iyers. mind paid that Iport- with You 1 have I tried you hlle^e con- in not 3ttle- land. Ipaid. lant a ''hurs'ia:- Lhe f un«' I Jack Co clay. ' >tl‘y )inp y A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. VOL. HI- BURLINGTON, N. C : AUGUST 24, 1910. NO. 15 liE CONTEST AND HOW THE VOTE STANDS The tiine for closing the popu lar votirjg contest is drawing near business is picking up throusrhout the country now is a '■ood tim0 to begin an active cam- oaii-’’^ for votes. See your friends at The picnics and other social oatherinji’s. The prizes are all valuaifle «o if you fail to secure ij^e n;'st priKe you will be amply re\va'-(le(! I’or any effort you may |j:;t ioriii. Burlington. M’?? Lt'i> A. Workman, 11,350 * '■ Swi.i^nio Patterson, 13,976 >; ( I le IsIgv, 3,150 :vivvt]c Tate, 1,000 LiSr’an Tiirnei\ 925 Burlington R. F. D’s, Xr-:,s.K*nhie Whit'^.ell, R. 4, * •■ iMnria Overman R. 1. Matlock, R. 2, Kcior, Route 2, K(i>.a Carouse. Route 4, Snow Camp. 3,225 1,475 400 200 200 \iary Stout, N’vii-iK ' >faded School, S'-'iVi-n (traded School Mebane. Grace Amick, Miss C Mo '.'N J Haw River, No. Albright, Elon College, N. lie Baldwin, Union Ridge, No. oitie Teri'ell, 1. c. 13,725 500 200 300 12,350 THE WROnilESSION In view of an article in last weeks Burlington News, styling Mr. J. Zeb. Waller as the “Old War Horse of Democracy,” Mr. Waller sets himself straight in a letter addressed to the editoi* of the News, wdlich is as follows: Mr. Editor;—Kindly allow me space in your valuable paper to thank you for the many kindly expressions regarding my past and future political existence. I notice however, in your last issue you made a most serious and grievous mistake when you styled me “The Old War Horseof Dem ocracy,” Had. you said that I have been and am now an un compromising antagonist of Dem ocracy, you would have hit the nail square on the head. The title, “The Old War Horse of Democracy, ’ ’ rightfully - belongs to my good friend Hon. William Houston Carroll, and if for any r^son, now to me obscure, I Homers Store Robbed. Last Sunday night C. M. Her- i should at any future time be come a convert to the ever chang ing principles of Democracy, I would not try to wrest that title from him. He has by iiis bold and fearless stand won this honor and were it possible for man to retain in politics that which rightfully belongs to him then Mr. Carroll would always be re garded, by those who believe in giving honor to whom honor is due, the title of "The Old War Horse of Democracy. But the Democrats are no better than the Republicans when it comes to steam roller methods, and they too have run the steam roller over the best Democratic orator and campaign workers in North Car olina and the Honorable William of interest and unusual Hoaston has been crushed be svliich was plan- j neath its weight and occupies the same position pohtically that ! do. likes 1. 6,650 800 Surprii'e Party. ic.ai eri,;.v'iT>cnt ned as a eoinplete surprise was ::ivo-n at the home of Miss May- ■ ie Npnni last Thursday night in honor oi' her return from t’uqua ‘-vhere she spent a month ^ The paiTv about twenty Jn num-1 ber spciU the hours playing amu- siri.s-fndoor games, and enjoying i;'.c (ieiicious reireshnients se»'ved the hours frcmt 8;80 to 11 passed their de- her an enievtaining hostess. ner's store, near Aurom Mills was broken open and robbed of a considerable quantity of goods. So far there is no clue as to who the guiilty party is. There appears to be a pretty well organized ?ang operating in this place, as it is nearly an every week occur ence that some store in some sec- LETTER tion of the city is robbed. One | l ie country was effective way to break up such jxlrc- perous in 1809; depredations is for the authori ties to get,, right straight after that part of the population known as the “Sons of Rest.” Either al to tbe Dispatch. ew York. . The year 1910, in olitical aspects, is similar in y ways to that of 1890, just years ago. Then as now seerned to be under- g a state of great unrest, arid thelfe was no reason for it ! any more than there is now. extremely there was f ul> employment everywhere £i;nt ;v^e enjoyed the highest' wa- gi'ef, up to that period. In res- por -li to a general demand the Iv its raa twc the j^t th€ make them go to work or leave | tar j was revised and a new law town. When this is done it will' be found that such lawlessness will be greatly diminished, if not entirely eradicated. Let the of ficers get busy alorg this line and thus impro.ye the conditions complained of. ' evt (VjK ■kb and uj>on taking- iiariure the guest Vi A Strong Congressional Candidate. Mr. J. Zeb. Waller retnrned irorn tlie Congressiona! conven- nor. at Greensboro Saturday v. hnre he acted as secretary, and that in the nomination of Mr. jJavid H. Blair, the Fopubli- cans have made a wise and ex cellent choice. Mr. Blair is a ciean, high-toned scholarly gen- tienian, and a good campaigner. Zei.' thinks that the party has made no mistake in the selection of its nominee, and he says he is going to roll up his sleeves and see that his interests are looked after in Alamance. Those who /•inovV him know what that means, it means that no part of his cam paign will suffer in this county. Altogether now and let's roll up a good majority for a good man. Iln'i Rural Route Picnic. Corbett, Watson and Union Ridge Ri\ral Route basket picnic Vviii be held at Baynes’ Grove ijext Saturday, August 27th, 1910, Ali the patrons on these routes, are invited to be present. Now patrons this is your picnic, and v.e will be glad to see all of you out at Baynes Grove Saturday to ^njoy this day together. Now ';Ct US show that we appreciate “Uncle Sams” good work by be ing present with a full basket. We will have some good speak- ’ng, Lawyer Dameron, Lawyer Cook and Postmaster Waller irom Burlington have promised to be with us and v/ill have some- tning good to tell you. There •yiil be two games of baseball in the afternoon. The Union Ridge ^'fing band and Watson, string pand will furnish the mifsic for tae day. Plenty of refreshments ’ill bo served on the ground. MS all come and enjoy our- s once more at Baynes' e. Respectfully, J. A. Smith, P. ,L. TU.iNER, h. H. Walker, Managers. iS ■•0\ the first time Mr. nas Deen up against a diet a la Nebraska. not V. It is said that misery likes com pany, this fact may account in part for my sympathy just at this time. Conditions are ever changing, and ali great men run their course, the only rancor ^left in I our breast is that we run,ours so ! soon. The time has been, and not so long ago, when I couid call nearly every man in the Repub lican party my political and per sonal friend. But at that time i had very few personal friends in the ranks of the party to which you belong. Now the conditions are somewhat reversed, by my aggressive and progressive ideas I have made many friends who differ with me politically, while my political friends, especially among those who aspire to be leaders, have -'grown somewhat smaller. This condition does not worry me in the least. I pride myself upon the fact that I have at all times pursued a consistent political course and feel confident that time will vindicate my posi tion. It is true that I have not been as intensely bitter partisan the past few years as formerly,_ this in a measure has led some of my staunch political friends to be weaned away from me, and has given my political enemies a chance to instill in their minds a poison, that I was colleaging with your party, and now that you come forward and unintentional ly give color to it, by styling me, “The Old War Horse of Democ racy.” My political enemies are quiet ly saying “I told you so.” I ani glad that this class is very few and will grow less and less when the true and loyal Republicans get on to their game, as they surely will when the time comes for them to show their hand. There are some people who are never satisfied unless engaged in tearing down that which it has taken years for others to build up. Therefore I shall not get discouraged and abandon the fight for Republican policies and candidates. Kindly do not lead your readers to believe that I am down and out. It will take some thing more than a steam roller to crush the exhilarating life blood of Repubhcan progress and pros perity from these bones. I will be found workingfor the Repub lican party long after some oth ers ha /e sulked, turned traitor, or gone where the woodbine twineth. I don^t object so much to being run over occasionally by the steam roller, but I aiti not go ing to let them kick me down stairs. In conclusion, Mr. Editor A Vesta Victoria Song Hit. Vesta Victoria, the famous En glish mnsic^hall singer, who is now touring the United States, ■ sings a song that nearly every body who has ever heard it is try ing to whistle. This song, words and music complete, will be giv en with next Sunday’s New York World. The World’s comic week ly will be replete vath ' gocd reading. Th^ Sunday edition of the New York World is the bic;- gest and best thing in America for the price. Copies of Sunday World can be secured by applying at the Dis patch Oppice. Telegram. New York, August 2'ith, 1910. Broadway Central Hotel, Dear friends:—! am coming on an aeroplane, I am. buying and flying with all my niigljt and main to please the sane and insane, 1 am dodging sun moon and stars, Just took a corner off of Mars. I am driving back to our store with bargains galore, with dain ty styles for 1910, am sure will please the women and men. Ye& I am coming with a whiz, you see j 1 am .out for biz. I am aviating ' ■at great pace and aim directly for our place. Yours to serve, W. N. Cooper, Manager. Cooper Dry Goods Co. lay era Ho Fill I to cni| wei m JtOi] a,nil xe spil .ye? s'ti tht Fri (Ki red £,wl j.cJ hnj siol def thJ vvsi of [ liiil Hcl Beautifw! Social Event. m\i j?rl t;hi| tyl t;hl tihl ve| Btil thf bul t.hl thj col mJ lihl ^*V(| .reil poj wlj yel The most e’aborate social event of the'season was an entertain ment given by Misses Mabel and Ada Belle Isley at their magnifi cent home “Oak Crest on West Davis Street last Thursday night j from from 9:30 to 12. The entertainment was given in honor of Miss Fannie Kilgo, daughter of Bishop Kilgo of Dur ham who is the guest of the Misses Isley. The hoaiewas brilliantly iilumi- nated by Japanese lanterns while j ,■ the parlor dinning room andb|’}^, library were made very attrac-1 nh tive by the use of potted plants ^ arid cut flowers. , ' The guest were met at the porch and escorted to the parlor by Miss Mabel Isley. The punch bowl, which proved to be the source from which the thirst was quenched was placed in the ent rance of the librarf presided over by Miss Annie Holt who grace- fullyserved this delicious refresh ment. Several selections of instru mental, and vocal solos were ren dered by Misses Kilgo and Lola Lasley. / The guest were served refresh ments consisting of cake and ices in the dinning room. Seldom if ever have those pre sent enjoyed an occasion more heartily then when entertained by the Misses Isley. let me thank you again for the kind expressions by yourself and fellow Democrats. I assure you that I appreciate them all, com ing as they do from a man and a party that I have fought bitterly but fairly, long before I attained my majority. All this portrays > da] a better day dawning, and that the past political rancor and hatred must give way to princi ples and men. Again thanking you, I beg to remain, : Your political - opponent, but personal friend. J. Zeb. Waller. 'd the McKinley tariff went int ;effect about the first of Octo- bei .; There was no re&sonwhat- i'why prices should be raised me people took the McKinley lav - -as an e,xeuse and raised the pric as on everything that went int: common every-day use, and the eam>.aign of that year was prjitically carried on by the De- rnol^ats with the cry of McKin- iiigh prices, and the Dem,o- elected a,, majority in the [se of Representatives in, the -second Congress, spite of Democratic claims jie contrary, the McKinley at I proved successful in every and the years 1891 and 1892 J among the most prosperous jir history; in fact, a large on of President Harrison’s jial message of 1892 was gi- up to a statement of the lidid industrial results of the but the state of unrest was [on, and in November, 1892, people elected a Democratic ideiit, and with him a Demo- [c Senate and House of Rep- tatives. Then came the 111 years of 1893, '94 and ’95, mpanied as they were by icial paniCj industrial depres- an d general ruin, industrial ession and general ruin ughout the country which stopped only by the election tcKinley in' 1896, and with a Republican Senate and [se of Representatives, is true that the Payne tariff will have been in operation |h '^np;er preceding the Con- sional election of this year 1 w’as the McKinley law twen- ears ago, and yet, in spite of results that have folbwed iPayne law in the way of _re- be and industrial activity, the people are restless, and [high prices of the year attri,- in no way to the tariff give emocrats a chance to keep Dople stirred up with the iention that a change would better conditions all around not believed, however, that lexperiences of 1890 will be. lated. While it is true that lave periodic seasons of un- and occasional desires for a |;ical change, yet the lesson h we learned during the I's following the Democratic bry of twenty years ago lild be a warning to the people it would be a very unsafe in- jl to elect a Democratic House jlepreseiitatives this fall. If should happen we would still a Republican Senate and a lublican President, as we did |ng the Fifty-second Congress the Democrats would play tics, as they did then, and a liocratic victory two years [1 now, and with it the finan- hovac and industrial stagna- that always accompanies a iiocratic administration, would be well, then, for the jjrs ef the country to consider it seriously the historical as- of the case and to see if they ji to repeat the experiences that period. The younger sration should be told of that od and the danger that would pubtly follow a' repetition of e conditions. •om a financial and industrial Idpoint, we never were better ban at present^ and as soon ljummer dullness in sorhe lines :tivity is over, we shall, no j)t, enter a ■■ rnost prosperous pd in every line of business tughout the country. Even L many factories are running and night, while the rail- i:s are taxed to tbeir utmost ansport the freight that is •ed. The situation was never ler, and even the high prices le past few months are be ing to tumble, while there be no thought of reducing es so long as the Republican Men’s Bible Classes Organized. In the absence of a Y. M. C. A„ for Buriington, certain of our young men have deemed it wise to organize our men's Bible Clas ses together in the “Men's Bible Class Association of Burling- ton.”' ■ - ■ Last Sunday afternoon, repre sentatives for the men’s classes in the various churches met at the Baptist church for conference and decided that s?ich and in crease the interest of our, young men in the study of the Bible. A temporary chairman having been appointed, speeches were made in favor of this movement by E. S. W. Dameron, E. Sharpe, J. H. Vernonj Walter L. Cates and others, arid by unani mous vote, a permanent organi zation was formied as follows; :h;| ll£ M iu| i)i pol D€ fr ci£| vol m(| ]3e| •'ivil off pel uni thi T. D. Dupuy, Pri^sident, and 4. H. Vernon, Secretary.^ ■ _ TJirough the courtesy, of our city papers, the secrtitary was instructed to make free use each week of their colunins to keep our people in touch with pur local Sunday School work, arid .since there are about a thousand riien in our city who are yet to be ert- rolied in our gatherings for sys- tomatic Bible study, we feel that there is large room for effect, and a strong incefitive for our membership to make this forwa:rd movement a success. Below is a report of the Young Men’s or Baraca Class of Burling ton .for Sunday ,21st,' 1910. M. E. Church' Baraca ’Glass; Present 20. Collection 84 cents, J. M. Atwater, Teacher. M, P. Church Baraca Class, Present 22. Collection $1.00 R. F. Williams, Teacher. Presbyterian Men's Class, iPre- sent 22 Collection : $1.80 T. D. Dupuy, Teacher., Christian BaraCa Class, Present 10 Collection 56 cents. A. C. Hail Teacher. Lutheran Baraca Class Present 10 collection 50 cents; C. B. Cox Teacher. Ctermari Refornied,, Presont 20 collection SO cents. Cyrus She pard, Teacher. ' Baptist Baraca Class,. Present 52, Collection $2.21. John H. Vernon, Teacher.; :■ ' h The various classes are reqiies- ted to make their report to the secretary by Monday of' every week in order to get it in the lo cal papers. - y T. D. Dupuy, Pres; J. H, Vernon, Sec. Morrow-Sherrod. High Point, N. C., Aug. .,l9*-~ Robert Morrow, of Winston-Sa lem, and Miss Deborah Sherrod, of this city, were: married here Wednesday morning. Rev. S. ,H. Hilliard performing the ceremony The affair was a quiet event and was a surprise to their many friends. ; Mr.., Morrow is . teller in the Wachovia Loan arid Trust Com pany. He was a former resident of this city. Mrs. Morrow is a most popular young lady. Mr. Morrow is the son of Mrs. D. F. Morrow of this city and has a large circle of friends here v^?ho wish him success and Mppiness. Nominated by the Fifth District publicaiis at Gjreeiishoro last I Modrd|y. 'Greensboro, ‘August 20. — liti the fif th district Republican con ven tion held here today, David H, Blair, of Winstdn-Sialeih, wafc nominated for Congress, to op pose Major Stedman. the Demo cratic nominee. . The riominatioi? was by acclamation, the nomina' ting sj^eech being made by Mrh Junius H. Hardin, >f Alamance county, and seconded by Gilliara Grissom, of Eockinghiam county and Samutl E. Marshaill of Surry county.- The convention was called to order a few minutes before 3 0' clock by chairman J. T, / &ri- bow, of Winston-Salem,: Mr. J. Zeb^ Waller, of Burlington acting as ^ Secretary.■ After the roll call. Postmaster Reynolds, of Winston-Salerti; said that while every delegate was in favor , of John Motley Morehead for another term, that Mr. Morehead rievei^heless difi not wantthe nomination, desiring to put the state of North Caro lina in the republican column w capacity as state chairman. Attealion Merchaitts. The Merchants Association will meet in regular session Aug. 2^, 1910, at 8 o’clc^.k p. m. in the of* fiee of the Secretai'y; Second floor of the First National Bank build ing. Your presence will be ap- preciate;d.- '■' ■ Jno> :R. HotTman, Sec. Shtttteriy Pardoi:ed. The friends of Thomas Shatter- ly. have been busy this week shakirig his, hand, it will be re membered that Shatterly was convicted and sent to prison for an assult upon, our fellow townsman Dr. T. S. Faucett Shatterly at the time of the as sault resided at, Haw River, the assault of an order by the aiJ0^ ries making yaxcination compul sory, which engendered a great deal of ill feeling between the people and the health officeiv Mr. Shatterly has served about seven years of. a ten years sen tence, haying been pardoned by Governor Kitchen, as a result of a large and numerously sign peti: tion, the people believing that Shatterly had been sufficiently punished. The i^rdon was con-^ ditioned upon good behavior, and if lived up to, he will receive a warm welcome from his former friends. Mr. Shatteriy has ways beep a hard working, hon est man and the Dispatch joine his friends in welcoming hina home. Mr. Shatterly served about ten _days after; receiving his pardon, which was caused by the pardon papers being sent tj his attorney iristead of direct to the prison a\ithH*ities. Shatterly says that these ten days seemed longer to him than the other iseven years he had served. 8t£| offl mil off doj pel thJ riof rojp to 6ff| be| 01 [ giij Vvil party remains in power. If the Democrats, however, should be successful this fall, and “a^in two years from now, there would no doubt be the greatest finacial panic and the largest industrial slump that ever came to us, with a subsequent closing of the mills arid a large reduction in wagelS; for those who nii^ht remain at work. This is no idle guess j it is just as inevitable as that the night follows the day. A further revision of the tariff for instance, which wouM come with a Democratic administration would mean lower duties,; greater importations and displacement of American production and ^a; closing up of our mills. It is conceded, then, that only one re sult could follow, and that is , a most stupendous reduction in American wages, if we aire com pelled to compete with the lower priced labor of foreign' compete with the lower-priced labq)^ of foreign competitors, So, again, it is urged upon all voters that the conditons of twenty years ago and since be compared and that; experience be taken as the surest guide when it comes to the cast ing of votes on the 8th of next November. RepiihlicsuEi Connty Conveiitioii, Notice is hereby given the Republican Convention for Ala mance Co. will be held in the Court House Graham, N; C* ^turday 17th of September noon for the purpose of noiaina' ting candidates for the several county officers and a candidate for Legislature and to transact such other business as may prop erly come before said convention. The precinct primaries in all the precincts except those in the cities and towns will be held oa Saturday, 3pt. 10th, at 1 o’clock p. m. for tiie purpose of electing delegates to said county conven tion and transact siich other business as may properly come before said primaries. The fix ing of the time for the primaries in the towns is left wilih the eoixh mittee of each precinct. By order of the Alamance County Republican ExecutiN«r Committee. This August 22nd, 1910. T. F. McVby, Ch’m. E. S. W. Dameron, Sec. Miss Willie Haekhey of Char lotte, is visiting Miss Mattie Dor- sett. , '‘A M -m ■4 . yi • Vi 'S'S - "t I ' --rvi

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