.WP 1 The'SSt^ Dispatch. r I- Church Directory . t 4 Atfianasiiis Episcopal Churcli. R«. Edward L. Ogflby, Rector Senior Warden. Janior Warden. Mr. Erwin A. Holt, * Mr. S. A, Steele, - * Vestry: jt{6«sre. Eugeue Holt, James N. WHliam- 8on, Jr. Lawrence S. Hoit, Jr., Fiuley L. WlHiauiBon. Julius C. Squires, Lewis X Carter, William A, Hall. Serrices: Sninday, 11.00 A. M.—7.30 P. M. Wedae*3da;o. 8.00 P. M. ««Bday School, 9.45 A. M. ..An Holy Comtnunioii, Firet hunday, 11.W 4L M. Third Sunday, 7.80 A. M. Omstian Church. Corcer Church and Davie Streets. Rer. P. H. FlesMBg, P«»tor. SerTScer Preaching every Sunday, 11.00 A.M. SBd 7.30 F. M. Sunday School, ii.4-5 A. M. John K. Foster, Supt. Christian Endeavor Services, Sunday ♦venings at 7.15. Mid-week Prayer Service, every Wet. swday at 8.00 P. M. . i^adies Aid and Missionary feocicty taeetn on Monday aft;r the Second feun- #ay in each month. A cordial invitation extendetl to all. A Church Home for Visitors and Btran^fere. Biufliiigtoii Reformed Church. Comer Frcnt ard Anderson Streets. Re?> j. &. Andrew, Pastor. Sunday School every Sabbath. 9.30 A. M. Preaching every 2nd and 4-th Sabbath, 1 A. M. and 7.>50 P. M. _ •i^id'week Service every Thursday, i .4.j M. A cordial welcome to ail. Pai'Bonage 2nd door east of church. I News Over the State | C. W. Pothress, a painter, the employment of E. J. Long, of Durham, fell from a scaffolding last week where he was working breaking his left arm and skirir ning up his forehead badly. Henry Holland, a white con vict, was killed a few days ago at Cafins Camp, between St Paul's and Elizabethtown. The prisoner attempted to escape by swimming the Cape Fear River. Govemt r Kitchin has offered Presbyterian Church. Rev. DoB&ld Mclver, Paitor. Stervices every Sunday at 11.00 A. M. ssd 7 SO P. M. Sunday School at 9.45 A. M. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at 8.00 u. The public is cordially invited to all nervicee. fiwit Street M. E. Church, South. Rev. J. A. Kwrwday, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday, morniBg and rreoing. Sonday School. 9.30 A. M. Prayer Service, Wednesday evening. Macedonia Lutheran Church. Front Street. Ret. C. Btown Cos, Pa»toj. ■T.t^'dence nest door to Church.) srning Service at 11.00 A.M. Ves;per at 7.30 P. M. (No services on third Sundays.) j jSonday School, 9.45 A. M., every Sunday JT#&chers Meeting, Wednesday, 8.00 P. M. (.\t Parsonage.) Woman's Mi.^^sioaary Society (after lEorning service on fourth Sundays.) it, C. Bs., Saturdav before third .Sun- day.s, 3.00 p. m. L. L. L., thir"'] .'^ujiday^ P. IVf, Baptist Church. jlev. S, L, Mwgao, Past«jr, Morning .ServioeS. 11.OO A. M. Evangelii?Tie iServk-es. 7,30 p. .\1. Wednesday night prayer meeting- ser- 7.30 p _M. Bue:ne«s meeting, first V(’edne.sday fvenmg oi the uiop.rh at b.i-o P. M. Sunday 8cLuul, '-^30 A. M. -I. L. Scott, SupT. Hie Methodist Protestant Church, Rev. J. D. Williams, Pastor. Sunday Servkf's. 11 a.m. and 7.30p.m. Sunday >^vhool. ,4-"> a,, m. .J. O.Rogers, ^opt, Osristian ICndeavor. Wednesday 8 p. m. L. W. Holt. Fve^. Wehh Avenue M. E. Church, Rev. T. G. Vickeii- I'&»tor. Preaching every rirft Snnday at 11a. u. and every secoJid Sunday at 11 a. m. 8 p. IE. Snnday-.school every Sun day at 10 a. :i.. •lohn F'. Idol, Supt. Evervhody welcome. m WORLDS SREATEST SEW1N6 MACHIKE .UGHT RUNNING vranteitbera Vibrating'ShiitUe, Itolary Sbuttieor aBinp)eThread [ChainSlUchl Sowing Machine write, to THE NEW NOME SEWINS MACHINE COMPANY Orange, Aliases. Many sew!ng machines sre made to sell regardless ol Qu^iiy, but the Aew Homo is made to wear^ Our ruarantj- never rans out •old bj enthorized dealers onl;'* FOR SALS BY kimiuiiiz ^ iuusic Co» ^ „ in Wayne couj]ty for the murder of another ne^ro, Albert Sykes, who was killed on the 23rd of April. While engaged in making out his reports in the office of the master mechanic of the Norfolk & Southern shops at New Bern a few nights ago, Arthur Church, secretary, was shot by some un known party, the ball landing in his left arm. State Chairman Eller has named Senator Lee S. Overman as temporary presiding officer of the Democratic state convention to be held at Charlotte, July 14. Senator Overman will make the keynote speech outling the 1910 campaign. Garfield Hutchins and Lindsay Huifman, two white convicts, in attempting to escape from the Forsyth county roads last week v/ere shot by the guards. Hutch ins carried to the hospital in Winston and died that night at 8 o’clock. Huffman’s injuries are not serious. The Republican convention for the Thirteenth Judicial district was held in the rooms of the Hickory club at Hickory last Wednesday and A. A. Whitener, of Hickory, nommated for judge and F. A. Linney, of Boone for solicitor. The convention was harmonious and the speeches optimistic. John Fleming, a young white man of Mount Airy, was placed in jail at Dobson recently charg ed with stealing between $300 and $400 from Stewart Brothers of Mount Airy, He stole the money at various times to pay for rolling ten-pins. He left a heart-broken mother at home to v/eep over the misdeeds of her wayward son. John Love, a farmer at Locust, Stanly county, hanged himself at the home honiie of his father, Mumford Lov€' a few nights ago. He was found next morning by his father. Love was 25 years old and had been in bad health for a year. Recently his mind became affected, but he never so much as intimated a desire to kill himselt The F. R. Peen Tob'ACCO Com pany, Reidsvfllo, at last gets the additional siding facilities that have been the bone of contention in litigation that has been pend ing for quite a while with the tobacco company, the Southern Railway and a number of proper ty owners as the litigants. Now the corporation commission makes an order for the siding to be provided by the Southern within sixty days. M. C. Lookabill, of Thomas- ville, was the victim of a awful accident last Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’clock on the Southern Rail way yards at Pomona. Mr. Locka- bill, who was a brakeman on an extra freight train from Selma to Spencer, was walking through empty coal car when the trap doors gave way and the unfor- tunite man was hurled to his death, twenty-five ears passing over his body before the train i could be stopped. I Governor Kitchin heard last j Wednesday afternoon special 1 pleas by Col. J. C. L. Harris and I Walter Clark, jr. , for the pardon ing of H. B, Register, a Colum bus county man, former United States commissioner, serving a life sentence as accomplice with Jabel Register, a son, and others, in the noted Staley murder in 1903. Jabel was hanged at the time, and commutation to life imprisonment was given the fa ther, who is.nov 73 years old. The following recommenda tions made by Commissioner H. C. Brown, by whom the freight wreck two miles east of Raleigh on the South, caused by a defec tive rail, was inspected, the cor poration commission has ordered the Southern Railway company to file a report of the condition of the track between Raleigh and Goldsboro, together with a state- nient of the amount of work done in repairs the past year and set ting out in detail the number of crossties placed, new rails ex changed for old and the weight of this rail. WASHINOTON imp. From our H^u|ar CorreiipDndent. Crowded out last week. Washington June 18th.—An other Republican pledge was re deemed by the passage of the Postal Savings Bank Bill. Thus three great measuresrwill be en acted into law, to sa3i nothing of various other important acts, during the first two sessions of the 61st Congress; a complete re vision of the tariff; a most eom- prehensive railroad law/and the establishment of Postal Savings Banks; and the end is not yet, for much legislation is in progr;ess some of which is bciund to be completed. The fact of the matiter ,.is the Administration of Presidelit Taft within but a few months over a year, has seen more, important legislation than any preceeding similar period. The President should have full credit for his part in the splendid result, and RepubUcan leaders in Congress should also receive their share of credit. The recent results in Iowa and Wisconsin show that tlie misrep resentations of certain disgrunt led newspapers have not influen ced the people to any appreciable degree. Both Iowa and Wiscon sin gave the President a special endorsement, and the so-called progressive or insurgeat move ment in both States received a death blow. La Follette & Co. can no longer be Republicans be fore election day and anti - Repu blicans after election. But Mr. Taft has g>;rown in popular esteem all over the coun try, for the people aj^pieciate more and more every da:y that he is working for the besi; inte rests of all. He does not propose to injure any business, but he do^s propose to see that every one obeys the law, or if the law is unjust that it shall be changed That is the kind of President the people want and the kind of President possess. He is undoubtedly strengthen ing the party, just as in return the party his strengthening him And we no longer have the claim that the next House of Reipi-esen- tatives is sure to be Democratic. It has been said in these letters repeatedly that as soon afe the people learned the truth about the party and the President there i would be no fear of Democratic success. On the'crary, everythrnrg^ points to a splendid Repubiieah: victory throughout the (jottntry next November. With a melting away. With fa prices. With increased earniings and with a general satisfaction over the work of Congress and a | most successful Adraini&tration there ig no issue for the Demo crats t9 raise with any hope of iueeess. , . , . j Ori the other hand, the Eepub-! licans will go before the country i with three distinct issues—the i successful operation of the tariff' law, the legislation of the pres-! ent session and the splendid Ad- ‘ miniijtration of President Taft.: Each of these issues will the j support of every loyal Republican | from Theodore Roosevelt down | to the humblest citizen and that i v^ill spell Success on the 3th of I next November. The Republican Congressional I Committee is awake to the situa tion and is preparing to lay the truth before the people in speec hes, both printed and spoken. All requests for speeches are promptly granted, and already several million copies of vasious pamphlets have been distributed. And the effect is already appar ent in the hundreds of letters re ceived by the Committee praising its methods and line of work. It seems a stupendous task to over take and run down the misirepre- sentation that has gone forth, but the people are fast lea,rning the truth about legislati(.m in general, and about the Preiadent And these facts are vote getters. Then, too, the splendid v?ork being done by the National Re publican League under the direc tion of John Hays Hammond is having a wonderful effect throughout the country, the young men especially rallying- to the Republican Standard. Look out for the great convention and dinner speeches to be ma^le in New York on the 24th and aSth. They will be well worth reading by all. The campaign of 1910 is I on and from now till the 8i;h of I November every Repubiiean should exert his best effoi^t in spreading th.e truth. Knox Scores a Triuiiiph. Omaha Bee. The type is hardly cold on an editorial in a fault-finding papei criticising and Secretary Knox’s policv in Nicaragua and cohclud ing that it “has doubtless weak ened American prestige in the Central and South American republics,^’ when the report co mes that the Secretary of State’s offer of mediation between Peru and Ecudor has been accepted by both countries and that they have agreed to attend their prepara tions for war which have been in progress for months. Whatever may have been the efectof Secretary Knox’s Con duct of the Zelaya case, it cer tainly has not weakened the pre stige of the United States in that part of the world, but, if any thing has increased that prestige if the Peru-Eciiador situation is to be taken as a criterion. The acceptance by these two countries of the Knox tei*ms of peace is a triumph for the State Department The South American temper may be ever so quick on the trigger but the fact remains that ani mosities of long standing existed between these states and their amicable adjustment has been despaired of up to the time pi the Knox proposal, and even then other diplomats appeared to give no great credence to the hope ol averting hostities. Banks Qn Sure Thinas Now. ‘'Fll never be without Dr. King’s New Life Pills again," writes A. Schingeck, 647 Elm St. Buffalo, N. Y. “They cured me of chronic constipation when all others failed.” Unequaled for Billiousness, Jaundice, Indiges tion, Headache, Chills, Malaria and Debility. 25c at Freeman Drug Co. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If you haTen’tareBuiar, healthy laovement of th« boweJs every riay.jou’re iU orivin be. Keep your bowelB open, and be well. Force, i» the shape of violent physic or pill poi.son, is dangerous. The emoothest, most perfect way ot keopinc the bo-vrels eleav and clean is to tfiite CANDY CATHARTIC EAT »EWI LIKE CAPIDY Pleasant, Palr.tti'ble, Potent, Taste Good, Do Good, Never Siokcn, Weaken or Gripe,- 10, 2B and 60 cents per box; Write for free saiajiie, and book let oa health. Address 433 ' Steritng Remedy Company, Chicago or New York, KEEP YOUR BIQOO GLEAM HOTEL KERNAN European Pian. Absolutely Fireproof, in the heart of the basinest section of BALTiMORE. MD. Champ Clark wants Sp€;aker Cannon’s chair so they say, bat as Champ has been wantirtg it for a number of years it vvoat huii: him so bad when he is dis appointed. 9 Luxurious Koome, Single and EH suite. With or Without Batbs, #1 Per Day Up. Palatial DiuiDg Rooms. Un«jurpaesed Ciisine Shower find Plnnge in Turfcitb Batits Free to Gueiti. JOS. L KERM , manager. SJEJfD2>'0R MOOKDET. KILLthe couch ang GURife tHE LUNCS WITH Qr. King’s New Bisnowerv FOR “ AND PEICB EOc & 11.00. !at ficiiie frei AIL THROAT AMD tUWG TROUBLES. GTJABANTEED SATISFACTOEl oa MOHBY BEI'TTNDED. ^RALEIGH N. C, .7 STARKVILLE, MISSISSIPPI IT 10 Weeks- 10 Cenb We’ve got the kind of articles ill our paper that you have been hankerin’ for—liot giiess-work talk, but the ji kiitod thtat steers i We want you to read the following sericis s j How to Dotfbie Ydu^ i How to Grow Live Stock in the South. $1,000 in Prizes for Our Gprn Club Boys. Short Talks About Fertilizers. “CROPS DOUBLED WITH HALF THE LABOR." I. T. CROWDER,; Mecklenburg Go., Y«.: ' You «re puWijhm® ?he W «*ricu(tu>a) Dsfxrr in ih, States ot America aiid should be encouraged by every farmer m this Southern land. | am now ntt\ 4 ten* baf I neverlearn^ how to make corn unm } read THe Progressive farmer and Guzei^e, Wt firmm II day» have b^n cultivating the lajid* but you have taught us to cultivate the coin, with mJcHigencc and our have mere tKfin'doubled^vith half the labor.* TEN WEEKS TRIAL ONLY 10 CENTS ! You will be pleased and continue your subscription. Give your boys a chance to compete for tlie grand prize* we are offering our Corn Club Boys. Don’t let \en cents stand betyy'wn us---ddn’t~but &1I out the Coupon below and mail it at onte. This Coupon is Worth 10 Cents PROGRE^SVE FARMER AND GAZETTE. bEPT. N-14 Hftleigh, North CarJii». • I Gendemen :-I endeje. yiA ihii eoutwn, 1™ Ceate «nd the n«ne. of pntoM I W *c be -nteolaj in farm life, tot which Mnd me The Prosreaove Fwaer aod Guette fox lO'Weeh that I miiy eel wiA your pspei'. . . ^ mm NAME. FOST.DFF1CE. —.... ..„...„„.5TArE. y®ur o»me «nd *d(frei* »bove'anid! «nclo«e tfiit coupc» wkt» ten « • * a strong envdope !ind *end (Steel to the office-if iniS Otter 18 Farmor and Caiette, RaJeigh, North C»rolin«, ot StaikvJIe, M.sa«oDi. to New Sub scribers only Send ihe namei of two p«r80s>s mterestod^ ID agriculture on «hed of ' paper. it m -rr^ DEERING machinery inucK needless pain when they delay using Cardui for their feinaie troubles, Cardui has been found to I relieve he^daehe, backache j pain in the side and diz ziness arising from deranged organs. It does more I than relieve,^—used persistently,-—many have writ* [ten to say that it cured them. CARDUI AT BRXTCS- STQR2S At , mi llWflmelirYou 5STrs. Johnm, Tampa> Ma., writes: ^^Caidui curf'fi nae after doctors aiid everything else had failed. I had been |m mg with iramh spells ever since I was 16 years bid. One day ^ g decided to take Cardui. I have now taken 5 bottles and I cp.xi that it has cured me. I advise all suffering women to give Caruia I a long and fair trial.’' |i| Mrs. Johnson sTifi'ered years. Haive yo'ti? I)o' yott 'spisia to' I But wiijr suffer at all ? Ta!^s Cardui: Give a faix- trial. The lightest draft and longest life machine oh th^ ffiarket. If it is Burlington Hardware Co |i>erien« l^ueotly ( Exports d ipwever, SI iias J ^he simple a Yale ITni] jine ierr^d ^oman. * [is Jane M he NatioJ tead of the jjev. Robe [ssac Perr^ preachers, y the pulpit oi •hurch, Ken [anovers tl ar to ear. I’he trouble jiofls in the The Sulzei t2 a legal ho ,f Columbia ,rably repor the y*y. The bi i% celebratil America. sY polumbus The House ist week dit jsted electij fffirsons agra' aundei^ of iistrict^ by r*arBons. T-. jntitled to hi lemocraric J| John Cl: liunge, N. ,/ilson, of brother and een one anc rere united >n said sh^ eco^ized he ler, he saidt A recent l JBceauthorii Ive hundred ^psisipninenl singer attA> sstiinpa at have 1 [iceled or I very sr, A whole eilain wl iient has pi Ions of the pmmerce ai Jspecialiy dii ^tes Steel i |ided for in need in Cor_ «pisesentati« |idEy. i George H. . fa., during tl ays ago had drowning ffeet had the iver. Rudd vi rough the at fnt was so st| pntrol of the MngJ in tl ^dge. Numerous iseonduct on ‘lored soldier iYfcon» Wash ith President dilator Piles ai u^phrey. T ade by citia ^inity of the g being broi 'Wiers moved. liev. S. W, ^^tor in Scuffl Va., wa! bigamy, claimin wrote fro they v Sps Dudl ^ $oOO and W{ if® the pars . arreste ^^nd a negro’ a rabbit’s and^e of Italians. fe found deJ ® r^dway in' ^^One had al ‘5^ once. Tl thirty ye r® and i

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