,1 - t-l ii it it v i it n f I i : i t " r i i .1 f t i 41 1 1 LI P i: ii r g , - . The State Dispatch. ? c . , . : , - , Fft RffilHMMS WMSHJME MOIRE 1 0) i 1 -,- -,..-. . ... . - Ik ouiDDed with the finest and best line of fabrics creations, ard style innovations that ever amazed the for Men Young Men and Children is now ready for your inspection and approval. They demand the careful study of the man who wants to dothe he can IT'S NOT OUR PRACTICE TO BLOW. There are many reasons why we are prepared to deliver the greatest possible value for the least possible WE PROMKE MUCH WE 'WTTjTj DEUVER MORE 215 Men's Suits $15.00 our price All this clothing is strictly pure Worsted, the latest shades and of the very best worteiansrnp, Dont fail to get one of those suits now Men' Woman's and Childrens' Shoes. We handle very satisfactory line of Men s Shoes, The Bostonian, for style, fit and wear, $3.50 and $4.00, also Mens, tomans ana cnnarens snoes. M ANT ON SHOES FOR LADIES' $3.00 and $3.50. Look over 0WpfJgf Q MEN'S FLEECED LINED UNDERWEAR GARMENTS, 50 and 75c value, our price 39c each. If you are in need of Dry Goods and Ladies' Wear, we will save you some mrney. We have a complete line of them, our prices are lower than elsewhere. AnvthiW new out vou will find it here. We keep in touch with the new creations in each department, and you are sure to get the correct thing here. Anytnmg new out yo AT ANY RATE, COME IN, MAKE YOUR SELFAT HOME. YOU ARE WELCOME. 8 Corner Main and Davis st :-: RURAL CARRIER ITEMS ;-: K. F. D. NO. 7. We want to thank the "inventor" of our "Indian Summer" as it is a pleasure to ride around and serve our patrons when the weather is like it has been for the past few weeks. Misses Maude Shoffner, of High Point and sister, Ora, of the State Normal, at Greensboro, spent Sun day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shoffner on our route. Mr. Soloman Homewood's little girl is right sick at this writing but hope she will soon be well again. We want to congratulate the State Dispatch on its "Industrial Edition" gotton out last week. It pictured the progress of a prosper ous people and mirrored the merits of the many enterprises, in which the business people of Burlington are so vitally interested, in a manner that wou'd have done credit to a city of twice our dimensions and pre tentions. Mr. C. F. Rauhut had two or three corn shucking last week, trie housed the largest crop he has ever raised. He was digging his late Irish potatoes last Saturday and in vited us to st-p and look at the pile of potatoes he had out. They were the most uniform lot we ever saw that had not been culled, in fact there were no small onea among them. We selected four of the average sized ones and brought them to town and weighed them and the four tipped the beam at three pounds and two ounces. Mr. Rauhut is a capital good farmer as well as an all around business man and clever gentleman who lives at home and GEtt : Wei I? you are sick, you wish to get well, "don?t you? Of course you do. You wish to be rid of the pain and misery, and be happy again. If your illness is caused by female trouble, you can quickly get the right remedy to get well. It's Cardui. This great medicine, for women, has re- jlieved or cured thousands juu xxviii faiuLuc iciuaic UUUUJ.C. Erv i i n n AM For Women's Ills t. Fannie Ellis, of Foster, Ark., suffered agony for eeven v ?;I her letter about Cardui. She writes: "1 waa sick for i u :r?ple trouble. Every month I would very nearly : I oack. I took 12 bottles of Cardui and .was vl it, JTsring Voir en." Try & X- i WE ARE ALL READY FOR BUSINESS sold at $12,50 and - - - ?10.50. "boards" at the same place as any ' one can see by taking a look at his ; fine hogs and cattle and nice crops of grain that he raises. j There will be a big auction sale of the personal property ot the late Jerry Sharpe next Saturday the 13th at the old home place just beyond Bellemont Cotton Mills. Sale be gins at 9 o'clock a. m. Go out and get some bargaius as there are lots of things to sell. Mr. Pinkney Capps has recently moved hi3 family to Bellemont. Sorry to learn that Floyd Nichol son and Chas Sharpe got left Sun day evening when two of the girls at Bellemont declined to go driving with them. A goodly number of the young people met at Mr. Chas. Websters Satuiday evening and had an enjoy able time. The Bellemont Mill U running only four days m a week now. We thank Mr. Rauhut for a peck of those fine Irish potatof s. Items From the University. Hon. James Bryce, the distin guished ambassador from Great Bri tain to America, was the guest of the University Friday uight, and made an address in Gerrard .Hall before a large an attentive audience. Mr. Bryce is interesting to Ameri can people uot only bctuse he is one of the eminent citizens of tue world, but because he has written the lect description of American Life in his " American Common wealth.". Mr. Bryce .spoke on the V .lue of a State University to the of ladies, suffering like J 59 STOEES ; jt CLOT 205 Men's Suits sold at $15,00 and $18.00, our price - - - $12.25. H. FLEISHMAN people. He expressed pleasuie at being in one of America's oldest and most useful Universities. The Uni versity of North Carolina, he said has had a long and honored career and is the best investment that the pK)ple of this State have everade. He expressed the hope that the people would respond to the grow ing needs of ihei ' University and that he was sure lhat they would receive immeasurable returns in men trained to search for the truth and impressed with the duty of citi zenship. He closed by congratu lating the Students upon having a faculty known for research and up on having as a site, for the Univer sity such a beautiful spot, far re moved from the din of cities, and admirably adapted to study and thought. The Alamance County Historical clnb held its regular monthly meet jug Monday night. Two very in teresting papers were read by mem bers. The first being entitled 'Cornwallis at Snow Camp' by W. P. Henley, he gave a detailed ac count of his encampment at that place. The next paper was a brief history of cotton manufacturing in Alamance, by J. G. Walker, his piper was interesting as well -as in structive. The following names are of men from Alamance wh are registered in the University, together with the jears in which they wilb graduate and th'ir postoffiVi ?s: Cooper W. L , 1911, Graham; Henley, YV. P., 1910. Snow Camp; Isley, R W.r 1913, Liberty, R ' F. D No. 3; Kimrey, A. C, 1911. Rock Creek; Lashley, J. VV. Jr., 1910, Burling- 'ton; Moser, ,o. C, 1911, Rock Creek; Perrett, V. A., 1913, Lib erty, R. F. D. No. 3; Patterson, E V-, 1911, Burlington, R. F. D. :No. 1; Pritchett, V. C. 1910, Bur lington; Walker, J. G., 1911, Gra ham: Wright, G. A , 1911, Snow Camp; Lynch, J. T., 1913, Bur- ; lington. President F. P. Venable has j been to the University of ,Virginia, I where he presided over the associa tion of Southern College and pre paratory Schools. R. F. 1). NO. 1. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Waddell and little Ruth left Tuesday for Randolph to spend a week visiting tiiend and relatives. Mrs J. R. Shoffner is spending some time in Winston-Salem visit ing relatives. Bud Smith had the misfortune of loosing an excellent good horse Sun day. Pneumonia was the cause. St. Paul School opened up last Monday week, with Miss Minnie Coble teacher. . Friendship High School .began Monday with a large attendance Tom Sharpe moved his meat box Monday and found about two dozen big rats under it Tom said if he couldn't raise meat that was heavy enough to mash a rat he was going HI K G 220 of $3.50 to Brown & - Williamson TobaccoCo. (Winstori-Salem, North Carolina.) NEW PRODUCT IT certainly behooves the Mer chants and Consumers of this sec tion to use North Carolina Made Goods and keep their money at home. 1 ese two Brands are Gaining Favor every day and they are giving Smok ers and Snuff Users Per fect Satisfaction. 5 if If you have not tried these brands will pay you to do and Golden Grain Smoking Tobac co are good goods and big packages "5 AM50N TORArrn V'"oiurfSA Kite Scotch Snuff factured in North Carolina and it to build him a n-.w smike-house that they xian't get in. Last Friday we done our part for another "of possum" dinner at Dr. Isley's, and Monday we took in the corn shucking dinner at J. S L. Patterson's. To say that we enjoy ed these dinners would be putting it in a very mild form. R. .F D. NO. 5. Our school opened Monday morn ing with Miss Lucile Kirkroan, of Siler City, as teacher. We are glad to welcome her in our midst, and hope she may be successful in her work. - Quite a number of our people at tended services at Bush Arbor last Children's Suits sold at $4.00 our price - $2.75. Burlington N. C. 5c so. Kite Snuff CIA 7'2w W. is the only brand Sunday, they report a large crowd. We are sorry to report that Mrs. James Anderson is on the sick list Truly hope she will soon be conva lescent. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Aldridge and little Allen visited at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Ras coes in Caswell Saturday night Miss Cornelia Allen made a fly ing trip to High Point Saturday and Sunday visiting her brothers. We are glad to report that Mrs. J M. Teer s very much improved. Miss Daisy Wyatt visited her sis ter, Mrs. Beriha Pickett in Bur lington last week. Now is. the-time- to renew or subscribe to-the Dispatch. - " 8 8 buyer. 8 8 best cost. GOOD GOODS BIG PACKAGES of snuff manu is a Winner. to take Cardui, for your f emala troubles, because we are sure it wi3 help you. Remember that this great female remedy has brought relief to thousands of other sick women,: so why not to you? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak- ns" marro hovfl -said it IS the best medicine to take.- . Try it 1 SriM in This City n EEp : IG RANU LATE Mill