- . Y , -r t v f - . - ---.. - , - r- - - . - - - .- -: ; " Y - x " - ! V v -r- -Y-- Y .y . , ... ? -rt - , v . , "v - , - - ,VY,-- ' . r v - , - i,-" - ' . 4. . - - - 'f ri. . . ' ' -v - - C v.a' ' .The State Dispatch.,; -r : y,v "-T y ' Tfir- v The. State Dispatch. A t t Prescriptions Carefiuly;Coundedv f a We carry a large line of Fresh Drugstiubber Goods i . a. : '2- -J -wt?' !':- I and l oiiei Aruuica; uuic t Freeman Drug Gompany; J LOCAL , AND Schedule o Indus In llf East 1:3S 11 WesiV 5K)i - 144 East .9K) 21 1T 24 EbJBX i.-OC I3t JV'es: 3:2V t. m. p- m. m. Kite Saaff h good for the nerves. H. Fleishman has a' large ad in this issue.- Don't fail to read its See change of ad of Holt Cates Co., in this issuel Something iiew:J Rev Li. J. Cox of Elon College was a business cidler in town yester day , . , " Y "A B'g ounce bag of Golden Grain 'Smoking Tobacco for five cents ' . - Sell your next 1 lad of tobacco at Morgan's warehouse and note the results. "A. big 2 ounce bag of Golden Grain Smoking Tobacco for five cents." " . Rev and Mrs. SYL. "Morgan ar rived Saturday after spending aten days honeymoon. - John Lasley a student of vthe University was the guest of his, pa rents tirst of the week. Leonard Mebane of Fall Creek, Va arnved home 1 uesuay to attend l woiniing OI ill? .i.t?r. incr of hi? :?ier. 3. . M Bane a prosper u3 iar- i l ! . irajr '. .Mxaoaiiaw wa,- a ousiuess town veteidav. 4 G.u vin a stiuleut at Kuis B i-ic - College Raleigh' was the truest -.r' ms n.irents Suudav nis p.irents J. G Smkiv aiidrrelV'Harteif the DU patch to attended the wn Monday. ' A. Isl v and Bro -peciu. price th.s week. , Kead it it-k i" a i on anonier page. 1 . J Mcoiii ri.-o;i of li. t. i. :.as a welcome visitor at trie i !i-oatch- Office whiln in town yesterday. , Dr. Geo S. Wat-oii a well known physician ofElou College was a buiass visitor iu the city yesterday. : Mi?s Grace Hotf.uau nud Mrs W J. Thorn psou of Whitsett were sno nt.mg visitors in town yesterday. J new members were added to it T i i rnied Church Sunday as the j result ot the meeting during the pst -- tek. Gt i len Grain Smoking tobacco is "ic.M MUOive, tgdiui0 F.i , on u,. urket today. W ill not bite L( ST Between Dorsetts store ami Jhin street; ladies jacket. Find er will phase leave at Stokes. Fur niture Co. - , N "vt-p-iber the 4th is the day, 10 "dock in. the time we will sell 'n lot-; nd oue housedot. Central Loan and Trust Co. For genuine Singer, -Wheeler & Wilson needles comeu to the Singer Sewmg Machine StoreMain Street Burlington, N. 0. ' .'; ' ' '. ; Rev. Bolton of Greensboro is as sjstitg Rev. P. H. Fleming in a series ot meetiugs at the Christaiu tourer-, this week Rev J. D. Andrew left Monday Woodstock Va, wheie-he will Hmd the week attending- Synod of ltle Reformed church. for anything in Sewing Machine SllPplies call on S. VV. Stewart at Siuger Sewing Machine Store, Main Street, Burlington, N. C. Miss Alice Howellson ot Rich Jnd V a who has been visiting the Jly of W. C. Dameron for seye. days left yesterday fijr her houie. -XCellpnt. Tkrioa hatro Kaon (uuinr.1 . Z. - , 7" -waeco at xviorgans warenouse the pastlweek. ,cpf you have f tobacco on hind beiufe Mto brinrr ucum vjivc us a i rial. t 1 Y- : . ' Tooth Brush PERSONAL. - 'Jrolden Gram Smoking tobacco is the; best smoke, regardless of price on the market today ..Will not bite the longue. N Y Miss Esther Mebane atfd Rev. D. E. Bowers willbe married at five thirtythis afternoon. TjjFull partic ulara of which. -will appear in our next issue. - The band wili give you music and we wiirgiveyou $50.00 worth of silver ware at the. Auction sale of lots . on Thursda? November the 4th at 10 olock am.. Central Loan and Trust Co. Mr. J. M. Hayes received a tele gram this morning announcing the serious illness of his brother, Mr. Hal ilayes, of Richmond, Va. Mr. Hayeo lelt immediatelyTo attend the bed side ot his sick brother. We will not attempt to name, all whowent to Greenbord to attend Barnum sind Bailey show because the truth of the matter i almost everybody went, all report a graud time, . . . Quite a number of inquiries have I been made as to when it is uulaw fill to kill- lirds. The lasv as pass ed by the last egislature read;? as follows: . It ?hall le unlawful to kill .all game birds between February 1, and November 15th of each: and everv year. . ... " t' .Y We a forgoing to .ell every lot we oft'c'i reguxlless of peife, - ar tr ui to give vou -mine good music atvJ-'$5U-00 worth of ii si'yer wurv k tit the Auc- Nov 4lH at ten o'vool tion sale. ' - Central Loan and Trust Co."!T iirSW Pjsr JndMathersjn easrrThig- tu Vci. VI lyuy. Ageci i years mAntlu nA lfi 1vs, nfrpr n short . . jwidence Christiao n . ; . p , Th funera - v-- v - - - - - bptnor eimd acted bv Kev .J. U. ah- drew. Rt o,jr offep about ii, each Lot at the expiration of thre years, no such offer has ever ben made bv anvoue in Burlmscton You take no risk hy buying tnese tots for yon can gt your m ney back wltf "ret u you w s,. o, uu !,:v ?m- sure to double in value. , Central Loau and Trust Co. Parents Take Notice. B. A. Sellar & Sou offer 40 girls c follows- 0Q. Q $250 3.75 and 4.25 " ,.3.00. No more at these prices after this 14- Xr, 1..1 f-i"1 . m R. F. D. NO. 1. ' Thanks to W. R. Shepherd for some work he done on our road fill ing in holes. . Miss Lizzie Homewood left Sun day for ,No. 4, where she will spend the-winter teaching school. 1 Miss Cleta Patterson, Buck and Loftin Loy of No. 1, took in the fair at Raleigh last week. Mrs. Martha Sharp of Burlington is spending the week with her-uncle DY A.' Sharp. -' J. F. Homewood and son Lynn returned home Sunday after a stay of nearlya month attending differ eut fairs; Where they exhibited, they report their winnings good, entered 17 head of Rattle at Greensboro and won 17 firlt prizes, this is good and we believeince Mr."TIomewood had such good luck he will now get busy and cut us that new road out. '; XJncle Gaston Sharp : is : beyond fdoubt-to ua the belst-fishet on No. 1. He gave us a string of catvfish more than- threes feet long;-Mondayr also T: fl rTa1uir .rMa na 'o -4ltirfianm?"f hf. day butjwe had a time getting it out bfhe.mail bbxp ankto-tQth alsb' to jAstdr" Wewhb'!'?rofH THE APPflOACHING CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW The Ladies Air Society of Front Street Methodist Church will hold a Chrysanthemum Show and Bazzar Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, November 2th, 5th, "and 6th'. The ladies are making extensive prepar ations for this show and ?; will make uite ah attractive thingpt ity Y irhe following is the premium list which they have gotten upl and they hope that every one who has flowers or fancv work " will exhibit some thing, and iu this way;pjake, the showattractiye afld nfilp 'the ladies in niakiog money for the church. Chrysanthemums.; l. Beat collection, as many as 12 plahtsiSack of Guano, given by Mr. J. G. Dailey. y . ; r , 2. Second best . collection, Fern, given by Mrs. L. E. At water. ' f 3. - Largest Bloom, $1.00,- given Mr. A. L. Davis. 4. Second Largest Bloom ,50 given by Mr. E S. W. Dameroa 5. Six Largest Whites, $1,00 given by R. F. Durant. 6. Si'x Largest Yellow, $1.00 given by W." W. Brown. 7. Six Liirgest Pinks $1.00 given by W. a Thurston. 8. Six Largest Reds, $1.00, given by V. C: Thurston. "8. Six Largest Mixed, $1.00 giv en by W. C. Thurston. - 10. Best Plant with 4 Blooms, one dozen yacinth Bulbs, given by Freeman Drug Co. 11. Best Plant with' 6 Blooms, .50 given by J. A. Pettigrew. 12. Best Plant with 8 Blooms, .50, giveu by Dr. Frost. Potted Plants. 13. Best Collection Potted Plants $2.00, given by W E. Sharpe. i 14. Best Ostrich Plume Fern, lOp Visiting Cards given by Pate & Davies. 1 5. Bt st Boston or Sword Fern, 4 Baitenl)erg Pieces, given by Cooper Dry Goods Co. . v w i'. 16. Best Asparague Fern, Salad Bowl, given hy C. F. Neese. 17. Best Palm, Pitcher," given by J. A. Isley. 18. " Best ilex Begonia, 1-2 dozen Hand kerchiefs, triveu by i. Good- m m 1 1 19. Lamest Betronia, any' kind, I. C J Vit VULC Vati 20. Best ColleciionFahcv Work, Rocking Chair,given by'M. B. Smith 21. Best Embroided Centerpiece, French Embroidery,. $.1.0, given by J. M. Cook. y 22. Best'Embroided Centerpiece, Wallachian, $1.00, given by J. M. Cook. - . 23. - Best Embroided Centerpiece, Colored Silk, $1.00, given by W. C. Thurston. 24. Best Embfoided Shirtwaist, 1 Years Subscription to Burlington News, giveu by O. r . Crow-on. 25. Best Embroided Dress, Pair Kid Gloves, given by W. E. Hay. 26. ,Best Embroided Corset Cov er, Fern, given by Mrs. J. M. Browning. 27. Best Embroided Baby Dress, tOne Dozn Spool Thread, given by rB. Goodman. 28. Best Embroided ..Sideboard Scarf, Fern, given by Mrs; O. F. Crowson. Y 29. Best Embroided Tablecover, Box.Candy, given by The Paragon. 30. Best Embroided Table Set, consisting of centerpiece, tray cloth, doilies, etc., $1.00, given by W. C. Thurston. 31. Best Arlicle in Drawn work, $1.00, given by WVO. Swaim. 32. Battenberg Centerpiece, $ 1 . W. O. Swaim . 33. ; Braided Centerpiece, Nickel Waiter, given by The Coble-Brad-sbaw Hardware Co. - Cakes, Bread$,Etc. 34. ; Best Fruit Cake, Sack Flour, given by H. M. Love & Son. 35. Best Pound Cake, Sack Fioui given by Ha wkins & Apple. v 36. Be-t Layer Cake, Cliocolate, Frn. given by Mrsl W. E. Hay. Y 37 Best; Layer Cake, Caromel,! Fern, given -by Mr. J.?BNTliomp- HOn. " " - -y- . ' 38. Best Layer Cake, Nut. Salad t, Bowlgiven by C. JU Isley. . 39 Best , Layer - Cake, . . Marsh mallow, .50 given - byY. Clarencer Davis a, : - . I- A540. -Best fia of Bread, Burnt Work Cotfee 3tand gtvet by Miai Mary Freemau. ':':f .:; : Y j -Ai: Best Rolls; .o0, civta given by W. C. .Dameron. , : Any one .who wishes can exhibit and compete for, the premiums, and if - the desire to ;sell : either -flowers orT fancy, work; 25 per cent commis sion-will be. charged for the benefit of the show, ' Y , ' , All cakes 'nd bread entered for the premiums are to be donated to the show. . ' - -. -'- An admission fee of 10 cents will jbe charged in the department where the flowers and fancy work are exX hibitetl. V . Y ' ' . y Y .-Besides the exhibiteYthe ladies have a great many - things such as aprons, cushions; bags, belts, etc , for sale- - Sr ; - . . : '-During these three days dinner ana supper win oe seryea. One of the most important fea tures of tltid bazaar will ber the ad vertising sale. A great many man u facturerjs5 and dealers' have donated samples of their goodfor advertis ing purposes .forsale i at this bazaar. A list of these things will be pub lished later. - - '; A suitable place for holding this show and bazaar has not beeu secur ed, but will be as soou as possible so that further notice can be given next week. 1 The regular monthly meeting of the Merchants Association met Fri day rr ight in the office of the Se;re tary. Two firnitj were received iu:o membership the Southern Bell TelephotK', and Hall Bios. Aftr a brief discission of business carried over f'ro'm last mreiii-g, several ma ters of rmerest wne broniit befire the assot;iatwi. Nick Homes though the Secretary ask the consideration ot the associa tioii as to establishing a new over hall plant in our city lor the pro duction of overhalls especially for the hometrade. It. was moved that the Secreta ry instruct Mr. Homes that the association is very much interested and that they y i 1 1 give him.their moral support and that the matter be further investigated. The Sec retarr was authorized to act as cor ttspondeut to the Merchants Journal Pub Co. Several other maters of iniiuor importance to the public were discussed. A Henry W. Savage fro Juctioa. The big show in New York today is rtie. Love Cure," now a)earing ut the New A iFsterdatn Theatre, the t hlutre de hixe.of fA uiefia. Tiiis is one.f Mr. Savne big hits, and there are some very, "good ougs in M. B st of all of the songs is the one (entitled " Forget Me Not," and il is tins line t -at the New York Sunday -World wiil jrive next Sun day, words and music complete. Get The VYorhi and vou -,viil get the oig. A ljir 2J oun b ig of Golden ?m:!c4njr Tob -ic for five ! c rits." A SAVING Is within the reach of the man who will, wheru buy ing Shoes invest in the HOLT-CATES CO'Sr SHOES. ; A SAVING o not because they are lower irr price, )ut , because the Holt-Cates Co's. Shoes will wear longer, hold their shapeluntil the last, and give the maxium of com fort. ; ; ' The bestx value in Hats Shoes . afioV Tailof-made Clothing can always be had On th; Ccrr.er. ? -r INDEED -AULU UUt CCfe C- 5 S- mkmmwm smiattest fall myriad of Aiitu mn Styles, mbrnffig-Y noon and evehJ ing Beautiful shoes one afid dainty, smart, Mesistable. A gen uine pleasure to show them. Price 1.50 and upwards. New Fall D We are now showing our complete lines of ( New Fall Dress Goods. We know we' have the largest and best selected stock ever in our store; All the new cloths, fancy weaves, are here mark ed at very-reasonable prices, v . Coat 9. 3 We are doinan unusual large Suit business for so early in :he season. One I. s-oi-n to 'come at "your leisure and iook through our goods holds good. Mulinery -Y . OurilvUieerS: have rievero oompletely cavtivttted"!ouri eustomers as this season. , hough our formal opening days ara over we still have out our display of hats an 1 we invite you to come and gee them... 0 L BURLINGTON STEAM LAUNDRY L. C. Christman, Manager. Shirts, plain and negligee 10c. y) Shirts, plaited, opeu front 1 2c & -'Buster Brown Collars 4c f) h ilars 2c 0 Cutf-5, per pair 4c 0 Uudrshirts cotton 6c; wool 8c (A Drawers cotton 6c; wool 8c bocks,per p. cotton dc; wool 4c Handkerchiefs linen 2c; silk 5c Nightshirts 8 to 10c - 15c. 5c 10 c , 20c 20' to 30c 15c 20 to 25c -' 5 c 6c 6c 3c : 10c ; .' 5c, y n. 2c J Pa jama Suits Neckties h Coats (duck) ' Vests - ; t Pants I Waists Skirts . ..- Corset Covers Chemise Y . Ladies' Drawers. Hose, per pair Night-Dresses -Gauze . Vests - - '-Shtts . ; vflT Burlington DrugG6m?y ; FAIR deals and purest . DRUGS makes the best ": SHOW and. insure .your return to xur placeof , you will; coneorice. TryvUSiY.Y-, - ress Goods r Suits 3i . Whittei Pillows, starched 4 to 10c Tray Covers, starched 8 to 8c Towels ' 2c " Lace Curtains er p. 30 to 50c; Jbcrim Curtains 20 to 30c Blankets, double Blankets, single Spreads Quilts Tablecloths Tablecloths, extra long, Napkins, per dozen Sheets' . Pillows . .. dStlstera - ' Y Towels' x Tray Covers ' . " pieces,' etc . Ilough-dry, per pound - 4c By rpogh dry- work - we mean (tb5washed;tarched, dried but not ironed. .! All flat work' is ironed. " All work guaranteed." Give us a triaL . : C " "THE NORTH -POLE FOUND'V J , :We have tle best book published.; :. : giving CookVowu8tory and Peary W 1 expedition. Agents wanted Outfit uic; eiiu . i uo ip paj postage, uesi ; terms; also' valuable premiums giv- YY ir4o agents-whowork' thirty days. ' w Be first in the Heldj-act at once. - H ntrV i V - V 'I "Ik -. : a ' ' ' r w t -