;' - - . . . . , The State Dispatch.- Items of General Interest - Clipped From our Exchanges. - : geidsvllle Review. 1 ' " V 'Y Bradley Allred died at hia home ;n Caswell coubty at me age ol y It is said of Mr. Allred hat he never struck a match during life having since matche3 came into use continued the. old-family gre-place. , " Y J. Mat Joyce, a deputy sheriff is a man who practices; the strictest economy. Sunday when he arrived at Went worth to alttend court, he jecidfni to spend the night in tne grand-jury room and save the cost of lodging in one of the hotels at the county-seat. Arising early next morning he ran his head through a bier glass in the door, and wilL now have to replace it, thus being out $15.00 instead of the cost of a night's loding. Union Republican A solid train of beef cattle pass ed through the city the past week on its way to Northern markets. There were twelve .cars, all full, making 350 head. They ere from Ashe and Watauga counties. Messrs. J. L. and W. L. Anthony and Ernest Angelo, have purchased a lot just north of the postoffice and will erect a thiee-story brick build ing thereon; at a cost of some $6, 000 the first floor of which will ,be used by the Winston Tailoring Co., and the other stories Tor offices and dormitories. During October the local drug stores filled 700 prescriptions for liquor. The Express Co., delivered fully that many parcels, which leads us to infer that we have prohibition more in name than reality. The Republican believes that' the drug store prescriptions were for medici nal purposes. The Express ship ments, which roll in every day, are with exceptions, used as beverages Then we have near beer saloons where the thirsty also slake their thirst with malt drinks. There maj be less liquor drank than there was before the State prohibition law went into effect but such facts and gures make one really wonder if such is really the case. Yolngton Dlspatcb. Thursday the Cro well Furniture Com pan , 's plant which has been in bankruptcy, was sold at auction and purchased by J. T. Hedrick for the sum of $5,600. Later J. C. Hol land, a furniture man of Winston, placed a ten per cent, bid on the property and it will be sold again on the 24th. Because D. M. Raper has been in poor health and has had trouble, a large number of his neighbors gathered at his home last week, near Enterprise, and proceeded to do his farm work. They sowed wheat gathered and shucked his corn, hauled wood, etc., and put his farm in good condition. Such things as this are finer than words can paint them, carrying out to the letter as they do the great injunc tion. Raleigh Cacanslan. The barn and stables of J. T. Edwards, who lives in House's Creek Township, were burned Sun day night. His loss was about $2, 000. All the live stock were res cued from the flames. On Monday Governor Kitchin granted pardons to Lonnie Cunning ham, of Gaston County, and Alex. Crisco of Stanly county. Lonnie Cunningham, who i a woman, had served nine months of a year's sen- tence for keeping a disreputable nouse. (Jnsco had served tour months of a five months' sentence for selling whiskey. Wilkes Patriot. In a boiler explosion at Lee Staley's saw mill near Brier Creek, Tuesday, Clyde Sale, a yo'ung man, about eighteen years old, 'was so frightfully scalded from head to foot "with escaping steam and hot, water, that his recovery is not expected. Thomas Ladd, another young man, painfully, though less seriously in jured. The boiler had not been ised in several months and it is bought that the steam gauge had tacome rusty and did not register accurately the head of steam, and at the accumlation was for greater than the valve indicated. Eltin Times. ' -; In conversation with Pack Layne ho was in town a few days ago, kfc said that he did not think he had ever seen a finer autumn in all his life than the one w are h vino- nVI Air Layne is more than seventy years old. -.. ; ; : y Dr. King received a telegran from Mebaae, C, saying that his son, Ed warjd, who is attending the Bing ham School at that place had sus tained a fracture of the collar bone, presumably in a frame of foot ball. Dr Ring left on . the earlv train ye iterdav morning for Mebane to visit his son and look after his con dition:'- .; ' '' ' " ' TancejTllIe Sentinel. Henry Turner happened to a very serious accident Friday, and he was fortunate to come off as well as he did. He was in the woods with a force of hands, and in endeavoring to throw a tree that had lodged with another tree the latter tree slided, striking Mr. Turner and pinioning his legs against a log. Both of his limbs were severely bruised and Dr Malloy found a slight fracture of the right member. His many friends will be glad to know Henry is gett ing on nicely, displaying his usual gift. Voting land Baying Votes. Ohio State Journal. At the election last week Mary land voted on an amendment to disfranchise, the negro. It failed, as it ought to have done. Taking away from a race the right to vote, which was once given them, is a difficult, if not an impossible task. We hear sometimes of people ex pressing themselves in favor of dis franchising the negro, and they point to the alleged practice of buy ing vup the negro vote as their reas on. We do not think chis practice is so universal as to jus tifiy such a course. There are, doubtless, neg roes who sell their votes, and white people, too, no doubt, but they are a low class, and are very few com pared with the body of decent and intelligent voters. But he is something we cannot uuderstand why a negro who sells his vote should be disfranchised and the. man who buys it sh)uld be permitted to vvote. If the matter was analyzed, he man who buys a vote is a worse citizen than . a man who sells his vote. Where a low down negro or white man sells his vote there is always some alleged respectable and intelligent man who does the buyiug or furnishes the money. ' Won't Slight A Good Friend. "If ever I need a cough medicine again I know what to get," declare? Mrs A. L. Al ey of Beals, Me., "for after using ten bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, and seeing its ex cellent results in my family and ot hers, I am convinced it is the best medicine made for Coughs, Colds and lung trouble." Every one who tries it feels just that way. Relief is felt at once and its quick cure surprises you. For Bronchitis, As thma, Hemorrhage, Croup, La- Grippe, sore throat, pain in chest or lungs its supreme. 50c and $100 Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Freeman Drug Co. Needed the Knife. Philadelphia Telegraph. Speaking of table etiquette some time since, General E. Burd Grubb told a story about a man who was justified in eating pie with a knife. Smith was standing in a hotel lob by one day, according to the Gen eral, talking to Jones, when the conversation turned to a dinner that had been given at the home of a mutual acquaintance named Brown. 4You should have seen Barton," remarked Joues, referring to one of the guests. "I thought he had bet ter table manners. When his pie was served he actually ate it with a knile." "I don't blame him for that," was the startling repiv of Smith. rV iist j ui ' u: . "iOU uuu l uieuue iiiuit icpcai- ed Jones in amazement "No," smilingly rejoined Smith. "I have eaten pie at Brown's my self, and it" is a wonder to me that didn't take an ax." We're sorry if you've tried other medicines -and they failed. 'As a last resort try Hollisters's Rocky Mountain Tea. It's a simple reme dy, but it's worked wonders, made millions well and happy. Purifies the blood, makes flesh and musfle, cleanses your system; VT; H. Stroud. Private John's Oftice; : "When I first decided to allow the people . of Tupelo to uae mah name as a candidate for Cougress I went out to a neighboring parish to speakjVsaid Privale John Allen to some friends at the bid Metropoli tan Hotel in Washington. "An old darkey came up to greet me after the - meeting. . 'Aiarte Allen,' he said, 'I'se powerful glad to see you. - l'se known ob -:l you - -. - w - .-- - m since you was a babby. Knew you pappy long belo you-all wuz bohn, too. He used ter hold de same office you got now. I 'members ho re he held dat office fo years an' years "Whot office do you mean, uncle?" Tasked, as I never knew pop held any office. . - " 'Why de officii of candidate. Marse John; you pappy was candi date fo' many years."National Monthly. Kills To Stop The Fiend. The worst foe for 12 years of John Deye, of Gladwin Mich., was a running ulcer. He paid doctors over $400.00 without benefit. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve killed the ulcer and cured him , Cures Fever Sores, Boils, Felons, Eczema, Salt Rheum. Infsllible for Piles, Burns Scalds Cuts, Corns. 25c at Free man Drug Co. "A big 2 J, ounce bag of Golden Grain Smoking Tobacco for five cents." Parson Was Well Posted. Washington Star. Senator Tillman at a recent ban quet told this story: "The pastor of a Tallapoosa church," he begun, "said rather pointedly from the pulpit one Sun day morning: " 'Ah sutny am rej iced to see Bruddah Calhoun White in chu'eh once mo'. Ah's glad Bruddah Cal houn has saw de error of his - ways at lawst, fo' dere is mo' joy abah one sinnah dat repentete dan obah de ninety, an' nine -' "But at this point Brother Cal houn; White interrupted, angrily: " 'Oh," said he, from his seat, de ninety an' nine needn't crow. Ah could tell some things erbsut de dinety an' nine ef Ah wanted ter.'" "THE NORTH POLE FOUND" We have the best book published; giving Cooks own story and Peary's expedition. Agents wanted Outfit, frre; send 10c to pay . postage. Best terms, also valuable premiums giv en to agents who work thirty days. Be first in the field; act al once. PLILL1PS-B0YD PUBLISHING CO. Dept. 1 Atlanta, Ga. promptly obtained tn all ooimtriea, or RO FXI. TRADE-MARKS, Ckre&U and Copyright iegi tered. Send Sketch, Model or Photo, for free report on patentability. ALL BUSINESS STRIOTLT CONFIDENTIAL. Patent piacUoe exclnsirely. Surpassing reference. Wideawake lnrentors shonld hare oar band book onilow to obtain and Bell patents, What in. Tention will pay,How to get a partner ndother Talnable information. Sent free to sny address. D. SWIFT & CO. 501 Seventh St, Washington, D. C. CILLthc COUCH AND CURE the LUNGS lr. ling's WITH Boa IsGduory FOR tfSHffst13 too. 1 UM ViOLDS Trial Bottle Fret AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OS MONEY REFUNDED. MeCAIXi rAM.M.KMJX9 , . i j m -4 iA fit Kimniintv and reUability nearly 40 years. 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BROOKS Surgeon Dentist Foster Building BURL1JNOTON, N. C. trinity College Four Departments Collegiate', Graduate, Engineering and Law. Large library facilities. Well-equipped laboratories in all departments of Science. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expense very moderate. Aid for worthy stu dents. Toanf Men Wishing to Study Law Should r Investigate the Superior Advantages Offered by the Department of Law at Trinity College For Catalogue and further Information, Address D. W. Newsom, Registrar, Durham, N. C. 0'''c&'c'3c&5'c9'e39 Subscribe Now For The Atlanta Journal, Daily Sunday and Semi Weekly. Largest circulation south of Baltimore. BY MAIL. Daily and Sunday, Daily nly, Sunday only Semi-Weekly $7.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 M IRRESMTELE BARGAIN ..''' $1.65 Value for Only $1.00 all for One Year's Subscription for McGall's Magazine all for ONLY And 15-Cents McCaU Pattern you may select ONLY $1.00 One Year's McCALL'S MAGAZINE. - Is a large, artistic, handsomely illustrated hundred-page monthly maganize. It contains sixty new Fashion Designs in each issue. Every woman needs it for its up-to-date fash ions, entertaining stories and complete information on all home and personal topics. Over one million subscribers, Acknowledged the best Home and Fashion Magazine. Re gular price, 5 cents a copy. Worth double. McCALL PATTERNS So simple you cannot misunderstand them. Absolutely accurate, In style, irreproachable. You any McCall Pattern the first ' number which reaches you, D0NT MISS TTIS EXTRAORDINARY OFFER Call at our office or address your order to The State Dispatch, Burlington, N. C The North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women : of North Carolina. Four regular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses for Teachers. Fall Session begins September 15, 1809. Those desiriDg to enter should ap ply as early as possible. For cata logue and other information address J. I. FOUST, Pres., Greensboro, N. C. E REE PRE The SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST offer more and better premiums to club raisers than any southern paper. This year we are giving away a lot of new and valuable presentssome thing you never saw before. Anybody can get a club for the SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST, because it is the best paper published for southern fanners and the price is very reasonable. Write tor free sample copy containing at tractive premium offers. Southern Agriculturist NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE . 4l I m.jtTl am .1 III . i ll iilfS $225.00 I.; fi HttK IS A $3oao piAN I. ' , I Comein and; See if you g ; 1 i Easy Payments 1 Ellis Machine & Music Co.l BURLINGTON, N. C. I Subscription for The State Dispatch THE may. select, free that s fit to you desire from gressive. of the magazine Regular price 15c. year. ' THE NORTH CAROLINA ' College of Agriculture and Mecbanic. Arts. The State's college for vocational training.- Courses - in ' Agriculture s and Horticultu re; in Civil, Electri- ' cal and Mechanical Engineering; in ' , . Cotton Milling and Dyging; m In- - -'y dustrial Chemistry.. Why not fit : yourself, for life by,- taking .one; -;' -of these courses? ,y ' Address t , - ' D. H. HILL. President, West Raleigh, N. C. , : . , mm LUlo Uf IWLt I HIM 1 HA 1 STATE DISPATCH "I $1.00 One of the best edited papers in this part of the State. Gives all the news print. Interesting and pro- Indispensable in every. Bur . a s - lington home. Regular price $1.00. per 1 , - s