JsffMMlMMiMMMlWMiiWiW 'H0IIIPgggggggjgHHMMsBMBssssssssM ' mm 3 Jwait r- Items of CeneralInteriesti; Clipped From' our es. lalsvlllt Gazette. i Three con vict effected their es cape from the; Vnyictrcamptwii Wentworth and ReidsviMe lisVMoxi day. Every effort will be made to capture them. v : It has iiow been . given but a that LeaksvilleV electric lights .will , be shining within week or ten days, will be able tq include thera among our causes Tor C gratitude, fin our lnaoK&giviug xsay .uoservanoes. The drought that 7 has prevailed in this section I for se vers) writs' was broken Mondaalfcernobn fiirodjf ious . shwwer, accompanied by r a strong wind. Ijl'robTy 4 -the-flurry came from a;, scudding cloud, that broke lxse,frpm;tiie Jiurricane that did much damage in Florida on the morning of the same : day.' , The Third Regiment Band of jlaleigh'.. .Will: -go V. to Wilmington November 9th to take part in the celebration , in - honor of President Tail will be a visitor in Wil mington on that date. " " - The contract for the Raleigh new municipal building .will be let in a few days and, work will begin about December lat. The building will be erected on corner Fayetteville and JDavie 6treet. " Announcement is made that the NbrthVCarolina Methodist Confer ence, will convene in Raleigh on November 24th instead of December 1 6t The change is made by order of Bishop A. W. Wilson of Balti- . more who will preside. The bid county system "of work ing the roads of. Randolph county will be discontinued in a few day an act ereatmg the township system having been passedby- the last Legis lature, v The convicts of the county will be hised to the various town ships. . " : v," V -'7 '. '' """ V In a magistrate's court in Hadley township Monday : five defendants were found guilty of, not letting ' a ftock of wild "turkies, run over them, and were fined two dollars each and costs. The turkeyhunting- season will not open until -Nov. lstJ the b)rd season JSov. 20th. Clizpel Bill News. . In the Federal court at Greens boro last week Jim Powell white ot Orange county was convicted of illi cit distilling and sentenced to the government prison ut Atlanta, Ga., for fifteen months. Will Douglas, who was up charged with the same offense was discharged. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Hume and slaughter Miss May, who spent seye ral weeks at their summer home at Waynesboro, Va., returned to Cha pel Hill Saturday morning. Dr. Hume who has been quite feeble is greatly improved in health by the change of elimate bis many friends will be glad to learn- We counted some twenty-five jugtf and as manV 6aekage4;of. liquor., at the express ia&oi-tit'layiyiiy6ne uay tne past. wee;, wiiue. an tin: corder's Court retailing cases conti nue to claim 1 attention; ' Thus we have prohibition in ;name but not in realitv "by u jugflL,, . : At the home of O. C Turner, South Side a few nights since, Mrs. Mamie Reavis attempted suicfdey A. Y. Linville was called and while her condition was serious, fortunat ely saved her. Several, months ago Mrs. Reavis was married but he and her husband .separated few dayg piior to the above occuranee and it ie thought that grief over her unhappy matrimonial venture prom pted her rash act. - Crange County Observer. : - We are glad to learn that Darien Stone who had his foot cut oft- at Burlington by a freight train and it was afterwards found necessary to amputate the leg s reportejd as do ing well at St. Leos hospital, Greensboro where his leg was am putated, Thomas Ray black smith was titten on his right band Monday ly his young bird dog. Believing that the dog was mad, Mr. Ray killed him and then buried to Dur "2 01 and applied a mad stone to the 57 'nded, hand Mr Ray went to w 1 k Tuesday and no serious results anticipated. ;kes Patriot Cama Robertson, rural carrier on route one, out fronT Gilreath -post-, office has . terfdered his "Resignation; :itia uusuuitej GQrdon' j&ariier ill u -uxs Leauiniii a .successor-.? is appointee '!Thet utei is J thricevai weekseryice and covers a territory 8C .roughhat it . hasi to :Tbe ; cai ried on horseback and for this reason Mr. Robertson resigned r ! :; ,COflBcers. Henry if and Reynolds, with possemen ; Cranor and Webster found and d estroyed an illicit whis key:plant in; Lewis Fork ' township; Friday. .They ' found 'a - complete equipment i but did not showigns of recent operation; .There was a 125 gallon" copper Still cap and worm seVen fermenters and a quantity v:of npent beer. 4 . It-.bad probably. seen considerable service several months Ttacejrllle SctlneL ; , Tom Hall .who lives near Blanch hadt t' veryjelose ' call while - here yesterday! He was conversing with several friendsnd suddenly toppf ed'O'yer as if death had ? stock :.himv his head striking the grpuwljhe first thing.;, Drs. MasonT and jVIal loy. were on the scenc in: a "few minutes, butDruggist Brandon, who sa w him. fall, had, already partially revive Mr Hall. At last accounts he was getting on all right. JUimaice Gleaner. C. A. Hall who has been practic-' ing law here for nearly three years, will leave nest week for Greensboro where he has formeda partnership with Hon. A. W Brooks. He has made many friends in Alamance who will regret to see him leave. At a meeting of the directors of the National Bank of Alamance last Saturday afternoon J. L. Scott, Jr., was promoted to the office of presi dent to succeed Robt S. Mebane, who had disposed cf his holdings in the bank and tendered his resigna tion J. Harvey White was elected vice president to succeed Mr. Scotti Alfiuurle ttrMlcl. The contractors for the new cot ton mills are making the best use of the fine weather. The walls of the Wiscassett mill are up and the work is'going rapidly forward. , vs . H Walter son of X Gl .Whitley. who naa peatAn pea jjraays wjJto jcy pfioid' fever diw Siturdaymght. Three other children in the "sauie family are sick with the disease. Mr. Whitney has the sympathies of the community in his hours of affli ction. ReldSYiQe Review. Miss Elizabeth Mills who was elected to a position in the Weut worth graded school resigned that position to accept a more lucrative one as governess in the family of N Glenu Williams and will leave this week to take up her new duties. D. W. MeOolluni, a prosperous and hardworking farmer on the Lawson- ville road about five miles East of Reidsville, lost all of his furniture and his residence by ire last night. The loss falls heavily 00 Mr. Mc Collum, there being not a cent of in surance on the building or the con tent'S and only one feather bed was aavfid " t -V- - A Another mad dog ran amuck in this "seetion Wednesday when a hound. Jbecame vicious in the - Eas-. iern fend of of town and bit several othr.dogs. f So far as dnovn now nobody has been bitten but several of the victims have already been killed. 1 - ' Greeis&ora Patrlat - -s Greensboro jgood roads enthusiasts learn witht pleasure that the people of Lexington township. ' -Davidson county yehterday voted a bond issue of U)0,000 to macadamize the roads of that township. The Central . Carolina, Construc tion Company has been awarded the contract for the erection of a sevea story jbuildingr for the Wachovia .N ational Bank of Winstori-Salern, work to commence before the Christ mas holidays. An operation out of the ordinary was performed at St Leo's hospital several davs ago the patient being the three-days-old infant of Mr and Mr& Faucette of Gibson ville, who was operated on fc(r coucussiou of thA hraini- The little one has en tirely recovered pi yesterday' was carried to its ? mother by a y trai nea nurse, MM Cook says "hi did it. : I'eary says he d id it, bt the cbannes are z neivv he took Hollis her ter's Rockv MoQntain iTeaItHis the most searching and finding re-Jriedv-therel is'no doubt fterjtak- I ingasf surelas you ! take it jouetl (:""-T. :H;'Strbud:: 5 KteMR&gx A-ai:af mrhey;pf ruipneio, - (a 1 u-et t W v nn ye, iisd trW0 V i i W. Pil U Xirl yeare auu. nuci uteiii sucii a ,t;oou family m e 1 1 w ; u l 1 u t4e , witn tiori Bi I iH 1 7 pr Sick AHeadn thVy woric Drug Col t 'yap. JFQR SALE jby v"- ; By A SELLARS & SON - Burlington N, C. Market Report. Butter 18 to 25 Eggs ' - 1,3 to 15 Spring Chickens, per lb. 13 to 15 Hens Ducks Geese Turkeys Country. Hami Sweet Potatoti Irish Potatoes Com Wheat Oats Cotton Green Hides Green Sheep Skins Dry Hides, salt Dry Hides, flint 3eeswaz Talhw Wool, washed Wool, un washed, t to 10 25 to 30 40 to 60 12 to 15 - 16 to 18 00 to 00 75 to 1.00 95 to 1.10 i.10 to 1.25 60 11 8 20 to 35 10 to 12 12 to 1 23 - 5 28 to 30 18 to 22 A LEADING BOAKDIPiQ SCHOOL m3 Sekotenkta. WUi I Vary nwmtbli ratM. tHrOMHban.lLC.) InrBMUil CW.Ut... TWn, M. 1 1 ill tm W. T. WIRQtT. n. S WhitMtt, north Carolima BEST FOR THE inriea o If 70a haven't a regular, healthy movement of th bowels evtry day, you're ill or-will be. Keep yonr bowels ofren, and be well. Force, in tbe shape of violent physio or pill poison, is danceronn. The moothest, easiest, most perfect way of keeping thel 1 bewels clear and elean is to take CANDY CATHARTIC ; EAT. EM LIKE CANDY Pleasant. . Palatable, Potent, Taste Good, Do ' Good, Nerer Sicken. Weaken or Gripe? 10, 26 and: SO cents per box. Write for free sample, and book let on health. Address 433 Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or Mm York. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLE All Thfl Bojvwho KNOW, til irfm c&i&yttiq?vt kit WitW a rrVEN? FAyORITE. ' We hear f tmn mx army of live, wide- awaxe American vojn every znorn ing, reqrueatins our ISO Pas, illaa- trateq Ji'irearm vataioc- r Whr rlrm YOU send for a' codtP KaUed for 6 eent8 in stamsa. Learn aU about the famou - y mwiinwitii VRIFLES, SHOTGUNS lit. 'i PISTnIs FikkAkM ACCESSORIES, ETC Ifmi rannnt njitnln STEVENS from vnnr dealer, let us ' know, and we win . imo direct, express prepaid, upon receipt of catalog' pnea. . J.StevetnArmi & .Tool Co., . t A CiUlf I Lji(i?iCOPee " Succeed, when; everything else faSa.' In.x nervous prostratfoa ' and., female weaknesses they' Care- the upreme remedy, aa thousands have testified, i FOR KID NEY, LIVER "AND JSTOMACH TROUBLE Ci it is - the ; best ' medicine ever sold 4- over a druggist's counter. ,"Y .; I PCS rani fob- i Vi. I. & . Luff vc ttidley Drug , tore. hoiie .65. . J 1 t;-''tV'-..' E. 8. Vi DAUERONj ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW ' Burlifigton,VN. C; -Office In Piedmont Building. R HriflFrnW 4 r Attorney-at-Law, Buriirigtoh,' North Carolina! Office No. 2, ., Sellart Bnildinx. 4 4 til J. georgem: pahon, ATTORNEY AT UW - 108 Court Sqnrc, GreensbororN. C. Practice Brgnlarlj in the Conrts of Alamance ' - Conatr. ' v ! DR. J. H. BROOKS Surgeon Dentist . . .. .... Foster. Building , : . . burlijgton; k c. Donald GulleyJ ATTORN E Y-A L, A W, " , c g SELLARS BUILDING, BURLINGTON. N. CAROLINA. j Trinity College Four Departments Ck)llegia4ie,, Graduate, Engineering and vLaw. Large library fatilitiea. Well-equipped laboratories in all departments of iscience. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expense very moderate: Aid for worthy stu- . s dents. ' " " Towaf Men Wlshiaf ta Stndj Law Shoald - $ laveatitate the Soperior Advantafes S) Offered by tbe Department of Law at Trinity College r For Catalogue and further S Information, Address D. W. Newsom, Registrar Dnrham, N. C. - ' The North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College Maintained, by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Four regular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses for Teachers. Fall Session begins September 15, 1809. Those desiring to enier should ap plyas.early .. as possible. For cata logue and other .information address SSOUSTrPres Greensboro, N. C THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. . . : - The State's college for vocational training. Courses in Agricultnre add Horticulture; in Civil, Electri cal and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Milling and Dyeing; in In dustrial Qheuiistry. Why not fit yourself for life by taking one of these courses? ' Address D. H. HILL. -President. West Raleigh, N. C. Subscribe Now For The Daily Sunday and Semi Weekly Largest circulation south of Baltimore. r BY' MAIL. ; ,Dailynd; Sunday, V:r $7.0'" 1 ' -DaUr nly r f 5.00 : A O Art i iSemir Weekly- : i:6o A .1 a Tniirnal Auant 4 . - 1 v 7 1 5 am Representing the .V, tMecklenburig iaf Ble & Granite Co.:, - Charlotte:.N.i Cakolina.-t ! -v- in this section, and am prepared jtrf!makfi yourioes-'iip any thin in ". tliV waj:ofHeadstones,.Ta1l?teiMonnment8 audiet. my- prices before placing your. order, Material nl wbrk 1 guaranteed 5rst-ciass.N " : - "rr. W.NiT.lEBANE -Box 4M, BURLIIiGTON, N. C ; ELON COLLEGE. Co-educational; , Thorough College courses leadinff to and experienced Faculty with highest training. Good Library ,i Beading Boom "K ' 1 Laborp tories; 'Literary 'Bocieties, Excellent Mu le. c Art ' and locution , Depart ' ' , , - ments. diploma frpm El on admits; to; Tersiues, r furnished with water," bath rooms etc.i A venienoe has recently been built to meet ExpeHees Unusually Moderate Fall Term EMMETT L. Beantiful and healthful location, 17 miles.east o.GreenjsborOJ)JxSoiuthem.Rai " i.! way J5est moral ana religions influence. JNo hazmg;ew. stuaenmetbyrecep " , tion committees from young pepples's Christian organisations .connected' with tht i vollezeu Good eouioment. All buildinss liehted'bv electricltVJbeated bv s'teaini:aiiB'.::!-"T. PEARY; FOUND THE NORTH POLE ; Because he carried a supply of Melrose, Dan .; Valley , and Champion iFloun " r COOK -FAILED . Because he carried something sa;d to be just as good. All housekeepers willfail tohave gooa oreaa, unless tney ao as reary aia. I A or i Five LJilM mMHJ who have from idle or invested uci cciil lu wnre x requesting a free 26 page DooK ot t Way. SQ " - - ana smau sums ikltii and liiost sr 1' !! A. J .1,1 " f , 57 ly uLiustratca ana aescriDesin ae- 6? tau our metnoa oi investing artfe g In this book is alsaexpl g business pt other depai uiis company, m aiipost anyv otj i which departments we ; may; Befi? -able to serve ybu. ?' ' ';' Write Today. AdH ir- (ho nnftn Buflirigton, NoGajoJiiial The State Dispatch an McCaU's Mai W azine, both for $lbOTper year J. . . i J" V ' 1 v. f : f Established 1890 M. "A... A.' 'B.'.and Ph." B.: 'deffrees.': Strom - - - graduate departments in: the highest' uni laiir6'new,','d6mitnWjdtli.'rmo4rn''eoD. the requirmentsof growing patronage. ' Opens September 1st. - r ,A MOFFITT, PRESIDENT.? , ETon College,-N. C ' ? ': VV VUlVillCfIM :ix $100. to $10,000 at less than six? m i s ai iinppm Thousand if c vvr w i copy of our riewr "1 he Wedmont , This book is 'hahHfirimc&f .07 - , O " " ior clients in the m staple securities: il Do it Mv. - J: ' ; r ess :v J V '5V -

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