Xhe State Dispatch i ' '-1 v r r rli ffc ffc . St Adianaiis Episcopal (lurch- ; ; . Re. EiwtfJL Rector. " v Uc. ErroX Holt, .V Senior Warden. Mr. 3. A- Steele, . - ; Junior Warden. : ' ' ' Vestry: . .W0"5-. V. ttIix T ITS ..la-o- - Bon, Jr., LAWrence . nun "?v J. Carter, William A. uau. , ; Sunday, 1100 A. M.-8.00 P. M. Wednesday. 84)0P. M- Snnday Schooled A. M. : Holy Communion," First Sunday, ll.uo A. M. Third Sunday.30 A. M. Giristiafl C&Qrch. Corner Church andfaaVis Streets. . Rer. rVB. n u: ntroi RnVifUv 1"L00 A. M. StitmIay School. 9.45 A. M. John R. Fniiter. Sunt. CSiristiatt Endeavor Seryiet, Sunday dweeXPrayer Service, every; Wed- BMday at 8.001'. m. 0 . ?TZaL kA nd Missionary Society neets on Monday after the Second Sun day in each month-: ... Tx 4i invitA.tinn extended to au. -. a rhh t. Raim for Viators and ptranjKerstv 1 ' - ' : Bcrfinston Reformed ChnrcL Corner .Front Tand Anderson Streets " Xcr.'J. D. Aadrew, PmUc. . . a-Aa, oTivn1 ftverr Sabbath. 9.30 Preaching every 2nd and 4th Sabbath, 1 A II n.n1 ft P. M. Mid-week Service every Thursday, 7.45 A cordial irdcome to alL Parsonage 2nd door east of church. enan Qnxrcli Rer. Paster. Services every Sunday at 11.00 A. M. ad8P.M. (hmav Rrhool at 9.45 A. M. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at 8.00 TJwimlalics -cordially, invited to all services. Frcs Street M. E. Omrch, SoctL 5 Rer. E. BL Supct, Pastor. , Preachfaiig: every Sunday morning and svening. Sunday School, 9.30 A. M. Prayer Service, Wednesday evening. Macedonia Lutheran Church. Front Street. Rer. C Braws C, Pastor. (Residence next door to Church.) Morning Service at 11.00 A. M. Vespers at 8.00 P.'M. (No services on third Sundays.) Sunday School, 9.45 A. M., every Sunday (Where Meeting, Wednesday, 8.00 P. M. (At Parsonage.) ' Woman's Missionary Society falter morning service on fourth Sundays.) u. C. Bs., Saturday before third Sun days, 3.0Q p J4 LLL. third Suudavs at 3.00 P. M. Baptist Church. Rev. S. L. MttM, Pastr. "Morning Services, 11.00 A. M. . Evangelistic Services. 8.15 p. m. Wednesday night prayer meeting ser vices, 8 15 p m. Business meeting, first Wednesday evening of the mntb at S-lo P. M. Sunday School, JJ.30 A. M. J. L. Scott, Supt. The Methodist Protestant Church, Rev. J. D. Wiffiams, Pastor. Bund a v Services. 11 a. m. and 8 p. m, Sunday SchooJ. 9:45 a. m. J. G. Rogers, flnpt. Christian Endeavor, Wednesday 8 p. m. Jj. W. Holt. Pres. Wehh Avenue M. E. Church, Rev. T. G. Vickers Pasto . -r Preaching every first Sunday at 11 a. m. and every necond Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday -school every Sun day at 10 u. it.. v n E. N. Jarrett. Supt. Everybody welcome. 1H WORLDS GREATEST SEWKS MACHINE .LIGHT RUNNING Jrroa want either Vibrating Shnitte. K'tTry enatue or a tsineie u. Dread i uiiaiti isiiic Sewing Machine write to THE KW HOME SEW1RQ MACH1SE CUKPASV ' - Orange, Mass. v Many ewracmachtoes are mde to sll ref tnrtless r' J mi loc .new iioiue is ms,,e ig weal Our ruarantsr never runs out ol ly aalliorixcfl dealers onli i if rw - - n i r &iRiiRRiR .JLQriDg tne.nrsv .seven raonuia i9Q9 CKili exDorted 250 tons more copper.than t l3ariqg tb& same time for 1908; of Trhich the United States Ed ward 'B.4 Stearliiifirl'of Trenton Nl'J.iliaa discovered in the outskirts of the tpvirn the largest specimen of poljporns on record, lbe niusc room weighs 43 pounds, is 13 inches in Light and Measures 105 inches in circumference.1 , . " -: " Judge George W. Breckenridge, of Fincastl Va., was assaulted in a Greet restaurant at Roanoke Va., last week by 'several Greets.' .The foreieners were arrested and fined injpolice court. Breclcenridge was not seriously injured. ... , z t - . - .. udge ITIT Davis-oF Allegheny couniy, . jrennsyivauia, texwy the'peUtion for dfvorcex)f a woman who was desertea by ner nuSDana in Canada,' on the ground that a court here" has no jurisdictioa,when the onense occurea on ioreign rernwry. At the Annual meeting of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Com pany stockholders at Richmond Va., last week, the purchase: of ; the Coal River Railway, the Raleigh anil Southwestern Railway, and the Vir ginia Air Line Railway was ap- While enroute from Wood coun ty W. Va., to the State penitentiary atMoundsyille, Ed Houaelman, who had. been-jseotenced to four years for forrjfc .qbietly slipped JJje hand Cliffs' from 'tis wrists Tuid 'jumped firom. the moving train, making good his escape. ' Thirty-eight wholesale liquor deal ere and manufacturers, against whom warrants were issued because of their failure -to pay the newstateJicense tax, appeared in court of Criminal Correction at St. Louis, Mo., last week, gave bond, and were assign ed to. trial November 1. Every shipping record in the mill ing history or Minnopolis, Minn , was broken last week when the rail roads took jUt 556 'cars, containing 110,560-barrels of flour. The mills have all; been in operation ' for the last 10 days and the industry is ac tive beyond precedent. Daniel J.Phelps, aged thirty-three years, a macmnist, snot niraseii through the bead at the home of his father-in-law in Lynchburg, Va., last week. At the corner's inquest it was shown that Phelps had been drinking Jamaica ginger for several davsT He had a wife and a small child:j A Tom Williams, a negro, CO years old, was arrested' at his home in Franklin county, Va., last week charged with attacking Mrs. Rosa Perdue the wife of Lee Perdue, a farmer living near Rocky Mount, and after a preliminary hearing was lodged in the county jail at Rocky Mountr A large black bear invaded the premises of K. W Andrews, in Northwest Roanoke, Va., last week. The animal was discovered by a ten ant and showed fight When dogs came upon the scene, bruin made his escape. This is the first bear that has came into-Roanoke in several years. , Many farmers in Spartanburg County, S. C, have been caught short because they-contracted with buyers and .mills to furnish a certain amount of cotton ata given price less- than 1 3 cents. Cotton -has ad vanced during the last few days and man y farmers are now forced to buy as much as thirty bales to fill their contracts, paying as mucn as 5$ for the staple. The rapid and successful devel n- mem oixne looacco maustry in Ul rica promises to be at tormidable competitor .of the growers in the bright tobacco belt of V irginia and North Carolina, according to state ments ofivpresentatives of the Am erican Tobacco -Companyand Uhe Imperial Tobacco Company, 'who have recently returned rom - that country. Robert S. Lovett was elected pre sident of the Union Pacific" Railroad to succeed the late E. H. Harriman aj; a meeting of the board of diree- tors in New York last week. -The! wexecuuve committee was re-elected with Judge; Lovett as chairman, to which place he was elected as Mr. Harriman's successor a few weeks ago. The other members of ; the executive committee are Henry C. e xu.arvm nagnut, x rank A. v rYoar son lias Consumption His case is hpless.,, -The' appalling words were spoken to (ieo. h.: vents, a; leading merchant of Spring field," N. C.t by two expert doctors r one - a.;: lungf s jecialisfc ; Then y was shown the .wenderf ulVpp wer of Dr, Bluig's New " piscovery . i -"After three weeks use.'; write Mr. Elevens he was as well, as ever.- iX Avduld hot take all the mbny in lher world for what it did for mv boyVIntalli ble for Coughs and IColdsl its the safest, surest cure ot desperate Xung diseases oo'earth. 50o and $1.00 at Freeman'e Drug Co.A Guarantee ooficAtin Trinl hnfilp frt' ' ' ; 7. The, latest: use of radium was ur oh a case of filariasis, or blood worm disease, in Paris. In this mosquito caused disease the blood at night, warms with millions upon millions of microscopic maggots, plugging up and imflaming and swelling the ker nels in the armptei A short course of; radium in: the armpits enred the swelling and made the worms scar cer in the blood. i - - s Td fiatber Die, Doctcr than have my foot but off,'' said M. L. Bingham1 of Princeville, 111., "but you will die from gangrene (which had' eaten away eight toes) if you don't," said all the doctors. Instead, he used Bucklen's Arnica Salve till wholly cured. " Its cures of Eczema, Fever Sores, Boils, Burns and Piles astound the worlds 25o at Freeman Drug Co. Poor Men in Congress. Philadelphia Press. Senator Frank P. Flint, of Cali fornia, has announced his purpose, to retire from the United States Senate at the expiration of his present term in March, 1911. He gives as his reason tne necessity oi earning more money so his family may have a competency. He finds it impossible to attend to his duties asja United States Senator and properly provide for his family at the Same time The Senator is pursuing an hon orable course. He would have little opposition for renoraination by his party and that would mean his re election without mu2u enbrt, but he, cannot afford to neglect his practice of law for f 7,500 a year salary in the United States Senate. His de cision emphasizes the sacrifice a poor but brainy man must make to serve his country in Congress. It also gives the lie to the many sensational tales that a poor man becomes rich if lie 8tay.in Congress long enough, j There are public men in medio crity and men who have no private business who manage to, live and rear a family on a salary of a Sena tor or Representative, but they are generally men of no weight in na tional affairs. Occasionally a great statesman devotes all his-talent to the legislation of his country and has no means of livelihood except his salary, but they are the excep tions. AIpn wbo go to Congress for the purpose of gaining a livelihood seldom rise above the pa roll.'" a man of talent aud abilities, re- quired in a useful, effective member J of ( ongress, seldom has any trouble making many times the amount ot the salary in 'business and, in the leading professions. When ooe of th esw devotrt bis energies to th ser3 vice of his. country aud neglects pi? vute affaire to. do (: so, Ue.it making ti noble .-aoiifice. Alany siich men are in the Honse and - Senate; biitnouti of thenVcan hlamtnl if, like Sen ator Fliurhe gavti p-lhisjpjpiblitj wori of however, exalted charafer, to make money for his. ..family.-; Vi ;The late Senator Hoar, of Mas saehnretts; the late Senator Piatt, of Coi.iih ticut; Senator Cullom, of,JlH nois, aud Seuator Frye, of Maine, are some of the most notable instances of poor men devoting their lives' to public affairs, although any of theu might have accumul u- d great riches iu the practice of law nr. in other professionals, j The lite Speaker Reed lelt public lite to make money for his family and other statesmen have been compelled to do the same. New York Hippodrome Song. During theTecent Hudson-Folton celebration in New York the sailors from the Uuited States and foreign fleets heard a song that pleased them mightily. It was sung at the New York Hippodrome, and the title; of the song is "Every Girl Loves a 1." fhe, son made a hit the New York WorW has arranded lo publish it, words and music com plete nest Sunday. i . Ohio, lState1 Journal. We oftenhearit said;ybu must fight the devil with fire." He will beat you at it everyUime : Th is is his imreenHeTs" Sii6Vlt and it mak him J laugh when nd finds amancbra injg wjthls twh favorite jYeapon, -, .V::.- f The last clause of that noble chap-l terthe2tli;bt mai is vei j come" evil 'irito1' arooa'v vThat is thef octnne JLf you wantto gee the devil nee iust'eome at him! with that ' IJon't look at this . as a lktl rosy, sentiment,, meant, 4 for girls V in- white irwkain t n lib is a fact as stupendous "as an earth-! quake. Tft is a moral law that reaches numan life as gravitation .reaches tne stars. ,; . !Vv.- :Tbe only way for a true man to! aci is to practice the . virtues, the! amenities, tfie generosities r of UfeJ These are the weapons that conquer.j In the veryruature; of things, with-4 out .hem, every ,yctory is, . a deteaL If it . were not so. ' the : devil would reh?n instead of God: and to the ex-H tent they aie not, . thei .devil, does To every one who pays us one dollar on subscription during the month of October, rwe will make them, a present -of a year - subscrip tion to the Southern Agriculturist. One of the - best Southern Agricul tural Journals. . ."' If your ' Sewing Machine is not giving good service let me show you an old reliable Singer or. Wheeler & .Wilson, illfexchange with you on reasonable terms Singer Sew ing Machine S)re Burliuglvn, C. This terriable calamity of ter hap pens because- a areless boatman ig nores the river's warnings growing ripples and faster current- Nature's warnings are. kind. That dull pain or ache in the back warns- you the Kidneys need attention it you would escape fatal, maladies Lropsy, Dia betes or Bright's disease. Take Elec tric Bitters at once and, see Back ache fly and all your best feelings return. . Aicer longs suffering from weak kidneys and lame back, one $1.00 bottle wholly 'enred me, writes J. R. Blankenship, of Belk, Tenn. Ouly 50c at Freeman Drug Co. . v : ick's CRQUPop j PNEUMONIA TbLtf I - Latest successful Treatment and Preventive. Combined Eubefa cient and Inhalant. ' Criminal for home to not have ready .25c 50c and $1.00. Trial size mailed for 30c. L. RICHARDSON. GRE1TNSBORO, N. C. AM MESI $1.65 ALL FOR ' ONLY $100 - t. ni 1 One Year's And 15-CentsMcC(in4tt One Year's McCALL'S MAGaMM: Is a large, artistic, handsomely illustrated hundred page monthly maganize. It contain sixty new Fashion Designs in each issue. Every woinari needs it for its .utbdate fish ions, entertaining storieV ; - home and personal topics. i$VCT Acknowledged the best Home and Fashion Magazine. Re gular price, o cents a copy. McCALL PATTERNS So simple you cannot misunderstand S;K ki U accura, - ,ln style, part of the State Givei all the news tP iS?.r p,Y0U lse t.,frce that's fit to print Interesting arid pro- J3JVL McCall Pattprn vnn iIpoiVa -;-it. ' ? rf j- i i .- v ? . ; " the t . number of ..".w. iwwiv.o Jr"u DON lvlldd 1J mem cnicryay is to take ;mt;ajpc repferitedv by In. surance against pecuniary loss. : The rates are not rhigMucMfoli? .femiJ , - CpKNtt'MAitN il.';, -sil ivs.' :-?. -riff i t mmm Ml iviiU&J , ;The SfiUPfit ' mote 4rb'etter remitims to clati raisers than any southern paper.!: T ; ! ! ; V ? Hus j eiutjwe are and valuable presents some thing you never yhooy can get a clnb for the SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST, becaiise it is: the best paper published for ' southern f armers and the' price is very reasonable. v.?5. , x Write for free sample copy containing at tractive premium offers. Southern A NASHVILLE, Opens September 7, 1909. Offers CLAREMONT sicai, jiingusn, aiusic. -arc, ruxpression, rreparatory. JUocation ideal Buildings Jarge and airy with new furniture ins every room. New eat ing system installed, Signor P'Anna, Director of Music. - Rates mod erate. oena or xsew vaiaiogue. JOSEPH L. MURPHY. President Value for Only fllflO l Subscription for McCaffs ame Subscription for The State Dispatch $1.00 Worth double. ? One of the i - " sioaiYc. inoispensaDie:m every the f magazme ylington home. Regular price ?1.0( cguiarprice ipc. f -V' - V .V- THIS EYTRAHRniMA D V :Jt rom ws in catse of AND FRONT STS. - i , i-. t ' ;' s v..-. . j-:: V : -A rrn giving away a lot of new g '-si. TENNESSEE the following Courses of Studyi Clas a ,y. . AGRICUiTUIUST nculturist GGLLEGE ALL FOR I "ONLY I - ; - : THE STATE DISPATCH best edited papers in this Bur- 00 per OFFER ' 4 -! ; Vanderlip. V-Willlam jTpf lAj i . y ' : ' ? I T1 a4?c? Dispatch, Burlington, N. C.

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