0 I i s 0 0 S (9 0 (9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 i0 I g it,n,.,.. f pj ' I Annbunce Your , nomination ballot : i , Candidate I 47 -I. hereby "''nominate , - L&R ' 'fi ru , 1 . J - ' "V ' ' ' ' ! ?Q - ; v I MiKE " f Address .......................; .'.. f -"SSS aK -jassar, jt! jfj ' , !'. ' . "' flFWTEiff ' 1 : :Mf kl 'WIN J I mi ill . 'i ; - ; G This nomination ballot, when properly filled out, will fli i ! II ' V 6? 17 count for 100 votes. Only one ballott will be credited to a I - Ife?" II InTff- 3 candidate. ... Mfr - 'L Y ,i ' .A ' & . SomAelv Gd Tluk Piae Free! I ii YOU? I Having demonstrated to ourselves the merit of this way of advertising, we have secured the exclusive privilege of inaugurating this, the Biggest, Best and Free to all Voting Contest. 1 Do you want this Beautiful, Full Size, High Grade Piono? This Contest is a part of the millions of dollars that is annually spent in the United States in advertising. It puts us in direct touch with our subscribers. It shows to you that we are wide awake and are always ready to extend to our subscribers every possible advantage. THE CONTEST IS AS FOLLOWS, AND FREE TO ALL ALIKE. Start today. You have the same opportunity as anyone else to win this beautiful piano free. sk your friends to aid you; they will readily consent, as it cost them noth ing. Phone your neighbor to vote for you, or if your triend or lodge or Sunday School is in the race to secure this valuable price get busy and help them, put in every vote you can. OltliLOir 3E:rjL;e will be 3nL3LaoTUL3LXOocl Xj&lILoz0 SIMPLE GONDITION8. This Full-Size High-Grade Cote Cabinent Piano will be given away to the person, club, charitable institution, lodge, school or church that receives the highest popular, vote. HOW TO VOTE. We give with every cash payment on subscription to the State Dispatch at our office a voting certificate; the power of each vote represents the amount of your payment If your payment is 25 cents, this gives yon 25 votes; a 50 cent payment entitles you to 50 votes; a dollar payment gives you 100 votes, etc Each vot ing certificate must bear name, date of your payment and signature of the State Dispatch to be valid. HOW TO WIN. Request your friends and neighbors to subscribe for the State Dispatch and cast their vote for you. If your Sunday School has been needing a piano, work for this one. If you have been wanting a Piano and have not felt just ready to make a purchase, just a little hustling among your friends will secure this elegant high-grade Piano FREE. We will certainly appreciate your subscription. You have the chance of securing the Piano, and your friends will not hesitate to subscribe for ihe State Dispatch if you suggest that it will help you to secure this Piano. COTE PIANO. This beautiful Cabinet Piano is handsome in case design and finish an artistic plainness that attracts and is always admired. Height, 4 feet 9 inches; widlii 5 feet 2 inches; depth, 2 feet, 3 inches. Seven and one-third octaves; when boxed ready for ship ment, weight 850 pounds. This Piano has the Automatic Extension Front, with a Music Rest the length of the Piano; hand-carved panels and mouldings. Has folding fall board, hardwood back. The sounding board of the best known material for retention' of sound waves and the wrist plant constructed of compound rock maple. Has the double French repeating action; the German imported strings; three unisoons with overstrung base; nickleplated trimmings; three pedals with muffler; ivory keys, quadruple veneered, and is fully guaranteed for ten years against any deficiency in workmanship or material. SPECIAL DESIGN. The International Piano Company, whose main offices are at Jacksonville, Fla. i the furnisher of this beautiful Piano and the reputation of this well known Music House assures the purchasers of the high quality of the instrument. Its tone is full, pure and resonant. Just the kind you would want to buy. LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY. This is your free opportunity. It costs nothing to vote or to enter the race. You need the State Dispatch any way. So bring or. send youjr subscription and vote for the Lady, Church, School, Sunday School, benevolent or fraternal organization of your choice and secure the Piano for yourself or friend. NO CHARGE. The rules are simple, the children can work on it The contest will be interesting just a little friendly rivalry to advertise our business and the Cote Piano. WHO MAY ENTER THE CONTEST. Any Lady, married or single, Church, Sunday School, Graded Schoolf Lodge or any benevolent Society or organization. Oother valuable prizes will be announced . later. They will embrace a number of valuable household articles, etc. Enter the, contest and secure one them. ,1- i i I I The Big Piano Voting Contest will be the Big Event! THE LEADING NEWSPAi'ER. Should make you our cash subscriber anyway. Just a trial subscription and you will be convinced that you like us as well as anyone, then subscribe for the State Dispatch and secure a fine piano for your home, or help your friend or lodge or church secure it You get a good paper and value received for your money, anyway. EXCITEMENT WILL SOON BE RIFE. You want to get into the fight at once. Let us suggest that you organize your forces. Get in the lead and stay in the lead. The prizes are too valuable to loose when it costs no money to win them. The Piano is one of the best and furnished ns by one of Ihe South's largest piano concerns, and nonr is the time for you to hurry up and get busy. Ask your friends to give you their votes. See that they are voted for you. COvLD YOU NAME THE WINNER It would be hard to do, but you can help some one to win or by a little work win yoursel The Contest is now on in earnest aud all alike ehare the same how your cash payment secures your voting ticket, and every ticket bears the name of tbe voter. NOT ALLOWED No one interested in the office will be allowed to vote, and we have no interest in who wins the piano. It is a free-to-all contest where the most popular contestant must win out IHE CONTE you THE want to A T .1 D I A TCH