H: A M-W-AV -J. -re HI ;A J 'dP ITK'XD.O.iMl-NOO--.: . " : 8 $ equipped with the finest arid best VI : for Men. Young Men and Children is now ready for your inspection and approval. Therdemand the careful study of the inwha wants to do.the-bt (0 Tieraii IT'S NOT OURPRACTICE TO BLOW. There are many reasons why we jure prepared to dehver.the greatest rxible .value for the Jeasrpcssible cost it-- $15.00 bur 'price J10.50. $18.00, our price $12.25. L:- ,$3.50 to $4.00 our toce - '2:75i All this clothing Is strictly-pure Worsted, the latest shades and of. trie very best workmanship; Dont fail to get one of .those suits naw::,: : V: Men's Woman's and ChildrenV Shoesl We handle very satisfactory line of Men's Shoes, The Bostonian; for style, fitand wear. $3.50 and $4.00, also Mens, woman sana cm . MANTON SHOES FOR LADIES V $3.00 and $3.50. : . : . ; Look over our Hats, all the-new-Shades and Shapes. , v - '-: - , . - . - i ; - WPvARR nFFFRINfi A '-SPECIAL 750MEMS FLEECED LINED UNDERWEAR GARMENTS.S 50 and 75c valueur, price 39c each. : (?) If vou are in need of Dry Goods and Indies' Wear, we will save you some money. We have a cconplete line of them, in Anything new out you will find it here. vWe keep in touch with the new creations i 8 in parli Hpnarfmpnt: and vou are sureittt ifet the correct thirttf heri: AT ANY RATE, COME IN, MAKE YOUR SELFAT HOME. YOU ARE WELCOME. V ' . Corner Main and Davis st RURAL CARRIER ITEMS J K. F. D. NO. 7. We have a good one on C. D. Our Buff Wyai.dotte chickens Martin but it will keep awhile. won more prizes at the State fair j Fleet bheltun and Ned spent Suu lastweek. ilas won second and da at Altamahaw visiting their Peter third premiums. We exhibi- "e L. D. Hippy, ted at three fairs Alamance, Greens We had tnc pleasure of eating a boro and Raleigh this fall and won shucking dinner at Mrs Bettie seven 6rst and nine seooned prizes Rom today. W e enjoyed it hugely, on our chickens each show being Mrs Ross is one of o-ir best friends, judged bv a different expert judge. ' e than Mrs Stony, Mrs Fau We went to the State fair last tte Mrs- G- J??? lrf S'tU week accompanied by our better half . htJ J. C. McCuiloch for to keep us straight, and mMt iv the fair was the best ever. V p I visited cou-in Tool Workman who ! lives in Raleigh and had a g-od time. Cousin Tom furnished us 1 ts o good rations and a place to sleep and we furnished a healthy ap petite while there. Cousin Toms wite Maggie and two little daugh ters Sadie aod Margaret proved to be delightful entertaine r and plea sant hostesses, while ciusin Everette WorkmaD from Goldsbon furnished lots of fun fur us all. We all want to go back again wben eni.sin Tom get his larder rejleuishti!. Esquire John Duon i in GoKl stoue doing S'me wrk tor Mr. feharpe who i m the mercantile busiuess dvu there. C. F. Raiihut and daughter E!iz;i beth attended the State fair at Ha leigh lat Thursday. Corn suckings are now on deck. We can sympathize with Chas Ts ley in his misfortune of not getting to tulfill his engemnt with Mis Annie Wav, Sunday night n ac couut ot Herbert Sharpe stepping out and claiming his lady. On ar riving home Miss Way-.taken Mr ; Sbarpe into the parlor and .proceeds ed tot en.tertoia h,iWiien shortly after Mr Shaipe's father" knocked at the door and called his son to follow him home. Peter 5te !e after a weeks illness has retnmel ?.)ine lo work. He remarked that Bellemout was blooming u lat lut he has failed to name the flower. Ask E'.l Foster vyhere, he left his SuuS box Sunday evening. He ami the lady he was sporting Suuday nigtit neeletl it oef re he went home. Ask Joe Rich our p juUr voung sp n of tjIlern t)t s.aietiiinir about that tnisad venture he had at the hol liness meeting on Sunday the 1 7th. Pshaw boys geti yoiir hat and wafih hiV bnsiaess. Doa't let t afuad of vou. Hur- nice vegetables this week Several on No 8 visited the great show in Greensboro yesterday they report a fine. time. Mis. C. D. Martin is visiting her father in Wentworth thi9 weik hope she will have a pleasant visit. We attended the state fair last Wednesdav and Thursday had a nice time met lots of carriers from other parts of the state No 4 6 7 8 and, 10 attended from here. S; xr will rfd tick Vet. to it'oJd bov vou li. b v'i' 2 H F. D. No. 8. er what Evlev Lowe is go-io-'wha' those kittens he home from Ahamahaw No. u.o v her Sundav. ask him. mi 1 Ed vin King visited his father who is painting at Oxford last week. John, Paschal has returned irom Greensboro. We are glad to note hat he is improving. Items From tbe University. Judge James Cameron MacRae, who for the past ten years has been Professor of Law and Dean of the law department of the University died suddenly Sunday night, Octo- er the seventeenth. Judge MacRac was born in Fay- ettevdle in 1838.' "e attended school at Donaldson Academy after wards teaching unti1 he received lic ense to practic law in 1859. During the civil was Judge MacRae en list ed as a private in company H. 1st N. C, Volunteers. He served tnrouarh the war and at the close he held the position of Adjutant Gen-eili.-iiwiejAU Baker .tter . tie, wa he returned his prciifot lavf and was made, judge' of tl ie Sup erior Court ip 182 In 1 89?Iutfe:e MacRa was elected Assoeiare Jus tice ot the Supreme Court. In 1899 he accepted the position of Profes sor ot Law and Dean of the law de partment of the Uuivrsitv 'which position he held until his death. In the death of Judge MacRae the State loses one of the best citiz ens, and the University one of its mosT loyal supporters. The students held a large mass meeting in Henard Hall Thursday night. The object was to revive our athletic spirit and to give the foot ball team a pleasant send off to Washington were they played Georgeto wn University Saturday re siiltinjr in a score of 5 to 0 in favor of the North Carolina men. r A great number of the students here attended the fair at Raleigh and report a pleasant time. Dr. Joseph H. Pratt is spending a few days in Raleigh on business. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in Post Jiiioe uncnimpd. Burlington, N. C. Oct 23., 1909. Gentlemen t Charles Adams, Joe Beasley, J. W Baldwin, (2) George Boarins, A. Crisco, John T. Cntchin, Freeland Cook, J. S. Coble, Mack Carter, Joe Cates, 111 Catts I. W. Fowler, Frank Fourston, Frank- Florence, Birdie Graves J. C. Grave, Webs ter Huffman, J. B. Hudson, Esq. Henry Holt, E. D. Holt, H. H. Holt Stering Holt, J. W. Hawkins, Anno Henry, W. T. tlefuer, Pink ney Haithcock, Dune Ingle John Kernodle, Otis King, J. A. W. Long, W. F. Lov, James Lee, F. L. Morgan, Forrest Moore, W. H. Moore, Prince Macclowd, J. J. Melloyd, W. K Malone D. G. Mor ris, (2)T. Otary E. E. Oliver, SV, T. Paschall, Thomai-Stone, Dick Smith, F Schtiltz (2) Sam Shaw G. C Satterfield, Burlie Terry, Elmo Taylor, Victor Hosiery Mills, Ster ling Vezey, Irene Wright Lea Wotn ble. Ladies Misses Belle Wilkinson, Jennie Bratchell, Susie Baggs, Sallie Bald win, Emma J. Burch, Frances ' ox, Neater Cousin, Mary W Darnell, Hettie Dollar, (2) TIattie Evans, Lorale Hall, Mary 5,A Holt, Cornia Le Su die Taylor, Minnie Williams. Misses C P Davis Lular Davis, Julia E'loch, Nancy C. Foust, Julia Fo;ier, T F. Hatchett, Emmalslev Amelia Jordon Annie McConnell, Jennie McDonell, Mary Murry, An nie Muskett, J. B. Pritchetl, 'Mary TiiompsiMi, Lizzie Tickle Lillie Ter re"j Va. H. Turner fxuis Wilbura Browia& (Winston-Salem, North Carolina. NEW IT certainly behooves the Mer chants and Consumers of this sec tion to use North Carolina Made Goods and keep their money at nome. These two Brands are Gaining Favor everyday ihkre givi Lok. ers and Snuff Users Per- - i feet Satisfaction. If you haye not tried these brands Cit will pay you to do so, Kite Snuff and Golden Grain Smoking Tobac co are good goods and big packages : r- Call at the State Dispatch office and get sample copy ot the South ern Agriculturist, that we will give you a years subscription to, .when you pay us that dollar on your sub scrij4ion. - ?1. lso i is cal i i nA ffer'an -i i theii and L(iv to. of advertised lis. J. Zkb Wallku, PoSt MsKter. Balky Hore. Ohio State Journal.. . - A wealthy farmer in New York whipped a balfcy lorseaud while en gaged in this hither violent effort, he fell over dead. We woitld not say that this result. vs hi tUu na ture of a retribution forTi f'i-h and cruel'-act. It is possible fht the exertion so affected the acto:i of the heart that death was the consequ ence But the in-'ident should call at tention to the facf thit tb whipping ot a balky horse is a" risk that no nwn. of sence should accept. For if a nviin is not killed by the exertion, it hurts him otherwise, as all mean acts do, and whipping a balky horse is generally that sort of an act. : ' Violence that the specific for a balky horse, and W will seldom -do the horse any good, while it will al ways do the man harm; The driver catches tbe distemper fron the horse and balky ineWe worse tlian balky. toh: K FLEISHMAN Btr n J PRODUCT 9 - Sr , GRA N U LATE DBfcig ' - - ' II Kite Scotch Snuff is the only brand of sniiff man factured in North CaroKna and it is a inrietH UMlJ X 7 horses." As a general thin: the men who arc cruel to their horses are cruel to their wives and children. Both treatments arise out of t jje-sam ? spirit. "I'd Rather Die, Doctor than have ray. foot ut off," said M. L. - Bingham, of Princeville, 111., ?but you " will die from gangrene (.which had "eateir -away eight-toes) if you don't," said ail the doctors. Instead, he Usd Bucklen's Arnica Salve tiU wholly cured.. JUs cures of Kzema, Fever S)res, Boils, Burns and Piles astound the world r -25c at Freeman' Drug po. - Advertise iu The Dispatch. The Rev Ira R. : Kicks AIaaaEac for 1910. Rady November : 1 5th, 1 909 a splendid year-hook, oii astronomy a6l -.-mt'teorogy only one-containing the brigiual ' Hicks .Weather Forei casts.," By mail postpaid, 35e, on newstands, 30c. One copy free with a yea rs sii bscri ption to Wo r d a-Nd Works'" the Rev Ira R. Hicks Monthly Magazine the best $L montly in America. - Discounts oo Almanacs, Jii quantities. Agents wanted. - Remember, the genuine h'Hieks Forecasts" are not publish ed anywhere eUer you get them on ly: in his- own publications,, Word and 1 Works- Publishing Co , 2201 LocustSt., StLouls, Mo. , ; We Ask You to take Cardul, for your female I troubles, because V9 are sure it this great female remedy 1 1 IE I has brougjit reHef to thousands of other sick women, jso wny not w you ? For headache, backacne. periodical toains. female weaK ness. manv have said it Is the best medicine to take." Try it I Sold in This City F3 il i -.1 T a; NT- "S-t v X XS," V Sx