IS arranging ;r shop in the 2d by Bran- Mr. Cheek reensboro on XI..- r-i^'*?'*rV'«a«c»'..'STv'; VA'ar. C' 3 j\riJT7 \f' pvi/ ■.^;'Ai:. •» ;f 0r‘)u ■'■ ■ ' s»*"? A^ KEP^iBUeAN-NEWSP^P^AE)^0MLtd^'tfifc^■tJP^pLDmQ :OF^MERI^^:ANi«OMES^^NIi^AME|ili#M '■ ■ - '■ ■ ■ - ’ -■ '•'- - .noy-: I.s I __ ■,'‘-‘- lAv-'ii- i’;; iJi’;f.’; ;3 iivf. CiStK'^-juS' ^ , b —r- VOL' BURUNeTON. N. G, -AWGUST;-10,rl®lftv jOli 9V i 1 r' >j i€2 Jl;' k'f:- “i: ~T'’ I.'.': ■ S,:- -- k[ CONTEST AND HOW THE VOTE Burlington. Lois A. Workman, ' qwannie Patterson, 13,6f5j - ' . 3,l|0i •' %m 9: Myrtle Isley Myrtle Tate, Lillian l^irner, '' Burlington R. F. D^f. ImIss Jennie Whitsell, R. 4, J '* Emma Overman R. Jt. liSy^! ‘ Annie Matlock^ R. 2, ,. _40Q “ Ollie Ector, Roirte‘ 2, i: 20(| '* Kosa Crouse, Route' 4, 20(1 Snow ^ ^;;;;' i ] ; ^ l^^ssMary Stout, rspring Graded School, Isvlvan Graded School, Mebane. • •,: j; j ImIss Grace Amick, ; ' ,3|)0; Haw River, No. 1. liliss Carrie Albright, ,■ 12; i0() Eloa College, N. C. :aiss Mollie Baldwin, 6,650^ Uision Ridge, Noi. Iv ' | i I Miss Lottie Terrell, 3D0 13,6^ 500i 200^ H. F. B. Mo. 7; -I W. H. Ingpld is right siek.r T i; ; Mrs.i Alma D. Burke and ' tWo little sons of MpntjgOmer^ ;Ala., are spendiiig this ,'month yi^ijting her cousin Miss Lula Riich dnd other relatives at and nea.r Be>lle- mont Mrs. T. .R. J^ard€^, who h^s teen sick for s6m^ tijne' is ^bl0 to be out' again but h^r little daughter that has been critically ill for some time does no;t impr©ve wy much., | ; if I I |.^|'em'mor(| who has be^n §ick two or thr^e weeks is improving soiiie now,« ’ H, Jsl^y yard and is building a hew le^d; haiii.'■' ■"■ ' ' I !J. R, L, Isley Of Burlingt'oti %&’ [08 GitNM OF ' ‘ ravoRKSHor ■ " I ;■ jDisckrged Empioye of City FirM Four Bullets, One Lo|dgiiig in I His Head. I : ? Hoboken, N. J., Aug. 9—May- •Wm. Gay nor, of New, York, ! .. hile standing on the deck Of I ihe Kaiser Wilhelm De Gross^, ' wvparatory for month’s toir Hioi'oud, was shot down , by man /ving his name . as James j Galiaher, a discharged "foreman, [in the department docksand fer- 'es. .‘ our ;bullets w^re fire|l, V:v striking' Mayo’’ Gay nor, who; iijcniica'ily t)iOugh not necessari- Th^rejs another Ko. 7 for Lewis pOf)le thfe clfel, hiiller at Sharp (&' .CohliS'W'^ gave us; ^ gallon of;the^ ^ehmne; article torday John Blaylock,;, of ; Burlihg‘t(|n^ and Miss Alma K,irkpatrick[ of K6. 4 were united in rihar^iafe Sunday e vening by lieV, J, Burgess, at the parsonage tie; B^'llemont. Sincey “Dan'' -leadquarters at Bellemont ReV. Burgess has become quite popu lar and says he v^ill'tie the kbpt for any onb haiving the proper license exoept a divorce. I Miss Myrtle Moser spent Sun day visiting Miss Maude Culler, George Tinnin gave us a 15 lb, water melon to day, the first one this se^SQn.; „ Esq. John Bixon gave half of the cider mentioned above. Thanks to each and all. fatally wounded. • uli-Ui Durhath, Attest ' 5; ‘^Af; a meeting , tees on Wednesday iof ithis ' week three additions were made to the teaching force of the College for next yea,r.. -r ' j Arthui^ L; MdCdbb^as elected ,^sist£^nt j. prp:^«^Qr pf i Frenc}; liiid i (MKi McQohhV^as g^d\^at^ fwrxi; j^ew4oin Cpljleg! ivith the of; bach^Ioi? of ■$4s,ih ■ .yarcjX^hi-W^ity^r^^^ ■and ^frlinj j^hd has, had tw(p.yirs; ;‘e^ii^^4i^te?i^hing.,. .. | , |^t.,;N^ elected assista-hl Pfdfess^^ Mr, TOson i| ^a native :of Spjptl) CaKpliiTi^^ ^as ^e^r inJ Gijili- ford, is an A. B. ^aduate of HaverfOird College, received th^ degree of .Mgdfcgr: of'‘Science from the University of Florida, studio ed Ghemistry>at M^i^irdCfniVerj- sity'for, «eyef41 y;ears ■ pfafes^r of Ghettiistry at; (SrMlford Coilegei Assistgmt'Ghem 1^- riculttirai; Ex^erimeiit; Station, 'Mr. Wilsdii is ii young 'scientist i.i? 1- 'a ji‘)*/v ■rfv' ro. ''' • A.'- ■■' '^E^tra'' ac^ ^daysllh-'Eichihbnd ■ ‘'' Shfer3M?l-'0d^^^ fGilei^borp la|t w;eeK:lie onc^' lived, here and j Miss Daiy SHfeiSft feMMed ti her home in Charlotte -Saturday^ - MbiMskh 3r. or TOli^hji sipent Saturday itnd Sunday at homeJo-;:J m^ni % li MMM p !il!' • SSt ID'- .-ifl 4 Na 13 '^'^e^t ’ s last ^^e>ek.' teacher; and Will be? a distinct additioti to th(B ’Aforking fprce^ of Trinity College. ' ! - Robinson G. Anderson was elected Pxofeasor of Law. He is a j^adtiate Of Upper Iowa Uniyeri- sity; hQl% a graduate degree and al^o the decree of LL. B." fj?om the yriiyeMj5^:pf : Iowa ha^^iiad experience as a teacher, practis^ The would-be assasin was ^o.ver I lowered by a policeman and Big i’ii! Edwards of the street clean- iijg department. The bullet was tired f}-om behind. Mayor Gay- nor \\ as first given medical at tention on board the ship, then rushed in an ambulance to St. Mary's ho'^pital, where he was operated upon. Surgeons say Gaynor has a chance .for recover. Gailaher was, rushed to Hoboken ])0!;ce station and arrainged be- :'ore Recorder MeGeven and Te- raanded to jail without bond, p-^nding the result, of the mayor’s ;njr;ries, Oakdale Notes. - > ur;:v. out )ast ^^'eek. j > ■ ' Tlie refreshing showers' have irnpvoved the co:pi ,-crqp, very^ much if they continue? any lor hi vhile there will be a good crop Oi corn made. farmers if $ 6f if goes to show that our are improving. , - ’ Wheat threshing aimost done v'heat above the average. Cot ton about two weeks late. , The Piedmont Baptist associa tion which met^ with the Mt. Zion cnureh, the 27th and 2Sth attend-!! ™ deiigates secured to enjoy P^ir short stay very much, after oeing drenched with the rain of tne 26th coming from the depot 'at ijiberty. After spending a few days ’^'ith their sister Mrs. Maggie ppoon Miss Fannie Spoon of Gra- and R. W. Spoon of Greehs- ^oi’o returned home the 31st. af- ^-i^attending the association.'. , Jf^wd Isley and his road scrap ’ll' toi'ce of hand is in our midst aoing sorne very much needed -yorK ^ve hope they will stay un- w tney get the roads in a passi- "'■fe condition. i • trearn suppers are becom^ "0 be very common as ice Can ofe got of N. A, Kime very cheap • L. Spoon gave an ice to a few invited Saturday night kt /honpl- • brother B. W|. S|)o4n aild Fannie Spbon;. ■ '’'-d Reib^r of Durba; Mattie Thompson sj>ending her vi^a' Hv-r home near Mefeaner?is Death of Mis. R. B. Foust. Mrs. Alice Ada Foust, wife of Mr. E. B. Foust, was born De cember 15th, 1861, , aiid ; died August 4tb, 1910. ^ ; j ,, Mrs. Foust 'was a patietit suf ferer fora^number of yfears, but always bore her suffering withJ Christian resigiiotioh. She loved the Reforrned' church of which; she was a faithfuI member, and'' was intensely interested in tihe moral and spiritual,., vyelfare |;of^ her children. Hfer llfe^ Sp^ksjin far more elocja^ent^rmsjiOf praise than can be';jHclui:edf by ^e' tongue or peh''pf mati. ' | ' The devotion of husband ajfid children to the almoa| helpless, wife and niqth^r. r#as ‘ b6auti|ul and ot the sliike|t|nle x>athet|c. All possible effects were inadeHo stay the, hand of di^e^se ahd death, bdt God knew V^t, aiM, in his wise! providence feok frdm our rt|dst jwholn>.ev#rybc^y loved ^nd respected because Jbf her noble qualities and beautiful Christian character. ^ . A iar^e doncoui«e of soiTowipg friends,' who'live’ far and: neai:,' gathered ^t; the, home and Mt. Hope chiirch to pay "their l|st trjbutle 9f |r^|ept rtp the memory 01 her whom ithey had been fed tq love and admire. ,It_ wa^ a 'very sad death and buHM indeed. A good btei^bOr,i'faithful w|fe and mother is' goiie, 'but. than|ks to,God, we are not without hope. In the sweet by and by we, t|b, shall be gathered to our lovM ones, and then we shall mq^’e fully understand. I Mrs. Foust was the mother of five , childi*en* namely:; j M|iss Abigail, James'E., Gity Editoi ;pf the Burlington State Dispatch, Albert, Milton, and John Robe|t, the last named having died aboiit nine years ago, at the age of about five years. With you kind frieshds,, we; mingle our tears and say, fare well, dear one, farewell. , ; A Fri]^end.: Eye Troubles. Does your head and eyes ever feel like A DULL aching pain at the temples and at t# of the head, or perhaps at thfe base :of the brain, iyitn feyes switching, sfoarting, burnihgwh|n confor- tihgr a hri^ht li#ht suddenly? Or is newspaper trye a,, blue before your eyesight? Likely "fm need g]ia8^es,gve’lji;m^ke a ei^iina- ^on ff ybu lust fwhat's Mrong, that r4iui|ed..l:,']^r. N^sf Rosen- tfein'eye^specidlifets, of Durhate, will be at Burlington at the Bi)ir- ,,liiigt0rkB:^S Ca. Ai^. ■vrhere Mrs. ,J' W. McPhei^ohrnifeft SatuMdy; f4r' ^^eftslfeirp '^''^here She'wiil'''Visit' h^'mbthW'!"^ „ ]\|arvin MePher,son. spjh Miss, Jnatice of r Burliiisirton ri'.ji'i iJ'livfy'i ■bAfc4d'!iiiiij{^ i •• ion m\ eaarnesi j i t SS^ifblifeaM H^di ■Sgwai^ers- hsth yMe;w V ¥ork; i&Hd'TiOfeiea^Pi OPhis/#rn#a%n haore ■ th^n l)e :^n educ^ionai brie. o Republieaaastfeel; rfthai > ImVe distiiaqt issties t6 oand if 0F; fe#! %re'^ rei)%rK^^l!^. ch^n^, .idii^r^ jth^ record of the All IinriUtioB - Cin|^ea : /, Ip, as much 9^ o| the jlyl scored the movinfi: picture ^^hii place of amusemeiit TOe Air- dpme), being- injjlriipup to.the recen^^.^ss|9ji,:r|^ the West Publishing Companyl, St. Paul,. Minn; J . the foremost publishei's pf U^^' hoPks in this country* His services fpr, thik stat!e> where he is; well knpwn. Mr. Anderson'consents to! cohie to the law. s.chppl because of the high reputation' it ’ has woih' throughout the country, by its': standaijds and by the learning- pi ■ its Pean. ,}s^he |aiv; '|a,C5^1tyf;iRilw,: tonsists of'.Dean S, F.^ Mordecai', * Professors 'R. G. Anderson and ■ E. PiRfeodei. ^ Siifteeits es^kbliisii-■ meat in 1904 the Law SchoPl has beett :v^ry^ successful'. and,,its e)(^uii)^ent,o\itiobl£ are®^ ' riovi^'thto'-^ver before; For''i,t least three reasons the Law School deseyv-es i^e attention of th#^tiife;:,Stjlte., 11 It Ithei' ifirst law schoplt in the ^quthejn statef' 'to enforce a high 'stahd?ird of adi- missiohl ‘'the miriirnum repuiref >n;ient Js ;twa, years of cplieg§ wor4 or the equiyalent.,.;'ilt is the first to use the case book system of teaching, which is nothing but and whiciji; has ,i^9w been adopted in full ’m' mipdified^ form by ' leading ■la\f’ Sfehools' of ' Amerifeal It 1s;likewisa:.the fkst to pre|)a']j?e its own text^hpok^.v; ^And in this part pf their .work . it is weli knpwn tp_ experts thro^ughput the Statellhaf' Dean] Mprdecal^ and his associate^ h^ve had- brilliant succes^.^""'.'V'"’.;r i ~id^ ^ mi' ’ 'ttfi ’' ! : Pissoiatup/Notice* On the secpnd- day pf August 1910, the firn^of Gates ,and Dayi$ |s^s di|spl ^ed{; teiiutuiy co^seiii^; Having: bPught^the .entire , inters est of Mr. i Gate's in the business, I will .continue tp handle the same lihe of business that we have been haridliTaj^ for thd past two years;' We have ttia'de the Uh* dertaking businesfe' one Of our special lineSj; .try|i^ tp, give it Pur special atitenlionl In the futvire, as in the past, I shall endeavor to give the Undertaking business iny spfecial ' attention!; Hsi'vihg secured the services of a licensed ^bahn^, jliG^^d! by jihe^St^ei; of North Carolina, ^ man of long exf^rience ih?llnaertakitt^';I ani ^therefore much, bettei* .equipped %p serve the public, Hvith ,a ftill li^ie.of .lindertaking siitppl^s al ways oh hari^. When in ni^ed of ^^"^®:,Weej£ ^wjth., W, J K • sipeht: Siihdiy • with ::.^Iiis^ :Iii^tti' 'Simps6Af,..;.V;; "V.": '*.:.ifi^sMattit-■^.ihpsda;-.;.! '"-^ur-" liingipn sperit SQhdjiy:]ai,lSi)itofe.-, ; ' , Mr.^ andR! Jt.-"'.Jbbie: ’ are ;rejpielhg 0^ si swieetJift^ \^hp.amvea,at theii: hohie $a^ur- day m^nin^ Aii^l; :pi ; , Our esteemed banker 4. itnd Long ^e off'with ^J tampk i ng p^rty at* Lock Lilly ^ son cOuhty, we : hbpe ‘they . Mill have a deh^tfnlstayv ; , J jgj W, Lasfey of Buflin^pn is managing the ; b^nd: ^ ^hili^ Mr[ Long is off at a, eairhpjnk'party". | i H. L. Birchard'ahd^ family left for Sumpter,' S. * G; Wedhesda^ they carry many good wishe^ with them „frpm ihe^r many friends thby^ hate ' made while here., We wish theni; success in their new field. K , > ; ‘ - RjevS. Cl^ernent arid Arnett fillr &d their ;pujpits\ Sunday" td the’ delight'-of their ■'■peppfe.^:.-i '' '.i/r ij; ' ' iA seHes pf nieeting' [Will, begin^ Sit- the: Christian. Church )the‘,fiirsi S uriday in; Sfeptefob^r a v eojpdial invitatiW'^ is extibndedr to «ili. ; d 1. . • Mk. ,andj,VIrs.> ■VeriioTj, ■ Jvirk .■ of ; Ck’eensboro visited theiriunele.. J; P. Cates at Haw River'Suhday retiUEned hom^ • onisthe;: sew^iiin^ traih. 0 -I^ ..ri.v^'dn ^ ; iRem:..eind Mrs*-; Afmet)ti were:' Jn- ;tPfe^m'a few dhours Mondays on ‘business^ they retiifned t^dMebane they !are; e3?i)ecting: to:..imo’‘ie:' 'to .■•I-Iaw! River neit'Weefei,^V© iwei^ cpme you brpther^andi.sdsteiQ' ■! j ; .Ma;:s» ; J., Si;McAdanisM Grei^nsf -'borb spent- sevemlt days-; at ■ her iiorae near Hawfield: i-eturned liome'acconipinied ■'byd Mrs. H. H'. Sinipsdnv: who afteil’: sipending ■gi:.few.dayS' rMiirned'to-Sa'w^; 'Ri- ;yeri^^ !.i V'-.. ;d. S:- ' Mrs; 'Sj J. ; Hu^es ! and- Ike ■^wentJ to GreenMiOrp Satutdaiyi and a^etumed^Sunday^..* i ) . i Miss. Efiie Hughes;'s^ent Saturi tlaj^n Burlihgtpn shppjjing, sh^ returned dlpme on the > evendpg train. •-/ ■ Rev,.N. . :Rps§nberg,. ?^^jipsh Rabbi pf Durham canw; ■ ^pHC; (Woodmans ons^Monddy'>-■ v, and in the presence ;of ltfcf|ier^bn and others^irci||hcis- ed his, son the cpiild heing / ei^ht ;cM)3 '^jse^nii -td^^be'- ... ‘^^ies.-'hbt'a $‘'-wofk w!]i^6‘cMihg fthin'^s;i,J, '^.TKe1i- Bo(^ bf is^^feehe# eontaffis hb%6ih“ struetive arguments, only ’ fiult^ finding pd pretejided dissatis* faction. ‘^'Their one"^iih is to teat dowftj JSflftrbuild e 33fe3^diteave rip record b^tt a negative ©rieTrinO issue*Jbu^ia;desijteito^ffii^crd> ; Not ja single sound i reasQrii calri be advanced'by the Dembcr^ts this fall why the next House ^f . Represent^ ahodM cratic. - Not a single sound arguj- ncientfcah be' lad^^amGed ' to r show .why the^ ReptibM«artsrishould'ibe turned iout and the BeniK>6i»tfe in- ^Hedi: In Jshort,e; the gubilaant '"'^gmoeijatsibf twomohti^agoii^^ :despair and Jdii^xisfei tb ,'fehink that the,' RepubMeahs have so: completely t^eri..thCi Vind ptt t0fith:eir4sails;did vc; f-';■ r i As u^iaal^ i tho; oBemOCrats willl talk tariff—as usual,dthe^^will teli the people -in their speeches and literature that Protection is robr Thanking our patrons and friends for favors shown us in the p^^t. lAsking fipr^icontinuatiph of ytpir ' "’W ‘will ' and; patronage in the I ,;d;i t' ‘Yours sincerely J AS. A. R. Davis. Burlinj^tofi, N.^C| isionth. [r^ i .'A^' belonging tb ¥m4 rv Nettie , the tferee me ld^u§hte^tl(BSfii.l&fi^ iil: wk.s. ie‘dwaa¥^i'K«e^Iiill ceme' :he laboring-; man that hps |hoi|ld |chan^^!th«^%|bs|^er|ty.4c^:^ tioilt^lafV^;r|it|; T|i4 |pe#le ieiLlilel^ul|£[^^'aii^ ^^atic Housi^ of Representati\|e4 |would mean.-’XThey realize t! ajj; |0verid^®Qi^?:no.^^ ■ le^s4 ^pngiesis^^-^i.;;^^eyefe® ■ the re ^ould be arrxiety -in •.aBj’financ al „,nd business" 'ciKjCles^^^^ sublrj piijij^iety #puid., |jr|hg'V«urtail^ lof produ^'^ v.^nd- afecl empldy-i Irpent^and!■-■ ■-I j ^?Then,^;^o,'iJhe''''ttji^^ :votbr |wi-lV;reali^e tnat Prei^dent T£pt ^hotild^h'^Ve a RepiabJieain.,|feuN las Senate to help him ce ry owt in |ujl ^a|t th§; pletos Ke'jiajty^ the ]^grairif,whi' ae Msdbu ih his’‘Mss^g^., in' spite of the. tr«§iiie^hdpiii^^%^-| latioh^eriactted J)y‘, thp fsb'far,'there' still ■ retrigtfriS'^ p be dope'by' th€! '62ndJ^dngifeife.* ^n^ this boiild hot be aecdmplir * jd %ith I a'E^^mbci*at fioii^e* check all Senate njie^isures and doi othing itself. > ■', , ■'" ,I | "Bo the UctuM .c^p^gn; opeN sigj|vSei3,;aiiil itci^ theM ghoiiIdXiGine aakf they sure infUaadjty,-^ in any'.way injurious to the welfere of the up 4his fm sition, and I respectially Mvite ^;y ,apd aU, cl^gym«nit©tyimt:the ,Aii^donae;;a!nd th^selves^ ; : Respisctfully yours ^€il- fare of -C^munity. w . X-ast Wedneste act e3eve?(i anr/the^ St. Methodist I Ghiroji>ifite Mabif F,eathei;^tpn%Ii2^er3(n ;Wil- liarii ® Mahn happily jdnM iPthe:h^ of riag^'Mhei!rpf^5^^^ A. Hornacmt; Ttiesdky higat rpree^i;%dtiie cer©rrioB^ beaw ful reception; hy Mh and iMics.i G. iAi Wialker,/feisterloT the bridd'i ' Thiechurch %as beau tifully decorated with ^Ims and I^ns'fbr the occj^ibp,% dei-ed by; Mfss Flbrine Jtobertson. The\usheS ,w^el JpEn R. Hoffttto, ‘ E. 'S:; W,' S^feeron, I Hd yernon^d F.' beiharfe.. • Mr.' ■ Ri'>erS' -bf Albe- imarie^was .bfesfc/^^m^’’’ aiiid . 'Mi«sf.; ftuth;- Danierpni^ sist^. Of the l^€ Mlai#-of‘ hbridiP^K- tely after the ceremony Mi*V ah’d ^PrsyiMaiin Jeft.pni theumprriinir ..Qity..llariyv bean^tiful. ahd.0osfe ■ Jann isa P^ogres^siy^ypungbuflti- hessraan of ^here they will reside, .the ,hride i« ■the. q{ ^t felon to^leg Mrs* %■ Willwmspn , w^ IS been on an e^cten^e^ ;^isit ,to the western part of the ^tal^, re turned home. Monday.' 5 „ d i ! Li dRoy Jbhnspn is spending a few days in the mountains he is at Critz Va., hope he will have a good time. ,, - .d-*.;>nd;.^d: The Burlington Refomied Sun- d|iy School will hold! their a.nniial picnic at Brown’s Chapel School house next Saturday Aug; r 13th, let ail the depaHiiientb df the church and Sunday School i,meet at the chm^ch; g^2 "^Mth full baskets and ' nierry »hj^ts for a good time. , If‘ any ? prefer g-Pihg idireietly, to^lbheMehoo^ hbu^e ti’y and be there by 3 p. m. . The j5-ro#am v^ll i^phsist of a dsfenies of games and prize contests with supper a 5 p. ra. A^rikd^ill be given the finest baby present on thei'^^Ie llpfti 5 fThe ihVitation inclades, all ;who ;a:^e?^ if terested ■ Jd K Beginnmg. Saturday atr nine j!cM» ffe:iFWshU&\>M before ef oe |With, the! R^ptibhi^ ■ ^ i ■ '[ 7 • J - . . ~ , k , . . f;The' !?|^';^d.!Eto ;ialw§i^s|p4^#!P0fJ*to } men, tp,||J&t#3n po^rji at>efi«?t h^s;d:aJway?,l IPseep. hbera|ij boysL This year th^^club wijli '1:ine,..of'the’e h][^fe)i’yt^ hks been ji^nted;: and ' the' citi 7^1 ■nh&p' *^''lby^;?Haveto' ret^ Tbbrii^ at rea,sbn^ble rates to tht? 'cliib'mdh. ';-- ;d ^ d Afe nmriagfer'this'^^^^ is ‘ X % Tmiitijda‘ iiileiiiiii^r d^ iTumt*’ Class in Gpitege, who last corii^' mencement won: the ^Junior Alu mni Scholarehip ipr J this y^sar, Jle has cbhduct^ tl^ club khd confldeiit, arid the Democi^s He has conducted the club before bh the defensive Mirithe d^^^ is ^ ^ymz test ffloom. There, may bfe'Mint :forw4rd^^t^^ - beirig very second^ tpdthW%E^^ , , . . ,, . Issues of the ^y; The dRepubliT IPbere. This 'jViil bib ]f>rovided cans have the record ^ by ;^vin^ Mr, principle—it only remains to foH and Mrs. Egbert TruHt, of Bur- low Mr. Roosevelt’s advice to.Hngton, No. 8, look ^ter the pwjr nominate the best men .and ithe df»aration and^eryiiiM the meafe people can be relied ' on to con-1 and the keeping of the club hpi^ tinue in power the party that i It is believed that this arrai^ do^^thiri^s and' dpes|:the& rigM, 3^n^ feared c^use for " * co]^^tulai^0n are ; Great Nc|^|i^er|: ^ ijblica|idh in pu ifis. .tie New ! ; The j^atest America by all odds [X'.ork Sunday WOrld. Besides lover four hundred columns of, fading matter and advertising, |t gives ■vpt^ij.s.evffirj^,: Sundj^y’s' ,is- |we the:ffiilo^n;E^j)|c^ feliures: A complete |bmM\|0elily, #^^>m- pete sdhg, '‘Words' and "“miisil; a Bbmplete Sunday^ magajt.ine illus^ is alcmerworth more than is charg- '^isC.|gTe^,l Wca*la ^an be teyested ini go:, _ ■ch|aply ^ ^sifeJe.^ to i 51on. at |; Miss’ Bettie The Farmers,I; IJnioii vnll hbll its picnic and pubfec sjpeakingiit fBethariy^M%mile|bbutn of wit- |iam Tifeday, August 9th. Tiic ipeakei^,, ysmo \yjai take par^. in the program will be St^te Piiiai'^ ;ret.;.»es8ion>'M; •inviled' *p a day ple^tire» ‘ii Betrtie Baitis *of Bfland 0M ' >■ ■ ■«'} d'f Bari of the P m

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