fUl *-^1 -I i'l’ejrifitf, ,1 _ I '■. fnoilitifs "vv^vl ai! hh -.li ■i.i f.H- ''•'>1-11,v| /:•' ■■’ ’:^i>"-nt„r -'('■'i--- --lir.uj,! ■Iv'x:::;-'" . RS.Sf- wv C. cretary CAROLINa] ■maland t College I 'he Stat© for orth Carolina urses leading >eeial Courses ^ill Session be- 4,^1910. Those snould apply :le. For cata- information firecnsboro, a, g. Colleyc ^atory of lr]s and pn Csrslina. ing of enter- for catalog. ges in Music ition ideal, equipped. Fall term ir, 1910. y, President. Vl: Id ends of the same LTFORD, 1.D, F. & town for The State D merging Graves With Teeth. . "oi-im old saying that half > •„ the world dig- tbeir teeth has been out in recent ^ vmtVoi!s I-'V the health de- of New York City pub- 'Sool system. born LISTOFKAIMEBIEITERS - View to determining the effect of bad physical and mental on rh ‘thirtv-nine thousand fS'n Were examined. It was l>''“' l,8f those whose *®'m.uirecl twice the time of f\hei- children to graduate « t the city twice as much, it has been concluded ^ o ’ a mere matter of business better af- teeth T 1 rO!'tl bon .. . tn'pffipioy dentists than to 'strugglh^'g blindly with the lor ■outh. T'pp incident is of local mterest .'reason that Atlanta has trying a system of medical iefecUve ' ■ ' ic ction of her schools for near the fere I'ori'- kre “Q'- itecl, we t>o You Sing or Howl? I have been reading- in diffe-' v> . . . -ni ^ ^ rent papers about the cost of liv- ^ a 1 ing in fact do noi-have to read to ^-'urnngton, N. C. , A:ugust6,1910. now the cost of living. Now i Gentlemen: the blame has been put on tariff j j. w. Beaty, AValter Cheek. Lu- Teddy Tatt & Co., and every^cian P. Elliott, R. R. Long, Clo thing else most, bullets notspd igen Menks, Rufus Swain, Whitt spies to heathern lands to find U . the cause let us look in our tow'n and country. Let us do as the, Miss Ola Foster, Miss Sadie merchant take inventory seeiHobes, Mrs. B. B. King, Miss where we stood prior to 1896, Mabel Morrow, Miss Jenni e Mor- and where we are at to-day 1910.; row. Miss Mary Roberstn (2), "nvov^’ars. The results here ■ cor'-'iwrableto those in New ' the discoveries made s.N'Ftem are equally valuable and the good effects nallv as gratifying. In- ve found where the vQuble have done much orei'jieu.'' it- . ■ + +• One !>1‘ interesting ;.,v'acieristies of the present ‘‘‘g its increasing attention matters of health. ViFOveni i-ather than to cure lisc er-rni.ng' to be the prin- of the doctor today: 3, it iuisht be added, one of i'.e'ir'osi in!}}C'i-tarit phases of his ■Jifis to toa(th the people how hemsVu'o.''' to I'.Ji’event disease. ;Vo feiiHtre of this movement ;-iK)ve vitj;! to yablic health than hat whicpj deais with care and Jtservarion of the teeth. The vnuie ihinK 5s so elemcpfely sim ile that ii has heretofore been ijijseci b;. as unworthy of serious tioiice. Yet. the investigations Xcw' Vork and in Atlanta irove unquestionably that one of 'iie oreate^t factors in tlie wel- Back in the good days prior to 1896 when the country was at a stancj still, when we had not dis covered a new south. When the cry was go west yonng man and take up government land if you ever intend to own land. We have gone West in an air ship and what do we find the, story is too serious to tell. We find them sending our rations back to N. C. for us, so let us hasten home and see how they are being dealt out to us now and back in the days. We used to love to visit the town store and hear the drum mers t.alk telling yams, we could listen half day and go home feel ing that we had gained know’e i^.„e of the faraway world. We have o!ien asked ma if we could be a dfummer when we got grown up The merchant loved to talk with him and his tales of wonder. They w’^ere good days alas we are Mrs. Bettie Thompson, Miss Ma tilda Warren. Persons calling for any of these letters will please say “Advertis ed and give date-of advertised list.'' J. Zeb Waller, Post Master. Rev. F. M. Jourdan of Western N. C. one of the oldes t pastors in the state preached at the Bap tist church Sunday. Rev. Jour dan was the first man to ever preach in Burlington. He preach ed in a school house long before the Union church was built.' fii’p ol nic Read the Saturday Evening Post. Leslie Horn ad ay Agent ‘Phone 168. Saved From Awful Peril - , , j I never felt so near niy grave, g-own up now but we don t want 1 chamWin, of Man- the drummers place. Ihe cost ^.j^egter, Ohio, R, R; No, 3, of selling is more now than m the good days. Our, merchant used to send into his house once as when a frightful cough and lung trouble pulled me down to 115 lbs in spite of many remedies and To Repa m and The Qmsilwi it ft . mo»t important one. / , Yoa c»ii folVe:,;it quickly And most' satis- faptprily by. uiio^ i^ewCmnhiiry Weiat Shingifss These shia^les ere made Irom the best (luality of rooi^n|{ tin and are painted or galvanized •ftei* being stamped into shape. They are the inbst durable and satisfactory roofinji material io ex* istenee for residenees, schools, ehumhes and similar buildings. Th e y S a v e Insurance FREE Write for illustrated Shingle, Book No. 25. It is full of valoabl* information ior alt ^ho contemplate building or repairing. Graites Are Coai Sav^fPS You n^d the popular “Cahill*' Grates inypur home. Gi'eat heat pro* duoers and cocd savers and. the eleancst grates ever made. : A great variety of handsome designs at any price you want to pay. Plated or Black finish. Don’t buy any other kind until your dealer shows you th! * ‘Cahill*’ line. If he doe^’t carry them, send us his name. V AvoM CrackedH WI/aH» Aftd Ceittnga With our Southern Ornamental Metal Ceilings and Side Walls, crack^ walls and ceilings are impossibie and the beaut)' of the interior is inoreaMd a hundred fold. Write for prices and full pairticulars^ ftVe Also Affanufactore Architectural Cast iind Wrought Iron Wbrk> such as Columns, Lintels, Sills, Stairways, :Pire Escapes, Balconies, etc.'. Also Galvanized Iron Work, such as Corrugated Metal Awniogs, Skylights^ Ventilators and Cornice. Write for prices. Chattanooga Roofing & Foundry Qo. CHATTANOOGA - - . - TEMNESSEC i)') women and children oaav IS an intelligent use of the cotli brush. Every function and iKlalniDbt every organ of the ody ;s dependent for strength DOR the teeth and in the propor- iionthat they are cared for or iiegiected. the individual is vigo- ous atid competent orweak and Ineoffipetent. This statement made by the tianta Joura) sounds a serious Earning. Not cities alone does II farm but individuals and pa rents, Cleansing the teeth should cultivated into a habit. In t'liiidhood this should be done. \fier children have become men fend women't is about as difficult jo cultivate new habits as to break pones. To wait until teeth Ire gone and health undermind- I to cleanse the teeth is worse Ihan the police after the theif |asgone. We meet many young people ^hose decay teeth present a hor- p!e appearance. Many of them p-e not been trained to care for jlieir teeth b> parents whose duty jtwas. Now, feeling unable to py large dentist’s bills they let ad become worse. Their ap- fayance, their own peace, and |neir health are all seriously af- tecied by the result of parents failure, The school teacher is not out place. If others have neglec- pthis important training, he |iiO!ild endeavor to correct the l*Tor in the training of his stu- Iflents. a week for the needed, j that I am Nov? it IS very different. We ; today is due solely to Dr. have a man to come every day to,| ]S[ew Discovery, which see if we n^d any wstern ! (.(j^ipjetely cured me. Now I back. We have a different ^^^61 igo lbs and can work hard to see us about our ^'very i my four children day and another about hay and i croup.” Infallible for Coughs gram, we could go on and name | Colds, its most certain reme> them one by one^ but space and: LaGrippe Asthma, despe- time forbids. VVe must pay ^ | lung trouble and all bron- • ^^4.1 i tarnt. ^ affections, 50c and $100. A Back in the good days i trial bottle free. Guaranteed by we wanted to be a drummer there; p^eeman Drug Co. was not so many on the road, but i now ask any merchant about how; many call to see him^ each day i SJ & W Nflrf(|lli; & H eStCm We would not pass this without: 1? By «> wBMBMa—i iiniiim telling the part we played when ! ...v -irm in the wonderful days that the i paper tell how cheap we lived | No. 22 No, 24 Hia used to send us to the store ll.ooa. m. after all the supply for table in 1 lv. winston 3:40 p. m. way of sugar , coffee, spice andj Lv. walnut G. other little things, pa Avould al-1 Madison General Julian S. Car, of Dur ham, has accepted an invitation to df^liver the address at "the an nual picnic at Old Furnace in the northwestern part of Gaston county Saturday, July 30. G LDEN !-! PPORTUNITY! 1 ways go at night and bring the! nr’lie Watermelofl Feast. Roanoke, Va., July 30 1910 'A free watermelon feast for pery one who attends the Ohio l^aliey Exposition in Cincinnati, jAiJ^jst 29 to September M in- psive. These watermelons will '-j'- gift of the state of Geor- If: th- exposition and each one at least eighty lbs. L to this the fruits, and farm products of J.' fi'om each state along boil Norfolk & Western will be shown and a com- I|!f*?!'J®cturer will be on hand large crowds all about and the'possibili- localities from which ^*iken. The cold storage iipirl in Cincinnati are now incr utmost hold- iw r*-‘*'^'hacts of these states a'hiM beauty ^-"^Position is that a ?^{ fipantity of each exhi- cold storage to keep ■ ■ and up to date Special rates will &W. Railway. flour. We learning to be a mer-1 Ar' Roftnoke chant trading this may but now lays don’t have that pleasure, they learn business ways at school The schools being longer terms than in the cheap days that have past. Ma goes to the tele phone tells the store keeper to send a peck of meal and get it there at once, an half hour later tells him to send her a spool of thread. Does this ad the cost of living or shall we cuss our President and congress for all this. Does it make meat cost more for the drummer to come after our orders and mail it to house or for us to mail it? Does it cost more to ask for what we want over ’phone and have it sent at three different times or let _ the boys ge after it. Other things we intended mentioning but will not now in regard to high living, friends can you name a paper in our good state that has raised a yell when the school term has been lengthened or when the telephone wire was being stretc hed over the country. Do you know one that has howled at our little towns being turned into cities. Lwk at your house and see my neighbor if your cost of living can.be reduced, if can be reduced if can or cannot come on and sing and whistle that great song with us. ^ Carolina Carolina heavens bles sing attend her. Whistling Boy. 3:15 p. m. 3;4H p. m. 3:46 p. m, ‘■I:J4.3C p. . 7-00 p. m. No. 21. Lt. F.oa,nole 9:15 a. m. Lv. M rt’nv’lle 11:40 a. rn. Lv, Ma.yodau 12:52 p.m. Lv. Madison 12:55 p. m. Lv. Walnut C. 1:27 p. m. Ar. jWinston 2:10 p. m. Ar. Charlotte 5:50 p. m, 7:10 a. ui. 7:51 a,, m 8:23 a. m 8:27 a. in, .9:20 a. m. 11;45 a. m 2so, 2ti. 5:00 p. m 7:80 p. m. y:22p. m 8;26 p. m. S:52i,). m. '.5:H0p. m. 23 and A PROCURED AND DEFENDED. Sondmodel,! drawin;; or photo.forexpeit,search and free report | i’l'ua fl.cl',l^;o, how to obtain patent.>i, tr&ae mtti’ks,S copyright®, etc., COUPiTRIES. 1 Utistnfss direct ■with }^slflngtOi, saves iimeA money and often ihefiatent. Pafsnt and lafringement Practice Exclusively. iVrit« or come to us st ' 710 Street, new tTn««4 States Patent Office, j WASHMOTON, D. C. Nortii Mioa Agricultural & Meohanieal Coilege Young man, golden Opportunity kocks at your door today* If you w'ould enjoy some of the rich blessiingf!, op portunity is offerihg ybu, write at once to the A. &; M* College for catalog and learn how you. can become 'inde pendent as a scientific fanriei?, a skiiied mechanic or an experienced tea,cheri Board, lodging and tmtion $7.00 per month. For free tuition or further imforrimtion, address President JAS. B. DUDLEY, ' Agricultural & Mechanical Cojlege, Greensboro* N. C. ■ ■ '-'f ■ 1 - /■ Nos. 21 nnd 22 daily; Nos. and 24 daily except Stinday. Gonnectiona at Roanoke for all points North, East and West; Pullman Parlor sleeping cars, dining cars; mealH a la Cftrte, If you are thinking of takfog a trip, you want quotations, cheapest, fares, reliable and correct informa tion, as to rout;e, train schedules the meet comfort able and quickest way, write andj;the in formation is yours for the asking with one of our map folders. Trains leave Durham for Roxborp, South Boston and Lynchburg 7:00 a. m. daily, and 5:30 p. m. daily except Sunday W. B. BEVILL, (ien. Agt. M. F. BRAGG, Trav Pas. Agt. Roanoke, Va, One advantage in taking a va cation late in the summer is that one may learn from his friends of a lot of places not to go. YOU , ‘'-'li- time ' I ! i' ' .Mr, are higher than tvs season. How I here is no tariff' on ' V ; Cr { I ^ u-ere; •tb cracked ?a v/"' one could hardly ' -'t nas broken it. Big Preminm Offers Given Away Free. We want you to represent PHSICAL CULTURE in your City and vicinity. Never before was such an opportunity offered our agents to secure subscriptions as we have to offer at the present time. Five to ■ fifteen dollars a day is being eai-ned by many^ of our agents off ering our attractive premiums with subscriptions to PHYSICAL CULTURE. Write today for territory, ad dress Circulation Department, “I Physical Culture Publishing Co., Flation Bldg., New York City. stock or poultry to remain sick a day. They give you less results in beef, pork, work, or eggs, when they are not in perfect health. Take a little interest in your own pocket book and doctor them up with Black-Draugiit Stock and Pouitiy Medicine It will pay you to do thiSi it has paid thousands of other successful farmers and stock and poultry raisers. This famous remedy is not a food, but a genuine, scientific med icine prepared from medicinal herbs and roots, acting on the liver, kid neys, bowels and digestive organs. Sold by all druggists, price 25 cents, 50 cents and |1. per can. 4®*Wr;fe for valuable book: ’'Success wiih Stock and Poultry." Sent free for a postal. Address Black-Draught Stock Medidne Co.. Chattanooga, Teen. W. D. Lindsay farm, 109 acres, one mile of Burlington on the macadsun road between Burlington and Big Falls cotton mills, 40 acres in cultivation, 25 acres in pasture (wire fence) 44 acres in old fields and wood land. One good 6 room house; one good 3 room house; one good teed ton With good buggy shed; one good crib and smoke house; two good tobacco tons; gofod well of water. This is one of the most desirable farms for sale in pur county. If interested call at our office and get prices and terms. farm on public road between Burlington and Elbn Cbllege, dl^^lC IdXlXX fine land for tobacco or truck. We will sell at a bargain. 1 fa rm ® house; two room l/\j d.d C house; two tobacco barns; live good springs, good well of water. Eighty acres in cultivation and^ 90 acres in woi^ land. We will sell this place for > ; We also have some good bargains in city property that we will sell on easy terms. When in need of Farms, City Ptoperty or Money, call and see us* The Central Loan & IViist Compi^^ BURLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA . A. Davidson, Pres. Jno. E, Hoffman, Sec. & Tr^s. ::: W. W.BwJwN, Mift. J V- • ! '..u : Vi A'!