^ V >^J15^ T ■■^vx; !■;■>',>y;^ A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING; OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUStRlES, 71 interest evening home of en Miss attrac- iaughter iner, of jried to lis place, ieath of e marri- cere- by the VOL- II*- BURLINGTON. N. C, ’g; 22, IdlO. NO. 6 VOTE STANDS Bttrlington. A. Workman, ■;rae Patterson, Mvriit Isley, \]vn;e Tate. i.ii]ian Turner, Burke, r^n;e Boland, Davis, ^^rtha Lineberry Eurliagtoa R. F. B’s. E. 4 9,050 10,275 3,150 1,000 925 550 100 100 100 Whitsell Overman ■R s ".ClUi 3,225 1,175 400 200 200 1. Mat lock, R 2, Route 2, Kv !-fi ‘v i’ousfc’i Rome 4, Maiiit Peni’ington, E. 2. 100 rj'e Belle Sianiord kovT" P. 100 Secw Csmp. Mary btout,^ 11.925 Graded School, 500 Grjrided Sehov/1, 200 Mebane. pre- and Irm, 140 jrlington ises, To- ■y cheap purcha- all farms ces. iT, )N, N. “1 js '...'I itC e Annck, ■■ Dodson, Haw River, No. 1. ]J:ss Carrie Albright, Eion College, N. C. v'Si Mollie Baldwin, Union Ridge, No. I. Kiss Lome Terrell, 300 100 9.400 5,900 300 Deatii of a Little Toy. J ohn, the four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. BamwejU, died Thursday morning at th«r home on Morehead street. He was taken dangerously ill Satur day and although given the best medical attention possible amd care from the loving arms of Extend Lines to Burlington. Representatives Albert Milmow Engineer of the Mill Power De partment of Charlotte and Mr. Taylor their atiorney of Greens boro presented an application last night before the board of al derman for a permit to enter Burlington with the Southern father and mother. John was Power Company’s Current. Af- the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Barnwell hence his place in the home is vacant and thh patter of his little feet still. He was a bright little boy and loved by all who saw him. Funeral was coh- duct«>d at the home by Revs. D. Mclver and Murray of Graham burial taking place at Pine Hill Cemetery. The large floral tri bute p)roved the high esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Barnwell are held by their friends. The family have the sympathy of many friends and relatives during their hours of sorrow. lo the Republican Voters of North CaroBna. Pursuant, to a resolution pass- by the Republican State Ixecuiive Committee, at a meet- /.c held in the city of ^ Greens- ;ro. X, C., on the 27th day of ;.^y. 19i'a State Convention of i:.r Rtrcbiican party of North Carolina is hereby called to meet :he chy of Greensboro, N. C., tv.eive o’clock noon, on Wed- ibe tenth day of August, D.; 1910. This CoiiveTition is called for ■ ;.fr irarpose of noxninating a G'';ief Justice and two Associate ;.\siices of the Supreme Court of North Caroiina, to ratify the 'omination of Superior Court Judges in the various districts ■here candidates for judge are v.! be norainated this year, to r.i-n'iirjate :wo Corporation Com- ::.:sfionej’s also to elect a Chair- of ibe Republican State -ixecuiive Committee and one I'firniiieeri'ian from each Con- r.-essionai District, the last nam- t'i 10 be designated by the dis- delegation when assembled 'he Siate Convention and to ' rj.’iaet s'Lich other business as ."'riv c(.rne before the convention. The plai'i of organization re- ‘ .'.ires that delegates and aJter- rstes to I he State Convention le elected by duly constitu- ‘td county conventions, called on least fifteen days notice of the 'jnie and place of such conven- Representation in county (.orjventions shall consist of one delegate and one alternate for ?'-’ery twenty-five Republican ’Ot€s, or f ractional part thereof, tast in the precinct for the Re- pablican candidate for Governor SI the pre inous election, and in all other tjonventions one dele- ’ and one alternate are ap- ;>rtiorjed *;o every one hundred '■'oies, or fractional part thereof, fast at el'3ction the for Republi- caiidale for Goveraor. Pro- ’■ded. hov-ever, that each coun- shall bt; entitled to at least votes in State, Congression- Jrdicia] conventions. Tne couitty chairmen, as well ihe precinct chairmen are '^r.nestly urged to use all dilig- jf'Ce m sec'-ing that their xespec- *'fc counties and precints are and fully represented in the ■vrventioiis, as well as to give con',’enlions when called \v-;de‘;t publicity. Let us ji'ge upon you that the conven- V pch county and town- be conducted in such ‘^nv.or to have full represen- ihtr respective conven- unu let every voter feel ter investigating the matter thoroughly the board unanimous ly granted the permit. The fninchise is for sixty years and is drawn so that nothing less than twenty horse power plant •call be placed, which will protect thi city. The Aldrermen also reserved the right to gave permit to another company if they so desired. This will enable the large manufacturing establish ments to secure power much cht^aper than at present. As soon as the preliminarys are finished the work will be pushed forward as fast as possibile and at no distant day the lines will be ready to be harnessed by our industries. hht- a voice in the affairs i the Mt Ulla Graded 'Ui;! y, Spencer B. Adams, State E.k. Com. uf K State Normal and Industria! College We desire to call the attention to the advertisement of the State Normal and Industrial College which appears in this Issue. Ev ery year shows a steady growth in this institution devoted to the higher education of the women of North Carolina. The College last year had a to tal enrollment of 998 students. Ninety of the ninety-eight coun ties of the State had representa tives in the student body. Nine- tenths of all the graduates of this institution have taught or are now teaching in the schools ofN. C. The dormitories are furnished by the State and board is provid ed at actual cost. Tw’^o hundred appointments to the dormitories, apportioned among the several counties according to school po pulation, will be awarded to app licants about the middle of July, Students who wish to attend this institution next year should make application as early as possible, as the capacity of the dormitories is limited. i ^ Reiber-Thompson. Fred Reiber and Miss Rosa Thompson were united in marri age Saturday evening at one o’clock at the home of Rev. Samp son officiating. The contracting parties had decided to be marri ed in secret in which undertak ing they were about a success. No invited friends werepresent when the ceremony was performed ex cept Miss Mattie Thompson. The bride and groom spent Satur day night with the brides parents leaving on the four o’clock train Sunday evening for Durham. Miss Thompson is the accomp lished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thompsofi and has held the responsible position as stenograp her for the Central Loan & Trust Co., during the past year. Mr. Reiber is a native of Ind., and has been living in our town xiear two years, during, which time he has been in the employ of the Burgrahaw Traction Co., until recently. They will reside at Durham. Pretty Doable Wedding. A pretty double wedding was solemnized last Thursday evening at 5 o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lewis of near Altamahaw when their daughter Miss Esther Lewis and J. N. Reed of Altamahaw No. 1, also Miss Iona Lewis and J. H. Allen of Mt. Ulla, N. C. were united in marriage Rev. W. 0. Sample officiating. Quite a number of invited friends and relatives were present to witness these so lemn vows and to partake of the studenduous repast which was serve after the ceremony. Both Miss Esther and Iona are very popular young ladies, are gradu ates of Whitsett Institute and ha\ 3 been engaged in teaching since their graduation. Mr. Reed is a prominent far- nier of that section and a good citizen. ^ ^ ^ Mr. Allen was a student at Whitsett and has been engaged in teaching being principal oi | zel Greeson was pleasant callers " ' ’ School last! at J. Isleys Saturday evening. { R. A. Coble was on No. 10, . We hasten to extend congratu- j Monday starting binders. 1 lations and best wishes to Mr. Burlin^on Left Again. The public appropriation bill for public buildings as passed by the House and Senate fails to provide an appropriation for Bur lington, although every person from the Congressman to United States Senators promised that they would see we were provided for in the bill Several towns much smaller than the city of Love and flowers were provided for, which goes to show that the size of town, postoffice receipts etc., have nothing to do with the matter, it all depends upon pull, social political and otherwise. - We will give afull history next week of the effort to secure a public building from the time the first bill was introduced down to the present time, showing the promises and inducemints made to cur people by those in author ity. But now all broken and shattered like pie crast. After carefully reviewing this history both Democratic awd^Repubiicans can put the failure to secure re cognition upon each other and get such comfort as their conscience dictates. L*'st Service in Lutheran Church. On next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock the last services will be held in the old building of the Lutheran Church. The following week the old building will be torn down. This is the first church building erected in Bur lington, except the' old Union Church. Having served its day and generation it will be tom down to give way to the hand some new church edifice. The services on Sunday will be a sort of a fare well to the old church and will be historicin nature. The public is invited. Lawn Party The Persian Lawn Party given by Miss I vie Coble at the resid ence of her father on No. 9 Tues day evening was very much en joyed about thirty of her friends Delicious refreshments consisting of cream and cake were served. The decorations were Ivery lea ves and Ferns. An evening with Ivie will long be remember ed by all present. R. I. D. No. 10. Mrs. Will Lewis and children of Greensboro, who have been visiting J. F. R. Clapp, returned home last week. Miss Vita Isley returned Sun day after a pleasant visit in Greensboro. Miss Julia Foglemari'left Satur. for Hemp N. C. where she will spend sometime visiting friends. Thanks to the following for the nice fruit, Mrs. B. L. Shoffner, Mrs. J. C, Isley, Mrs, T, A. Smith, Miss Donnie Greason, S. Graves and Ben Shepherd. Miss Arthur Clapp returned to her home in Burlington last week after spending several weeks on No. 10, Mrs. Charles Shoffner and Ha- Harking i and M>"s. Reed, also Mr. and MrsThe condition of Mis. C. B. '’ ''Allen and hope them a life of: Cox is considerable brighter than Chil^en’s Day Exercises. Children’s Pay exercises were heild in Front street Methodist church last Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. The church was fill ed to its utmost capacity, and every one seemed deeply inter ested in the exercises from start to finish. A programme of un usual interest had been prepared for the occasion, and this pro- gra,me w^ followed throughout without a single hitch of any sort. The children taking part in the exercises manifested su perior natural ability and splend id training. The universal ver dict was that the exercises of last Sunday have never been sur passed in this church. Much of the credit i^$ due to Mrs.. A. L. Davis and Miss Nettie Dailey for the complete success of the exer cises of the day. The collection amounted to about $15.00. Epworth League Meetin«^. The Epworth League of Front street Methodist church held its regiilar monthly business and social mieeting at the Methodist parsfonage last Thursday night. Thirty-five or forty of the young people of the League were pres ent, andrall seemed to thorough ly enjoy ;the'occasion. One fea ture of ‘Special interest in the programme for the evening w^as a contest in giving answers to twenty-five “County Conun drums.” Miss Lola Lasley’s papir showed the largest num ber Df coifect answers, and the prize-was awarded to her. The, Leajjue elected Miss Byrde Dail ey and Miss Lora Homaday dele- gateis to the annual meeting of the Conference League to. be held Hertford this week. Eion Coliene No. 1. Farmers are very busy harvest ing their wheat and oats crop, Mrs. Aggie Cook and i grand daughter visited her son ^M, R. Cook Suiiday. Misses Viri^riia and Nellie Wynn, J^lorence and Louise Wain vi^itle^W E. C. : Pattons ' las:, week, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cook and two daughters, also Henry Bald win of Gibsonville vi.s^ted at Henry Baldwins Sunday. Misses Jane Cable and CaUie Huffines, and John Huffines v/ere out horse back riding Sunday evening. Miss Lena Cook and brother visited Annie Bridge Sunday. There was a mistake made in these items last week it was a new horse that Ernie Cook has bought instead of a new buggy. Miss Annie Sheppard and her bow were out driving Sunday, Mrs. Ava Apple and daughter of Gibsonville and Miss Georgie Summers, and brother Elbert spent Saturday night at Henry Baldwins. Miss Genia Patton has purchas ed a new organ. Miss Mollie Baldwin entertain ed about forty-five people Satur day night by celebrating her birthday. She received a num ber of useful presents. Ice cream and cake were served. All report a,grand time, we join in wishing her many more such birthday suppers. The Sunday School Convention will'beheld at Friends Church on Saturday the 25th at ten o’clock, continuing during the day. Lunch will be served on the ground Willie Huffines spent Saturday and Sunday with his father M. A. Huffines on Burlington No. 6. Broom Com. Think of it! Broom corn is one of the most profitable crops that can be grown, and „ for the least money. Suppose you raise only 1,000 pounds of broom com on one acre of land, which is a very low-estimate. The market today for Broom Corn is $200 to $225 per ton and very scarce at these figiu'es. Now, what other crop (jan you plant that will bring you more money per acreage? It is a very easy crop to grow and gather, and will grow on almost any kind of soil, especially sandy loam with red sub-soil. Try a few acres in broom corn next year and see if it is more profit able than cotton or tobacco, it is in great demand. a Haw River Itifflis. Miss Minnie Smith of lReid.sviile who has been spending some time with the family of J. H. McClure and Miss Grace Stuart left for Liberty to spend' some days visiting friends, they will carry somebodies heart with them Clarence Cates and Master Garland visting relatives at Hi^w River Sujiday, they left Sunday evening for their home at Bur lington. Prof, Crawford and wife who have been teaching a sih^hg class at Mebane spent Sattii*day night and Sunday here in th^ in terest of a cla^s but owing to a series of meetings at the M; P. church the matter was posponed indefinitely. The meeting at the M. P. Church seems to be soul stitring Rev. Braswell left for his own home Friday, and pastor Bryan is going on with it his pr'eaching is far reaching and str6n0;hen- ing to the church and eonvineing to the unsaved, J, C, Loyd the bookkeeper at Trolinwood took a flying trip down the road last Saturday and returned Sundj y well pleased. There must be some valuable ; at-\ traction for him, his frequent visits must nie^n important busi^ ness. Miss Mattie Simpson who is at work at Burlington spent Sunday with her parents returned SunT day evening on the six d’clock train. We are always glad td see Mat, Again the death angle poised his wings oyer the home of pur brother Brooks and plucked an other flour and transplanted it in flour garden above. The Major has had to wade throiigh isorrow deep vales of bereavement having lost four boys and his wife and his father who was -mana ger of the soildiers hohfie at Ra leigh On last Thursday even-, ing at six o’clock his child died he and his children having been to bury his father. This over- burdenened family have the sym pathy of the people of Haw River Thie darling boy wras laid to re«t beside his mother who had pre- ceeded him to the glory land. Revs. Oldham and Arnett con ducted th^e funeral at his hoiiie, Mrs. J. C. Morris wjao has been confined to her rodm for several days is improving and we hope she will soon be out. Her many friends will be glad to see her. C. H. Johnson is the happiest man in town,' it is a little girl has come to their home to stay. Thos. Bullard and Mi«s Nellie Hughes were made one by J. H, Blackmon J. P. May they live happy a long time. Ask Miss Nettie McClure came to see her Sunday, won’t tell on you this time. Mr, Royster was in town week shaking hands with many friends, he got away and we do not know when he would like to take Hon. Moreheads place in Congress. Dr, Dace McPherson is attend ing the Medical Board at Wright- sville, N. C. we hope for him a, good tinie. Miss Woodifin Cham bers; and Patsey Robertisoh also B. S. Robertson and Herbert Hill composed an automobile party to Lexington Sunday. From the way one of Ealfeighs sports has been making pilgrima ges to Haw River lately we think there must be some go^ attrac tion for him she is alright. We won’t tell who you are this tiine. Miss Genia Robertson spent a day in Raleigh last week she re ports a pleasant trip. wiB luin wn Special to the. Disp»tcb. Raleigh, N. C., June 18.-The Democratic priniaries to choose delegates to the Democmtic State Convention which rneets in Char-, lotte, July 14th, will be held in (every county of the State Satur day, June 25th; and the County Conventions Saturciay, July 2nd. This is the first ’time primaries have been held oh the same day throughout the Stat^ aiid' many regard this as a step towards the enactment by the Legislature of an ironrclad State f>nmary law. The Democratic party has been stesMily moving in that direction several years. In faict such laws have been pas^d by the last legislature for several counties, in an effort to fix the South Caro lina primary system on this State. Such laws were passed for IJalif^ and Nash counties. Read Chapter 494 Acts oi 1909 and you will find, that if you lived in Nash county and v?anted to participate in a Democratic primary Saturday you would be enrolled and if you scratched your Democratic ticket next No vember you colud be indicted, convicted. of perjury and sen tenced to the roads. The Legis lature attempted to make this apply to all political parties but the design is simply to fester a Democratic monopoly and de-\ stroy all independence at the In some of the counties Saturday the Deiriociratic voteirts mil ex press their preference for one of the Justices, of the Supreme Court, between Justicje J. S. Manning and judge Allen. This fight seems, to have been almost lost sight of here in the local scramble. Nevertheless there is much significahce in the contest for the forces of Gov. Kitchin who we last his ■la.'".. I happiness and bliss. ten days ago. Prof. Dee Carrick of High Point spent Friday in the city. A Fake Propper. The game of ba)i between the Graham and Swepspnville aggre gation, versus the Western Bloomer girls at the Graham graded school grounds last Sat urday afternoon was a fake pure and simple. A rottener game was never pulled off in this sec tion, Such games as this is what disgusts those who delight to see a good game, and does the sport a ^eat deal of harm. It can be said to Harden’s credit that the game was not pulled off at his park. Many more such games will so thoroughly disgust the lovers of the sport that the at tendance will become very small. There is too nxuch attention paid to the gate receipts, and not , enough to" the -scientific part of the game. are backing Manning while Sena tor Simrnons’ forces are behind Judge Allen. ■ In Wake county the denuncia tion of each other by the two Democratic factions continvies. The “ins”, or the so-called ring crowds held a rally here Friday night in the Academy of Music nearly all the speakers, particul arly Senator W, B. Jones, Rep resentative Hinsdale and Com missioner Brewer, denounced Jo sephus Daniels, J. W. Bailey and The News and Observer. Senar tor Jones charged that an asso ciate editor of The News and Observer declared that he had bought and stole votes for the Democratic party at the same time Nick DeBoy made his fam ous or infanious rather, asser^ tion. Senator Jones said that Daniels was asked to print De- Boy’s statemient that as editor of Daniels paper boasted this and that Daniels*refused. Misses Minnie and Joy Coble took in the double wedding at W. A, Lewis last Wednesday and report an excellent time. Mrs. G, W. Patterson who has been visiting her daughter Mrs, Garrison of No. 2 foir about ten days returned home Sunday. Among the visitors on No. 1, Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bryan, Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Mc Pherson and S, Homewood. Miss Maud Culler of Rock Creek spent Sunday with. Miss Maione Patteirsdn. The Childrens Day exercises will be held at Friendship Sun day July 3rd. Come out and en joy the day. Messrs Archibald Cook and Curry Bryan of Burlington were callers on No 1 Sunday, Miss Ford Hammer who has been visiting Mrs. A. R. Spoon left Sunday for Greensboro. Prof, Carroll ^>f Reidsville new ly elected Supt of Gibsonville Graded School visited at Shady Side Farm one day last week. Our people were so good to us this week that it is impossible to thank each one separately we’ve received about two bushel of nice peaches and apples^ peck of dew^ berries, setting of eggs and we dont know what else, but thanks to you all any way. . Prof. J. B.^ Robertson is spend ing a few days on our route helping his father with his har vest. ' ' • ',1 Prof. F, Kv Spiker. spent Sat urday in Greensboro. s

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