz, 29 jj ears old, was accideri tally shot and -killed. His - body - was found beside a small path last week by some other hunters who happened to be passing. Wanted One hundred young' men not un der sixteen years of age who desire to do something more than ordinary "hands" who want to earn more than wages generally paid to "hands" -to come to the Agricultural & Mechanical College for the Colored liace and there prepare themselves to be skilled mechanics, intelligent farmers,' ' well qualified '' teachers." Graduates earning irom -$30.0XX ta 150.0(l per month. Board, lodg ing and tuition $7.00 per month. Fall term begins September 1, 1909. For Free Tuitiou or for catalog, write President Dudley, A. & M. College. Greensboro N. G. Market Report- Butter . . Spring Chickens, per lb. Hens : ' .,. Ducks Geese Turkeys Country Hami Sweet Potatoei 18 to 25 13 to 15 13 to 15 ;9 to IX) 25 to 30 '40 to 60 12 to 15 16to 18 00, to 00 75 to 1.00 95 to 1,10 .10to 1.25 60 11 8 r 20 to 35 10 to 12i 12 to 15 23 5 28 to 30 18 to 22 Irish Potatoes Com Wheat pats Cotton " c, Green Hides ins Dry Hides, salt. Dry Hides, flint 3eeswax rall.-w Wool, washed Wool, unwashed, A LEADING BOARDING SCHOOL fcr X60 Bradnu. XMsbHxM 1884. FpansfarCoU, BuiMM.TMh Inf, r for lit. Bwith, Cbnu ud SchoUnhip. Wide paaaatg. Very Monbl rUi. bok tadwit mihit ptnoul ftttntioM. BdoolU(U,dane4. (LonUox ! MiGiaulKm.ll. C.) TarBwintlfttl Onkm, Tin, ate., addnw tb W. T. WJUTSSn, Pa. B., Wbltsett, Korth Onrollna. If you hYon't a rirnlr, healthy movement of th bowels every dav, yoa're ill or will be. Keep your bowels open, tndlw well. . Force, in the shape of violent physic or pill poison, la dangerous. The smoothest, easiest, most perfect way of keeping the- bowels elear aud clean is to take 'CANDY CATHARTIC EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Pleasant. Pal stabler Potent, Taste Good, Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripei 10, 25 and 60 cents per box. Write for free sample, and book let on health. Address ;,V : ? 33, Sterfino Remedy Companj, Chlcaao or New York. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN fOfficeqyerJBradleyr gtorJ i One 65 iiiiifii AND CCUNSELLOfi AT LAW i viiicB to reoponi onuaiDg. - Attorney-at-Law, - Burlihgtbn; NortE CarplinaL Office, Ho. 2, .SeUm BaUdiiV "in i inoHm law , KW Coart Sqore, Gmnsboro N. C. j Pnctlce Brgitarly la the Courts of JUamince ' ' r Coantr. dr: JU BROOKS Surgeon Dentist x Foster,' Building " .BURLINGTON, N. C. PONALD GULLEY, ATTORNEY-A- LA W, ... . 5 8ELLARS BUILDING, , . ..... . BURLINGTONN. CAROLINA. Four Departments CJollejate, ;' Graduate, Engineering and ' Law. vLarge library facilities. .Well-equipped laboratories in all departments of r Science. . Gymnasium furnished, with ' best apparatus. Expense very moderate. Aid for worthy stu dents. . Young Mm Wishing to Study Law Shonld laTestigate the Superior Advantages Offered by the Department of law at Trinity College A ForrfIaLtalogue and further v Information, Address - D. W Newsom, Registrar, Durham, N. C. The NorthXarolina State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by ,, the' State for the Woitten :cT North" Caroli na, r Four regular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Coursea for Teachers: Pain Session begins September 15, 1809. Those, desiring to enter should ap ply as early as possible. For cata logue and other information address J. I. FOUST, Pres., Greensboro, N. C. THE NOETH CAROLINA ' College of Agriculture , and Mechanic . Arts. ' The State's college for vocational training, bourses in Agricultnre and Horticulture; in Civil, Electri cal and Mechanical Engineering; ifl Cotton Milling and Dyeing; in In dustrial Chemistry. Why pot fit yourself for life by v taking one of these courses? ' Address D. H. HILL. President, VVst Raleigh, N. C. - Subscribe Now For The .Atlanta Journal, Daily Sunday and Sni Weekly, largest circulation . south of Baltimore. . BY MAIL. Daily and; Sunday, Daily enly; - -Sunday only Semi-teekly r , '; f7.00 5.00 2.00 "1.00" Trinity College eii'ifal ;List ypur( prpDertythiis. We will sd!4t."i Loan , uie cpumy. uaniea, rour J. A. Da vipeoir, President ' R T.' ' K ernodleL "1st Vioe Pres. f -R. J. Hall, 2nd Vice PresideDt, Jno. : R. HoFFMAjj, Sec. fe Treas. ) W VV. Brown, Manager, Kingi & Kimball, Cons'lt'g Atys Office Second Door, from Post Office oh Spring Street ': BURLINGTON, Ni G PEARY FOUND THE I B'ecause he earned a subrf Yalley, and Chiimpion Flour. .- , , COOK FAILED Because he carriedwethmg as good. All housekeepers will fail td nave' good bream, unless m who have from idle or invested I if Ax vJ . m m mr Li iV 3 ml- ffe Wi h-.: 0 J j aS iA A l tLi V V A 0 fi;"fivtTlM requesting a free copy of pur heYf r : 26 page book of uT'he Piedmont u Way." This book is Jpaxifao ly iUiistratted and describes in' de- & tail bur method and ;smlilums.,fpr clients: in: the 0:iC safest and most stable secimties. In this book is also explairied the :i g business of other this company, in wnicn aepartments wev may oe (p i able to serve you. i' Jrr, Write Today. Do it Now. Address .Medmmeitt Trast V. (Lo mpaiav 21 BurlingtptialNorth Carolina. vosovovrvpNCrvBvoyOvO.ov i ovi gooa larms. v JArDAViDaoy,- R. T.- KEBNODtk ' - R. JrHALL- f - I C. D Jb'K&ri ,c TelephoaeLJL2i2, ; f .8 $100, to $10,000 1 at: Jess tiiaji six, & of investing large depart almostranyr i. 1 c. iUKln J. . I- t i : I , I 1 t-1 whiskey and 11, beer prescriptions. Burlington, N, C ; ' . r 4 V r,

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