I Mill im v, , tr-^r v X-'ft t « •; •>. k' nding ace to >plied. ian al- Just ie ex- -adie’s ble, at finest >se, in Men’s made We fancy :hUd- latten- )f our roven XT AND tMOW AU* BUT rqi I6H OF PO iRNi ;oN. I N. C. hii '' ■ ■ ■■■■ > > rs?, ■*i Barrett’s Syrup White Pine Compound With Tar, Well, may we recommend it? \¥ell, may we be proud of it and its record? Of course. Syrap of White Pine compound with Tar is a natural specific for the relief and cure of Coughs^ Colds, wonderfully efficient in the treatment of Con sumption. We carry a full line of everything that can be carried in a Drug Store. Give us a call. Try a bottle of our Liver Pills. Dr. W. E. Swain President 'fe|| the North Carolina conference aCr the Methodist Protestant chui!?ii| preached an able sermon at th ' ~L P. chnrch Sunday night ‘ ing Tuesday for Gibsonville t fill a regular appointi:nent Tu" day night. We regret to leam of the ii t ness of our venerable friend ^V J. Freeland, of Hillsboro. Freeland is the father of Aide Borlkgtmi Retl Eitate. Did it ever occur to you that REAL BJSTATE is the safest and best investment that man can make?" ■ ■ .Did it ever occur to you that Burlington REAL ESTATE was ^jpeciaily good? ^ If you have never thought of it begin thinking now, and consid- j w the future possibilities of Bur- FREEMA.N Phone 20 DRUG Bui’lingt-on, N. C. CO local and personal. Remember this is the time to list your tax. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mitchell spent yesterday at Greensboro. The Burlington Drug Company have something new this week. We are glad to report that Mrs C, k Cox, continues to improve. Rev. P. H. Flemings was busi ness visitor at Greensboro yester day. We are glad to see Henrji^ Bass at home from the hospital at Salisbury. Walter Sellai^ wajii a business visitor in the city of Greensboro last Thursday. Maj. Chas. M. Steadman of Greensboro was a business visit or in town yesterday. Miss Ella Clendenjiin of Gra ham spent Saturday and Sunday in town visiting relatives. Mrs. Claud Cates and child’*en spent the latter part of last week at Mebanc visiting relatives. C. H. Walker has just return ed from a pleasure trip to Wash ington D. C. and points in Va. A memorial service has been announced for S.t Marks's Refor med Church on next Sunday June 19th. Preston Coggins a young busi ness man of Wilmington N. C. is the guest of Miss Myra Dorsett this week. Jno. Mebane left fii'st of the week to spend a week visiting his brother Rufus Mebane of near Mebane. The beautiful gold watch on exhibition in Stewarts show win dow will be given away in ou^ voting contest. R. F. D. Carriers numbers, 1, 2, 7 and 8 failed to make their round yesterday on account of swollen streams. B. B. Slaughter a student at Trinity the past session has re turned home to spend Ms vaca tion with his parents. Mr. Geoi'ge Wilson from near iiillsboro visited at R. L. Barn well’s and J. M. Workman’s last Saturday and Sunday. C, F, Neese and Mr. and Mrs, Allen left yesterday for Greens boro to spend a few days attend ing a meeting of the jewelers. ^ Mrs. D. E. Bowers and Miss Flor-^ Mebane of High Point are the guest of their parents Mr. and 2vlrs. J. R. Mebane this week. Miss Hitchens, one of our po pular milliners left yesterday for i^er home at Pocomoke, Md., she '"ill return after a few months ''■’acation. FOR SALE—One 2 1-2 horse power gasoline engine, in perfect running order. Apply to BUR- UNGTOxN Beverage Co., Burling- -on, N. C. . Wanted—Four or five young iive squirrels. Will pay good Pnc8. A. L. Davis, at First National Bank. G, T. Lumpkin of Wins- ton-Salem is assisting Rev. L, Morgan in a series of meet- the Baptist church. He v. iit preach each night this week. T' , . cui’e blood poison, snake ■'^P’^der bites and stings, j-Yoiy^ the bottom I’unning stream, mix a dough strong vinegar and bandage Hiss Minnie Montgomery dau- gmer of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. -Ho.'itgomery of Elmira was ta- ^en to Rex Hospital at Raleigh ‘iS' to be operated on for Stone. vTf ^requested to say to all Veterans, and wi- of Confederate Veterans the Freeman Drug their smce this TO -P J TSct An investiment in Bur- man J. H. Freeland aad - i Write Pickard and Trogdon, dames J. Zeb. Waller and J. S Workman of this city, him a complete restoration health. We I Greensboro, rr> entitled to a pension and - on the pension rolls will attend a meet- ® pension board at Gra- 'ottk Ml 1 ^ Monday in July, ef- y-u^r, ^nade to have their enrolled upon the pension See what Co., have in week. The Dixie Mills have something for their patrons friends etc., in this issue. Mr. J. A. L. Davis was a busi ness visitor in the town of Hills boro last Thursday. Miss Donna Clapp spent part of last week visiting relatives near Low's church. Messrs. Ed. and Walter Dillard, of Corbett, were in town last week purchasing a horse. E. T, Horne spent a few days the past week in the country the guest of his uncle, J. E. King. Sheriff Cook has a notice in this issue appealing to the public to pay their 1909 tax. Look it up. Mrs. Nellie B. Green and Miss Hitchens were business visitors the city of Greensboro last Thurs- in day. B. Goodman moved last Thurs day into the Holt house on com er of Means street and Lexing ton avenue. A. C. Murray, who has been spending his vacation with his parents on Mebane No. 3, was in town Fiiday. Mrs. Warner and two children, of Randleman, were the guest of Rev. J. A. Homaday and family the past week. Mrs. Artelia Pickard and Lula Robertson, of Hillsboro, spent last week as the guest of Mr. and Mra. S. C. Patterson. Misses Mabel and Ada Belle Isley returned Thursday from Trinity College, where they liave been in school the past year, John Homaday returned home from Trinity College last week to spend his vacation with his pa rents, Rev. and Mrs. J. A Homaday. Mrs. Crafton, who had charge of the dress making department for Misses Morrow & Bason, left Thursday for her home at Rich mond, Va. Miss Edif*-! Carroil who was carried to Kex Hospital Raleig'h last week was operated on Tues day for appendicitis, and is gett ing along nicely. B. A. Sellars & Sons, one of the oldest and most reliable firms in town, are giving some special prices this week. Something special to ladies. Misses Meadow and Cardwell two popular young ladies of Madison arrived Thursday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Meadow for a few days. Jos. A. Isley & Co., the depart ment store which handles every thing from a pin up to the most expensive and costly articles of merchandise has a new ad in this issue. Jas. Garrison has accepted a position as bookeeper and steno grapher for the Burlington Hard ware Company to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of E. P. Williams. The business and social meet^ ing of the Epworth League which was to meet last Friday night at the parsonage was posponed un til to morrow night on account of the inclement weather. W. D. Wright who has been connected with the Hico Milling Co. is now connected v/ith the Dixie Mills. Mr. Wright is an excellent miller thoroughly understanding the art of his pro session. The Woman's Hospital Aid of Burhngton will meet in the Sun day School rooms of the Presby terian church at 4 o'clock June 17th. Mrs. Jno. Q. Gant, Chairman. Jno. R. Foster President and Jno R. Hoffman, Sec., of the Burlington Merchant Association will attend the annual meeting of the Retail Merchants of the State which meets at Salisbury next Tuesday, W'ednesday and Thursday. _ N. C., they have thirty-five elegant resi- i dence lots and are offering them The special meeting at the R>if-5 at prices that will appeal to any fomied church open last Sab* f oAe seeking invest- bath. Therainsare interfereini^ iment.^ with the attendance. Rev. p. Write today or call on them at E. Bowers of High Point is preii ij the Newlin Hotel on Saturday, ching every night. The meeting | —-r will continue over next Sai> ; l|r. and Mrs A J. Vestal Entertain a. Jill ICE-CREAM! PDRE GOOD bath with a sermon at 11 and at 8 p. mon Sunday by Bowers. You are invited. Re\, if Your Eyes Ache. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Vestal gave a very pleasant evening of enjoy ment to a few friends last Wed nesday night tTom eight to eleven. There's a reason for it-and yod' S® •hould come here for an ation and correct fitting glasses? i | Columbia, S. C., Our work will convince you that Jr? «ro M 1 ^th the Hartford Life Insurauce Company. The evening was spent in play ing games and i^rtaking of de- we know our business. Dr. N. Rosenstein Eye Specialist, will be at Burlington June 21st, the Burlington Drug Co. for the^„*^ purpose ef emamining eyes fit 5 Ihose present were: Misses nt glasses. . i StJiel Garvin, Miss Shoffner, I Hattie Robinson, Hortense and Mira Dorsett, Annie Dare Homa day, and Swannie Patterson, Messrs Clyde and Bascom Horha- Taken A red heiffer with homs about two years old has been at m.i? house Jabout a month. Owner[ day, Jno. R. Hoffman, Jim Gar- wili please call and prc^e proper- lison and Laksie Patterson. ty and pay costof feediingj adver- j ^ , . tisingj etc^^' aad the property ^ will 1^ twrned over to hmi. MAY 15, 1910. Lv. Charlotte l;l:6o at. m. Lr. Wiuston ,' 2:^0 p. m.; Ly. WaJnnt C. 3:15 ps m. Lv. Maxiiaon " Ly.. Mayodaa Ly. M’rt'av’lle Ar Boaaoke Lt. Boanoke Lv. M’rt’ny'll© Lv. MayOdau Lv. Madison Lv. Walnu^C. Ar. fWinston ,Ar. Ch*Tiotte 3:43 p. in. 3:46 p. m. 4:4i4 p. m. 7-00 p, ns. No. 21. "9:15 a. m.. 11;40 a. m. 12:52 p. m. 12:55pimj l:27 p, m. 2:10 p. ni. 5:50 m. ,No. .24V 7:10 &. m. 7:51 a. m ^ 8:23 a. m £i;2T a. m, 9:26 a^ m; 11:45 a. m No, 23. 5:00p, m 7;30p. m. ’ B:22p. m 8;26p. m. 8:52p. in. , 9:30p. no. Nbei. 23 and Chas. F. Webster, Haw River, N. C.^ Route 1. June 6th, ISIO. , ' Dissolntion Notice. Notice is hereby given that; the co-partnership heretofore ex isting between H. K. Dorset and W. H. Layton under the firm name of Dorsett & Co., has been mutually dissolved. All accounts due by the above named firm will be paid by ^ W. H. Layton and all parties owing the said firm will make settlement with W. H. Layton. W. H. Layton. New Sales Stable. The Fogleman Bros, closed a deal the past week purchasing a lot on Front street between Sam Moore's livery stable and Sellars automobile shop. A new brick building 43x100 will be erected to be used for a sales stable. This building to be two stories high, I the second story to be used for storing vehicles. Death of Sidney Lowe. Sidiiey M. Lowe of Guilford county died Monday and was buried Tuesday at Brick church. Funeral conducted by his pastor ^cev. J. L. Bowers. He was about sixty years of age. Is sur vived by a wife and two daugh ters Mesdames Jim Shaw and Sam Woodard both living in that community. Miss Blanche Rankin, of and Dr. "^nce Di^ of IHbsonville; happily unitj^ In marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rankin, last Wednesday even ing at five o'clock, Rev. J. A. Wilson performing the ceremony. Dr. R. 0. Dees, of Greensboro, was best man aind Miss Zula l^nkin, of Fayetteville, maid of hbner. The bride was dressed ill soft white silk en train and wore bridal veil caught vdth ©range blossom, and carried a sMower boquet of lilies of the valley. The parlor and dining ipom were beautifully decorated the wcs^ion. , Dick a popular young man and has built up an excellent lactic a physician. ^ M Rankin i^ a very attractive aiid popular young lady. Many beautiful and costly presents were reaeived proving the popularitp of the happy cou- ple- Dr. and Mrs. Dick left for New Xork City on the evening train and will be away for about a month visiting points of interest. Meeting of Merchant’s Association. The Burlington Merchant’s Association held its regular monthly meeting in the office of the Secretary, John R, Hoffman, last Thursday night. The meet- i!ng was well attended and a number of subjects of vital in terest to the town discussed. The association is grov^ing rapid ly, several new firms being added to membership Thursday. The association is striving for a ‘^Greater Burlington," and should be and will be at no dis tant day supported by every merchant in town. About Glasses. With me every detail in fitting the glasses, must come unatrmy personal inspection. I have been years in attaining .the reputation as the Optical Leader, I there fore guard it with care. Y®ur eyes are safe with us. I will be at Burlington Tuesday June the 21st at the Burlington Drug Go. For the purpose of examing eyes and fit glasses, come in and let’s talk it over and demonstrate to you our Shur-on-eyeglasses, To- ric and Kryptok invisible Bi-Fo- cal lenses. Dr. N. Rosenstein Eye Specialist. John W. Gat}s, while declaring he has not joined the Methodist church, offered $250,000 for the erection of a Methisdist Uni versity, besides donating a site of 40 acres on the edge of Port Arthur, Texas. He offered to double any.fund the church would raise and the general conference embracing several states, agrees to raise $125.=000; PAY YOUR 1909 TAX Those who have not paid their taxes for the year 1909 will please take notice that the time has come when this matter should have their attention, as you' know these taxes are due and needed. 1 am bound to settle and you should not ask for further indulgence. Please do not let any excuse stand in the way, but let us have a fiill settlement now Respectfully, R.N. COOK, Sheriff. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Pour regular Courses leading to Degrees. Spedai Courses for Teachers. J^all Session bev gins ^ptember 14,1910, 'Those desiring to enter should apply as^early as possible. For cata- loj^e and other information address J. I„ FOUST, Pmldeot Greensboro, N. C. Nob. 21 and 22 daily: and 24 daily except " Connections at Boanoke for ali points North, East and West; Pullmau Parlor sleeping ears, dinisg'ears; meals a la carte, - If yon are thintdsg of takfiig a trip, you want qaotatioEts, eheaii^, fares,, reliable and correet information, as to route, train schedules the t^iost comfort able aiid qninkest way, write and|the in formation Is yoars for the luUng with one of our map folders. Trains leave Durham for Boxboro, Boftilibli 7:0® ii. j». dailyvaad/S;30 p m.' ** ' ' T6 ^rev^n# #xplo8i(m^ of coal dust m mines experiments itm under way in Gremany in water id puihped’ into boi^ngt under pressure. fi A Fruit Store I have moved my con fectionery store into the buildi% forinerly occu^ pied by the Blagg Music Co., whepe I ^ better prepared to serve your wants. You wiU always find a complete assott- mentof Briiits, Nuts, Tobacco, Cigars & Soft Drinks. Riw M ^ Bradslier 4% Your ordeir for pressing, cleaning or repairing your suit pr trousers. Work called for and de- liveted. Saoitary Passing I3nb (Over S^itai^ Biurbenihqp) Burlington, N. 0. tALUNiw. CO 1 f Has just completed the installat» ion of new and up-to-date madiin- ery throughout our nwll, which enables uis to double our camclty. Our mill is now equip^d with the best machinery in the Btate. ^ We make the following bi^n^ of flour: ALL WHEAT and sdso large supply of feed SHIPSTUFF BRAN. ETC We can best Hour and est prices. We thank our many patrons for their liberal patronage during the past and earnestly solicit your patronage in the future, promising you at all times court eous treatment, and the best goods that years of experience and first class material can pro duce, and we would say to our farmer friends that we are in better position to serve you than ever before. Always in the mark et for corn and wheat and we hope for a continuance of your patronage in the future as in the past. i: i ■ Burlington, N. I s § i I- Institute For Teadiers A County Institute for teachers will be held at GRAHAM, N. C., beginning Jtri^4, ^ and continuing two weeks. Section 4167 of the School Law says: “All public school teachers of any county in which such institute and school is conducted are hereby required to at tend the same continuously during its session unless providentially hindered, and failure to attend the biennial institute and schol shall debar any teasher so failing to attend continu ously from teaching in any of the public schpQlft of the State for a period of one year, or until such teacher shall have attended accordmg to law some county institute and school as herein 'Provided for in some other connty*’- You are required to bring|aU of the tex^A>Oj[)^ used in the public schools through the prim»ry and intermediate grades, as the institutevWill partsdce largely of i^e character of a; school. For the prim^ work bring, in addition to the readers, some cablete and a pair of scissors. P. H. ^County Supt. » I Y ' Supt. of PaWic